
  • Brad Yates shares insights into Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping. He explains how tapping helps clear limiting beliefs and improves overall well-being, making it a valuable tool for stress management and personal growth.

    00:00 Introduction to Energy Flow in Chinese Medicine

    01:22 Brad's Superpower: Tapping into Your Super Self

    03:02 Brad's Journey from Acting to Hypnotherapy

    04:09 Discovering EFT Tapping

    08:50 The Science Behind Tapping

    17:58 Demonstration of EFT Tapping

    22:50 Real-Life Transformations with Tapping

    25:45 Final Thoughts and How to Connect with Brad

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • Bonita Norris shares her journey of becoming the youngest British female to summit Mount Everest at the age of 22. She discusses the clear goal she set, the challenges she faced, including raising £50,000, and the training regime she followed.

    Bonita emphasizes the importance of teamwork, thoughtfulness, and curiosity in high-stakes environments. She also reflects on the life lessons learned from mountaineering, the significance of enjoying the process, and her future plans while balancing life as a mother.

    Join the conversation for an inspiring tale of perseverance and achieving dreams against the odds.

    00:00 Introduction

    03:37 Falling in Love with Mountains

    06:10 The Journey to Everest Begins

    14:54 Training for the Summit

    19:34 Building a Strong Team

    21:26 The Importance of Thoughtfulness in Leadership

    22:41 Building a Resilient Team in the Mountains

    25:34 Trust and Team Dynamics

    27:12 The Everest Expedition: Preparation and Challenges

    30:35 Overcoming Adversity on the Descent

    36:17 Reflecting on the Summit Experience

    41:11 Life Lessons and Future Plans

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Dagna Bieda, a career coach and author of 'Brain Refactor', explores the parallels between human cognition and computer programming.

    Dagna, who transitioned from a software engineer to a coach, shares how programming principles can be applied to reprogramming the human mind.

    The discussion delves into the importance of feedback, changing perspectives, and leveraging cultural differences for professional growth.

    Dagna offers practical insights into overcoming imposter syndrome, burnout, and enhancing interpersonal skills.

    The episode also touches on the significance of habit-building and self-awareness in achieving personal and career goals.

    00:00 Guest Introduction and Superpower Discussion

    02:27 Dagna's Book: Brain Refactor

    03:56 Dagna's Journey from Robotics to Programming

    08:02 Cultural Differences in the Workplace

    16:41 The Concept of Refactoring the Human Mind

    21:53 The Importance of Feedback and Perspective

    28:34 Practical Steps to Reprogram Your Mind

    36:28 The Role of Coaching in Personal and Professional Growth

    42:03 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Guest: Dagna Bieda

    Dagna is an engineer turned coach for engineers and ambitious tech professionals. With 10+ years of coding experience and coaching since 2019, she’s the tough love, “been in your shoes” kinda Coach. Her clients’ backgrounds include a spectrum ranging from ICs to CTOs, from small startups to FAANG+ companies, from 2 to 20+ years of experience, and from self-taught devs through career-changing Bootcamp grads to college grads and PhDs. She helps her clients reach their potential and exciting career opportunities by refactoring their brains. To learn more about her work, visit www.themindfuldev.com.






    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • Sam Horn introduces concepts from her books, including 'Tongue Fu' and 'Talking on Eggshells', providing practical advice on handling challenging situations. We explore effective communication strategies like replacing negative words with positive alternatives to shape behaviour and foster respect.

    Key tips include how to request promotions, manage workplace interactions, and handle personal and parenting scenarios with effective use of language.

    Sam emphasises the importance of structured communication and understanding the perspectives of others to achieve success in both personal and professional settings.

    00:00 Introduction to Tongue Fu

    00:30 Meet Sam Horn: The Communication Expert

    01:03 Practical Tips for Effective Communication

    03:31 The Power of Words: Real-Life Examples

    05:41 Handling Disagreements and Mistakes

    14:49 Influence and Respect in Communication

    20:41 Saying No Effectively

    22:39 The Power of Positive Language

    24:10 Sports and Language: A Personal Anecdote

    25:31 The Impact of Words in Coaching

    29:18 Effective Communication in the Workplace

    35:53 The W5 Form: A Framework for Success

    40:29 Final Thoughts and Resources

    Sam Horn

    Sam Horn has over 20 years of experience as an intrigue expert and has spent those years cultivating great communication and branding strategies for companies such as CISCO, Intel, and NASA. Her writing has appeared in various publications such as Businessweek, Forbes, and the Huffington Post. Her books include Pop: Create the Perfect Pitch, Title, and Tagline for Anything, What’s Holding You Back? and Tongue Fu!: How to Deflect, Disarm, and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict.

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Ricardo Brito shares insights on the power of storytelling in making sense of our career and working identity. The discussion delves into the scientific underpinnings of storytelling, cultural differences in professional roles, and how personal stories shape our professional lives.

    Ricardo shares his journey from a fine arts student to a UX designer and coach, emphasizing how understanding and articulating our own stories can help us navigate career transitions and stay relevant in a rapidly changing world.

    The episode offers practical advice on using storytelling to reflect on career achievements, overcome professional challenges, and prepare for a future increasingly influenced by AI.

    00:00 Introduction to Storytelling and Neuroscience

    03:30 Ricardo's Background and Early Life

    05:57 The Journey of Career Reinvention

    11:19 The Power of Storytelling in Shaping Identity

    21:46 Simplifying Complex Concepts

    23:08 Client Success Story

    25:01 Reflecting on Past Experiences

    26:45 The Power of Personal Storytelling

    30:15 Embracing Differences at Work

    39:12 Recommended Resources for Storytelling

    41:16 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Ricardo Brito

    Ricardo Brito is a career and life coach with a unique approach: helping people pave their way to personal and professional fulfilling balance through what he calls the PATH Method. Ricardo’s journey began back in 2021, when deeply entrenched in the corporate tech world as a UX design lead he found himself battling burnout, disillusionment, and defeat. The turning point came when he reached a breaking point and sought medical help, realizing that something needed to change. This led him on an unexpected path of rediscovering himself through therapy, coaching, and experimentation. As he delved into coaching, Ricardo found a renewed sense of purpose and direction, ultimately choosing to downgrade his role in the corporate world. This decision brought him a profound revelation - that his self-worth was not tied to his title or status, but rather in the impact he made and the quality of his work… and more than products or businesses, it was always about the people and their growth. Through his own journey, Ricardo developed a unique approach to help others navigate professional transitions and transformations, culminating in the creation of the PATH Method.

    Ricardo’s links:




    [email protected]

    Ricardo Brito is a career and life coach with a unique approach: helping people pave their way to personal and professional fulfilling balance through what he calls the PATH Method. Ricardo’s journey began back in 2021, when deeply entrenched in the corporate tech world as a UX design lead he found himself battling burnout, disillusionment, and defeat. The turning point came when he reached a breaking point and sought medical help, realizing that something needed to change. This led him on an unexpected path of rediscovering himself through therapy, coaching, and experimentation. As he delved into coaching, Ricardo found a renewed sense of purpose and direction, ultimately choosing to downgrade his role in the corporate world. This decision brought him a profound revelation - that his self-worth was not tied to his title or status, but rather in the impact he made and the quality of his work… and more than products or businesses, it was always about the people and their growth. Through his own journey, Ricardo developed a unique approach to help others navigate professional transitions and transformations, culminating in the creation of the PATH Method.

    Ricardo’s links:




    [email protected]

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • I discuss who is the greatest leader in history with historian Matthew Lockwood. We discuss the profound impact and historical significance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, whom Matthew nominated in a BBC poll as the greatest leader in world history. We explore Ranjit Singh's unifying leadership, multicultural administration, and remarkable modernizing efforts. We address themes of tolerance, leadership, and the historical connections that resonate with today's world.

    00:00 Introduction

    03:04 Special Guest Matthew Lockwood: A Deep Dive into History

    05:41 Exploring the Legacy of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

    06:57 The Global Impact of Ranjit Singh's Leadership

    29:00 The Personal Journey of Maharaja Duleep Singh

    38:14 Reflecting on Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Contributions and Legacy

    44:39 Future Projects and Closing Thoughts

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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    ☕️ If you enjoy the podcast, then you can donate a small amount here as a token of your appreciation and BUY PADDY A COFFEE 👉🏽 https://ko-fi.com/paddydhanda

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • In this episode, we discuss strategies on how to avoid 'death by PowerPoint'.

    I'm joined by Danielle Hennis a presentation expert. We explore:

    👉 How we can focus on audience needs

    👉 Simplify presentations to one idea per slide

    👉 Support presentations with visuals rather than text

    Danielle shares her journey and how she transitioned from graphic design to presentation coaching, driven by witnessing ineffective presentations.

    Practical advice is shared on how to prepare for presentations, including structuring content and utilizing visuals effectively. The conversation also touches on the importance of storytelling in business, managing presentation anxiety, eliminating filler words, and the role of AI as a tool in presentation preparation.

    Danielle also provides recommendations for resources on data visualization, storytelling, presentation anxiety, and general presentation skills.

    The episode wraps up with tips for gradually improving presentation skills by seeking feedback and starting with lower-stakes opportunities.

    00:00 The Journey from Graphic Design to Presentation Mastery

    04:19 Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Presentations

    06:02 Harnessing Attention in the Age of TikTok

    10:04 Crafting Engaging Presentations: Tips and Strategies

    18:45 Overcoming Presentation Anxiety: Strategies for Confidence

    31:34 Leveraging AI for Enhanced Presentations

    34:41 Eliminating Workplace Silos for Creative Synergy

    36:07 Resources and Final Thoughts

    Danielle Hennis is a Raleigh, NC native who has travelled around the world only to settle back down in Durham, NC. She is a graphic designer and presentation specialist. She loves helping businesses, groups or individuals tell their message. She is the owner of Make It Memorable, LLC.

    Email: [email protected]

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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    ☕️ If you enjoy the podcast, then you can donate a small amount here as a token of your appreciation and BUY PADDY A COFFEE 👉🏽 https://ko-fi.com/paddydhanda

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • A deep and insightful conversation with Myriam Hadnes, a self-described facilitation evangelist and the host of the 'Workshops Work' podcast. Myriam shares her journey from an academic background in behavioral economics to embracing facilitation as her superpower, aiming to help others learn and apply it effectively.

    She highlights her experiences living and working in different parts of the world, emphasizing the role of travel in gaining insights into diverse cultures, which she finds crucial in her work.

    The conversation delves into the essence of facilitation, contrasting it with coaching, and explores its application in making group processes easy and engaging.

    Myriam also shares practical tips and strategies for effective facilitation, including dealing with disruptive participants and designing workshops that create a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.

    The episode concludes with resources and ways to connect with Miriam for those interested in learning more about the art and science of facilitation.

    00:00 The Journey of a Facilitation Evangelist

    04:03 Embracing the Digital Shift in Facilitation

    05:20 Cultural Nuances in Facilitation

    08:02 The Essence and Impact of Facilitation

    10:40 Navigating Group Dynamics as a Facilitator

    16:13 Designing Effective Workshops

    18:50 Managing Disruptive Participants

    22:41 Exploring Facilitation Techniques and Ground Rules

    24:00 The Art of Icebreakers and Energizers

    27:49 Engagement and Attention Span in Meetings

    28:25 Effective Session Lengths and Participant Engagement

    30:16 Innovative Facilitation Techniques and Tools

    33:03 Virtual Facilitation and Preferred Platforms

    36:46 The Power of Listening and Authenticity in Work

    38:07 Connecting with the Facilitation Community

    39:05 Personal Insights and Closing Thoughts

    Myriam Hadnes

    Facilitation Evangelist: "An expert in the field of facilitation who actively promotes its importance and benefits. This person is passionate about the power of effective group collaboration and aims to spread the word, advocating for the adoption of facilitation techniques in various settings.


    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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    ☕️ If you enjoy the podcast, then you can donate a small amount here as a token of your appreciation and BUY PADDY A COFFEE 👉🏽 https://ko-fi.com/paddydhanda

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • Creative Brainstorming and Fun Games to Boost Innovation

    Workplaces today often stress seriousness and productivity at the cost of creativity and innovation. Yet, embracing a more playful approach at work can lead to better problem-solving, enhanced creativity, and an overall more enjoyable work experience. In this blog post, we explore the insights shared by Jennifer Battan, a seasoned business analyst and chief creativity officer, on the importance of play and creative brainstorming in corporate settings.

    Thanks for reading Superpowers School! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.


    * Why Play is Important at Work

    * Warming Up for Brainstorming

    * Setting the Stage for Brainstorming

    * Breaking Out of Corporate Culture

    * Learning from Other Industries

    * Techniques and Resources

    * FAQs

    🎭 Why Play is Important at Work

    Purpose Behind Play

    The adage "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" holds a deeper truth in the corporate world than one might think. As children, play is an integral part of development—through play, children create intricate worlds, establish rules, and unleash their creativity. However, as adults, formal corporate roles and the ever-hovering "mask of seriousness" often stifle this childhood creativity.

    Spending more waking hours at work than at home, it's essential for employees to find joy and fulfilment in their work environments. By incorporating elements of play and creativity at work, we not only enrich our daily lives but also pave the way for innovation and creative problem-solving.

    Play isn't just about competition; it's about collaboration and exploration.

    🖊️ Warming Up for Brainstorming

    One practical way to catalyse creativity in meetings or brainstorming sessions is to begin with a warm-up activity. Jen suggests a simple yet effective exercise involving a pen:

    * Participants are broken into small groups, and one member writes out the alphabet on a paper.

    * Each group has two minutes to come up with unique uses for a pen, with each use starting with a different letter of the alphabet.

    This activity not only fosters a sense of team synergy but also pushes participants to think outside the conventional frameworks, preparing their minds for divergent thinking.

    🎬 Setting the Stage for Brainstorming

    For brainstorming to be truly effective, establishing a structured yet open-ended environment is crucial. Jen advises using prompts like "If time and money didn't matter, what would you do?" to transcend typical workplace constraints. This approach not only uncovers the real requirements of a project but also sparks ideas that might seem unachievable under normal circumstances.

    Breaking people’s brains a little is part of learning to brainstorm effectively

    Timeboxing and Facilitation

    Setting clear boundaries and an agenda helps maintain focus and prevents brainstorming sessions from becoming chaotic. It encourages participants to generate and explore ideas without the pressure of immediate feasibility or ROI concerns.

    🌟 Breaking Out of Corporate Culture

    Breaking the mould of traditional corporate culture involves overcoming ingrained fears and stepping out of comfort zones. By actively challenging the norms of seriousness and embracing a bit of "weirdness,” companies can foster a culture where innovation thrives.

    Giving Permission to Be Creative

    Creating a safe space for employees to express unusual or bold ideas is vital. Encouraging divergent thinking without immediate judgment or criticism can lead to groundbreaking innovations and solutions.

    Thanks for reading Superpowers School! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    🔄 Learning from Other Industries

    Benchmarking and Market Analysis

    Looking beyond one's own industry can provide new perspectives and innovative solutions. By adopting best practices from different fields, companies can innovate their processes and offerings more effectively.

    🛠 Techniques and Resources

    The Uncommon League, an organisation co-founded by Jen, offers various resources and training programs for enhancing creativity at work. Additionally, websites like Gamestorming provide numerous activities and games that can help teams think more creatively and work more collaboratively.

    Trying New Techniques

    Fear of failure or reprimand often holds back innovation. Jen advises trying new methods without always seeking permission—focusing instead on asking for forgiveness if things don’t go as planned.


    What is creative brainstorming?

    Creative brainstorming involves generating ideas in a free-form manner, often using exercises or games to inspire innovative thinking.

    How can play improve work performance?

    Integrating play into work routines helps in reducing stress, enhancing problem-solving skills, and fostering a happier and more creative work environment.

    Where can I find resources for creative brainstorming?

    Websites like Gamestorming and training platforms like The Uncommon League offer numerous resources for creative brainstorming and innovation at work.

    In conclusion, while the corporate world often emphasizes seriousness, incorporating elements of play and creativity can significantly enhance innovation and employee satisfaction. By adjusting traditional corporate cultures, encouraging divergent thinking, and learning from other industries, businesses can foster environments where creativity thrives. Remember, it’s not just about allowing fun at work; it’s about making work itself fun.

    Disclaimer: This summary was written with the help of AI

    Jennifer Battan

    Jennifer Battan, the Out of the Box BA, has an energetic passion injecting innovation and creative problem-solving techniques into how BAs do their day to day work. Her passion is helping teams apply the art and science of business analysis techniques with fresh, modern perspectives. Jen is an internationally recognized conference speaker, educator and thought leader within the business analysis, agile, and creative problem-solving communities. She served on her local IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) Chapter board for more than seven years, led a content development and writing team for the IIBA’s Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge®, and served on the standards committee for the CBAP exam. Jen spends her free time inspiring learners of all ages to utilize diverse approaches in applying creativity to any challenge they face.

    Website: https://theuncommonleague.com/

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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    You might also enjoy:

    🎧 Debunking the Myth of Brainstorming and Design Thinking

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • In this episode, Kate Baucherel shares her journey from an interest in technology to specialising in blockchain and cryptocurrency. She shares her early fascination with tech, transitioning from an accountant to a tech expert, and eventually authoring books, including fiction that integrate her tech knowledge.

    Kate helps newbies get started with cryptocurrency and blockchain in layman’s terms, addressing misconceptions and highlighting the practical applications of these technologies in various sectors beyond finance, such as supply chain management and decision auditing. The conversation touches on the future integration of blockchain into everyday life, the importance of understanding the technology for professionals, and the potential of central bank digital currencies.

    Kate’s aspiration for a superpower that abolishes train fares and journey times for a day underscores her value for face-to-face interactions despite appreciating the virtual world's opportunities.


    00:00 Introduction to the Episode

    01:22 Cryptocurrency: The New Digital Currency

    01:41 Introducing Kate: A Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Expert

    02:46 Kate's Journey: From Accountant to Blockchain Expert

    07:45 The Impact of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency on the World

    09:46 Understanding Cryptocurrency and Its Value

    21:58 The Future of Banking and Blockchain Technology

    25:49 Advice for Technology Professionals on Crypto

    36:32 Exploring the Book: A Guide to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

    38:20 Closing Thoughts and Resources

    Kate Baucherel (Crypto Expert)

    Kate Baucherel BA(Hons) FCMA CGMA is an author, speaker and consultant specialising in emerging technologies, with a focus on the use of blockchain and cryptocurrency. She consults with clients from startup and scaleup businesses to blue chip multinationals and is a member of The Fintech & Payments Advisory Network and several Web3 consulting groups. Kate also teaches part time at the University of Teesside in both the International Business School and the School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies. Her subjects include fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrency, digital transformation, and artificial intelligence and emerging tech in enterprise.

    Kate graduated in business from Newcastle University and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Kate has held senior technical and financial roles in businesses across multiple sectors including utilities, construction, manufacturing, leisure and software, leading several enterprises through their start-up and growth phases.

    Her books include Getting Started with Cryptocurrency: An introduction to digital assets and blockchain (BCS Publishing, 2024), Blockchain Hurricane: Origins, Applications and Future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (BEP/Harvard 2020), What’s Hot in Blockchain and Crypto (2020, 2021) and the SimCavalier series of cybercrime thrillers. She has spoken at events across the world and online, as keynote, panellist, mentor and chair, and regularly appears on BBC radio as a cryptocurrency expert.





    https://instagram.com/KateBaucherel (but more fiction stuff)



    Getting Started with Cryptocurrency: An introduction to digital assets and blockchain https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CNLWV4JD

    Blockchain Hurricane: Origins, Applications and Future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blockchain-Hurricane-Kate-Baucherel/dp/1951527364

    The SimCavalier series https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07G8QY1HZ

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • This episode was recorded during a recent Visual Jam Meetup event with special guest Henrik Kniberg. We delve deep into the fusion of creativity, technology, and visual storytelling. Here are the key takeaways from the event:

    * The Journey from Music to Technology: Kniberg’s transition from an aspiring musician in Tokyo to a tech enthusiast and influential content creator.

    * Spotify, Lego and working on Minecraft: How Kniberg helped household brands increase their agility.

    * Generative AI as a Catalyst for Innovation: How we can leverage generative AI in product development.

    * The Imperative of Human Skills: The importance of human skills in an AI world.

    * Visual thinking process to go viral: Step-by-step process of Kniberg’s YouTube videos that have gone viral.

    My superpower is the ability to take complicated things and explain them in a simple way - Henrik Kniberg

    00:00 Welcome and Introduction to Henrik Kniberg

    00:54 Discovering Henrik's Superpower and Background

    01:16 Henrik's Journey: From Tokyo to Tech Innovator

    03:20 Exploring Henrik's Career: Spotify, Lego, and Minecraft

    11:34 The Future of Tech and AI: Henrik's Insights

    13:48 Visual Storytelling: The Power of Simplification

    21:28 Decoding the Video Creation Process

    21:49 The Power of PowerPoint in Planning

    22:49 Crafting the Script: Every Word Counts

    23:50 Visuals and Drawing: Bringing Ideas to Life

    25:04 Editing and Final Touches: The Painstaking Process

    26:41 Tools of the Trade: ScreenFlow and ArtRage

    28:59 The Viral Video Formula: Content, Drawing, and Human Appeal

    31:42 Interactive Q&A: Insights and Tools Revealed

    36:55 Embracing AI: Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency

    40:15 Closing Thoughts and Audience Engagement

    Henrik Kniberg

    Henrik Kniberg is Chief Scientist and cofounder of Hups.com and Flitig.ai, and consultant at Crisp. Henrik’s focus is the practical application of Generative AI in product development and other areas. He explores the frontiers of this technology, builds AI-powered products, and teaches courses and workshops on how to use this technology effectively. He made the video ”Generative AI in a Nutshell” and wrote the articles ”Are developers needed in the Age of AI” and ”WhoDunit – Ai product development on steroids”.

    Henrik’s background is Minecraft gameplay design & development at Mojang, and agile/lean coaching at LEGO and Spotify and other product companies.

    Henrik is well-known for his books ”Scrum and XP from the Trenches” and ”Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both” and ”Lean from the Trenches”. He is also well-known for viral videos such as ”Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell” and ”Spotify Engineering Culture” (commonly referred to as the Spotify Model), and silly metaphors like the skateboard metaphor for product development, and ping pong balls to demonstrate the concept of flow. Henrik has also been engaged in climate change – he created the video Friendly Guide to Climate Change and cofounded GoClimate.com.

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • If you look at any reputable skills insight report, creativity is usually one of the main soft skills for the future. But most people associate creativity with the arts. Yet every profession requires an element of creativity to enable us to come up with new ideas.

    In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of exploring the superpower of creativity with the amazing Said Saddouk (aka The Facilitainer).


    00:00 Unlocking Creativity: A Universal Trait

    01:54 Choosing Creativity and Entertainment as Superpowers

    02:09 The Essence of Creativity in Everyday Life

    04:09 Childhood Insights: The Role of Humor and Creativity

    09:15 Creativity in the Professional World: Beyond Artistry

    12:53 The Creative Process: Inspiration, Iteration, and Impact

    21:52 Embracing Creativity at Any Time: Insights and Inspirations

    26:05 The Influence of Environment and People on Creativity

    26:48 The Magic of Random Conversations

    27:29 Harnessing Creativity Through Coffee Chats

    29:07 AI's Role in Creativity and Its Limitations

    29:23 Personalizing AI to Enhance Creativity

    31:33 The Human Element in AI Utilisation

    35:03 Skills and Creativity in the Age of AI

    37:57 Embracing Human Imperfections for Creativity

    40:32 The Value of Handcrafted Over AI-Generated

    44:31 The Power of Human Connection and Creativity

    45:08 Imagining a World Without Time Zones

    46:52 Connecting and Learning Through Podcasts

    49:24 Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

    Said Saddouk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/said-saddouk

    Website: https://thefacilitainer.com

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • How can IT professionals master communication and collaboration

    In this episode, I speak to Angus McIlwraith as we explore the essential communication and collaboration skills for IT professionals. Angus emphasises 'persistent skills' over technical expertise, effective communication strategies like storytelling and active listening, and tips on improving presentations and teamwork. We also talk about Angus’s recent book titled Mastering Communication and Collaboration: A comprehensive guide to teamwork and leadership for IT Professionals.

    👉🏽 Book available: Click Here

    🌍 Why Most Professionals Are Expected to Understand Communication and Collaboration

    Lack of Formal Training

    Reflecting on the education and career progression typical of many technology professionals, there's a notable absence of structured learning focused on soft skills. As one delves deeper into their career, especially in roles demanding leadership or multidisciplinary interaction, the gap in these skills becomes glaringly apparent.

    Assumed Innate Abilities

    There’s a pervasive assumption that communication and collaboration skills are inherently possessed by all. This overlooks the need for deliberate learning and practice, which are essential to honing these abilities.

    Focus on Technical Skills Over Soft Skills

    The balance of skills training in tech-related fields skewed significantly towards technical abilities. While these are undeniably important, the lack of emphasis on soft skills can impair a professional's effectiveness in collaborative settings.

    🤝 The Importance of Communication and Collaboration

    Bridging the Gap Between Specialists and Non-specialists

    One of the fundamental challenges in technology is the communication barrier between technical specialists and non-technical stakeholders. Clear and effective communication helps in translating complex technical details into understandable language that adds value to business discussions.

    Simplifying Complex Concepts

    A mark of true understanding is the ability to simplify complexity. This is crucial in tech, where advanced concepts can often become barriers to understanding and collaboration if not properly communicated.

    Impact of Soft Skills on Effectiveness

    Studies, such as one conducted approximately a century ago by the Carnegie Foundation, have demonstrated that a staggering 85% of what makes an engineer effective is attributable to soft skills—far outweighing technical prowess.

    🗣️ Challenges in Communication

    The Jargon Barrier

    Technical jargon, while a convenient shorthand among specialists, often alienates or confuses those outside the immediate field. This can create barriers to understanding and collaboration, emphasizing the need for clear and jargon-free communication.

    Cultural Variations in Communication

    Differences in communication styles across cultures can further complicate the effective exchange of ideas. Awareness and adaptation to these differences are necessary for successful global operations.

    Need for Empathy and Self-awareness

    A lack of empathy and self-awareness can sever communication channels before they even fully open. Understanding and addressing the emotional and informational needs of the audience can greatly enhance communication efficacy.

    🎧 The Power of Active Listening

    What is Active Listening?

    Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what is being said. This is distinct from passive hearing, which is merely about receiving sound.

    Techniques For Better Active Listening

    Techniques include maintaining eye contact, nodding, and repeating back what you've heard to confirm understanding. This not only improves personal interactions but also enhances team dynamics.

    Common Listening Pitfalls

    Professionals often fall into the trap of waiting for their turn to speak rather than truly listening. This can lead to missed nuances and a lack of genuine engagement in conversations.

    📖 The Art of Storytelling in Communication

    Why Stories Work

    Humans are naturally wired to respond to stories. They help us make sense of complex information, provide context, and evoke emotional connections that dry presentations lack.

    Crafting Effective Stories

    A good story in a business context has a clear structure—beginning, middle, and end—and includes elements that are relatable to the audience. This not only holds attention but also aids in the retention of information.

    Storytelling in Action

    Among the most memorable presentations are those that effectively use storytelling to weave through their narrative, making complex information digestible and engaging.

    📊 Leveraging Visuals Effectively

    Visuals as Punctuation

    Effective use of visuals can act as punctuation in your presentation, highlighting key points and aiding in the storytelling process. This approach helps in keeping the audience engaged and making abstract concepts tangible.

    Avoiding Information Overload

    It's crucial to balance the amount of information presented visually. Overloading slides can overwhelm and confuse the audience, defeating the purpose of the visual aid.

    Examples of Effective Visuals

    Explorative visuals that compare data, such as infographics comparing the size of the Titanic to modern cruise ships, can offer stark, memorable comparisons that enhance understanding and retention.

    🎭 Reading the Audience

    Tailoring Communication to Audience Needs

    Understanding what the audience needs from the communication at hand is crucial. This may involve adjusting the level of technical language used or the types of visuals presented.

    Adapting Communication Styles

    Factors such as cultural background, technical expertise, and even the general mood of the audience can dictate the communication style. Flexibility and adaptability are key.

    When to Use Humour

    While humour can lighten the atmosphere and make information more digestible, it’s vital to gauge its appropriateness based on audience reception and the context of the message.

    🧠 Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

    Recognising Emotional Cues

    Effective communication requires an awareness of the emotional undercurrents in every interaction. This involves not just talking but also understanding the emotional responses that your words might provoke.

    Building Emotional Intelligence

    This can be enhanced through practices like mindfulness, which foster greater self-awareness and a better understanding of others' perspectives.

    Case Studies in Empathy

    Using empathetic communication can help in navigating difficult conversations and in fostering a more collaborative environment.

    🛠️ Practical Communication Techniques

    Understanding the Johari Window

    This model is useful for improving self-awareness and mutual understanding within teams. It involves recognizing what is known to us about ourselves and what is known to others.

    Effective Storytelling Approaches

    Beyond the narrative structure, understanding your audience���s needs can guide the crafting of stories that resonate and motivate.

    Mastering Visual Presentations

    Avoiding common pitfalls like overcrowding slides and ensuring that visuals serve a clear purpose are critical for effective presentations.

    📚 Resources and Further Reading

    For those interested in delving deeper into risk perception and communication strategies, books like "Against the Gods" and Peter Sandman's works provide insightful perspectives. These resources underscore the importance of understanding various forms of intelligence and communication styles, enriching one’s toolkit for professional and personal interactions.

    In conclusion, mastering communication and collaboration in a tech-driven world requires more than just understanding the language of code; it involves speaking the language of people. As technology continues to evolve, the human element remains a constant, underscoring the need for tech professionals to develop stronger interpersonal skills.

    Disclaimer: The above summary has been generated with AI

    Angus McIlwraith

    Angus McIlwraith has almost over 30 years of experience in information risk & security. His experience includes C-level information security management, security training and education, web and digital media creation, risk management and journalism. He is a published author and has been a regular contributor to professional publications relating to security.

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Integrate one-minute meditations into your busy life

    This episode explores the benefits and practical applications of meditation in the real world, particularly for individuals with busy, technology-driven lifestyles. The conversation includes Ann Swanson’s journey from anxiety to discovering yoga and meditation in Hawaii, emphasizing meditation's practicality for busy schedules without the need for lengthy sessions or perfect settings. We explore how we can apply one minute meditations into our busy lifestyles.

    I put over 180 minutes of love into every episode. Support me by subscribing or sharing with others.

    Link to the book Meditation for the Real World: https://www.annswansonwellness.com/meditation-for-the-real-world

    🧘 Meditation in the Real World: A Practical Approach

    Easy Integration into Busy Life

    Meditation traditionally conjures images of long sessions seated in serene environments. However, for the busy professional, such requisites can be daunting. One minute meditations provide a practical solution, delivering significant benefits without the need for extended timeouts or total isolation.

    No Need for Cushion or Silence

    One minute meditations strip down the practice to its core, eliminating the need for perfect settings or equipment. Whether it's at a desk before starting a project, or in a car before entering the workplace, these meditations can be performed anywhere at any time, making them immensely adaptable to any lifestyle.

    Little Moments, Big Impact

    Even brief sessions can significantly contribute to stress reduction and mental clarity. These one-minute pauses help recalibrate the mind, allowing for enhanced focus and productivity—a much-needed advantage in any high-demand tech role.

    📚 The Science and Benefits Behind One Minute Meditations

    Research into meditation has revealed profound benefits, not only for mental but also physical health, transforming this ancient practice into a modern-day tool for enhancing life quality.

    Cognitive Enhancements

    Neuroscientific studies using fMRI scans have shown meditation's role in altering brain activity and structure, particularly in areas associated with memory and focus. Regular engagement in meditation can prevent age-related brain degeneration and significantly enhance mental clarity.

    Mental Health Improvements

    From reducing anxiety to boosting mood, meditation offers a powerful remedy for various psychological issues without the side effects associated with conventional medicine. This aspect is particularly beneficial in managing stress inherent in tech-related professions.

    Overall Health Benefits

    One minute meditations contribute positively across various aspects of health, improving cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation at a cellular level, and even leading to fewer days off work due to illness.

    🧘‍♂️ Journey to Yoga and Meditation: More Than Physical Exercise

    Initially drawn to yoga for its physical benefits, many find that the real transformative power lies within its meditative practices. These elements not only enhance physical flexibility and strength but also promote a profound inner balance, crucial in managing the pressures of a technological career.

    Breathing Techniques and Focus

    Yoga introduces various breathing techniques which can be standalone meditative practices. These techniques, such as elongated exhales and nostril breathing, directly impact the nervous system, promoting relaxation and heightened focus.

    🧠 Insights from Neuroscience: Understanding How Meditation Helps

    Meditation's impact is not just subjective but is backed by concrete scientific evidence. Researchers like Dr. Sarah Lazar have shown through fMRI studies how meditation contributes to better brain health and functionality, leading to improved cognitive functions and mental health.

    🛋️ One Minute Meditations at Work: Practical Applications

    Meditation as Flow State Training

    Meditation is likened to a flow state, where one is fully engrossed and effectively responding to the task at hand. This state can be facilitated by regular meditation, helping technology professionals maintain productivity in their continuously busy schedules.

    Simple Techniques for Busy Professionals

    Techniques such as chair yoga or targeted breathing exercises right before an important meeting or project can significantly boost focus and reduce stress, making one minute meditations a convenient tool for any tech professional.

    📘 Leveraging Meditation for Various Professional Scenarios

    Whether preparing for a high-stakes presentation or managing day-to-day stress, one minute meditations can be tailored to fit specific needs and moments in a professional's day, enhancing overall efficiency and well-being.

    FAQs on One Minute Meditations

    * What are one minute meditations? One minute meditations are brief, powerful sessions that allow individuals to regain focus and reduce stress in just sixty seconds.

    * How can one minute meditations fit into a busy schedule? These meditations can be integrated during short breaks, before meetings, or even in the middle of a hectic project, requiring no special equipment or settings.

    * Are there scientific benefits to one minute meditations? Yes, studies have shown significant improvements in brain function, mental health, and overall well-being through regular meditation, even when practised briefly.

    * Can beginners practice one minute meditations effectively? Absolutely. One minute meditations are designed to be accessible, with various guided options available for those who are new to the practice.

    By integrating one minute meditations into their daily routines, tech professionals can enjoy the benefits of meditation without disrupting their busy schedules. This simple yet effective practice not only enhances productivity but also contributes to a healthier, more balanced life.

    Disclaimer: This summary has been written with AI

    Ann Swanson

    Ann Swanson teaches meditation to busy people with busy minds. She is the author of the bestselling book SCIENCE OF YOGA, which has been translated into over 15 languages. Her new book, Meditation for the Real World, illuminates the fascinating science behind meditation with step-by-step practices to help you find peace in everyday life. However, Ann wasn’t a naturally “chill person,” and meditation didn’t come easy to her. Overcoming chronic pain and anxiety led her to India to study yoga, to China to explore tai chi, into the cadaver lab to teach anatomy, to night school to become a licensed massage therapist, and, ultimately, to earn a Master of Science in Yoga Therapy. Ann blends cutting-edge research with ancient wisdom, resulting in realistic techniques you won’t just learn – you’ll love to live by!

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Automatic Writing Guide for Tech Professionals

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    In the rapidly advancing world of technology, professionals are constantly bombarded with new tools, technologies, and trends. However, amidst the influx of technical know-how, there lies a timeless skill that often gets overlooked: writing. In particular, automatic writing, a unique form of self-expression that taps into the subconscious, offers tech professionals not only a way to enhance their creativity and personal insight but also to boost their career and personal development.

    This guide explores why individuals in the tech industry might find writing—especially automatic writing—beneficial not just for career advancement but for personal growth. We'll delve into practical tips on how to start, the profound benefits it offers, and how to effectively harness this practice alongside modern tools like AI.

    📘 Why Tech Professionals Should Consider Writing

    External Motivations

    * Expertise Establishment: Writing books or articles in your field can position you as an authority.

    * Client Acquisition: Demonstrative knowledge sets the stage for attracting new business.

    * Industry Recognition: Publishing on current topics, especially AI, can significantly raise your profile.

    * Speedy Publication: Self-publishing tools allow for quick turnaround, enhancing timely relevance.

    Internal Benefits

    * Journaling: Simple daily writing tasks can help clarify your goals and emotional state, providing a grounding start or reflective end to your day.

    * Morning Rituals: Note down what you aim to achieve and how you feel; it sets the tone for the day.

    * Evening Reflections: Focusing on gratitude in the evening fosters positivity and contentment.

    * Self-Connection: Writing helps identify blind spots and reinforces your work's meaning and joy.

    * Presence Enhancement: The act of writing fosters a mindful approach, reducing the 'hamster wheel' effect of tech life.

    📘 Starting with Journaling

    Initiating a journaling habit can seem daunting, but it's surprisingly manageable. Here are some simple questions to kickstart your journaling routine:

    * Morning Musings: What's the key focus today? What am I looking forward to? What challenges might arise?

    * Commitment: Aim to write one page each morning. This small goal is sufficient to forge a powerful habit.

    📘 Mastering Automatic Writing

    Automatic writing is a deeper dive, allowing a more meditative and subconscious exploration. Here’s how to begin:

    Creating a Meditative State

    * Theta Wave Music: This can help induce a state conducive to introspection.

    * Envision Guides: Imagine supportive figures, like a future self or past mentors, to guide your session.

    Structured Querying

    * Ask penetrative questions such as, "What do I need to know today?" or "What should my focus be?" to direct your subconscious responses.

    * Write freely and without judgment, capturing whatever thoughts surface.

    📘 The Benefits of Automatic Writing

    Engaging in automatic writing can significantly enhance decision-making and personal well-being:

    * Wiser Decisions: By tapping into deeper wisdom, choices are driven by insight rather than fear.

    * Health and Balance: Regular practice promotes mental and emotional equilibrium.

    * Creativity Surges: Automatic writing can unlock innovative ideas for projects, overcoming traditional ‘blockages’.

    📘 Tips for Effective Blog Writing

    For tech professionals aiming to express their thoughts or share expertise via blogs, here are essential tips:

    * Identify a Core Problem: Start with a challenge that your audience faces.

    * Audience Specificity: Clearly define whom you’re addressing.

    * Structured Solutions: Outline practical steps or tips.

    * Engaging Presentation: Use headings, bullet points, and visuals to maintain reader engagement.

    * Optimal Length: Keep posts between 800-1200 words to hold attention.

    📘 Book Writing for Tech Innovators

    Writing a book may seem monumental, but breaking it down makes it achievable:

    * Plan Your Strategy: Using the “Three Hat Method,” segment the writing process into planning, drafting, and revising stages.

    * Daily Goals: Small, consistent writing targets stack up to complete a manuscript without overwhelming the writer.

    📘 Embracing AI in Writing

    While AI can initiate drafts and suggest outlines, the core content—imbued with personal insights and style—should be distinctly human to resonate authentically with readers.


    For tech professionals, venturing into writing, particularly automatic writing, can seem like a departure from their usual realm. However, the benefits are profound, offering not just professional advancements but also personal growth and a deeper connection with one’s thoughts and creativity. By integrating traditional writing techniques with modern technological tools like AI, tech professionals can find new depths in both their professional and personal lives.


    Q: How often should I practice automatic writing? A: Ideally, daily practice is beneficial, but even several times a week can yield significant benefits.

    Q: Can automatic writing improve my professional decision-making? A: Absolutely, it helps align decisions with your deeper values and insights, enhancing career choices.

    Q: Should tech professionals rely solely on AI for writing content? A: While AI can be helpful, the most impactful writings are those that include personal insights and human touch.

    Embrace writing as a tech professional not just as a tool for career advancement, but as a pathway to a richer, more insightful life. Whether through blogs, books, or personal journals, writing opens new dimensions of possibility.

    Disclaimer: This summary has been written with AI

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    Dr Nicole Janz helps authors, academics and entrepreneurs identify their key message, overcome their blocks, and publish their books. As a former journalist, academic and coach, Nicole is passionate about the transformative power of writing to make a wide impact in the world. She’s the author of The Write Habit Planner (www.thewritehabitplanner.com) and you can schedule a free writing coaching consult at www.nicolejanz.com. Download your free Book Starter Kit here: https://tinyurl.com/bookplanning

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • In an era where digital transformation accelerates at an unprecedented pace, Microsoft has introduced a groundbreaking tool that promises to redefine how we interact with digital content and manage our workflows. Microsoft 365 Co-pilot, an AI-powered assistant, is set to revolutionise tasks across Microsoft applications, making the digital workspace more intuitive and accessible than ever before.


    📌 What is Microsoft 365 Co-pilot?

    🚀 Real-world Applications of Co-pilot

    ⏩ The Accelerating Pace of Digital Change

    🌐 Future of Jobs and the Necessity for Adaptive Skills

    📚 Cultivating a Learning Culture in Organisations

    🌟 Embracing 'Yes': The Power of Positive Affirmation in Innovation

    📌 What is Microsoft 365 Co-pilot?

    Microsoft 365 Co-pilot is not just a feature; it’s your personal office assistant, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to streamline and enhance everyday tasks. Integrated seamlessly into tools such as Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, Co-pilot acts as a natural language assistant, capable of understanding and executing commands in everyday language.

    This sophisticated tool does more than just follow orders. It analyses your work patterns, manages tasks, and generates content, fundamentally shifting the dynamics of how work is performed. It’s designed to boost productivity by handling repetitive tasks and allowing professionals to concentrate on more strategic and creatively fulfilling activities.

    🚀 Real-world Applications of Co-pilot

    Meeting Management

    From summarising meetings and identifying key action points to recalling significant contributors, Microsoft 365 Co-pilot handles these effortlessly. Imagine entering a meeting late and still being able to get a comprehensive recap with just a simple command to your Co-pilot.

    Enhanced Writing Assistance

    Whether it’s drafting emails, composing blog posts, or creating engaging marketing content, Co-pilot serves as your first draft writer. It helps overcome writer's block by suggesting content outlines and even writing initial drafts, which you can refine to suit your tone and style.

    Efficient Presentation Creation

    Need to whip up a PowerPoint presentation last minute? Feed documents or email threads to Co-pilot, and it will craft a visually appealing presentation complete with speaker notes. What once took hours can now be achieved in minutes.

    Data Analysis Simplified

    For those who dread diving into complex data analysis, Co-pilot in Excel or Power BI acts as your analyst. By generating formulas and pulling out key insights, it ensures that decision-making is quicker and more informed, regardless of your expertise in data analytics.

    Caveats to Keep in Mind

    While Co-pilot is a powerful tool, it’s essential to review its output. Consider it an eager intern whose work you need to verify. This ensures that the end results are accurate and appropriate for your specific needs.

    ⏩ The Accelerating Pace of Digital Change

    The shift to remote work marked the beginning of a new era in digital transformation. Tools like Microsoft 365 Co-pilot are at the forefront, pushing the boundaries of what digital tools can achieve. This transformation is not just about technology replacing traditional methods but enhancing human capabilities to achieve more with less.

    🌐 Future of Jobs and the Necessity for Adaptive Skills

    In a world where 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet, adaptability and continuous learning emerge as non-negotiable skills. Future roles will likely focus on managing AI tools and deriving insights from vast amounts of data generated by these technologies.

    📚 Cultivating a Learning Culture in Organisations

    For organisations to thrive in this rapidly advancing technological landscape, fostering a learning culture is crucial. This involves not only providing resources and time for learning but also recognising and rewarding the application of new knowledge. An organisation’s commitment to learning and an individual’s initiative to grow are equally important in cultivating this culture.

    🌟 Embracing 'Yes': The Power of Positive Affirmation in Innovation

    If there’s one superpower that could transform the world of work, it would be abolishing the word "no" for a day. This could unleash unprecedented levels of creativity and innovation, as the fear of rejection and failure often stifles potential groundbreaking ideas. By fostering an environment where every proposal is met with "yes, and...", organisations can tap into a wellspring of innovation.


    Q: How does Microsoft 365 Co-pilot improve productivity? A: By automating routine tasks and generating content, Co-pilot allows users to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work.

    Q: Is Microsoft 365 Co-pilot difficult to use? A: No, it’s designed to be user-friendly, integrating naturally with Microsoft apps and understanding commands in plain English.

    Q: Where can I learn more about using Microsoft 365 Co-pilot effectively? A: Microsoft offers a variety of resources, including tutorials and learning modules on their official websites and platforms like Microsoft Learn.

    Q: Can Microsoft 365 Co-pilot be used by someone without technical skills? A: Absolutely, it’s intended for users of all skill levels to enhance productivity and simplify tasks.

    In conclusion, Microsoft 365 Co-pilot is not just another tool; it’s a game-changer in the way professionals interact with technology. By automating mundane tasks and offering support in complex scenarios, it allows users to focus on what truly matters – bringing creativity and strategic insight into their work. As we embrace these advanced tools, the future of work looks not only more efficient but also more human.

    Disclaimer: This summary has been written using AI

    Paul Griffiths (Microsoft UK Public Sector Skills Lead)

    Paul is the Microsoft UK Public Sector Skills Lead with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He is passionate about cloud computing, and how learning can power digital innovation and transform careers. Paul is currently leading the development of training programmes for Microsoft’s public sector customers across Central Government, Local Government and Policing, helping individuals and organisations realize the benefits of their investment in Microsoft solutions.

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.superpowers.school
  • Secret strategies to make art that sells

    The journey of an artist can be a bumpy road. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you struggle to earn money many creatives often give up. There is a misconception that art does not pay. This article explores how artists can defy the sceptics and successfully monetise their art, employing effective strategies and embracing the digital revolution - so that you can make art that sells.


    * The Challenge for Art Students

    * Blueprint for Making Art That Sells

    * Broadening the Scope: Formula for All Creatives

    * Navigating Through the Age of AI

    * The Value of Human Connection in Art

    * Dreaming of an AI Assistant in Design

    * Engage with the Artistic Journey

    🌟 The Challenge for Art Students

    Art students often find themselves perceived as the underdogs in educational institutions, typically overshadowed by fields deemed more 'practical' or profitable. This cultural underestimation can be demotivating, making art students feel like "the lowest of the low." However, the core issue lies not within their talent or passion, but rather in the lack of integration between creating art and the business skills necessary to sell it effectively.

    🌟 Blueprint for Making Art That Sells

    The "Make Art That Sells" formula presents a structured approach to transforming art from a mere passion into a lucrative business. This method is not just theoretical but is a practical guide infused with real-world applications, ensuring artists can thrive financially from their craft.

    Sales Vehicle

    Choosing the right platform to sell your art is crucial. Artists can opt for gallery representation, commissions, art fairs, or online platforms. Each has its benefits, depending on the artist’s style and market presence.

    Medium, Theme, and Product

    Define the medium (oil, watercolour, etc.) and choose a theme that resonates with your artistic voice (like landscapes or abstract). Then decide on a product—whether prints, mugs, or digital pieces—that best suits your theme and medium.

    Developing Your Style

    Artists like Andy Warhol and Norman Rockwell are stellar examples of how distinctive styles can captivate and resonate with an audience, proving that robust personal branding can elevate marketability.

    Volume and Time Investment

    The journey to making art that sells is neither swift nor simple. It demands persistence and productivity. Artists like Picasso, who created over 50,000 works, showcase the significant relationship between volume and artistic success.

    Making Pivots/Adjustments

    Flexibility to adapt and tweak your art or strategy is essential to stay relevant and successful in the ever-evolving art market.

    🌟 Broadening the Scope: Formula for All Creatives

    This formula does not just apply to traditional visual artists but can be adapted by creatives from various fields, such as writers and digital artists. For instance, a novelist can employ similar strategies by adjusting themes and exploring various publishing platforms to increase visibility and sales.

    🌟 Navigating Through the Age of AI

    As Artificial Intelligence begins to play a significant role in many creative sectors, it becomes imperative for artists to understand and adapt to AI’s capabilities and limitations. AI can generate creative ideas but often lacks the ability to execute detailed, production-ready projects that meet professional standards required in the art world. The human touch in art stands resilient against the uniformity often exhibited by AI-generated works.

    🌟 The Value of Human Connection in Art

    Art thrives on human connection. Stories from artists like Banksy or Vincent van Gogh engage people not just with their art but with the narratives woven into their creations. This emotional connection is something AI presently cannot replicate, highlighting the unique value human artists continue to bring to the table.

    🌟 Dreaming of an AI Assistant in Design

    Imagine a world where AI could handle all the mundane tasks associated with art production—organizing files, preparing them for print, and maybe even dealing with clients. Many creatives dream of such possibilities where their focus could solely be on creating.

    🌟 Engage with the Artistic Journey

    Carina Gardner offers a masterclass derived from her book, providing insights into making art financially rewarding. This free resource is accessible to all aspiring artists seeking to navigate the complexities of marketing their creativity effectively.


    Q: Can the 'Make Art That Sells' formula be applied to other creative fields? A: Absolutely! The principles of the formula are adaptable to various creative endeavours, whether it’s writing, digital design, or even performing arts.

    Q: How important is the choice of sales vehicle in monetising art? A: Extremely important. The sales vehicle directly affects the visibility and accessibility of your art to potential buyers, directly influencing sales outcomes.

    Q: What role does AI play in the future of art? A: AI can serve as a tool for generating ideas and simplifying production processes, but the unique human elements of creativity and emotional connection remain irreplaceable in art.

    This exploration into making art profitable not only demystifies the process but also empowers artists to harness their creativity in financially sustainable ways. As we continue to navigate changes in technology and culture, the fusion of artistry and entrepreneurship will pave the way for a new era of successful, 'non-starving' artists.

    Claim your FREE masterclass by entering the code MAKEART at the following website: https://www.designsuitecourses.com/makeartthatsells

    Carina Gardner (Craft Designer)

    Carina is a surface pattern and craft designer turned CEO, who teaches hobbyists to make money as designers. As a former university professor (Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota) and creative director of a scrapbooking company (Cartabella Paper Co.), her expertise led her to build a multimillion dollar brand in 2 years. She teaches quilters, makers, struggling designers, card makers, fine artists, mixed media artists, and Cricut/Silhouette crafters to create income with the hobbies they already invest time in. Carina is a fabric designer for Riley Blake Designer and a die cut designer for Silhouette and can speak as well on working with manufacturers and getting contracts. Her favorite topic, however, is on helping designers create steady income from selling their work digitally. Her program Design Suite grew to a multimillion dollar business in less than 3 years due to Carina emphasizing community building, listening to members needs, and building coursework/awards that members love. She loves creative entrepreneurship and helping designers make money.

    Carina’s links:

    Website: https://carinagardnershop.myshopify.com/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@carinagardner

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    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Mastering the Art of Storytelling in the Corporate World

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    In the fast-paced corporate world where communication can often become mundane and jargon-filled, storytelling emerges as a bridge to humanise and invigorate everyday interactions and business pitches. It's not just about selling products or services but about creating narratives that resonate at a human level, fostering connections that go beyond the superficial layer of corporate interactions. This article delves into the transformative power of storytelling, illuminated through the lens of expert storyteller Steve Multer, and supported by practical examples from well known companies.

    📜 Contents

    * Why Storytelling Matters in Business

    * Introducing Steve Multer

    * The Superpower of Corporate Storytelling

    * A Historical Perspective: John Deere's Content Marketing

    * The Hierarchy of Content Flow

    * Real-Life Examples of Effective Corporate Storytelling

    * Evolving Storytelling for Today's Audience

    * Three Strategic Moves for Engaging Today's Audiences

    * Corporate Speak vs. Human Speak

    * Utilising Visual Storytelling

    * FAQs

    Why Storytelling Matters in Business

    In today’s automated, fast-paced world, the human touch in business interactions is often lost. Storytelling in business isn't a mere luxury; it's a necessity that can foster true connections, engaging customers and employees alike on a deeper emotional level. It's about transforming statistics and corporate speak into narratives that inspire, motivate, and resonate.

    Introducing Steve Multer

    Steve Multer, a seasoned storyteller, has harnessed the power of narrative to engage over 2.5 million people globally through more than 20,000 keynote presentations. Representing major brands like Cisco and Fujifilm, Steve has refined the craft of converting corporate communications into relatable stories. His expertise is recognized through his membership in the National Speakers Association, and his influential book, “Nothing Gets Sold Until the Story Gets Told”.

    The Superpower of Corporate Storytelling

    Steve’s approach to storytelling is about unlocking the "Keys to the Corporate Storytelling Kingdom." He emphasizes the significance of human-to-human communication over the typical corporation-to-human pitches. By addressing how technology and products enhance human lives, Steve advocates for narratives that focus on how the products make the customers' lives better, illustrating the potential to inspire and engage.

    A Historical Perspective: John Deere's Content Marketing

    Dating back to 1895, John Deere’s magazine, "The Furrow," serves as an exemplary early model of content marketing. Instead of merely promoting agricultural products, the magazine discussed the challenges and lifestyles of farmers, establishing a genuine connection with its audience. This shift towards engaging content over direct selling marked a pivotal moment in corporate communication strategies.

    The Hierarchy of Content Flow

    Effective storytelling in business follows a strategic hierarchy:

    * Address Humans First: Engage with individuals on a personal level.

    * Connect with Consumers: Once you have their attention, treat them as potential consumers who might be interested in your service.

    * Interact as Corporations: Finally, present the corporate side in terms of services and products.

    Real-Life Examples of Effective Corporate Storytelling

    Companies like Apple have mastered the art of storytelling by creating customer-centric narratives. For instance, their "Shot on iPhone" campaign focuses less on the technical specifications of the cameras and more on the experiences customers capture with their devices. This approach not only demonstrates the product's features but also showcases its impact on customers' lives.

    Evolving Storytelling for Today's Audience

    Research indicates that the human attention span has significantly decreased, necessitating content that captures and retains attention swiftly. TED Talks, which typically last between 9 and 18 minutes, exploit this understanding effectively by keeping their messages concise and impactful.

    Three Strategic Moves for Engaging Today's Audiences

    * Create Differentiation: Stand out by offering something unique.

    * Clear Obstacles: Remove barriers that prevent customers from choosing your product.

    * Motivate Action: Inspire consumers to act, whether it's making a purchase or adopting a new idea.

    Corporate Speak vs. Human Speak

    In an ideal world, eliminating corporate jargon for even a day could lead to more meaningful and relatable communications. Terms like "uplevel" or "synergy" often alienate rather than engage audiences. Speaking plainly and sincerely can enhance understanding and connection.

    Utilising Visual Storytelling

    Visual elements can significantly enhance the storytelling process, making messages more memorable and engaging. The success stories from the Visual Jam community, where participants applied visual storytelling techniques to secure jobs, underscore the practical benefits of this approach.


    Q: How can storytelling benefit my business? A: Storytelling can differentiate your brand, create deeper connections with customers, and ultimately drive engagement and sales.

    Q: What are some key elements of effective storytelling? A: A compelling narrative should be relatable, emotive, and clear, with a strong emphasis on how the message relates to the listener's experiences and needs.

    Q: How long should a business story be? A: Keep it concise. Aim for a few minutes at most in direct presentations. Longer formats need to be engaging and rich with value to retain attention.

    Q: Can storytelling be applied to any business type? A: Absolutely, whether you're selling a product, a service, or an idea, storytelling can be tailored to fit any business model and audience.

    Embracing these principles of storytelling in business can lead to more meaningful engagements and transformative results. By speaking to the human experience, companies can foster loyalty, enthusiasm, and a genuine connection with their audience, transcending the traditional bounds of corporate communication.

    Download Steve’s free 5 Paths to Passionate Storytelling eGuide and to sign up for Tuesday Tips & Tricks:

    https://corporatestorytelling.com/guide code: soldtold23

    Disclaimer: This summary was written using AI

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    Steve Multer (Corporate Storytelling)

    Steve Multer has delivered more than 20,000 onstage and on camera presentations to over 2.5 million audience members across the Americas, Europe, and Asia for global brands that include Cisco, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Siemens, AGFA, Volvo, Philips, Xerox, HP, and Bayer. Fortune corporations trust Steve to reveal their core value, passion, and connection to customers, partners, and media analysts.

    Steve is also a leader in executive presence and winning communication training and speaker coaching. He partners with multinational organizations including Splunk, Spirent, RingCentral, Florida International University, and Lufthansa to uplevel their brand stories, and is recognized by C-Suites and sales teams for personalized, engaging programs that bring out the very best in each presenter, at any level in their career.

    Steve’s new book, Nothing Gets Sold Until the Story Gets Told: Corporate Storytelling for Career Success and Value-Driven Marketing, is available in hardcover, paperback, eBook, and audiobook from Amazon and all retailers. Steve is a Professional member of the National Speakers Association and the Dramatists Guild, an avid foodie, world traveler, travel planning expert, happy husband, lucky dad to two amazing daughters, and proud non-native Chicagoan.

    👉 https://stevemulter.com

    👉 https://corporatestorytelling.com

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Power of human energy to boost productivity

    June Edward, an energy expert, gives her insights on how human energy impacts relationships, communication, productivity, and personal growth, providing transformative pathways for technology professionals and beyond.

    🌌 Contents

    * Energy and Its Effects

    * Raising Your Vibration

    * Near-Death Experience

    * Souls and the Other Side

    * Brain vs. Soul

    * Angels and Guides

    * Other Side Entities

    * Reincarnation and Soul Groups

    * Five Lessons to Learn

    * Types of Relationships

    * Developing Psychic Abilities

    * Why It’s Not Mainstream

    * Advice for the Younger Self

    🌐 Energy and Its Effects

    June Edward brings a simple yet profound assertion to the table: we are all beings of energy. This isn't about the physical suit we wear; rather, it's about the entity of energy pulsating within us. Understanding this, she posits that we are continually in a state of either repelling or attracting energies, much like magnets. This phenomenon is governed by what she calls our "frequency." Changing this frequency, as you would tune a radio station, can vastly alter the types of people and situations we attract into our lives.

    🌟 Raising Your Vibration

    The concept of energy not only encapsulates our interactions but ties deeply with the concept of vibration. The highest vibrational state, as per June, is love. Accessing this high frequency is less about the external and more about an inward journey to connect with one's soul. Here, one finds the crux of energy mastery—your soul represents a fragment of your physical being yet resonates on the 5th dimension, orchestrating life with a vibrational echo that surpasses ordinary existence.

    ⚡ Near-Death Experience

    Edward’s personal narrative of dying at 27 during a routine procedure adds a hauntingly vivid layer to her teachings. Propelled into the 5th dimension, she experienced what she describes as a 'life review', facing a definitive choice between staying beyond or returning. Her choice to return was fuelled by love and responsibility toward her children, illustrating the potent tether between our spiritual and earthly existences.

    👻 Souls and the Other Side

    Post-NDE, June describes a heightened state of vibrational awareness where she could connect instantly with the other side. Yet, maintaining such a high vibration in the mundane world is challenging. The soul, she explains, is timeless, traversing through various lifetimes and accumulating wisdom, which shapes our experiences and choices unconsciously.

    🧠 Brain vs. Soul

    In the duel between the cerebral and the soulful, the brain often defaults to creating fear as a protective mechanism. However, decisions rooted in fear are on shaky ground. June advocates for a deeper communion with the soul to make decisions from a place of 'knowing', which she assures will lead to more fulfilling outcomes.

    👼 Angels and Guides

    Angels, as per June's insight, are distinct entities committed to aiding humanity but are bound by one law—they cannot intervene without consent. This revelation beckons a more active engagement with the ethereal, suggesting that help is only a request away.

    😈 Other Side Entities

    The spectrum of entities on the other side is vast, from high vibrational beings who have transcended to the light, to lower vibrational entities and even demons. Each interacts with our world under different circumstances, impacting us in myriad unseen ways.

    🔄 Reincarnation and Soul Groups

    Reincarnation is a journey not undertaken alone but with a soul group under the guidance of an Archangel. The cycle, which spans centuries, sees souls returning to physical form to fulfil karmic debts, learn lessons, and, intriguingly, enjoy earthly pleasures.

    📚 Five Lessons to Learn

    The earthly journey is punctuated by lessons central to spiritual evolution: self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money and balance, and patience. Each lesson interlocks, creating a comprehensive blueprint for personal development and spiritual fulfillment.

    💔 Types of Relationships

    Human connections are categorised into karmic, soulmate, and twin flame relationships, each serving distinct purposes in our soul’s journey. While karmic relationships teach lessons, soulmate connections offer comfort and growth, and twin flames disrupt and realign our life paths profoundly.

    🔮 Developing Psychic Abilities

    Contrary to mainstream skepticism, psychic and mediumship abilities are innate and can be developed further through practice and guidance. June encourages seeking educational resources to enhance these abilities, which are pivotal in navigating life aligned with the soul’s purpose.

    ❓ Why It’s Not Mainstream

    The esoteric knowledge of energy dynamics has often been sidelined by mainstream culture, labelled as 'witchcraft' or shrouded in mystery, often due to fear of its power. However, a rising interest in spiritual awakening signals a collective shift towards embracing these ancient wisdoms.

    🎈 Advice for the Younger Self

    Reflecting on her journey, June advises her younger self to trust her instincts, not to sweat the small stuff, and to relish life’s journey. This nugget of wisdom is poignant for any reader, reminding us that amidst life's complexities, the joy of living should never be overshadowed.


    June Edward’s journey and insights provide a remarkable testament to the unexplored potentials of human energy. In a world increasingly run by automated systems and artificial intelligence, rediscovering and harnessing this intrinsic power can lead to more profound interpersonal connections and self-discovery. As we continue to navigate our professional and personal lives, let us consider how tuning into our energetic frequency might just be the key to a richer, more fulfilling existence.


    Q: How can I start raising my vibration today? A: Begin by practicing mindfulness and meditation to connect deeply with your soul. Cultivate feelings of love and gratitude daily, as these emotions resonate at high frequencies.

    Q: Are psychic abilities real? A: Yes, according to June Edward and other practitioners, everyone possesses innate psychic and mediumship abilities which can be developed with practice and guidance.

    Q: Can understanding human energy improve workplace dynamics? A: Absolutely. Recognising and respecting the energies of others can enhance communication, foster empathy, and boost overall productivity in any professional setting.

    Exploring the realms of human energy with June Edward not only illuminates paths to personal growth but also opens gateways to understanding the intricate dance of energies that influences our daily lives.

    Disclaimer: This summary was written using AI

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    June Edward (Energy Expert)

    June Edward, Energy Master, has unique insights into the power of energy to positively impact relationships on both a personal and a professional level and believes this power can be harnessed and utilized to help businesses, leaders, and teams to improve their overall communication, function, and productivity. June believes these important principles can help individuals to have better interpersonal skills for an improved work and home atmosphere. June has extensive corporate experience, growing up in a family owned business, and owning her own successful businesses for many years. Having a unique near-death experience at the age of 27, June felt she was given the option to stay in the after-life environment or to return - and make a difference in the lives of others. Her unique insights from this NDE have given her the ability to see solutions others may miss and distinctive tools to help utilize the energy around them to improve outcomes in both their personal and professional lives. June is a sought-after speaker on this important and revelatory topic. As an award winning author, June’s Books: Dancing with the Universe, All’s Fair in Love & Karma, The Destiny Card Journal, and A Night on the Other Side, are all available at JuneEdward.com.

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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  • Why Creativity is Important in Technology

    Alexander Inchbald, a recognised global authority on creativity, has profoundly impacted the world by guiding change makers to unearth and manifest their true purpose. As the founder of the Masterpiece Agency and a climate artist, his ten years of experience have been heavily influenced by mystical experiences he had while painting mountains across the globe. His journey has led him to pen two influential books, advocating the unstoppable force of creativity.


    * Background on Alexander Inchbald

    * Alexander's View on Creativity

    * The Significance of Creativity in Today's World

    * Alexander's Mountain Painting and Creative Insights

    * The Masterpiece Pathway Framework

    * Transformative Examples from the Masterpiece Journey

    * AI and the Future of Creativity

    * Alexander's Experiences with the United Nations

    * Being the Change for Sustainability

    * Connecting with Alexander and His Work

    * FAQs

    ✨ Alexander's View on Creativity

    For Alexander, creativity is not just a skill but the very essence of our being. It's an energy that flows through everyone, accessible and abundant. He passionately argues that creativity cannot truly be extinguished; it can only be suppressed. In his perspective, even educational systems that seem to stifle creativity do not kill it but merely push it down. Creativity remains a vibrant resource waiting to address the world's myriad challenges.

    🚀 The Significance of Creativity in Today's World

    In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, creativity has emerged as a critical resource. Alexander emphasises that traditional methods fall short when addressing global issues like climate change or technological disruptions. By harnessing creativity, individuals can gain new perspectives, akin to seeing broader landscapes from a mountaintop, revealing new pathways and solutions previously obscured by conventional approaches.

    🖼️ Alexander's Mountain Painting and Creative Insights

    Alexander’s personal experiences with mountain painting have taught him valuable lessons about creativity. He notes that resistance to external elements, like the fierce wind while painting, can hinder creative expression. Conversely, embracing these forces can liberate one's creative process, allowing the internal state to vividly manifest on the canvas, transforming challenges into art.

    🌐 The Masterpiece Pathway Framework

    The Masterpiece Pathway is a fascinating framework developed by Alexander, mapping the dual journey of human consciousness from separation back to integration. This framework reflects the fractal nature of life and human experiences, identifying points where resistance forms and blocks creative flow. It serves as a tool for understanding and navigating the complexities of personal, professional, and societal evolution.

    🌱 Transformative Examples from the Masterpiece Journey

    Many have been transformed by Alexander’s Masterpiece Journey, coming from various backgrounds and achieving remarkable feats. Participants have written books, and initiated significant projects that align with their purpose, demonstrating the profound impact of unlocking one's creative potential.

    🤖 AI and the Future of Creativity

    In the context of technology and creativity, Alexander discusses AI as an exceptional assistant that, when properly directed, can enhance human creativity rather than replace it. He encourages viewing AI as an ally in the creative process, helping to solve complex problems with enhanced efficiency and creativity.

    ⚖️ Alexander's Experiences with the United Nations

    Reflecting on his time with the United Nations, Alexander shares his observations on the limitations imposed by bureaucratic structures. Despite the presence of well-intentioned individuals, he notes that the top-down control system starkly contrasts with the principles needed to unlock true creative potential, thus stifling the ability to address global challenges effectively.

    🌍 Being the Change for Sustainability

    Alexander advocates a profound approach to sustainability: aligning actions with one's true nature and purpose. By realigning with our authentic selves and operating from a state of 'flow,' individuals can naturally contribute to resolving global issues without the forced effort that often accompanies traditional approaches to environmental activism.

    📞 Connecting with Alexander and His Work

    For those interested in exploring the realms of creativity and purpose further, Alexander can be reached through his website, www.themasterpiece.agency. The site offers access to purpose sessions, detailed information on the Masterpiece Pathway, and opportunities for personal consultations.


    Q: How can I start enhancing my creativity in the technology field? A: Begin by engaging in activities that relax and inspire you. Whether it’s reading, sketching, or walking, these moments can spark creativity. Also, consider exploring frameworks like the Masterpiece Pathway to understand your creative blocks and potentials.

    Q: Is AI a threat to human creativity in technology? A: AI should be seen as a tool that enhances human creativity rather than a threat. Properly harnessed, AI can handle mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on complex, creative problem-solving.

    Q: Can creativity be taught, or is it a natural skill? A: Creativity can indeed be nurtured and developed. While some people might be naturally inclined towards creative thinking, educational frameworks and personal development paths like the Masterpiece Pathway can significantly enhance one’s creative abilities.

    Q: What is the first step in engaging with Alexander Inchbold’s programs? A: Visit themasterpiece.agency and explore the range of sessions and resources available. Joining a purpose session can be an excellent start to understanding and harnessing your creative potentials.

    Alexander Inchbold’s insights into creativity, especially in the context of technology, underscore its critical role in not just navigating but thriving in the evolving landscape. By fostering creativity, we equip ourselves to confront and creatively solve the challenges that lie ahead in our personal and professional lives.

    Disclaimer: This summary has been written with the help of AI

    Alexander Inchbald (Creativity Expert)

    Alexander leads and guides purposeful pioneers to elevate their life to the next level by creating their Masterpiece, the greatest contribution they can make to themselves, their families and society. He is a global authority on creativity, the author of two books, Founder of The #Masterpiece Agency and a climate artist. He has spent the last 10 years, guiding changemakers to discover their Purpose and bring it to life. Before that he spent 15 years leading the development of communication campaigns for organizations like The Red Cross and United Nations. Everything he does is based on his mystical experiences he had painting mountains around the world. These experiences have helped him to realise we are not passive participants in a universe beyond our control, but active creators of our own playground. He lives in the Swiss Alps with his beautiful wife, Anna, and two children, Sasha and Daniel.

    ⚡️ In each episode, Paddy Dhanda deep dives into a new human Superpower to help you thrive in the age of AI.

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