On this episode I dive into the nitty gritty of my season. I think one of the most helpful things you can do after Turkey season is evaluate what you did right as well as what you did wrong. It helps you get locked in on what you need to be doing in the off season as well as what you need to practice and what gear needs changed or modified. My hope with this episode is that it will help you evaluate your season and make good choices for your next season!
Topics include: Scheduling for turkey season, practicing your turkey calling, getting new hunting permissions, scouting public land, using Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist in the off season to your benefit, getting your video equipment dialed and planning ahead for out of state hunts.
This week I am joined by Bjorn Wilkerson. Bjorn tagged out on public land in Missouri this year which is no easy feat! He is also a great deer hunter and bow fisherman. He has lots of experience with these public land birds and this episode is full of great advice and stories.
Topics include: Why hunt public land, finding overlooked spots, calling in public land turkeys without decoys, how to check a field without being seen, and why resilience will take you farther than anything else.
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this weeks segment of The Range Podcast, Ricky and Hollywood discuss the ups and downs of the past Spring Turkey Season and a new product that could prove to be extremely deadly for any animal at the receiving end. Also, get the scoop on the limited draw tags that they may or may not have drawn.
The Range Podcast can be found on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Video versions of the podcast can also be found on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel and on Wild TV.
Enter Promo Code trp15 during checkout at www.vaportrailarchery.com to receive 15% off VTX Bowstrings and Branded Apparel.
The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.
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On this episode of The Nomadic Outdoorsman, Dan dives deeper into stories of success with his cousin Sam.
Dan finishes up the series chatting with his cousin Sam about some of the most memorable stories from the 2024 Wisconsin turkey season. Dan and Sam make plans to finally chase spring birds together in 2025 and the both joke about unconventional turkey hunting strategies.
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Today I am joined by Lance Krueger. He is a wildlife photographer that has been up close to more giant bucks and beautiful turkeys than most people have ever seen! We have a great conversation discussing the details and planning that go into getting the perfect shot. We talk about the different approaches to turkey hunting and I think no matter if you are a wildlife photographer or a turkey hunter you're gonna get something good out of this episode!
Topics include: Finding the perfect location, Using flags to mark decoy placement in the dark, Sound camouflage, blind set up and strategy, calling without being able to use a mouth call and learning to be fully present in the woods.
Welcome to another episode of the Missouri Woods & Water Podcast and joining us for an exciting conversation this week is Bryce James. We'll be covering a range of topics from fishing, turkey hunting, and the challenges and rewards of hunting mule deer and whitetail deer, as well as some other species. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, this episode is packed with insights and stories that are good for all. Thanks for listening!
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On this episode of The Nomadic Outdoorsman, Dan talks with his cousin Sam Maedke about his growing obsession with the wild turkey.
Sam grew up in the woods of Wisconsin as part of the orange army. Over the years his passions have changed from whitetail to waterfowl and now to spring gobblers. Dan and Sam discuss the transition of obsessions and Sam begins to share stories of success and tradition from his 2024 turkey season. Sam even tries to reprimand Dan for treasonous talk about turkeys.
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On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch is joined by good friend Jason Miller from JMiller Custom Calls. Between Mitch, Jason, and their hunting buddies, a lot of successful turkey hunts unfolded in multiple states. This season was one that just seemed to always work out in favor of the hunter. We discuss the hunts that transpired in April during New Jersey and Maryland's opening week of season, and lead into the Pennsylvania season.
Both Mitch and Jason harvested a turkey in PA on the first two days of the season. From there, each of them were able to travel all throughout the state of PA and find more turkeys. We discuss how the location, hunting pressures, and time of season all influenced the decisions made during the hunt. The guys refer to some of the different turkey calls that Jason makes used in these hunts. Jason's calls have played a major role in the success in these hunts. Make sure you are on the lookout for the new website JMillerCustomCalls.com and get your calls for next season!
This week I am joined by Dink Watson. He is a first generation Louisiana turkey hunter who started hunting turkeys over 40 years ago. Since his first bird at 12 Dink has killed turkeys in 31 states, Mexico and New Zealand. We had an incredible conversation full of the great advice and entertaining stories you'd expect from such a veteran turkey hunter!
Topics include: Tactics for subordinate toms, learning to turkey hunt in all types of terrain, ocellated turkeys, Hawaii Rios, New Zealand Merriam's, and how Tony Chachere's, a deep fryer and some flour changed how a whole New Zealand town cooked.
On this episode I'm joined by Jeremy Koerber of "Fit To Hunt" Jeremey grew up with a passion for the outdoors and fitness, one day while he was watching a hunting show he was struck with the idea of combining his two passions and from that passion "Fit To Hunt" was born. I had a great time talking with Jeremy about the correlations of hunting and fitness and how much a good exercise program and the mental discipline that goes with it can make you a better hunter.
Topics include: The start of "Fit To Hunt", How fitness teaches you mental strength and patience, hunting Rios in Texas, Chasing one bird all day and finally sealing the deal, and traveling to turkey hunt.
As quickly as it arrived, turkey season is almost gone! These six weeks never seem to last long enough, even though it might seem like time is dragging when you find yourself sitting in a silent woods, just praying to hear a gobble in your direction. Hopefully none of you found yourselves in that situation (for long at least) this spring, but with one week left to go, it's a sprint to the finish in the turkey woods.
This week, Pierce is joined for a second time by Drew Schleim, host of The Predator Podcast, and although Drew is a big time coyote killer, no turkey is safe from him either! The guys share stories from this spring including an hours-old story of Pierce tagging a bird with minutes to go in his hunt, and Drew helping others fill their tags while also filling multiple tags of his own here in Wisconsin and also South Dakota! Drew shares some stories and lessons learned from his time in South Dakota, how he managed to kill his first two Merriam's turkeys, and also shares some fantastic tips for punching a late season tag here in the badger state. It's a great conversation that will leave you itching to get out in the turkey woods one last time!
Go check out Drew's turkey hunts on YouTube on the Sundown Outdoors Channel, listen in on the great predator hunting episodes he's putting out over at The Predator Podcast, and follow along with his adventures on Instagram @predatorpodcast_drew
For this week's episode of Michigan Wild we have returning guest Tony Fellows. Nate and Tony dive into his first turkey kill. Tony was able to connect on his first turkey on his second season chasing them. Even after struggling the first fews weeks of the season Tony remained persistent and kept after them. Tony explains some of the differences between this spring verse last spring and how he enjoyed the process of filling his tag.
After talking about some of the gear used and ways to prepare the wild turkey the guys shift their focus onto fishing. Nate recently acquired a boat and found himself in need of some updated fishing gear, especially a fly rod. Tony and Nate get into a discussion of the different gear and certain combo kits available for people starting out. All things very relatable for people wanting to start fishing or maybe getting back into it like Nate.
Rounding out the episode Tony opens up about his plans to start guiding. Something he has desired to do for quite some time. He really enjoys helping others get into fly fishing and looks forward to getting started later this year.
Make sure to find Tony at naughty_nymph_co on instagram!
Don’t forget your chance at a free Michigan Wild hat by sending an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comwith a screenshot of a review or rating anywhere you listen to the podcast! Deadline May 22nd.
Thank you for listening to the episode, if you would like to support Michigan Wild farther check out Michigan Wild’s shop at michiganwild.hollercommerce.com
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Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out vitalizeseed.com and the Habitat Podcast.
If you would like more information about RLR Construction LLC send an email to Roddyframer@gmail.com
On this episode I talk to Scott Ellis, a turkey hunting veteran of several years who has won more calling championships and shot more turkeys than you can shake a stick at! He is a welth of knowledge on not only what to do but also when and why. It's a very well rounded episode with advice for all levels of turkey hunter and I know you'll enjoy it and learn something along the way!
Topics include: When to move and when to stay, slipping and calling vs running and gunning, what to say with your calls and how to say it, turkey sign scouting 101, advanced locater call tactics and blind calling.
On this week's episode Mitch is joined by good friend and hunting partner Earl Thomas. Earl is one of the most passionate turkey hunters Mitch knows, and annually sets out to hunt in multiple states on what has been dubbed the "Redneck Turkey Tour." Earl has been fortunate to tag a handful of gobblers already this spring and still has a few hunts left.
Every hunter's experiences lead them to hypothesize and act a certain way while pursuing game. This has led to many coffee shop conversations such as, does weather impact turkey gobbling? What about the barometer? Are we hunting spring gobblers in Pennsylvania too late? While we don't directly answer those questions, Earl's experience is food for thought. Turkeys are wild animals, and their brains are much different from humans - they are "finicky" birds! We may never figure out what makes them do what they do, but persistence and determination go a long way. This is one of the many reasons why Earl is sending pictures of him with turkeys at any given point throughout March, April, or May. Enjoy the perspective and experience from this wise ol' bird!
In this week’s episode, Ricky and Hollywood discuss the successes and struggles of the Spring Turkey Season in Minnesota, with archery equipment. Ricky had luck on his side and sealed the deal in the first few hours of his season, while Hollywood perseveres and moves closer to filling his tag each day. Hollywood is putting in the work so he is destined for success.
Download the GoWild App and head over to our Holler Store for a peak at the products Ricky and Hollywood prefer to use. Link is in our bio. While you’re there, grab some gear, all purchases made through our store will help support the podcast.
The Range Podcast can be found on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google. Video versions of the podcast can also be found on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel. COMING SOON! The Range Podcast on Wild TV.
Enter Promo Code trp15 during checkout at www.vaportrailarchery.com to receive 15% off VTX Bowstrings and Branded Apparel.
The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.
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Welcome to the second Garagecast for this week's episode on Michigan Wild. Nate and the guys sit down and have a great time recording an episode talking about their Turkey season and getting ready for summer fishing.
Through the episode the guys talk about:
-Tony Hill and Tyler Thompson's turkey kills.
-Tony Fellows close encounters.
- What's worse? Reaping turkeys or using guillotine broadheads?
-Favorite ways to eat wild turkey.
-Favorite species of fish to eat.
-Future out of state hunts.
Don’t forget your chance at a free Michigan Wild hat by sending an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comwith a screenshot of a review or rating anywhere you listen to the podcast! Deadline May 22nd.
Thank you for listening to the episode, if you would like to support Michigan Wild farther check out Michigan Wild’s shop at michiganwild.hollercommerce.com
Use code 10off to save 10% on select items in the shop
Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out vitalizeseed.com and the Habitat Podcast.
If you would like more information about RLR Construction LLC send an email to Roddyframer@gmail.com
This week on the Oklahoma Outdoors Podcast, John is headed back to Nebraska to chase merriam's turkeys. John hunted Nebraska in the spring of 2023, but was so sidetracked by scouting for deer on the new landscape that he didn't take turkey hunting near as seriously as he should have. Heading into the trip this year though, John had a completely different mindset. He was determined to bring home a merriams, which would be his third of the four subspecies of wild turkey.
This trip brought plenty of challenges, and though John had no problem finding birds, getting one into shotgun range proved more challenging than he expected. Like many western animals, the merriams he was chasing seemed to have no predictable pattern. Simply traveling wherever the wind blew them on any particular day. After three long days and a few disappointments, John finally caught up to a small group of strutters on the last day. However, even with a long beard at fifteen yards, John found out it's never easy!
On this episode of The Nomadic Outdoorsman, Dan talks with Paul Campbell about their differences in passion and pursuit of the wild turkey.
Paul is a die hard turkey hunter from Ohio whose main goal in life is to pursue and protect the wild turkey. Paul is the host of the How To Hunt Turkey podcast and the creator of Turkeyseason.com. Paul and Dan sit down to discuss what makes a turkey hunter tick and what it takes to create a true turkey enthusiast. Dan and Paul also walk through their turkey season to share their wildly different experiences and stories of success.
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Today I am joined by two of the creative minds behind the incredible film "The Colonel And The Fox" Nathaniel Maddux was the editor and director of the film, he's also one of the most passionate turkey hunters I've had the privilege of meeting. Arron Link is the man behind the music in the film scoring almost the entire thing himself. Aaron grew up deer hunting but had never turkey hunted until this year when working on the film inspired him to give it a try. I was fortunate enough to take him on that hunt.
Topics include: The time and research put into the film and how it grew from a 30 minute project to an hour and a half, Nathaniel's introduction to turkey hunting, The making of the film, Aaron's first turkey hunt and a special bonus strategy section at the end you won't want to miss!
On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman we are joined by none other than Mary Jo Casalena; Pennsylvania's State turkey biologist. In conjunction with University research, Mary Jo is working to lead our state in the right direction for long term healthy wild turkey populations. Ongoing research is monitoring population trends in different portions of the state, and observing surrounding influences that may produce higher, lower, or stable populations. We discuss habitat types and balances, differences between WMUs, population trends, and more. This podcast answers many questions about PA turkeys, and also helps us formulate more questions - hopefully to be better stewards of this valuable resource.
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