
  • Two previous guests (See Episodes 100 and 107) share ways that the pandemic has helped open, strengthen and inspire their hearts, sparking some forever changes for the mighty hearts. Both of these Supeheroes of Love are out in the world doing what they can to help us all heal our hearts.

    First we hear from Alicia Crysta Easter of ACE Yoga LA who is a yoga and meditation instructor, a ray of light shining leading us through Black Lives Matter and guiding us toward better allyship. ACE is the creator of a new line of inspiring candles like this Superhero of Love beauty which says it all: I AM LOVE!

    Next we hear from Bestselling Author, Rebecca Winn whose extraordinary book One Hundred Daffodils: Finding Beauty, Grace & Meaning When Things Fall Apart came out on Day #1 of the pandemic in her home town of Dallas, TX. Sometimes a change is sparked by a fairy godmother swooping in....Rebecca tells us one such real-life fairy tale lesson she received.

    What mysterious gifts has the pandemic brought to your heart? Tune in to be inspired by some of the gifts you may have missed and others that you are bound to draw in.

  • His company’s name is Extreme Leadership Institute, and bestselling author Steve Farber is as powerful as his company’s name implies.

    He also has the giant heart and magical powers of Tinkerbell, and he's not afraid to admit that he shares her core value: Love.

    In this episode, Steve talks about the magic he has created or observed in extremely successful businesses who lead with love, infuse love into their businesses and invest in what makes their customers feel loved because, as he says, “Love is just damn good business.”

    It’s the name of his most recent book (Love is Just Damn Good Business: Do What You Love in the Service of the People Who Love What You Do), and the name of his podcast.

    We invite you to leap into this inspiring conversation with Steve. LEAP, you ask? Yes, LEAP like his previous bestselling book's title portends: The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership. Steve brings our attention to this love-based inspiring acronym wherever he goes -- including in this episode:

    Cultivate Love

    Generate Energy

    Inspire Audacity

    Provide Proof

    You don't have to own or run a business to get value from Steve's love lessons. His advice is for all Superheroes of Love who want to make a difference in the world. The love we bring into our work lives spills into our personal lives, affects friends, family and beyond.

    So tune in for a love tune-up!

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  • Arielle Ford is in the business of helping us FIND, KEEP and BE love. And she believes very much in "Love in the Time of COVID" and tells us why. She has written eleven books on the subject and just celebrated her 22nd anniversary with the love of her life, so she knows the stuff of love!

    Arielle is also the sister of the renowned author/thought leader, Debbie Ford whose work is woven through Superhero of Love, and shares the story of how she brought Debbie's final book, Your Holiness: Discover the Light Within into the world five years after she passed away.

    You can find Arielle, her books and all the free goodies she has to offer us all at arielleford.com.

    You can find out all about Debbie, her legacy and books at debbieford.com.

  • Deja Riley comes from kick ass pioneer blood as the daughter of The King of New Jack Swing, Teddy Riley. She is a musician, she had a band with her sisters, The Riley Band. She plays several instruments. She's a professional dancer having danced with the likes of Beyonce and Lady Gaga. She was even a Laker Girl. She's also a boxer who fused boxing with dance to create "Dance Out of the Box," a fitness method that you can find her teaching on PopSugar.

    She's all that AND she's stepping into a leadership position teaching us all to move through the journey of making black lives matter while taking care of our hearts. She shows us we can be kind, loving, and gentle with our own hearts while kicking ass and making a difference.

    Listen in to be inspired to step into true allyship.

    You'll even hear from and about her dog, O.G.

    Find Deja at dejariley.com. Follow her on Insta at Deja Riley AND Deja Riley Athletics

    We mention Olympian Louise Hazel of Slay Gym's Open Letter to the Fitness Industry.

  • Lian Dolan knows about sister love. She and her four sisters have been bringing their behind the scenes chats up front and center first in a radio show, first for WNYC public radio and then ABC radio, and then finally where they are now with their Satellite Sisters podcast. They talk about life and love and create a beautiful community encouraging people to do as they do: take care of their hearts with the support of family, friends and sometimes even strangers.

    Lian shares how she sought support coming through a personal challenge that hit her life like a meteor sychronistically on the day she delivered the final manuscript of her new book.

    She has two LA Times Bestsellers Elizabeth the First Wife, Helen of Pasadena. Her new novel The Sweeney Sisters just came out! It's about The four daughters of Bill Sweeney who find out at their father's funeral that they have another sibling. The adventure unfolds from there!

    Find out more about Lian and her books at liandolan.com.

    Find the Satellite Sisters Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

  • Alicia Crysta Easter "ACE" is an extraordinary woman who teaches yoga at ACE YOGA LA and at many other venues. She leads her classes with love and grace but after she posted her own Black Lives Matter verbal manifesto on Instagram Live, she stepped into a leadership position in the BLM movement. Hearts and souls are aching and exhausted -- including hers. Yet she leads herself and others each and every day to lead with love, grace, patience and forgiveness.

    The audio of her Instagram Live is included in this episode.

    Follow @AceYogaLA on Instagram and go to her webiste at aceyogala.com to find out how you can check out her classes to experience this gloriousness:

  • This woman is literally waving her own special brand of magic wand to touch hundreds of hearts each week. Someone once waved a wand that magically lifted up Simone Gordon when she didn't have the money she needed to feed her special needs son. And, now she pays that blessing forward on a daily basis.

    The pandemic has gravely affected many. Domestic abuse and mental health issues are on the rise. Unemployment, homelessness and hunger are an every day occurrence, but Simone is doing all she can to end people's suffering and move them one step closer to making their dreams come true. She isn't satisfied with helping people survive today. She works on moving them toward sustaining themselves for the long term as they move toward creating the lives they truly want.

    Simone has been featured in People Magazine and she even won a Webby Award, but her dream has nothing to do with fame, she is on a mission to help as many women as she can as The Black Fairy Godmother, and to start a transition house for victims of domestic abuse.

    If you need a respite from the tough news, I invite you to turn your attention to this bright and shining light on our planet, The Black Fairy Godmother. Simone is a true Superhero of Love, helping people lift their hearts out of the darkness and fill with the light and hope that she, her volunteers and donors have to spare for those temporarily less fortunate.

    Find her on Instagram at "The Black Fairy Godmother Official" and jump into her magical world with both feet.

  • When Hope Hendricks met Ed Bacon met she was on her way to a career as a speech pathologist and he to a career as an attorney. All that changed when God came knocking, and we are so lucky it did because she opened her heart and her mind and they started a beautiful journey that allowed them to both change thousands of lives for the better with love.

    Originally from the south, in 2016, they left All Saints Church in Pasadena where he was rector for over 20 years to return to the area. With a home in Birmingham, AL but a full time gig in Atlanta, they straddle both cities, and are doing their best to "evolve forward" as Ed calls it, through the classism, racism, through this pandemic, through the political dissension.

    We are all in what Rev. Ed calls Pandemic University, and now amidst the George Floyd murder and protests, we are all being handed some very trying classes which he and Hope both help guide us through with a heavy dose of love and laughter.

    You will hear about their relationship, how they navigate with love through even the difficult times weathering internal and external storms with a lot of grace...and laughter.

    This interview dives deep but it also grabs your heart and promises to lift you up, up, up during these very trying times.

    Rev. Ed's book (which Oprah Winfrey loved and celebrated) also couldn't be a more timely and helpful read. Get it now wherever you buy your books for a major uplift for your heart and soul:

    You will hear Rev. Ed speak about the event of June 1st with Dr. Catherine Meeks. Click here to view the recording: "Time of Lament" with Rev. Bacon + Dr. Meeks

  • Just being in Debra Poneman's presence you want to say "YES!" to whatever it is she's inviting you to do. Now, after a few decades away from her extraordinarily successful, world-renowned "YES TO SUCCESS" program, she is bringing it back in June of 2020, upgraded and updated for our current times - yes, even these quarantine times! The timing couldn't be more perfect for her to invite us to jump into a world with her where everything is possible, where we can say yes to our heart's desires, yes to our highest version of success.

    Go to Debra's website at yestosuccess.com to download this e-book to get a taste of her upcoming program, and find out more about Deb.

    Saying YES during these contemplative, life-altering times is even more powerful, more poignant, and may be exactly what your heart could use. You can do her new YES TO SUCCESS program from anywhere!

  • Every Superhero of Love heart needs a respite sometime. And, this pandemic is touching many of the wounded places in our hearts causing pain, stress, fear, sadness, anger -- all of which thwart our ability to love and be loved.

    Give your Superhero heart a little break, and tap into this episode for a brief guided meditation designed to each all of our hearts back into living and loving with a little more of a golden spark.

    Let your inner Supehero of Love have a little break, press play and relaaaaaaax....

  • Sunne Justice leaves a trail of love and beauty wherever she goes. She was a high fashion model in New York, worked at Vogue, L'Oreal and then earned well-deserved renown for being the "Chief Pollinator" who grew the Burt's Bees brand into a household name. She's about to launch a brand new skincare line called Love Daily.

    Loving daily is Sunne's business, as you will learn when you read her new book Mugged by God: A Journey from Holy Shit to Holy which follows her fast-paced harrowing journey from high fashion to high love, from childhood through four husbands, and what has to be a record-breaking number of near death escapes.

    Check out Sunne and her new book at Mugged By God

    Find out more about Sunne's retreat house in Panama: Soul House Panama

    Soon you will get to learn more about her her brand new skin product care line at Love Daily Skincare.

    You will hear her walk Bridget through this divine forgiveness exercise too...to help you LOVE more DAILY!

    I love you.

    I forgive you.

    Please forgive me.

    Let’s forgive each other.

    Let’s forgive ourselves.

  • Jerry Thomas is a true Superhero of Love who takes care of our hearts by guiding us to our soul purpose by using a unique method weaving together his expertise and wisdom in the arenas of mysticism, Vedic astrology, metaphysics, Jungian psychology, and evolutionary personal counseling. He is a former monk and a former Vietnam vet. He is an MIT graduate, a former marriage therapist, and an author of several books. He loves leading all our hearts toward love.

    Read more about Jerry's very special retreats at StillPointRetreats.com.

    Order your very own Soul Blueprint and learn more about Jerry's work at YourSoulBlueprint.com.

  • There couldn't be a more perfect guest for the 100th episode of the Superhero of Love Podcast than Rebecca Winn, bestselling author of One Hundred Daffodils: Finding Beauty, Grace, and Meaning When Things Fall Apart.

    Rebecca also had her heart torn asunder and discovered her inner Superhero of Love through a path of self-discovery and some challenging inner work. But her path was strewn with beautiful trees, flowers, plants and even animals and insects! Nature helped her heal and connected her to her divine source.

    During these quarantine times, people are turning to the heart-healing properties of nature just like Rebecca has done her whole life. Her book is a botanical elixir for all of our aching hearts - whether you are in crisis, you are supporting someone who is, or you simply have a level of empathy that is causing you pain as the world navigates this crisis.

    Rebecca was supposed to be starting a nationwide book tour when the pandemic hit so listen in for how she is handling the quarantine, and how she handled the two enormous heartbreaks that lead her on this healing journey.

    You will likely enjoy Rebecca's reading of heart-soothing excerpts from her book that seem to be written for these exact times upon us now.

    At one point in the interview, Rebecca tells the story of how and when this glorious photograph of her garden came about:

    Find her book wherever you buy your books or on Amazon.

    Rebecca Winn can be found at rebeccawinn.com

    Intagram: @rebeccawinn.writer

    Facebook: Facebook.com/WhimsicalGardens and Facebook.com/WinnRebecca

    Twitter: RebeccOWinn

  • There's no time like a quarantine time to "GET YOUR BOTHER ON!"

    Jennifer Louden has a history of creating life-transforming best-seller books to help us all become even more powerful Superheroes of Love. In her brand new book Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What's Next" she leads us to uncover the "why bother?" mantra that is silently running our lives and tap into those beautiful desires we all have that will bring the wind back up under our wings so we can really fly -- and even, dare we say, make a difference in the world? Yes, even from inside our very own quarantined homes!

    Read more about Jen at jenniferlouden.com. Find her on Instagram and Facebook and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, once you buy her book, take your receipt to the "WHY BOTHER?" section of her website to get your FREE GIFTS!

  • Will Crossley did amazing things with his education a The Piney Woods School. He went off to become a successful attorney and political appointee. He could have done anything with his education, gifts and experience but he was called back to his roots at Piney Woods to serve as its fifth president, the first alumnus to serve in this role.

    He is following in the schools founder, Laurence C. Jones' footsteps as he leads with the school's core values including LOVE. Yes, one of the school's core values is LOVE!

    He is right now guiding the hearts and minds of his students from afar as they were quarantined while on spring break. It is hard to not be inspired by Will Crossley because you can feel it in your bones when you listen to him that he truly does lead with love, and with an even deeper fervor perhaps now in the middle of this quarantine.

    Prepare to be inspired by this giant heart!

  • Jody Savin is an accomplished screenwriter and film producer who graduated from Princeton and the American Film Institute. But two heart-holding projects plucked her from the entertainment industry into the world of apps and books.

    She has created an amazing app with Cybersecurity & Privacy expert Hemu Nigam that can help us take care of ourselves and each other during this pandemic. Hear how this app came about and how it can help us all in this conversation wtih Jody.

    You will also hear about her brand new book, Stitched & Sewn: The Life-Saving Art of Holocaust Survivor Trudie Strobel from Prospect Park Books which came out on April 7, 2020 about the life and art of Trudie Strobel who was interviewed in Episode 2 of this Superhero of Love Podcast!

    Prospect Park Books is offering 20% off the price of the book with the CODE "FREE20," and they are delighted to send this directly to your home so you can stay safe and read about the beautiful story and art of beloved master embroiderer, Trudie Strobel.

    Find out more about Syndesy at syndesy.io and download it today in the Apple App Store!

    Photo Credit for Jody Savin's headshot: Ann Cutting

    Photo Credit for Jody Savin and Trudie Strobel picture: Randy Miller

  • Have you searched online for a "COVID Map" to give you the details on where your area stands in the pandemic?

    Have you been getting more and more texts and emails with "deals" lately?

    Have you -- or someone you know -- been "ZOOM Bombed"?

    And, most importantly, are you wondering how you can protect yourself and help protect others during these extraordinary times?

    This episode's guest, Hemu Nigam, says we need to be more vigilant and proactive than ever. But he gives us plenty of tips and tools -- including his new app SYNDESY -- to help us navigate these extraordinary times.

    Hemu is one of the top Cybersecurity & Privacy experts in the world who is often seen on CNN and other major news outlets as an expert in online security and privacy. He was one of the country's first online crimes prosecutors against hackers and child predators at the U.S. Department of Justice.

    Hemu's company, Cyber Security Affairs, provides legal counsel and strategic advice on cutting edge online privacy and security issues. So, when Jody Savin came to him with the idea for an app that could help people feel more secure in the way they connect in the world, he was intrigued. They started developing Syndesy -- their app that just launched this week -- and soon realized that it had a timely use in helping to control the spread of the coronavirus.

    We hope you will want to download Syndesy by the end of this podcast. Find it at the Apple App Store.

    Find out more about Syndesy at Syndesy.io.

  • Small businesses are being hit hard by this pandemic. Meet two kick-ass giant-hearted small business owners, Elisa Bruley of Elisa B. and Jill Yukawa Pearson of Homage in Old Town Pasadena. They share their stories, not unlike the stories of many passionate entrepreneurs who are hurting right now.

    A great discussion on what's behind these storefronts we all know and love, and some lovely wisdom on how we might be able to support our favorite stores during this difficult time.

    Elisa and Jill are two giant-hearted store owners who give so much love and attention to their customers and to their community. Here they are at the beginning of their careers - Elisa with her mom on the day her store opened on July 15, 1993, and Jill (on the left in this photo) as a child in her first foray into jewelry-making and sales!

    Find Elisa B. at ElisaB.com and on Instagram at @myelisab

    Find Homage at HomagePasadena.com and on Instagram at @homagepasadena

    BONUS: That time when Elisa's husband, artist Robert Bonk (robertbonk.com) interrupted the podcast with a hilarious photo-bomb:

  • Jan Casebolt Walsh is a walking, talking, breathing, dancing and living-in-joy medical miracle! She would have been having heart surgery to try to extend her life that was being slowly compromised by Sarcoidosis (a disease that has plagued many first responders at 9/11) had she not had a medically documented miracle.

    Listen in if you know anyone suffering from Sarcoidosis, the disease that ended up tragically cutting Bernie Mac's life short.

    Jan refers to the Oprah interview with Bernie Mac's widow -- Oprah Episode with Benie Mac's Widow as well as the video available of Master John Douglas Workshop from 2015 (which mentions Jan's Healing). You can read more about the book mentioned here: Medical Miracles Book.

    Follow Jan at Jan's Facebook Page: Sarcoidosis Miracle

    And, most importantly, we invite you to CLICK THIS: Free Global Healing with Master John Douglas (3/21/20 Recording). As mentioned in the interview, every time you listen, you are helping not only yourself, receiving thousands of blessings, but you help the planet right now in this time of epic suffering.

  • Dr. Christopher Hartnett started the first VOIP provider, Global Link USA, in the early 90's and grew it into a billion dollar company. He was also extremely ill at the height of his success and for many years. He and his wife Linda searched the globe for years for a cure. Luckily their path led them to Master John Douglas and Chris' vibrant health. So he knows his miracles!

    If you have been touched by COVID-19 -- either body, heart, soul or bank account -- you'll want to hear this conversation and preview of the Master John Douglas teleseminar coming this Saturday, March 21st at 6 p.m. PT/9 p.m. ET. UPDATE: You can view the recording at masterangels.org. If you love this conversation with Chris, you may want to listen to the first Superhero of Love episode with him where he gives some great advice navigating the topic of karma, among other wisdom: https://superherooflove.podbean.com/e/episode-69-angels-miracles-and-soul-realization-with-dr-christopher-hartnett/ Chris mentions "Emotional Repair" To check it out click for the 3 1/2 minute angelic process from Master John Douglas: https://masterangels.org/emotional-repair/ Also mentioned is Renata Maniaci's Let's Get Metaphysical podcast interview with Dr. Hartnett: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/forcedn/letsgetmetaphysical/E.39_with_Dr._Chrstopher_Hartnett.mp3Disclaimer: Always seek immediate medical care for serious or emergency health and medical conditions, including psychological issues such as suicidal thoughts or impulses. Call 9-1-1. The statements and advice offered in this communication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition and are not substitutes for prudent medical care offered by a licensed medical professional. References to healing or treatments in this communication are describing faith-based blessings performed by God and the Master Healing Angels. They are not performed by any individual or affiliate of CMA International Foundation or the Church of the Master Angels. Neither CMA International Foundation, the Church of the Master Angels, nor any of their affiliates, speakers or representatives offer medical advice and they are not medical organizations or doctors. None of the statements made and advice offered in this communication have been independently evaluated by the medical community or the United States Food and Drug Administration. Neither CMA International Foundation, the Church of the Master Angels, nor any of their affiliates, speakers or representatives provide any warranty of any kind that any product or service any of them may recommend will be safe, appropriate or effective for any specific individual.