Wat als Plato geen filosoof, maar hulpverlener was geweest? Of als Wittgenstein en Heidegger samen relatietherapie hadden gegeven? Wat was hun advies geweest aan radeloze ouders over opstandige pubers en krijsende peuters? Hoe hadden zij samengewerkt met familieleden, sportcoaches en leraren? Wat was hun advies geweest over kansrijk opvoeden en opgroeien en konden zij zich vinden in de belofte van JIM: 'Met je eigen wortels groei je het mooist'?
Levi van Dam (orthopedagoog en oprichter JIM) en Stefan Cuppen (Systeemtherapeut, JIMtrainer en coach) gaan vanuit hun nieuwsgierigheid in gesprek met filosofen. Niet omdat ze nou zo goed thuis zijn in de filosofie, maar omdat filosofen hen inspireren in hun vak en in hun mens-zijn. Luister en denk je mee? -
Es gibt keine Utopien mehr, heißt es oft. Wir denken: Es gibt jede Menge Utopien, nur spricht niemand darüber! Das wollen wir ändern. Einmal im Monat reden wir mit einem/r Expert*in über positive Zukunftsentwürfe, von politischen Utopien bis zu den schönen neuen Welten in literarischen Werken, in Filmen oder in der Musik. Mit kritischer Neugierde und großer Lust auf Alternativen dieser nur scheinbar alternativlosen Welt.
Presentatrice Eva Clockaerts gaat elke week in gesprek met verschillende experts, opiniemakers en ervaringsdeskundigen rond onderwerpen zoals: seksualiteit, vrouwen in de maatschappij, vluchtelingen, mensenrechten, onderwijs, diversiteit, klimaat & milieu, identiteit, euthanasie en geluk & goed leven. Vaak omstreden onderwerpen maar zeker thema’s die het welzijn en welbevinden van iedere burger raken. Wim Distelmans, Raf Njotea, Leona Detiège, Steven De Weirdt, Dirk De Wachter en nog vele interessante sprekers passeren de revue.
Join us each episode of Race to Academia, as we feature different guests (graduate students, researchers, career professionals) whose expertise will educate us on race-related issues and
help us be better advocates for social justice and promote racial inclusivity within academia and beyond. -
Sfertul Academic este un proiect editorial digital care aduce împreună cercetători din științele sociale, actori și artiști ilustratori cu scopul de a populariza antropologia, oferind publicului larg acces la resurse fundamentate teoretic și înrădăcinate în cercetări de teren aprofundate, care de regulă au o circulație limitată la comunitatea academică. Apărută în anul 2020, colecția de debut a platformei Sfertul Academic reunește contribuțiile a 37 de cercetători din științele sociale, 13 ilustratori și 2 actori și cuprinde 40 de articole, fiecare dintre ele însoțite de versiunea podcast și de o ilustrație inspirată din conținutul textului. Temele abordate pun în lumină concepte centrale din teoria antropologică, cum ar fi: ordine morală, structură și agentivitate, cultură materială, relații de putere, relații de schimb, sisteme de cunoaștere, gen, identitate, sine și societate. Totodată, aduc perspective noi asupra unor subiecte familiare, de actualitate: mediu, migrație, inegalități sociale, privatizare, dezvoltare personală, turism, și altele. Nu în ultimul rând, dezvăluie lumi sociale mai puțin cunoscute, din România, dar și de peste hotare: Egipt, Ghana, Japonia, Rusia sau Abhazia sunt doar câteva dintre locurile pe care ni le aduc mai aproape cercetările incluse în acest volum digital. Celor 40 de articole publicate li se adaugă o nouă serie de 60 de materiale originale, pe același format: text, podcast și ilustrație, care vor fi publicate în intervalul ianuarie 2022 - mai 2023. Sfertul Academic este un proiect al start-up-ului de cercetare socială Antropedia, cofiinanțat de AFCN, inițiat și coordonat de Maria Rădan-Papasima. Coperta colecției este realizată de Alexandru Nimurad.
“Ship” (v): 1. To have a strong interest in the romantic relationship of characters from fictional stories. 2. The desire for two or more fictional characters to become a romantic couple.“Ship” (n): 1. a vessel larger than a boat for transporting people or goods by sea.
But really… We all know Hollywood doesn’t always portray love realistically; however, we still have our favorite tv show and movie couples that make us feel a sense of connection, hope, admiration, or just utter annoyance. Join your host Dr. Eric Goodcase as he talks with scholars to analyze, scrutinize, and humanize your favorite (and least favorite) fictional couples. You can follow the podcast on twitter @relevatepodcast or email us at [email protected] If you are interested in Relevate and want to receive research based information about relationships you can become a part of Relevation Nation by checking out our social media: Facebook Twitter -@MyRelevate -
Cette nouvelle série de Podcasts vous est proposée par Sophie Rabhi-Bouquet, et prolonge son livre éponyme paru aux éditions Actes Sud en mai 2023.
Face à une actualité qui nous impose de changer pour ne pas disparaître, Sophie partage son expérience pour retrouver nos qualités naturelles de bienveillance.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Une émission pour tenter de mieux comprendre notre monde dans son versant politique et social, à travers les théories en sciences humaines et en philosophie, les pratiques, les auteurs et autrices, les doctrines et les pensées d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Vous pouvez soutenir le projet sur Patreon ou Kiss kiss bank bank.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Dennis van den Buijs duikt in de wereld van nepnieuws en online bedrog, samen met factcheckers, experten en luisteraars.
Of het nu gaat over de oorlog in Oekraïne, de verkiezingen in Amerika, klimaatverandering of de coronapandemie: elk verhaal z’n complot lijkt het wel. Fakenews, misleiding en propaganda waren nog nooit zo zichtbaar: op sociale media, in onze mailbox of via berichtjes op je smartphone waarin gehengeld wordt naar data en je geldbuidel.
Maar wat is nu echt en wat niet? Hoe weet je dat? Wat is de technologie en het doel erachter? En waarom zijn we zo vatbaar voor oplichting en nepverhalen? -
To «Χίλιες και μία λέξεις» είναι το podcast που θα σας κάνει να αγαπήσετε λίγο περισσότερο την ελληνική γλώσσα․ Θα ανακαλύψετε τον θαυμαστό κόσμο των λέξεων και πώς πήραν τη σημασία τους․ Τι σχέση έχει το «περιβόλι» με το «βέλος», το «βουλιάζω», τον «διάολο» και το «εμβόλιο»; Και τι κοινό έχει άραγε η «αίθουσα» με την Αιθιοπία και τον Αίσωπο; Μετά από κάθε εκπομπή, δεν θα πιστεύετε τις διασυνδέσεις μεταξύ των λέξεων στη μαγική χώρα των ελληνικών․ Κι αν είναι να είστε περήφανοι για τη γλώσσα μας, τώρα θα ξέρετε για ποιον λόγο․
If you don't live near an active Domain Driven Design meetup, or just want to get more in-depth knowledge of DDD, please join this vast growing community! Anyone is invited here.
We strive to create a community of like-minded people eager to dive more into Domain Driven Design. We are going to organise panel discussions, community talks and more.
So feel free to join us! -
Ever wonder how we genetically modify mosquitoes? Curious about the parasites? Have questions about how tick bites cause meat allergies? Tiny Vampires is a show about insects that transmit disease and the scientists that are fighting them. Each episode is guided by questions sent in by listeners. The question is answered with background information and the story of how scientists were able to shine a light on that particular mystery.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.