Earlier this week I mapped out the next 4 months of projects for our company and I thought it would be fun to give you a behind-the-scenes look at my process!
I shared about my flexible planning framework, how I prioritize business needs while honoring family commitments, and how I have a solid plan, but also leave room for inspiration to strike.
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
Generally speaking, when we're looking to increase our income we look at what we can *add*. Where can we add an extra two hours to fit in this strategy that just has to be the answer?
In this podcast episode you'll hear from membership mentor Samantha Harris as she breaks down the idea of exponential income, which is income dependent on impact, not hours.
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/293 -
Saknas det avsnitt?
“It can still be an amazing and fulfilling event, even if it’s small”
That was a sentence I scribbled down in my summit debrief doc on the 2nd day of my recent summit. It was a more impactful realization and experience than I expected!
Of course big numbers are exciting, but a small summit definitely doesn’t mean that you failed. In this episode, I’m sharing how my recent "small" summit still delivered impressive results - including hitting my revenue goals!
I'll walk you through how I shifted my focus from obsessing over registration numbers to creating an exceptional experience for attendees and why a smaller, more engaged audience can sometimes lead to stronger connections and higher conversion rates.
Whether you're planning your first summit or your tenth, my hope is that this video will help you redefine what success looks like for your virtual events.
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here at https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
“It can still be an amazing and fulfilling event, even if it’s small”
That was a sentence I scribbled down in my summit debrief doc on the 2nd day of my recent summit. It was a more impactful realization and experience than I expected!
Of course big numbers are exciting, but a small summit definitely doesn’t mean that you failed. In this episode, I’m sharing how my recent "small" summit still delivered impressive results - including hitting my revenue goals!
I'll walk you through how I shifted my focus from obsessing over registration numbers to creating an exceptional experience for attendees and why a smaller, more engaged audience can sometimes lead to stronger connections and higher conversion rates.
Whether you're planning your first summit or your tenth, my hope is that this video will help you redefine what success looks like for your virtual events.
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here at https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
Have you ever finished a summit feeling uncertain about what worked and what didn't? Or letting your numbers be the only thing that tells you whether your event was a “success” or “failure”?
In this episode, I’m breaking down my debrief process after our most recent summit.
You'll discover how I balance numbers with intuition, the surprising metrics I prioritize beyond registration counts, and how I use these insights to shape my next event strategy. I even share some honest numbers about our recent experimental summit!
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
Can you guess the #1 thing most summit hosts look for in a potential speaker? ....list size! Can you guess the #1 thing I DON'T CARE ABOUT when I'm looking for potential speakers? ...also list size!
In this episode, I'm breaking down the top 8 things I look for in my summit speakers, two things I don't care about (that others do), and I stepped on my soapbox to talk about having a list-size requirement.
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/292
Podcast playlists: https://www.summitinabox.co/playlist
Find Your Dream Speakers: https://www.summitinabox.co/dream-speakers -
It's tempting to agree to speak at a summit, send in your presentation, do a minimal amount of promotion, and consider your job done.
But what what it look like if YOU were the amazing speaker who was active in the community, on live calls, and getting everyone else pumped up?
Today, I've got Sara Alepin on the podcast to share how being that standout speaker leads to direct sales (and so much more!) in her business.
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/291 -
The "2nd week slump" is traditionally the quietest period of summit promotion.
While I love to share the benefits that summits bring and how fun most of the process is, I also want to be transparent about the less glamorous side.
So I recorded a short video sharing a behind-the-scenes look at:
The typical pattern of registrations you'll see throughout summit promotion. What my energy is like during the slump. A pattern my coach and I have noticed in my energy when I do any launch (not just a summit). The actions I take each day to keep things moving in the right direction, even during slow periods. What I do to keep my energy up when those tasks are done (and no, it isn't "rest").Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
Last year, I cut my work hours in half to homeschool my oldest daughter. While it hasn't been easy, I've managed to find a rhythm and accomplish a lot within just 20 hours per week.
In this week's Summit Conversations episode, I'm sharing:
- A few things you should know about my team and me before listening to anything I have to say.
- 6 tips, routines, and habits I've developed that help me make the most of the limited time I have.
- A couple of examples of how it's not all butterflies and rainbows. 🌈Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
I've heard a lot of people say over the years that summits only work when you have an audience of business owners. But that couldn't be further from the truth.
If you target a B2C (business-to-consumer) audience, I'm happy to tell you that B2C summits tend to work even *better* than summits for business owners.
I'm breaking down the reasons for that in today's episode along with sharing a long list of some of the B2C audiences we've helped clients host summits for!
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/290 -
If you run a B2C (business-to-consumer) business, this is for you!
Take this as your personal invite to Sell with a Summit: B2C Edition.
Learn more and register at https://www.summitinabox.co/b2c -
I see a LOT of people totally obsess over numbers when they open summit registration and get stressed about the wrong things.
In this week's short-and-sweet Summit Conversation ,I'm sharing our three-phase summit announcement process, what I look at in each stage, and why it's not worth getting bent out of shape about numbers right out of the gate.
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your thoughts and ask any questions you have.
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
This is my first time hosting a summit on part-time hours and, the truth is, I miiiiight not have done a great job of accounting for working half the hours that I used to 😅
In this episode I'm sharing a behind-the-scenes look at what I'm feeling right now, how I might be "failing" when it comes to managing my overwhelm, the steps I'm taking to help, and what I'll do if we aren't fully ready in time to open registration for our summit.
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share your best tip for managing overwhelm.
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
You might think of gamification as a strategy that can make your life or business more "fun". But as this week's guest, Kimba, shared the truth is, "fun" isn't a business objective and gamification is so much more than that!
In fact, in the world of summits you can use gamification in your marketing, sessions, live show-up rates, community engagement, all-access pass sales, affiliate promotion, speaker motivation, and so much more.
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/289 -
If you don't love the thought of pitching sponsors for your summit, you're not alone.
After getting turned down time after time when reaching out to sponsors for a summit that ultimately led to $121k in all-access pass sales, I got creative with my strategy. And I'm giving you a behind-the-scenes look today!
In this episode, you'll hear why I dislike the traditional sponsorship approach, where my current approach originated, how I filled my sponsorship spots with our upcoming summit, how I created my sponsorship packages, and what to consider if you've never offered sponsorships before.
Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share any thoughts or questions you have about sponsorships!
Join the community here >>
I've always been a little envious of summit and bundle hosts who can put out an application for their event and get hundreds of responses.
But after my experience with getting 60 applications for our upcoming summit...I'm not quite as sure 😅
In this week's video, I shared...
- What it was like for a highly sensitive, Enneagram 2, ISFJ to sort through 60 amazing people.
- How I sorted the applications into buckets.
- What my criteria ended up being.
- A big question on the application that I'm not sure that I'll use again.
- And more!Listen to the quick episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share any thoughts or questions you have about utilizing speaker applications!
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
To keep a classic strategy like virtual summits working, it's important to experiment and innovate. However, we don't want that innovation to destroy the results you get from your event!
In this episode, I'll break down why getting creative in summits is so important, the rewards and risks of doing so, and examples of what to have fun with vs. what you're better off to leave alone.
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/288 -
I used to be firmly against using speaker applications to create a summit speaker lineup.
I saw people using applications to be lazy and creating lineups that didn’t benefit ANYONE.
But I decided to give it a try in our upcoming summit for B2C business owners and leaned into speaker applications.
It was an interesting process so I decided to give you a behind-the-scenes look!
In this week’s bonus episode, I shared…
- more about why I’ve been against applications
- what made me decided to give them a try, and
- what my thoughts are now that I’m through the process.Listen to the quick 4-minute episode and then, join the conversation in the Summit Host Hangout Facebook group to share any thoughts or questions you have about utilizing speaker applications!
Join the community here >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/summithosthangout/
I've been hearing a lot of doom and gloom about the online business space lately, but from my standpoint after being at it for nearly 10 years, it's all a part of the normal cycle.
Tune into this week's episode to hear changes I've noticed over the past year in the world of summits, on online business as a whole, and what I think it means for us in 2025.
For show notes, head to https://summithosthangout.com/287
B2C Summit Waitlist: https://www.summitinabox.co/sws-waitlist
Make the Time: https://www.summitinabox.co/make-the-time - Visa fler