Once again, these are more for me because ive been struggling to listen to my subliminals frequently which is why the song choices are strange. This one is to make my forehead small! <3 subliminal maker-lays subs song: art is dead, bo burnham
Credits: wickestia and solar subs
Saknas det avsnitt?
Credits: solar subs, kottie, beauty krystalised, baejing, eggtopia, vetalia
CREDITS : MOZAMORPH Benifits ; Big lips, get taller, small forehead, desired face, body, life, personality, voice, be a master of academics and arts (literature, painting ect.) Clear skin + booster **DESIRED RESULTS ONLY**
Get a small forehead with this :-)
• Grow to your desired height • grow extremley quick CREDITS TO MOZAMORPH
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Affirmations here! -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11YNh2DrYkv5S_Lq2n6CQH89D0FbHmoQCrE2Cdc9vWEY/edit?usp=drivesdk