
  • Today, we're discussing how to empower women, especially women of color, in the workplace. We'll share strategies to support their success in various roles and how their leadership can positively affect everyone in an organization. Join us as we explore ways to create inclusive environments, promote diversity, and maximize the potential of all team members. Are you ready to empower women and drive positive change in your workplace? Tune in now!

    03:20 What does being an ally look like?

    04:12 How are you supporting women leaders within your organization?

    04:51 What about mentorship?

    07:20 Networking and its importance

    08:30 The importance of genuine connections

    13:56 Always try to be on the lookout on how you can show up and help your women leaders


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  • Have you ever wondered how teamwork skills can make all the difference, both on the court and in the office? In today's episode, we're diving into the excitement of the recent women's basketball championship, celebrating the victory of the University of South Carolina and the incredible leadership of Coach Dawn Staley. Join us as we unpack the lessons learned from the court and explore how they can fuel success in your professional life. Let's uncover how embracing teamwork can be the game-changer you need to reach your career goals. Don't miss out - tune in now and let's unlock your full potential together!

    02:50 Taking time to acknowledge your opponent speaks volume

    03:12 The discipline of teamwork

    03:38 Are you as a leader elevating and supporting everybody in your team?

    04:46 Leadership and focusing on what is working

    05:24 A good team is one where everyone is working together to support each other

    06:14 How do you support each other as a team?

    09:00 Benefits of celebrating your team

    10:18 What steps are you taking to bring your team together as a leader?


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  • Ready to Lead through Change? Today's episode addresses the challenge of staying motivated and engaged amidst workplace restructuring. How can leaders confidently navigate AI integration, new management, and economic shifts? Join us as we explore strategies for resilience and success in a changing world. Are you ready to lead through change? Tune in now!

    01:20 How do you navigate challenges during the unpredictable restructuring that happens?

    01:54 How to escalate and cascade through some tough navigations at work?

    03:27 Give yourself space to live through the day

    04:19 How do you show up with a mindset that will help you be productive?

    06:40 What are the benefits of building relationships and networks at your workplace?

    07:31 The importance of dealing with a career grief

    There are so many possibilities that can open up if you show up in a positive way rather than showing up in a resentful and bitter way – Hayley Dennis


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s Top 10 Strategies to Gain Confidence At Work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • Ready to level up your career game? Have you ever felt feedback is the enemy, keeping you from those high-ranking roles and promotions? In today's episode, we discuss the art of receiving feedback and how it can propel your career forward. Tune in as we reveal strategies to embrace feedback, connect with your managers, and pave your path to success. Don't let feedback hold you back - it's time to take control and thrive in your career. Ready to unlock your full potential? Join us now!

    02:15 Do not view feedback as the enemy

    02:50 What is the importance of continuous feedback

    04:38 The effects of giving feedback way too late

    08:52 What is the importance of having a 360-angle feedback

    11:20 How to use Verbal 360

    It is your responsibility as a leader to figure out how you can help your direct report grow in their career – Hayley Dennis


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s Top 10 Strategies to Gain Confidence At Work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • Ever feel like you need to be the boss of your boundaries? How do you set them, stick to them, and handle tricky situations? Join us in today's episode as we uncover the secrets to mastering this essential skill. Ready to level up your boundary game?

    01:20 What are boundaries?

    02:30 How can you help someone else to understand or respect the boundaries that you’ve set?

    06:30 How do the patterns hidden in our subconscious impact our boundaries?

    07:36 Call to action! Think about one area of your life that you need to set a boundary

    08:04 What is preventing you from sticking to the boundaries you have set?

    10:30 The 3 R’s to Teach Our Old Brain New Tricks by Terry

    Nobody can break your boundaries except you - Hayley Dennis

    Link to the previous episode on boundaries https://shorturl.at/sBMV6


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  • Our culture is finally recognizing the importance of having and maintaining strong personal boundaries. But were you ever taught exactly how to set healthy boundaries? In this episode, we’ll discuss the significance of boundaries and how they play a pivotal role in shaping our emotions and communication with others.

    What you will learn:

    Recognizing and managing anger is essential for emotional well-being. Identifying emotional signs indicates when boundaries have been crossed, fostering healthier interactions. Understanding resistance helps navigate challenges and maintain personal boundaries effectively. Empowering oneself over personal feelings, rather than attempting to control others' emotions, promotes self-growth and reduces resentment.

    02:07 How to manage emotions when you are angry

    03:22 Emotional signs that tell you your boundaries have been crossed

    06:24 What is resistance all about?

    10:14 You don’t have any power over how other people feel but you do have power over your feelings

    10:49 What brings about resentment?


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  • In today's episode, we look into the consequences of assertiveness at work, especially for women of color. The discussion covers the 'DISC' model, and the impact of perception on interpretation, emphasizing the significance of pausing for effective communication.

    Today you’ll be learning the following;

    Cultivate curiosity, and assertively engage for impactful presence in influential spaces.Navigate assertiveness challenges, especially for women of color.Understand personality dynamics using the 'DISC' model.Acknowledge how perception influences interpretation.Harness the power of pausing for thoughtful communication.Learn practical strategies for assertiveness and impactful communication.

    0:51 People often soften their language because they fear conflict, rudeness, rejection, and pushback.

    1:05 What not being more assertive at work results in.

    1:29 ABW ( Angry Black Woman) phrase and women of color's struggles when they are assertive.

    6:13 ‘DISC’ meaning and how people react and how they should be treated.

    8:46 Meaning of perception and how it affects people’s ways of interpretation.

    12:03 The power of pausing.

    12:26 Things to keep in mind when communicating.

    15:16 Be curious, take what you need, and leave the rest so that you can be heard in the spaces of influence you are at.

    15:55 Be assertive and effective in your work and what you do daily.


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In this episode, we discuss the role of communication in personal growth. Emphasizing active listening, we explore its significance, look into understanding, and conclude with key relationship-building attributes.

    Today you’ll be learning the following;

    Recognize communication as a potent tool for personal advancement.Understand the dynamics of value in the marketplace through the discussion of four distinct levels.Acknowledge the direct link between active listening and personal development.Appreciate the crucial role of active listening in effective communication.Explore the depth of understanding within the listening process for more meaningful interactions.

    0:49 Communication is one of the greatest tools to push ourselves forward.

    1:02 The four levels of value in the marketplace.

    6:28 Active listening is equivalent to growth.

    7:56 Importance of active listening.

    11:44 What listening is about.

    12:21 Meaning of listening with understanding.

    12:28 Types of listening.

    14:36 Attributes that are important in building a relationship.


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In today's episode, we discuss the nature of power, its various forms, and the value of possessing it. We examine Indra Nooyi's achievements as the CEO of PepsiCo and talk about authenticity, ownership, intentionality, and the power of aligned behavior.

    Today you’ll be learning the following;

    Delve into the types and significance of personal empowerment in shaping our choices and actions.Gain insights from Indra Nooyi's leadership journey at PepsiCo, illustrating the impact of visionary leadership on organizational success.Embrace the concept of taking ownership of our growth and development, catalyzing progress in both personal and professional spheres.Recognize the pivotal role of authenticity and self-awareness in fostering trust, connection, and effective leadership.Understand how purposeful actions, aligned with ownership, serve as catalysts for achieving desired outcomes and personal fulfillment.

    0:56 What is power, types of power, and owning your power?

    02:40 The story of owning the power of Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo Chief Executive, and how she leads PepsiCo to success.

    06:58 Importance of intentionality.

    07:12 What is ownership and how do you take ownership?

    08:28 Meaning and importance of authenticity and self-awareness.

    10:48 What it means to show up as your authentic self.


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In today's episode, we explored the significance of core values in strategic planning.

    Today you’ll be learning the following:

    Explore the importance of identifying your values in guiding strategic planning decisions.The process of identifying strengths and weaknesses to inform strategic planning.Learn strategies for turning weaknesses into valuable learning opportunities.Discuss the significance of aligning your role with your career goals and overall strategic vision.Explore effective methods for measuring success in strategic planning endeavors and tracking progress towards goals.

    Link to the previous episode on; Roadmapping: Aligning Your Vision, Values, and Purpose



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    Check out Hayley's bestselling book here.

  • In today's episode, the discussion centers around the profound impact of our WHY in shaping decisions. Emphasizing the significance of having a clear vision as a personal north star, the episode explores the distinction between goals and visions. It delves into the concept of envisioning a legacy beyond oneself and encourages reflecting on past experiences for tangible learning. Greguyschka and Hayley also guides listeners to define their version of success and advocates for periodically resetting and renewing commitments.

    What you will learn:

    The Power of WHY: Understand the significant role that your WHY plays in influencing and guiding your decisions.Vision as a Compass: View your vision as a personal north star, providing direction and purpose in your life.Legacy Thinking: Consider the broader impact of your goals by envisioning a legacy that extends beyond yourself.Goal vs. Vision: Differentiate between setting goals and having a long-term vision to achieve a more holistic approach to personal development.

    1:51 Our WHY drives our decisions

    5:31 Your vision is like your compass, it is your north star.

    5:35 Beyond yourself, what is that big Harry vision that you have that will live beyond you?

    6:30 The difference between a goal and a vision

    16:47 Define what success looks like for you.

    20:45 Look into the past, the tangible learning you had, the good, bad, ugly, and the great, then reset and renew commitments.


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In this very first episode of the year 2024, Greguyschika and Hayley discuss their chosen words of the year, exploring the importance of trust and reasons why people may lack it. They emphasize the direct impact of relationship quality on life quality and conclude with reflections on what they hope not to see in 2024. Dive in to learn more.

    Today you’ll be learning the following:

    Set Intentions with Words of the Year: Learn the value of choosing guiding words to shape your mindset and actions.Address Trust Issues: Recognize and tackle trust issues in personal and professional relationships.Prioritize Relationship Quality: Understand that the quality of your relationships directly influences your overall life satisfaction.

    4:41 Gregyuschuka and Hayley discuss their word of the year.

    7:75 Importance of trust

    14:07 Reasons why people don’t trust each other.

    16:36 The quality of your relationship determines the quality of your life.

    19:37 What is the one thing you expect and hope not to see in 2024?


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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    Check out Hayley's bestselling book here.

  • In this episode, Hayley and Greguyschka discuss their journey with constructive feedback. The conversation explores effective strategies for addressing underperforming employees, emphasizing the importance of understanding individual personalities, creating a positive emotional space, proactively identifying underlying issues, and practicing active listening during feedback sessions.

    Today you'll be learning the following:

    Personalized Feedback Approach: Tailor feedback by understanding individual personalities and how they process feedback.Emotional Preparation: Prioritize a positive mental and emotional environment for both parties before giving feedback.Proactive Problem-solving: Identify and address underlying issues, not just symptoms, for more effective resolutions.Root Cause Resolution: Address underlying issues for effective problem-solving.

    1:19 Hayley shares her experience with constructive feedback

    3:43 How would you handle a conversation with an employee who has been underperforming?

    12:02 Get to know the personality of the person, understand how they take feedback and how they reflect.

    15:26 Ensure both the employer(you) and the employee are in a good mental and emotional space before giving feedback

    15:34 Before the meeting identify the underlying issue not just the symptom

    17:59 Listen actively not passively


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In this episode, we share personal stories about performance reviews from both leadership and employee perspectives. Greguyschka offers management-level insights, and Hayley discusses the impact of perfectionism. We delve into the purpose of performance reviews and highlight the crucial role of one-on-one meetings between leaders and employees. Stay tuned for Hayley's insightful questions and key takeaways. Tune in for a thoughtful exploration of performance evaluations and fostering meaningful workplace connections.

    Today you'll be learning the following:

    Embrace Feedback for Growth: See performance reviews as opportunities for personal and professional development through constructive feedback.

    Transparent Leadership Matters: Understand the impact of transparent communication from a managerial standpoint, enhancing workplace dynamics.

    Mastering Constructive Conversations: Learn practical strategies for fostering positive and effective one-on-one meetings, contributing to a supportive work environment.

    Feedback as a Catalyst for Growth: Explore how feedback during performance reviews catalyzes personal and professional development, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

    0.37 What story do you have about performance review as a leader and employee?

    2.32 Greguyschka talks from a management level

    6.08 Hayley talks about perfectionism

    9.02 Purpose of a performance review

    11:41 Importance of one one-on-one meeting of leaders with employees

    14:21 Performance review should happen every year at the same period of the year.


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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    Check out Hayley's bestselling book here.

  • On today's episode, Greyguyschka welcomes Patience, a transformation and leadership coach. They discuss current polls in England and the United States before diving into topics like navigating change, women in leadership, and mindset shifts for introverted and extroverted professionals.

    The episode also dispels myths about introversion and offers guidance for those facing challenges. Closing with a focus on leading with courage, they outline actions for embracing all facets of the framework. Tune in for insights on change, leadership, and navigating introversion professionally.

    Today you’ll learn the following:

    Empathy in Change: Learn the significance of empathy in supporting others through change, whether personal or professional.Breaking Gender Barriers: Challenge stereotypes around female leadership and encourage a more inclusive perspective on women in leadership roles.Valuing Diversity in Work Styles: Embrace the strengths of both introverted and extroverted individuals in the professional realm, fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.Leadership Mindset: Uncover the mindset shifts essential for confident leadership, regardless of personality type.

    7:23 How do we deal with change, help, and support all professions and people who need support to go through change?

    13:22 Why are women struggling to see themselves as leaders?

    17:41 What mindset shifts are required to step up for introverted and extroverted professional and business owners?

    22:35 Are there myths about introversion?

    31:20 What are the other four parts of how to lead with courage?

    33:24 What are the actions to take to become a courageous leader who embraces all the six facets of the framework?


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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    Check out Hayley's bestselling book here.

  • In today's episode, we delve into the essential topic of recession-proofing your career. Hayley shares her personal experiences during a recession, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and processing emotions. We also explore how transparency in organizations plays a crucial role in organizations. Join us for valuable insights on facing career challenges with resilience and a positive outlook.

    What you will learn:

    The Healing Power of Grief and AcceptanceStrategies for Recession-Proofing CareersCoping with Grief in Professional Settings

    00:43 How to recession-proof your career

    03:42 Hayley’s experience with recession

    05:38 Give yourself the grace to just feel sad a little bit and cry a little bit because it is part of life

    06:24 Mindset matters and emotions matter too

    09:17 Recession can create grief and it can also give a sense of the fear of the unknown

    17:00 Transparency and its importance in an organization


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In today's episode, we explore strategies to amplify our voices and communicate more effectively, emphasizing the importance of avoiding self-limiting behaviors. The episode delves into the crucial role of confidence in effective communication, encouraging listeners to reflect on past instances of confidence and learn from them. Join us as we navigate the finer details of communication, aiming to enhance our impact and presence in various settings.

    You will learn the following:

    Effective Communication TechniquesBuilding Confidence in CommunicationSetting Boundaries with a Positive Approach

    00:50 How do we amplify our voice in order for us to be able to share without playing it small?

    03:58 Be clear and concise when you have ideas/things to say

    04:47 Be client/stakeholder focused i.e. what is your stakeholder’s communication style?

    06:03 Tone: How do you come across?

    13:57 Confidence plays a huge role in communication.

    15:05 Call to action: Think about the last time you felt really confident when you were speaking/Communicating

    16:30 Learn how to say no!

    Here's the link to download the e-book on Nonviolent Communication. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B014OISVU4/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1700437003&sr=8-1


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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    Check out Hayley's bestselling book here.

  • On today's episode, the spotlight is on crucial aspects of professional growth. The conversation kicks off by underscoring the pivotal role of effective communication, followed by a reflection on personal impact within the workplace. The episode encourages individuals to showcase their successes boldly. It also delves into the importance of aligning with leadership vision and actively supporting it. Stepping out of one's comfort zone is advocated for its advantages, and the discussion concludes by emphasizing the market value of imagination and visionary thinking as the fourth level of value.

    What you will learn:

    Communication is Key: The episode underscores the importance of effective communication in the professional realm. Mastering this skill is essential for successful collaboration and navigating the workplace.

    Alignment with Leadership Vision: This involves actively seeking to contribute to and align with the overarching goals and direction set by leaders within the organization.

    Embrace Change and Imagination: Stepping out of one's comfort zone and adapting to new environments is highlighted as advantageous. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the market value of imagination and visionary thinking, positioning it as a valuable asset in the professional landscape.

    02:02 The communication stage

    05:11 How is the work that you are doing impacting your company

    07:20 Brag on your success, brag on your impact

    08:15 Ask your leaders what their vision is and how you can support that vision

    10:22 Advantages of stepping out of your comfort zone and getting comfortable within the new space

    12:13 The fourth level of value that is truly valued in the marketplace: the imagination/visionary level


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • Today's episode explores the challenges and dynamics of career advancement, especially when less experienced colleagues receive promotions instead of you. It delves into the concept of the "first two layers of value" and how to apply them in your career journey. The episode also discusses what happens in the "reunification stage" and addresses common misconceptions linked to feelings of being undervalued and unappreciated. It highlights the consequences of staying at the "doer level," such as increased burnout and feeling overwhelmed. Overall, it provides insights into career progression and personal growth in a professional context.

    What you will learn:

    Self-Reflection for Growth: This awareness can help you position yourself effectively for career advancement.Recognizing Misconceptions: This can lead to a healthier perspective on your career and personal values.Avoiding the "Doer's Trap": It's important to aspire to progress and contribute at higher levels to achieve a more fulfilling and sustainable career path.

    02:31 Why less experienced colleagues get promoted instead of you

    02:54 The first two layers of value and how to implement them into your own journey

    09:22 What happens in the reunification stage?

    10:07 Two common misconceptions that you may wrestle with which are linked to the feelings of being undervalued and unappreciated that touch both levels

    11:53 Effects of remaining on the doer level i.e. more burnout, being overwhelmed and overworked, etc.


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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  • In today's episode, we are joined by Joyce Odidison, an accomplished figure in the well-being and leadership realm. She is the President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services and founded the Annual Global Workplace Wellness Summit. Joyce is a Master Certified Coach and the author of six books on well-being. We are excited to have her on the show to share her valuable insights and expertise.

    Today's episode covers a broad spectrum of subjects. It starts by addressing ways to support individuals stuck in toxic environments, tackles stress management, and offers guidance on conflict resolution for leaders. The episode also explores the concept of over-reliance on one person for problem-solving and discusses spiritual development, emphasizing the importance of integrity. Self-mastery and a reference to the Global Workplace Wellness Summit round out the topics discussed, making for a well-rounded and informative episode.

    What you will learn:

    Support in Toxic EnvironmentsEffective Conflict ResolutionPersonal Growth: It encourages individuals to strive for self-improvement and growth continuously.

    01:34 How to support someone in a toxic environment recognizes that but feels stuck.

    04:00 Stress thinking

    04:44 How to respond to conflicts as a leader

    05:02 If you are the person they come to for every problem then you are the problem

    05:25 The 12 competencies that are taught for people to develop spiritually

    06:18 Integrity: Integrity is the core of who we are

    09:58 Self-mastery

    22:59 Global workplace wellness summit


    Visit our website here. Download Greguyschka & Hayley’s top 10 Strategies to help women regain confidence at work. Sign up here to get your copy.

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