What if there was something you could do as a carer for a loved one with an eating disorder that could have a huge impact on how well you cope? Something that would boost your resilience and your ability to stay the distance in this challenging role?
What if it could be as simple as paying attention? Would you try it?
Mindfulness is often dismissed as something that you might be no good at or something you don’t have time for but in this episode of EDFA’s Strong Enough podcast mindfulness coach Amanda Goodfellow shows us simple ways we can use somatic skills daily to calm and heal.
Amanda is also a TedX speaker as well as a mental health advocate and she knows Somatic mindfulness and somatic therapy practise works because she has used it herself after a battle with her own eating disorder.
She says with somatic mindfulness you can train yourself to be calm, learn how to calm yourself down and, in turn, help someone with an eating disorder to do the same.
Watch Amanda’s Somatic Mindfulness TedX Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSelwWUIn_Q
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ for less than $5 a month.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Wondering what are the age limits for social media like Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok? Find out the story behind the world first decision to increase age limits on social platforms from the advocates and academics involved in the process
EDFA Executive Director Jane Rowan and Dr Simon Wilksch, Clinic Director at Advanced Psychology Services and a Senior Research Fellow at Flinders University speak to Strong Enough about the research and insights behind the historic decision and the impact it will have on those caring for loved ones with eating disorders.
Not sure how to keep your kids safe online before the legislation changes? The pair also share their best tips on surviving the “online tsunami”.
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Contact: 1300 195 626
This series has been made possible by an impact grant from the Liptember Foundation which raises and invests funds to support women's mental health. Visit www.liptember.com.au for more information around the Foundation’s impact and how you can get involved throughout the year.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Want a free counselling session? Check out EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Saknas det avsnitt?
You might think this podcast episode is one just for the men in the lives of loved ones with eating disorders, but it is much more than that. It is a real insight into the roles men play when mental health issues, illness and eating disorders darken a doorway. It will help everyone in a family or partnership or caring role understand the challenges of caring that hit different for men.
It was so hard to get my head around what was going on, what my role would be, how to understand this, how we could support. I suppose one of the things that men do is to try to find an answer or a cure or a solution to the problem, where there is no clear solution to the problem of mental health and sometimes they go on for a short time sometimes they go on for years. Carer, Rohan Wastell.
We’re going to shed light onto some of the tough "out of control" feelings and the struggle for some men to “lean in” to the caring role when they have never known how.
Our guest will be a familiar voice for some if you are in the EDFA support groups – in particular the Male Carers support.
Rohan Wastell spent decades behind the camera filming some of the biggest media events in Australia. He has been on the front line, witnessing and recording human emotion and suffering sometimes on a daily basis but he says nothing prepared him for the diagnosis of his daughter with an eating disorder.
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Contact: 1300 195 626
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia’s Male Carer support group or other groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Want more? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Back to basics with food after an eating disorder with Dietitian Shane Jeffery, using the five step RAVES model for a positive food relationship
Have you ever thought how complicated eating is these days? We live in a world where we’re bombarded with diet culture content and body image ideals – where food is staged with lights and filters and thousands of pretty, perfect plates are just a phone swipe away.
In this episode our guest, Accredited Practicing Dietitian Shane Jeffrey from River Oak Health, wants us to pare it all back saying a positive, intuitive relationship with food is within reach for us all, particularly those with eating disorders. Shane's tips on how to start eating again after an eating disorder come down to an easy five step acronym: RAVES.
He’s spent the last few decades developing the internationally acclaimed RAVES model, which combines science with personal values to reset relationships with food.
RAVES stands for Regularity, Adequacy, Variety, Eating Socially and Spontaneity
If you are wondering about how to encourage eating again after a loved one has been diagnosed with an eating disorder or improving their relationship with food then listen to this episode!
Some of Shane’s RAVES tips include:
· eating like a 2 year old by bringing back intuitive eating
· stoking the energy campfire with regular meals by time not just appetite
· and agreeing there should be no good or bad or healthy or unhealthy food – there’s just food.
If you want to hear more conversations like this one – become an EDFA member so you can access other exclusive content - and follow the Strong Enough podcast so you won’t miss an episode.
You can find a download of the RAVES model cheat sheet here on the Eating Disorders Families Australia website.
If you’d like more information from Shane on RAVES read his blog HERE.
#edfa #eatingdisordersfamiliesaustralia
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
When there’s a diagnosis of an eating disorder in a family it often impacts more than just one person and the rest of the family, particularly siblings, can feel the wide reaching ripples of change, of worry and concern, of isolation and even anger.
It’s a whole other layer of suffering that comes with unique challenges, which is why Eating Disorders Families Australia runs separate support groups for siblings, allowing them to ask questions in a safe space with moderators who have lived experience.
But what can you do as a carer to support your other children or family members when a loved one is diagnosed? How can a sibling support a sister or brother diagnosed with an eating disorder?
Alisha Mah is one of EDFA’s counsellors, working in the Fill The Gap program that offers free online sessions for carers. She also has lived experience as both a sibling and a carer for a loved one with an eating disorder.
In this episode Alisha shares many helpful insights into the sibling challenges, about family routines and traditions, about birthdays and events, as well ways to speak to the family members who don’t understand.
If you would like to speak to Alisha or any of EDFA’s counsellors then head to EDFA's Fill The Gap counselling service - a one-on-one free online counselling service.
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program here: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
EDFA runs multiple online eating disorder support groups to support the carers and siblings of people diagnosed with eating disorders ranging from anorexia and bulimia to food avoidance disorder and avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder, also known as ARFID.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia Sibling Support group: https://edfa.org.au/siblings-support/
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a month.
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Meet Jenny Langley, an international Carer Coach and Trainer, helping families communicate better when a loved one is diagnosed with an eating disorder.
Jenny runs skills based training workshops in the New Maudsley Model, which was developed at London’s Maudsley Hospital by world leading clinical and academic psychiatrist in eating disorders, Professor Janet Treasure. The program teaches carers communications tools and techniques to engage with loved ones in ways that lower stress and anxiety for everyone in the family.
Jenny took part in the Maudsley Hospital’s initial pilot program after living through her own caring challenges with her son who ‘crashed into anorexia’ as a 12 year old.
The mother of 6 is now a trainer, workshop facilitator, experienced carer coach and author of the book Boys Get Anorexia Too. And you’ll be happy to know her son has also made a good recovery.
This podcast is an edited version of a webinar presented to EDFA members and includes a focus on Maudsley approach techniques when a loved one also has an autism diagnosis.
There’s something for everyone in this episode including communication tips, validation and soothing skills, the role of positive affirmations and the power of the pause.
Want to listen to more webinars? Head to the education centre: https://edfa.org.au/get-involved/events/education-and-information-webinars/
Want to know more about #EDFA ? Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ for less than $5 a month.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
Other resources:
Link to Jenny Langley’s website: https://newmaudsleycarers-kent.co.uk/
Peace pathway: https://www.peacepathway.org/
ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: A Guide for Parents and Carers by Rachel Bryant-Waugh
The five things you need to know about the interplay between ARFID and Autism - Pooky Knightsmith
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
If you want to know how to build your resilience when caring for a loved one with an eating disorder then this is the Strong Enough podcast episode for you.
Our guest Hugh van Cuylenburg is one of the hosts of Australia’s most beloved podcasts “The Imperfects” and he runs The Resilience Project a national program teaching practical wellbeing strategies to build mental health resilience in the community.
But Hugh has also walked in your shoes and has seen the challenges firsthand of caring for someone with an eating disorder, after his sister was diagnosed with anorexia as a teenager.
Hugh talks about resilience, empathy, mindfulness and … yes … even the importance of gratitude when you are a carer. He has plenty of tips and ideas to help people cope as a caregiver or in a caring role.
He is also encouraging families to join EDFA’s Sibling Support group. "It would’ve been incredible to have a group where I could talk to other siblings going through the same stuff, with the guidance of an expert. It would’ve been completely life changing," says Hugh.
Want more ways to improve resilience? Check out The Resilience Project’s Wellbeing Hub for more practical tips to boost resilience as a carer.
For more information about eating disorders including avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), binge eating, bulimia and anorexia visit our website Eating Disorders Families Australia. or contact EDFA on 1300 195 626
Want access to more helpful content? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ It costs less than a cup of coffee a month.
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Your questions about eating disorders ANSWERED!
Eating Disorders Families Australia runs multiple online eating disorder support groups to support the carers of people diagnosed with eating disorders ranging from anorexia and bulimia to food avoidance disorder and avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder, also known as ARFID.
EDFA's lived experience forum moderators asked support group members for their top questions and concerns and we have invited EDFA Psychologist Chris Fowler onto the Strong Enough podcast to answer those questions.
Chris is the Program Director at EDFA's Fill The Gap counselling service - a one-on-one free online counselling service for carers to seek support with a simple phone call - and he has more than a decade of experience to draw on in hospital and helpline settings.
In this episode Chris discusses member concerns around "saying the wrong thing", he offers his best advice on how to support people with eating disorders and explains why relapses shouldn't be seen as failures. He answers questions about self care, about the eating disorder recovery process and why support groups can be helpful for everyone in the family.
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ for less than $5 a month.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
For more than 30 years Professor Tracey Wade has been at the forefront of eating disorder research, clinical practice and public policy. Currently the Director of the Flinders Institute for Mental Health and Wellbeing at Flinders University, Professor Wade has co-written three therapy books, published hundreds of papers and has just been awarded the 2023: Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy - Distinguished Career Award.
In this episode of Strong Enough - the podcast from Eating Disorders Families Australia - we focus on her work on the latest genetic links to eating disorders, delve into her research on the importance of media literacy as a way to combat the menace of social media and find out her insights into the perfectionism trait that can trigger disordered eating in many forms including bulimia, restrictive eating and anorexia nervosa.
If you would like more information about Professor Wade's work here is the link to her paper on the influence of social media on eating disorders and her paper on perfectionism interventions.
Professor Wade also quotes:
the Yerkes-Dodson Law of psychologyher colleague Professor Marika Tiggermann's work on eating disorders and body imageand Viktor E Frankl about finding the space between a stimulus and a responseWant more? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ It costs less than a cup of coffee a month.
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Join EDFA's eating disorder support groups and eating disorder support forums: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
What is refeeding? Should I put extra calories in meals? How do I stay calm at the dinner table? What is the magic plate theory?
Eva Musby, our guest on this episode of Strong Enough, tackles all these questions (and more) about the refeeding stage of eating disorder recovery. You might know Eva from her international best selling book or her popular workshops but Eva is actually not her real name! She uses a pseudonym so she can tell her story candidly, on the world stage, and share her daughter’s restrictive anorexia diagnosis.
In this episode of EDFA's podcast series we are particularly focussed on the topic of re-feeding (which Eva breaks down for us, if you’re new to the conversation.) She offers gentle and practical help as she talks us through her most successful tips and ideas about how to encourage and support your loved one using a family based approach.
It's important to note that this discussion is not a substitute for professional advice. Some tips might be relevant to your own situation and others might not. For more information about eating disorders including avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), binge eating, bulimia and anorexia PLUS Australian eating disorder support groups and resources for carers you can visit Eating Disorders Families Australia.
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Contact: 1300 195 626
Want more? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ It costs less than $5 a month.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
“You think how could we have that family love again? How can we ever have what we had before? But it’s there, it’s possible and it comes back.” Leah, Carer and Eating Disorders Families Australia supporter.
Leah's daughter had been struggling with mental health challenges when an eating disorder diagnosis rocked the family. In this heartfelt podcast - the second in EDFA's Strong Enough season - Leah talks us through those first days, the signs and signals she noticed, her experiences finding the health team her daughter needed and navigating the fear of a diagnosis.
She discusses how joining EDFA's eating disorder support group for carers helped her survive and thrive PLUS offers her top three tips on how to support someone with an eating disorder.
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Contact: 1300 195 626
Want more? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
When a loved one is diagnosed with an eating disorder it can be difficult to know where to start. In this first episode of Strong Enough - a podcast from Eating Disorders Families Australia - Executive Director Jane Rowan talks us through EDFA's eating disorder diagnosis checklist, using her lived experience as a carer for a daughter diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.
EDFA is a national organisation caring for the carers of people with eating disorders, providing online eating disorder carer support groups and eating disorder support forums, managed and moderated by people with lived experience. EDFA provides eating disorder help across all types of eating disorders including bulimia, anorexia, arfid, restrictive eating and binge eating disorders.
“We also have our private Facebook forum and that is a really great place for people to jump in and ask questions and just understand they are not doing this alone. Recovery is possible, particularly if you have some support around you” - Jane Rowan, Eating Disorders Families Australia Executive Director.
The Diagnosis To-Do checklist includes tips and advice on the first steps after a diagnosis, including people and organisations to notify from specialists and health funds to Medicare and schools. There is also a list of organisations that may be able to provide financial support and carer assistance.
Download the Checklist here: https://edfa.org.au/diagnosis-to-do-list/
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Want more? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Keen to volunteer or donate?: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
You're listening because you care.
You're here because you want to know more.
You're here because you are .... Strong Enough
Strong Enough is the new podcast from Eating Disorders Families Australia, an organisation caring for carers around the country.
Self care is vital. Use the short meditation at the start of each podcast to take a moment for yourself or jump to the one minute mark for this 5 episode series of candid conversations about the caring role, research into eating disorders and tips to navigate an eating disorder diagnosis.
Subscribe to the show to learn more about the latest research into eating disorders and genetic links to eating disorders. Hear from carers who have been on the same path and come out the other side. Every guest shares three of their best tips to help you survive and thrive in the caring journey.
Website: https://edfa.org.au/
Contact: 1300 195 626
Want more? Become an EDFA Member: https://edfa.org.au/become-a-member/ It costs less than $5 a month.
Join Eating Disorders Families Australia support groups and eating disorder support forums: https://edfa.org.au/parents-and-carer-support/eating-disorder-support-groups/
Visit EDFA resources library: https://edfa.org.au/video-resource-library/
Book a free counselling session with EDFA’s Fill The Gap program: https://edfa.org.au/counselling-service/
Keen to volunteer or donate? Find out more ways to help here: https://edfa.org.au/donation/
For more information click on these links to the EDFA website:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
ARFID - Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
OSFED - Other Specified Feeding & Eating Disorders
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.