
  • 🎉Set your 2024 up for success by creating your Vision Board with Valorie: valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024  👀

    Having a vision and a goal is great, but there’s one thing that will help you get to the next level faster and you probably have never heard of it.

    It’s called a personal growth action plan. 

    Oftentimes, we think that the reason it's taking a long time to reach our goals is because we're not taking the right steps. 

    But it's really much bigger than just knowing what steps to take. What is even more important is understanding what’s stopping you from taking those steps.

    Do you know what the growth gap is that is keeping you from moving forward and keeping you stuck? (If you don’t, go check out Episode 34!)

    This is often where our fears, habits, distractions, sometimes circumstances can block us from growing even when we know exactly what to do. 

    Discover the personal growth action plan framework and how to use it to reach your goals in 2024. 

    In This Episode:

    - Why we can’t move forward even though we know what steps to take

    - Identifying your growth gaps

    - How to close your growth gaps

    - Experimenting with new action to close your growth gaps

    - How to leverage “positive peer pressure” to get better results

    - Big changes for the Successful Women Think Differently Podcast

    Resources Mentioned:

    Explore how SWA can be your guide in creating and sustaining your personal growth action plan. Visit ValorieBurton.com for details.

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • 1ïžâƒŁ Set your 2024 up for success by creating your Vision Board with Valorie: valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024 👀

    If you’re heading into the new year wanting to set goals but you just don’t want it to be another year of goals you didn’t complete. Another year of setting up the same goals for yourself.

    Well, this is the episode for you.

    Setting goals can often be easy enough. We know we need to set up SMART goals, and small goals, and even sub-goals
Everyone talks about it.

    But so often, we still end up missing the mark. Why?

    A sneaky little thing called growth gaps. The way YOU need to grow in order to go where you want to go.

    Learn what you need to do to ensure 2024 is the year you address those gaps on this episode of the Successful Women Think Differently podcast.

    In This Episode:

    - What is a growth gap?

    - Is fear holding you back?

    - Bad habits, missing habits, inconsistent habits

    - Are you distracted?

    - Is this the right time?

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/

  • In an ideal world, we’d all admit we need help and get coaching to work on improving ourselves.

    But that takes two things:

    1. Admitting it - which is possibly what you’ve already done by being here

    2. A coach - which you may not have or be able to afford yet

    So, while we wait for everything to work together for your good and for you to eventually have a coach, what else can we do to make sure we’re moving forward?

    Well, we can self-coach. Self-coaching is something we should do whether we have an external coach or not, but all the more so if we don’t.

    Life is hard, and we face various challenges that we don’t often know how to navigate. We can get overwhelmed by decisions or indecision and we can get stuck in our minds.

    But being your own coach is like having a toolkit to navigate these challenges that come your way. It requires pausing, reflecting, and coming up with not just the answers but the process of getting to the answers.

    Find out what key questions you should be asking yourself during your next self-coaching session. And for some FREE external coaching in the new year, check out: https://valorieburton.com/visionboardchallenge2024 

    In This Episode:

    - Self-coaching - The basic framework to find answers for yourself

    - Identifying the problem

    - What’s the vision? What do you want?

    - Identify fears, habits and distractions

    - Key coaching questions to ask yourself

    - What to do when you don’t know what to do

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • Being an overachiever is dangerous.

    Overachievers often feel the need to constantly prove themselves through accomplishments, and tend to burnout because they’re never satisfied with how far they’ve come.

    We can tend to think that being an overachiever is a good thing but realistically, it’s unsustainable.

    Instead, we should aim to be high achievers who focus on intrinsic motivation and personal growth.

    This episode is going to help you distinguish several indicators of overachievement and the key attributes in high achievers that allow for sustainability in success.

    Tune in to shift toward the growth mindset of a high achiever and away from the dangers of burning out from overachieving and never finding contentment.

    In This Episode:

    - Overachievers tend to overcompensate

    - Fixed mindset vs growth mindset

    - Overachievers are prone to upward social comparison

    - Primary motivations of overachievers vs high achievers

    - High achiever qualities

    Resources Mentioned:

    Happiness: Lessons from a New Science by Richard Layard https://a.co/d/ary9qvb 

    Personal Growth Plan https://go.valorieburton.com/swa58441289 

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • 🛑 If you've ever thought about coaching, or incorporating coaching into your leadership toolkit, don’t miss the Coach Training Intensive happening December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑

    “We're looking at expectations that might not even be our own, and beating ourselves up because we're not meeting those expectations.” - Valorie Burton

    Today, we're talking about how to stop those unhelpful upward social comparisons that can steal your joy.

    We've all been there - you see someone doing something better than you and suddenly you feel discontent because you’re not there yet, or guilty because you know you should be happy for them but you’re really just jealous.

    Don’t worry, it’s natural.

    But because successful women think differently, we must notice these thoughts and re-shift them to better serve us.


    Decrease exposure, focus on your growth, and compare yourself to your past and future self - not others. (Tune in to unpack what this looks like practically.)

    You have so much to offer, and focusing on others’ highlight reels and comparing them to your reality is only going to distract you from your bigger purpose.

    In This Episode:

    - What are upward social comparisons?

    - What’s the message in it for you?

    - Why we compare

    - Positively comparing upwardly for inspiration

    - What to do when you over-compare

    - Downward comparison - who can you help?

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • 🛑 If you've ever thought about coaching, or incorporating coaching into your leadership toolkit, don’t miss the Coach Training Intensive happening December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑

    If you’ve ever listened to this show, you’ll likely know that the topics and themes discussed here highly revolve around positive emotion.

    That’s because positive emotion is a success strategy. It’s been proven to make us more creative, make better decisions, persevere more, and improve and strengthen the bonds of our relationships.

    Which is why, naturally, the focus of this episode is gratitude. Because gratitude is a surefire way to cultivate these positive emotions.

    Today, Valorie is talking about creating a Gratitude Letter. It’s exactly what it sounds like, but it’s so powerful that you won’t want to miss the specifics of what to include. Listen in to prepare yourself for a super thankful Thanksgiving. 

    In This Episode:

    - What is gratitude?

    - Taking things for granted

    - Writing a Gratitude Letter

    - How to make a gratitude letter the most impactful

    Resources Mentioned:

    Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons https://a.co/d/azARwzA 

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • 🛑Don’t miss out on  Valorie’s upcoming Coach Training Intensive - December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑

    “If you were to meet someone who has already been there and done that, would you know what to ask them?” - Valorie

    Whether you have a mentor or not, this episode is going to prepare you for asking the right questions to help you avoid making big mistakes and to lead you in the right direction on your journey.

    As you know, at this point in the world’s timeline, chances are whatever you want to accomplish, someone else has already done. (Or at least similarly)

    So, when there are people who have created a business like the one you want to create, or people who have relationships like the one you hope to build, or people who simply have just ‘been there, done that’ on your fill-in-the-blank desires, why try to recreate the wheel?

    Instead, put these 5 questions in your back pocket and be ready to use them when you do encounter those people, and you’ll find that you can even speed up your success when you tune in to the wisdom of those individuals.

    In This Episode:

    - What’s the best decision you've ever made?

    - What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? (And Why)

    - What do you wish you knew when you started?

    - What do you do in the face of setbacks?

    - What advice do you have for me?

    Resources Mentioned:

    Successful Women Think Differently, Chapter: Don’t Go it Alone - https://a.co/d/8MM0RYY 

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton

  • 🛑 Check out Valorie’s upcoming Coach Training Intensive - December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑

    We have all felt the crushing weight of the What-Ifs that tell us something negative is bound to happen. What if we fail? What if they think I’m a fraud? What if ____? Fill in the blank.

    We do it as business owners, as dreamers, and we do it OFTEN.

    But what if there was a way you could stop getting stuck by your what-if questions?

    In this episode, Valorie discusses how "What-If" questions often get us stuck by activating our core fears of failure, success, rejection, and uncertainty.

    But get ready because her simple 3 question process for answering this looming question is going to help you overcome those fears and move you into possibility.

    In This Episode:

    1. What are you afraid of?

    2. What if that DID happen?

    3. How would I overcome it?

    What if it DID work out?

    Resources Mentioned:

    Brave Enough to Succeed - https://a.co/d/gYxXcbA 

    Take this 4 Core Fears assessment to identify your core fear!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton

  • Take this 4 Core Fears assessment to identify your core fear!

    🛑 Check out Valorie’s upcoming Coach Training Intensive - December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/ 🛑

    Today, we're diving deep to uncover what may be holding you back from your boldest dreams.

    Without this awareness, you could seriously be limiting your own growth.

    Identifying your core fears is the first step to breaking free from patterns of getting stuck.

    In this episode, Valorie outlines the four most common core fears:

    - Rejection - Fear of disapproval, concern about what others will say about us

    - Failure - Doing what’s necessary to avoid failing includes not trying

    - Success - Fear that if you succeed, it’s going to be a fluke (imposter syndrome, anyone?)

    - Uncertainty - Not knowing all the details could keep you right where you are

    Which one sounds most familiar? 

    Is it all of them? 

    To be fair, it’s not impossible to resonate with all of them at some point or another, but chances are, one of them gets you stuck most often. 

    So, which one of these sticks out to you?

    Can you recognize areas in your life where these fears are making you stuck?

    Tune in for tips on overcoming these mental barriers.

    In This Episode:

    - Awareness is the first step

    - Fear of disapproval

    - Fear of failure

    - Fear of success

    - Fear of uncertainty

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here - https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • Are you feeling stuck and unsure of your next steps? In this episode, Valorie shares some of her most powerful coaching questions that can help you get unstuck and see things in a new light.

    Whether you're dealing with a challenge at work, a dilemma in your personal life, or just need a fresh perspective, these questions will help you tap into your own wisdom and see opportunities you might otherwise miss.

    You'll learn:

    - Why focusing on answers can sometimes keep us stuck, while questions lead to new insights

    - Valorie's favorite question: "What do you want?" and how reframing around your vision pulls you out of frustration

    - How to use "What's the opportunity in this challenge?" to find growth even in difficult situations

    And more...

    Listen in to get these impactful questions that Valorie has used to help countless people overcome obstacles. Then try them out yourself - you'll be surprised at what new perspectives and possibilities emerge when you look within for the answers.

    Remember - the right questions lead to resilient, authentic solutions.

    Want more coaching like this?

    Check out the upcoming Coach Training Intensive â–ș December 2nd - 4th, 2023! https://cappinstitute.com/coaching-programs/coach-training-intensive/

    In This Episode:

    Coaching questions to get unstuck

    - What do you want?

    - What’s the vision?

    - How do you want to show up in this situation?

    - What’s the opportunity?

    Check out the upcoming Coach Training Intensive - https://cappinstitute.com/

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/

    Website - https://valorieburton.com/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton

  • There’s no way you haven’t heard this from someone before. “Never give up, you’re no quitter.”

    Actually, oftentimes, if not most, quitting is associated with failure.

    But does that even make sense? The idea that we can never quit or walk away from something doesn’t seem to leave room for growth, does it?

    Like when you grow and realize that this thing you signed up for or initially started to pursue isn’t actually helpful or healthy – are you meant to stick through it?

    Well, it’s possible that the real failure is in the limiting belief that you can’t change your mind and move on.

    If you feel stuck and you don’t know if it’s time to walk away yet, this episode is for you. Valorie’s 5 signs to know if you should keep going or if it’s time to quit will help you assess your goals in a new light and steer you in the right direction.

    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

    In This Episode:

    - When quitting is right for you

    - Matthew 11:28-30 ‘Weary and burdened’

    - 5 Ways to know if you should persevere or keep going

    - #1 You’re energized

    - #2 Stretched but not broken

    - #3 Peace in the chaos

    - #4 Purpose in the pain

    - #5 Worth the effort (Reward on the other side!)

    - What will this goal give you that you don’t already have?

    - Recap

    And more!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton

  • If you’re in a rut and are looking for a way out, check out Happy Women Live Better - https://a.co/d/iolzNgR

    In the book, Valorie references 13 research-based happiness triggers that build positive emotion. But in this episode, she dives deep into just one: Anticipation.

    It’s so easy to get stuck in the routine, right? Wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.

    But is life supposed to be so mundane?

    What’s something you can do to get out of the rut of day-to-day life?

    Well, most of us know when there’s a vacation set on the calendar, it’s really easy to move with a little more pep in your step as it’s creeping up. The excitement keeps you going even on the days when everything seems just to be unexciting. Well, guess what's that called? 


    But we can’t all just add more vacations to the calendar, so what can we do instead?

    Tune in for 5 easy steps you can take to cultivate more anticipation, which can absolutely transform your outlook on life. 

    “Positive Emotion, as I say, over and over again, is a success strategy.” - Valorie Burton.

    In This Episode:

    - Cultivating Positive Emotion

    - How Anticipation Helps Boredom

    - Don’t have time?

    - Don’t have something to look forward to?

    - Set goals

    - Make a list of simple pleasures

    - Talk about it

    - Add to the joy

    - Count it down

    And more!

    Want more juicy details about cultivating positive emotion? 

    Check out this episode: https://youtu.be/AuXbfoOjIGI?si=rD6IcPnwJriIJ4Pj 

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • **For extra tips on stopping your Analysis Paralysis, visit  https://valorieburton.com/podcast**

    The curse of having too many good ideas or options

    Is there any chance you can actually accomplish them all? And if you can’t, how do you choose which one(s) to start with, knowing that it might mean the other ones never come to life?

    It’s like trying to choose a new movie to watch on Netflix and instead watching dozens of trailers only to look back and realize you’ve missed out on a whole hour that could have actually been spent watching one of those movies.

    It’s overwhelming, to say the least.

    This happens to business owners all the time. You start a business, and you think of loads of things that can contribute to your business success, but you just don’t know where to start.

    Well, that’s why Valorie recommends: “Don’t be a Maximizer.”

    It means you need to break the thought pattern that says, “There might be something better.”

    Instead, the key is to become a “Satisficer.”

    Don’t worry if you don’t know what these terms mean. It will all make sense after you listen to this bite-sized episode that will help you take your first step toward your next good idea.

    “Satisficers are not slackers by any stretch. They are more content. They're more efficient in their work. They miss fewer important opportunities because they have the time to focus on the things that truly matter.” - Valorie Burton.

    In This Episode:

    - Paradox of Choice by Dr. Barry Schwartz

    - What is a Maximizer?

    - What is Satisficing?

    - How to Satisfice

    - Voluntarily limiting your choices

    - Determining what is good enough

    - Why lowering your expectations doesn’t have to be a negative

    - Comparing your decisions with everyone else’s

    - About the Successful Women’s Academy

    And more!

    Interested in developing better habits for success like the ones mentioned in this Episode? 

    Check out Chapter 7 in Valorie’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Successful-Women-Think-Differently-Healthier/dp/0736938567/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=  

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube -

  • ****For help with your vision, visit  http://valorieburton.com/vision - this is a FREE resource usually reserved for clients only.****

    Things rarely just fall into place.

    Sometimes, we look at our lives and everything we’ve accomplished or haven’t, and we wonder, “Are things supposed to be this hard?” OR, “Why do I feel stuck?”

    And the answer can be found in one simple but powerful practice—your vision.

    If your vision is unclear or it hasn’t been updated in a while, it’s likely what is holding you back from living the fulfilling life you desire.

    Your vision should be a painted picture of your future. Vivid, specific, and not to be confused with your purpose.

    Is your vision compelling? Does it encompass every part of your life? Have you shared it with those around you?

    If not, when things get difficult, you might just give up.

    This episode will guide you in creating a vision that moves you and ensures you don’t quit too early.

    “When we don’t get clarity about what we want, it’s almost like we’re living by accident.” - Valorie Burton.

    In This Episode:

    - Are you living someone else's vision?

    - Is your vision guilty of one of these?

    Not CompellingNot CompleteNot Communicated

    - Vision Manifesto - How can it help you?

    - Your Best Possible Future Self

    - Self-reflection questions

    And more!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • Motivation is like the wind. It comes and it goes.

    Chances are it’s going more than it’s coming.

    As much as you wish that you could feel productive, and inspired to take action all the time (or even half of the time), there’s just a missing motivation that often stops you from doing what you need to do.

    So in this episode, Valorie is going to give you the secret that all successful people use to stay motivated 100% of the time without fail.

    Here’s the Big Secret: Don’t believe anyone telling you they have got the secret to all-day, every day motivation. It’s a lie.

    HA! No, but seriously. The truth is, no one feels motivated 100% of the time.

    Those mindset gurus and motivational speakers and ultra-successful people you see on Social Media may be more motivated than you, but even they struggle sometimes.

    So, if it’s not motivation, what is it that makes them different? Is it just that they love what they do? Or that it comes naturally to them? Or maybe they just have better inspiration.

    No, it’s that they’ve learned to distinguish their feelings from their decisions. And you can too.

    If you’re ready to stop waiting and start achieving, tune in to hear this message of empowerment and learn how to make consistent progress toward your biggest goals.

    “Your feelings are honest. They’re not necessarily the truth.” - Valorie Burton

    Need extra help with inspiration and motivation? Check out Valorie’s vision manifesto at https://valorieburton.com/podcast and share it with a friend!

    In This Episode:

    - Why feelings shouldn’t dictate our actions

    - Why we shouldn’t wait for motivation

    - How labeling our emotions can help us take action

    - How taking action without motivation can help us build confidence

    And more!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • My Christian campgoers will get this. Stick with me for a second

    Have you ever gone to a camp, been pumped up by the Holy Spirit, felt truly transformed, enlightened, and ready to change the world?

    But then you get back home, your sister says something mean or wrong about you, and all that goes out the window?

    For my non-Christian camp goers, it’s like going to a work meeting where you’re all on the same page, everyone has valuable feedback, and then you go back to work, and nothing changes; you’re just all complaining.

    The point is that staying positive is easy when you're surrounded by positivity, but it can be challenging when you encounter negative people and situations.

    But as you know, we can't let negativity take over our lives.

    So what do we do?

    We listen to this episode for the 4 steps to overcome negativity and remember that opportunities can arise from challenges. 

    By following these four strategies, you can block out negativity, preserve your peace, and maintain your joy.

    “A lot of times, what ends up happening is that people that are button pushers, when you disable the buttons they like to push, they eventually just move on. It's not any fun anymore. They can't control you anymore.” ~Valorie Burton

    In This Episode:

    - Exercising Discipline

    - What can YOU control?

    - Gratitude can shift your perspective

    - Deciding who YOU want to be

    - Considering that God might be moving me out of this situation

    If this helped you overcome a tough situation, go get the FREE download with these 4 strategies at http://valorieburton.com/breakfree and share it with a friend!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/

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  • Turns out “Work Hard, Play Hard” may be way more scientifically sound than any of us thought.

    As a responsible adult, chances are your struggle is likely in the playing part. You’ve got all caught up with work, chores, maybe raising kids, and the seriousness of life’s various obstacles.

    And the last thing you want to hear is that you should be adding more to your list and generally be more positive. Why? Why does it even matter beyond the obvious feel-good mushy stuff?

    Elaine O'Brien, renowned fitness and positive psychology leader, is on the show today to walk us through the impact that play has on our lives and even our work. There are huge benefits you’re missing out on if you’re not playing. Particularly, you’re missing out on a tool that actually helps you deal with the really hard things in life.

    Elaine’s inspiring work in advancing mental health and physical fitness has transformed the lives of thousands. It has shown that play has the power to provide us with a mental and emotional cushion when dealing with life’s crises.

    Whether it’s Nerf gun wars, swinging in playgrounds, cracking jokes, or other games, the key is looking for opportunities to create joy in life’s everyday cycles.

    How many of us have things thrown our way that we wish we handled better? Well, tune in because this could be the key.

    If you can incorporate those micro-moments of play, even into your most serious day, it kind of sets you free. It connects you.” ~ Elaine O’Brien

    In This Episode:

    - Playing hard is actually a great success strategy

    - Play isn’t just something you do AFTER all the hard work

    - How play can create a foundation of goodness and shift your baseline

    - Overcoming your Negativity Bias

    - The power of play at work

    And so much more!

    Connect with Elaine O’Brien and check out her resources:

    - Website: http://elaineobrienphd.com

    - Elaine’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Play-Optimize-Your-Potential-ebook/dp/B0BFJSR5RM

    - Check out the FREE Power of Play Fun Tracker https://www.powerofplay.fun

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Research on Positive Emotions - https://positivepsychology.com/broaden-build-theory/

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton

 Your commitment to personal growth and making a positive impact is truly commendable, and we're excited to explore a topic that can enrich your journey.

    Today, we're delving into the heart of gratitude. It's a practice that might seem straightforward, but as we navigate life's challenges, finding reasons to be grateful can be tough.

    Your boss is underappreciating your work, you’ve got dishes piling up and chores that never end, you take 3 steps forward but something pushes you back 20, someone cuts you off on the road or you’re going through major medical and health issues
In a world filled with ups and downs, it's only natural to sometimes wonder if there's anything to be thankful for.

    However, let's not underestimate the power of gratitude. It's not just a mere platitude; it's a genuine superpower that can elevate your entire life. It's not about denying challenges, but rather about embracing a mindset that can lead to better sleep, improved mood, and stronger relationships.

    It’s a happiness trigger and that’s precisely why so many successful women use it.

    Valorie will share some powerful examples of how gratitude has changed her life in this episode. If you haven’t already pressed play, won’t you let this episode help you make a Gratitude Adjustment?

    "Positive emotion is a success strategy. We know this because the research shows that positive emotion literally makes you more resilient, it expands your ability to deal with adversity and with stress." ~ Valorie Burton

    In This Episode:

    - Having a gratitude adjustment: The best way to express gratitude

    - How gratitude impacts your health and your relationships

    - How gratitude impacts your success

    - Are you taking things for granted?

    - Defining gratitude and how to use it as a tool

    And so much more!

    Before you go, try this out:

    Think of something in your life where you just know you haven’t had a great attitude

    - Write down 3 things you can choose to be grateful for in that situation

    - Reflect on why you are grateful and write that down too

    - Remember, successful women think differently. These kinds of tools will help you do that.

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton 

  • Let's face it: there are days when you just don't feel like getting things done. On those days, what are the thoughts that can move you forward when you don't feel motivated?

    Valorie is sharing a simple yet valuable tool on how we can keep moving forward on those days when we can't seem to get out of bed. Sharing a story from her father, sometimes momentum starts with just getting your feet on the ground. 

    Learning that sometimes your feelings are not 'the truth', perhaps you need to consider honoring the actions that will take you to where you know you want to go. And if we do this, a pre-determined intentional action, we give our feelings time to catch up.

    Take writing, for example: rather than sit around waiting to feel inspired to start writing, take the action of sitting down to write. And surely, inspiration will follow! 

    There's also advice on taking a gratitude break, knowing when to phone a friend, and how to be intentional about cultivating positive emotions that will all help move the needle for you on those days when you simply don't want to move at all! 

    All of this inspiring content is presented with Valorie's warmth and authenticity in an episode of Successful Women Think Differently that everyone will surely be able to relate to. Please join us.

    "Our feelings are honest. But they're not necessarily the truth." ~ Valorie Burton

    In This Episode:

    - Understanding that our feelings are honest, but not necessarily "the truth"

    - Honoring how we feel – and then the action above that

    - Learning how to lower the bar and shift our expectations

    - When we take action, we cause our feelings to shift

    - Cultivating positive emotion to shift your perspective

    - The importance of taking a Gratitude Break

    - Knowing when to call a friend for some reflection on what you're going through

    - Knowing when it's okay to take a personal day

    And so much more!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton

  • Have you ever taken the next step because it was offered? Not because it was your dream job but because it was an easy opportunity that just came along. 

    And then perhaps, after a while, deep down, you began to wonder: is there something more? Is there an opportunity out there that is more aligned with your deeper purpose?

    Today on Successful Women Think Differently, host Valorie Burton is engaging in a coaching session with Jen Ramona, unpacking her 'should,' her purpose, and her next career move. 

    Jen is part of Valorie's Successful Women Academy (SWA), and she has actually known Valorie since the 7th Grade. And so there is a warm affection between these two friends as Jen opens up on her recent retrenchment ("they" call it restructuring) - and what she should do next.

    Jen started her career as an office manager some 22 years ago and ended up as a healthcare executive in the same company. Deep down, she knew that the job was not the thing she should do forever – and so now she is taking some time to figure out what she should really be doing. 

    Valorie is able to assist Jen in articulating her values, what she brought to her team, and what it would require from her next opportunity to turn that experience from a 9 into a 10. 

    This episode is a delightful instruction in assessing your 'shoulds,' pinpointing what has been working for you (not "they”), and then articulating and aligning your strengths before focusing on a more purposeful next step! Please join us. 

    "I don't know how, but I think losing my job is going to be the biggest blessing." ~ Jen Ramona

    In This Episode:

    - Jen shares where she is at career-wise

    - Is it okay to fall into the next thing? 

    - What is your dream role?

    - Defining 'when I grow up'

    - How is curiosity driving you to be different?

    - What's missing from Jen's career?

    - Lining up your 'shoulds' and assessing what's working 

    And so much more!

    Connect with Valorie Burton:

    - Check out all of Valorie's books here- https://valorieburton.com/books/ 

    - Website - https://valorieburton.com/ 

    - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/valorieburton/ 

    - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/valorieburton/  

    - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/valorieburton/  

    - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@valorieburton