This fall, story expert Alastair Stephens will look at each of the six core Star Wars movies in release order, and analyse what works and why. We’re going to talk about heroic motivations, serial structure, the power of the five-man band, the interaction of intent and execution, mythic archetypes, the urge to explain, and stories which grow in the telling — and perhaps, we’ll understand a little better why Star Wars is the most important pop culture phenomenon of the modern era.
Nós, do MarketMinds, sabemos que os aspectos mentais e emocionais são muito importantes, senão determinantes, para qualquer Trader obter resultados positivos no mercado financeiro e alcançar a tão sonhada CONSISTÊNCIA.
Ajudar você na jornada rumo ao seu SUCESSO COMO TRADER é o nosso propósito. Por isso, estamos trazendo aqui, sempre com uma linguagem simples e direta, totalmente voltada para o universo dos Trades, diversos conteúdos sobre autoconhecimento, desenvolvimento pessoal, coaching, programação neurolinguística, alta performance, e tudo o que for de grande relevância para auxiliar você a desenvolver a sua força mental e o mindset de sucesso e, assim, OBTER EXCELENTES RESULTADOS NO MERCADO.
Então, junte-se a nós, assine o canal e TRANSFORME SUA MENTE em sua MAIOR ALIADA na jornada pela sua realização profissional e financeira (e porque não pessoal?).
Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao canal MarketMinds.
Vamos juntos nessa jornada rumo ao sucesso! ;D -
A fun, historical journey through Aaron Sorkin's landmark TV drama, The West Wing. Part love-fest / part historical podcast, The West Wing History Class will look at both the events of each episode and the real-world events that inspired them. Join us on a historical march through Aaron Sorkin’s landmark TV drama, The West Wing. Hosted by Russ Frushtick and Chris Plante.
In this show, Sky and Dusty discuss the life lessons they learn from the movies they watch. They watch a combination of new movies in theaters and some of their older favorites.
Hosted by Sky Matsuhashi and Dustin Heiner.
Please visit and learn more at
Other similar podcasts are: How Did This Get Made and the Rebel Radio Podcast -
FILMMAKERS ON with THE JHORTON is a podcast dedicated to helping filmmakers learn how to make more money from their independent movies. Learn how to navigating indie film distribution and marketing with J. Horton and hear Interviews with real working class filmmakers, sharing their successes and failures, hosted by Sean A. Reid.This podcast discusses all aspects of the business of show including post production, production, filmmaking tips, film festivals, editing, directing, producing, film business, screenwriting, film distribution, film marketing, VOD, Amazon distribution, DIY filmmaking, short films, feature films and much more. If you want to learn how to make more money with you independent movies, check it out.
Real Estate Photography veterans Rich Baum and Brian Berkowitz team up to bring their knowledge of gear, technique, industry news and more to this brand new podcast geared towards the real estate photographer, architectural photographer and interior photographer. Episodes will also include guests interviews with the best in the business and an "Ask The Guys" feature where listeners can submit their questions to be a topic of discussion for a future episode.