V novém českém podcastu „Na předpis“ produkovaným společností Aspironix Vám moderátorka Michaela Maurerová každý měsíc ukáže, že lékař je taky jenom člověk a zdravotnictví není jenom resort na ministerstvu. Skrze hosty z oboru medicíny se v našich rubrikách dozvíte, jak vypadá jejich pracovní den, jak vnímají svět kolem sebe všemi svými smysly nebo co si myslí o babských radách a jestli je používají. Tento podcast předepisuje 5 z 5ti lékařů i pacientů!
You’re listening to How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic….
The podcast where the most high-performing owners of aesthetic clinics and medspas from all over the world tell their stories…
…And share the strategies and insights that allowed them to grow their businesses from often humble beginnings - to soaring success.
If you’ve ever tried to build a clinic, you’ll know that it takes a lot more than “just” being a great doctor or practitioner….
And it helps when you learn from the best in the industry.
So join me, Miriam Shaviv, host and director of content at Brainstorm Digital, as we explore how aesthetic clinic owners just like you have developed the mindset, skills and experience to transform their businesses…. -
Have you ever felt lost, stuck, or clueless about where you are in your career or your life? I've definitely been there, and found myself running the rat race on the path to 'success', and going through the motions just to make it to the weekend only to find that there wasn't any 'cheese' for me at the end and that the feeling of emptiness lingered on. If this sounds at all familiar, I want you to know that you're not alone, and that this is the perfect podcast for you that will provide you with a sense of community focused on sharing ideas and stories around self empowerment, mindset, and fulfillment that will help you get closer to finding a true sense of inner fulfillment- no matter where you are in your life.
I'm your host Karl Sona, and I believe that your free time is the greatest asset you have to help you take back control of your life so you can tap into your potential and discover what really makes you come alive. Every Monday and Thursday I share the conversations I have with other inspiring young professionals and sales leaders, who are really no different than you or I, and we discuss ways that we can all become more intentional with our time in order to win at life and at work.
Facts are, we were all put here for a great reason. Aren't you curious about what yours is? Listen to The Free Time Podcast anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the show if you enjoy it. Remember, we're all on this planet to help one another level up, so go out, be kind, and lend a hand where you can.
Follow me on Instagram @karl.sona -
PM Happy Hour is the place for frank and honest discussion about real world issues in project management. We do it in a way that’s not too dry, though it may get a bit salty from time to time.
Each episode, your hosts Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson cover a problem faced in project management today, and share practical advice, real-life examples and the occasional project horror story.
Not only that, but every podcast is also an online class! Our host is a PMI Registered Education Provider, who has structured each podcast as an easy-to-listen-to lesson. To get credit, go to our web site at, purchase your class, take the test (based on the content from our podcast) and you get your PDU certificate instantly! -
PAUZA ve vydávání nových epizod bude pokračovat ještě několik příštích měsíců. Podcast nekončí. Brzy se ozvu.
Technologický podcast o fuckupech a průšvizích v IT. Hosté z řad IT expertů a IT manažerů sdílí jaké fuckupy za svojí kariéru v IT udělali, jak je vyřešili a jaká z toho plynou ponaučení a doporučení pro vás posluchače.
Nová epizoda vychází na všech dostupných platformách každé druhé úterý v 6:00. Podcastem provází IT headhunter Matěj Kotrba.
V případě zájmu o účast v podcastu nebo jakoukoliv business spolupráci ve smyslu pomoc s náborem do IT pište na e-mail [email protected]. Everything is possible!✌️
Pro ty z Vás, kteří jste zvědaví a rádi byste si třeba poslechli něco o mně, o tom jak dělám IT headhunting, jaký je můj přístup k práci, nebo třeba jak mi podcast pomáhá, tak si můžete poslechnout následující rozhovory v podcastech, kde jsem vystoupil jako host.
Podcast IT svět podle Jury -
Podcast Buduj Značku -
Podcast ProgramHRování -
Podcast Po HRstech - -
🟡 Podcast NEJEN o HR s lehkostí, nadsázkou a humorem často „na hraně“.
⚫️ Chceme vás pobavit, podělit se o zajímavosti a rozdmýchat debatu nad ožehavými tématy. Nehrajeme si na vzdělávací podcast, jsme své, jsme drzé a mluvíme jak nám pusa narostla.
🟡Poslech nedoporučujeme puritánům a těm, co se berou moc vážně. Ostatní vítáme a přejeme si jediné, užijte si to s námi 🤩
💛 Oti Tůmová a Veru Prášková 🖤
Kdo jsme? Jsme kamarádky už …. no už dlouho a pracovaly jsme spolu již ve třech firmách a často ve stejných týmech. Jsme HR holky více než 17 let a pořád nás to baví a baví nás to spolu.
Chcete nám něco říct? Máte nápady, tipy na další díly? Napište nám 😊
❤️ Instagram Holky dRzý: -
Petře, drsná pravda na závěr: Žádná knížka Ti život nezmění.
Doufám Tě nakopla. Teď je ale potřeba ty rozumy začít zavádět do
denodenní praxe. To bolí. Vím. Budeš ztrácet motivaci. Zapomínat, proč to děláš. Váhat. Jeden krok vpřed a dva dozadu.
To je v pohodě. Kryju Ti prdel, neboj se. Každý týden Ti budu připomínat naše hacky. Přidávat další, co v knížce ani nebyly. Budu Tě hecovat. A pokusím se Tě udržet na správné cestě k vyšším výkonům, příjmům a štěstí.
Nahrávám to v autě cestou z práce. Ty to zase po cestě do roboty poslouchej. Ať žije produktivita a grupáč. -
The Cell Culture Dish (CCD) podcast covers areas important to the research, discovery, development, and manufacture of disease and biologic therapeutics. Key industry coverage areas include: drug discovery and development, stem cell research, cell and gene therapy, recombinant antibodies, vaccines, and emerging therapeutic modalities.
Tune in for inspiring stories from your colleagues across the profession. You’ll hear from guest veterinarians about the journeys, challenges – and often hilarious anecdotes – that got them to where they are today. Come away with a fresh look at our veterinary community and a renewed excitement to embrace your veterinary journey. Hosted by Drs. Marci Kirk and Annie Chavent.
The Resilient Lawyer podcast is inspired by those in the legal profession living with authenticity and courage. You'll meet lawyers, entrepreneurs, mentors and teachers successfully bridging the gap between their personal and professional lives, connecting the dots between their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves. This podcast is about ordinary people making an extraordinary difference.
The mission of the podcast is to inspire and mentor Latinos & Latinas to help them achieve their American dream. I interview successful Latino, Latina and Latin inspired entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories to inspire you, mentor you and provide you the business advice you need to get closer to your American dream.
Millennials are fundamentally shifting the world. They are re-writing the rules, challenging the status quo, and raising the collective consciousness of the planet. They are pulled by their vision, and are relentlessly optimistic in their pursuits of individual and collective wellness, fulfillment, and excellence. Although they may appear to be superhuman, this generation of game-changers still need to fuel up every single day. This is their oxygen. Breathe in.
Align your passion with your purpose with the Social Change Career Podcast. PCDN sits down with the world’s top professionals in the social change field to learn how they are changing the world while making a living. Honest conversations turn career advice for the global changemakers.
The Gymwright LIVE Mission: 1) To increase the longevity and impact of motivated gym owners around the world who are committed to making a positive change in their community. 2) To ensure the leaders of this community are empowered with the information they need to fulfill their mission of building the kind of business that leaves the world better than they found it.
Your Working Life is an award-winning podcast series hosted by career and professional development author, speaker, and influencer, Caroline Dowd-Higgins. Featuring candid interviews with luminaries in the career, leadership, entrepreneurship, and wellness fields, listeners will benefit from wisdom about how to navigate life and career. Well-known personalities and industry experts including Tiffany Cross, Whitney Johnson, Guy Kawasaki, Melissa Daimler, and Marcus Buckingham give their personal take on how to thrive in your career. The podcast features a diverse array of experts with a special emphasis on female leaders, authors, and entrepreneurs.