The TMI Project Story Hour features stories from more than a decade of live performances, profiling the brave souls who stepped on stage and shared the stories they were most afraid to tell. Here we will take a deeper dive and share the stories behind the secrets, and what happened next.
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American Radio Theater's podcast of audio drama as it was done in the Golden Age of Radio. ART re-creates programs which do not exist in recorded form using the original scripts from that era. ART also produces new audio dramas using techniques developed and tested during that Golden Age.
Çağdaş kültürün en yaygın "tüketilen" biçimlerine (edebiyat, müzik, resim, film, dizi) dair güncel tartışmaların sınırlarını aşmaya çalışarak, bu kültürel biçimlerin zamanın ruhu hakkında dile getirdiklerinin kavramsal çalışmalar vasıtasıyla ele alındığı program. (Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Nilgün Tutal ve Kerem Yalçıner)