I recently had the opportunity to sit down for more than an hour with Greg Sweeney and Krishna Gathwal ... to experts in Enterprise Learning and Development. We were reviewing a recent white paper on Adaptive Learning in the Enterprise.
Well ... we recorded Soooooo much great content I've divided it up into 4 podcasts. It's like a university-quality course in Adaptive Learning that you can listen to.
This is Part 4: Using AI to Facilitate and Acceler te Adaptive Learning
You can access the white paper we are talking about here: https://research.stackfactor.ai/Adaptive-Learning-in-the-Enterprise/
You can find Greg on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sweeney-training/
And you can find Krishna on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnagathwal/
I recently had the opportunity to sit down for more than an hour with Greg Sweeney and Krishna Gathwal ... to experts in Enterprise Learning and Development. We were reviewing a recent white paper on Adaptive Learning in the Enterprise.
Well ... we recorded Soooooo much great content I've divided it up into 4 podcasts. It's like a university-quality course in Adaptive Learning that you can listen to.
This is Part 3: Challenges to Adaptive learning in Conventional L&D Operations
You can access the white paper we are talking about here: https://research.stackfactor.ai/Adaptive-Learning-in-the-Enterprise/
You can find Greg on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sweeney-training/
And you can find Krishna on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnagathwal/
Saknas det avsnitt?
I recently had the opportunity to sit down for more than an hour with Greg Sweeney and Krishna Gathwal ... to experts in Enterprise Learning and Development. We were reviewing a recent white paper on Adaptive Learning in the Enterprise.
Well ... we recorded Soooooo much great content I've divided it up into 4 podcasts. It's like a university-quality course in Adaptive Learning that you can listen to.
This is part 2: Benefits of Adaptive Learning to Enterprise Organizations
You can access the white paper we are talking about here: https://research.stackfactor.ai/Adaptive-Learning-in-the-Enterprise/
You can find Greg on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sweeney-training/
And you can find Krishna on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnagathwal/
I recently had the opportunity to sit down for more than an hour with Greg Sweeney and Krishna Gathwal ... to experts in Enterprise Learning and Development. We were reviewing a recent white paper on Adaptive Learning in the Enterprise.
Well ... we recorded Soooooo much great content I've divided it up into 4 podcasts. It's like a university-quality course in Adaptive learning.
This is part 1: What is Adaptive Learning?
You can access the white paper we are talking about here: https://research.stackfactor.ai/Adaptive-Learning-in-the-Enterprise/
You can find Greg on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sweeney-training/
And you can find Krishna on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishnagathwal/
I found an article on Forbes with a provocative headline … “Why You Shouldn't Leave Boomers And Gen-X Out Of Your Upskilling Strategy”
I found an article from Logistics Insider — and India-based trade journal, titled “Hydrogen Fuel and a Case of Workforce Upskilling for Maritime Decarbonization.”
The article is titled, “Digital skills training expert calls for a focus on upskilling to realize the potential of AI.”
“Your Next Great AI Engineer Already Works for You” … that is a great title … for me, it was click-bait.
The Talent Transformation Podcast is produced written and produced by me … Jeff Hardy. The opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.
The Talent Transformation Podcast is brought to you by StackFactor.ai … Complete, Enterprise-class Talent Transformation at the Speed of AI … that’s StackFactor.ai
Do you have an interesting article or story related to reskilling, upskilling, or talent transformation that you would like us to mention on this podcast? Do you know a guest who would be perfect to speak to our audience on these issues? Send it to us at podcast@stackfactor.ai
Here’s everything in a nutshell … understanding microskills is THE key to accelerating reskilling and upskilling.
Skills and Microskills: What’s the Difference?
Hello everyone. This is Jeff, back for another episode of the Talent Transformation podcast I’m glad you’re here.
Our topic today is micro-skills ... what are they and why they matter.
What Is the Difference Between a Technical Skill and a Technical Microskill? Let's find out.
Let's learn.
Let’s run-down the most interesting stories on reskilling, upskilling, and talent transformation for March, 2024.
Welcome to the Talent Transformation Podcast where we talk about the techniques and technology of future-proofing your career and your business through continuous learning, reskilling, upskilling, and more.
The Talent Transformation Podcast is brought to you by StackFactor.ai … Complete, Enterprise-class Talent Transformation at the Speed of AI … that’s StackFactor.ai.
Do you have an interesting article or story related to reskilling, upskilling, or talent transformation that you would like us to mention on this podcast? Send it to us at podcast@stackfactor.ai
Accenture acquiring Udacity article on TechCrunch: https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/05/accenture-to-acquire-udacity-to-build-a-learning-platform-focused-on-ai/
Singapore SkillsFuture program article on the Business Times: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/singapore/economy-policy/embrace-upskilling-keep-singapore-s-workforce-competitive
Upskilling article on Construction Briefing: https://www.constructionbriefing.com/news/why-upskilling-is-key-for-construction-in-turbulent-economic-times/8036180.article
Welcome to the Talent Transformation Podcast where we talk about the techniques and technology of future-proofing your career and your business through continuous learning, reskilling, upskilling, and more.
I want to introduce you to Greg Sweeney.
Greg has been a leader in enterprise learning and development for more than 30 years. And he has some ideas on how to build effective training programs. Greg and I had an interesting discussion on TIME … specifically, on making the time investment needed to keep your enterprise organization healthy and competitive
Let’s learn.
You can find Greg Sweeney on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sweeney-training/
The Talent Transformation Podcast is brought to you by StackFactor.ai … Complete, Enterprise-class Talent Transformation at the Speed of AI: https://stackfactor.ai