r prorevenge where MIL kept guilt tripping me for not eating her Indian cooking, so I started bringing my own dishes and giving her the same treatment. Now she's suddenly "not hungry" too My co-worker loves taking credit for other people’s work. Then he got exposed No more fast food litter on my lawn You live by the speakerphone, you are shamed by the speakerphone. Dogs off the lawn please Illegal dumper thinks house is still empty. Gets trash returned for free
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maliciouscompliance where Think "pronouns are stupid"? I have no problem calling you by the ones you've listed. Boss asked me to wash work linen at home, so I did. Can you unlock the cooler for me? Delete all your files? OK The work uniform is mandatory no matter what. Fine. You want the engineering staff to do the ordering as well? You got it. You Want Me to Clean the Office Exactly Like That? Alright, I’ll Do It. Want me to load the dishwasher that's full? No problem! You want me to disable half of my entire testing stage? Okay! Notify you for every report? Have fun waking up 50 times a night Out Rank Doesn't Mean Out-Know The Judge orders the union to only to consult with our employer!We consulted alright.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
r amithejerk? where AITA for not letting my husband attend his sister’s wedding? AITA for sending my little sister a vet bill after she tried to get my horses to breed? AITA for telling my husband to just be a father? AITA for forbidding my parents of bringing my little brother (10) and sister (7) when coming to my (24M) place? AITA for not giving my co-worker a ride after he didn’t spot me one dollar at the vending machine? AITA for refusing to be the main caretaker for my elderly parents? AITA for telling my Sister-In-Law to get out of my daughter’s baby shower? AITA for telling my family I refuse to be a caretaker for my elderly parents? AITA for “sneaking” vegetarian food into my FIL’s meal? AITA for telling my friend that I was done inviting her to parties?
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How do I 22M get my sister 19F to forgive my gf 25F? Or at least remain cordial? My wife and sister don't get along...and it is ruining my marriage. AITA for wanting to leave my wife of 10 years because I’ve fallen back in love with my first love? AITA for not moving my laundry while I was working? AITA for siding with my boyfriend after he punished my son for asking for money to watch his stepsiblings? AITA for sleeping on my weekends? AITA for calling a friend's child a little S..t Am I the Bad Apple?
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r amithedevil? where AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge? My [36M] wife [34F] isn't allowing me to see our son but we are still legally married. AITA for wanting my fiance to not talk with other women unless necessary. AITA for not letting my daughter move in with me? WIBTA if i transfer all my money out of my savings accounts back into my checking account and maybe even dissolve the savings account all together? I envy how my parents did parenting Bridesmaids: Is it wrong to ask someone to pay for their dress? And to be part of your special day with out paying for their costs?
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AITA For Not Making A Vacation Wheelchair User Friendly? AITA for mistaking my girlfriends weight accidentally AITA for correcting my in-laws when they mispronounce my name? AITA For changing my families last name "secretly" while not informing anyone? AITA for asking my boyfriend's mom to call me by my actual name? AITA for not using my brother as our Real estate agent? AITA for cancelling on a day out with my friend after she brought in someone else who would be excluded? AITA for calling the police on a 2 year old child running around my neighborhood unsupervised?
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r TIFU Tried to surprise my boyfriend with a cute upside-down kiss, he sneezed and headbutted me into another dimension. I gave my youngest son relationship advice when my wife and I decided he was now old enough to date. My oldest son's girlfriend took that advice and confronted my oldest son, apparently because he wasn't respecting her or her feelings. They had a huge argument and broke up. I used a tanning booth too long and got a massive sunburn. I regret not asking the lady at the gym more questions. i accidentally walked in on a faulty interview and started asking interview questions because i was given the wrong time for lunch I’m white, my black doctor has the same last name as my mother and is from the same city, and I said we must be related. It sounded like I was excitedly telling her that my family had owned and SA’ed her family. thought it said tablespoons instead of teaspoons and ended up consuming 3 GRAMS of magnesium in one weekend My friend asked me for a Halloween animal pun for his art project. I confidently said Ost-witch, which sounds a lot like something that someone who failed art school would say. I sent a gif of Homer Simpson dressed as the devil and dancing on a grave immediately after a colleague told everyone their dad had died. I self sabotaged my “relationship” by putting off talking about my feelings. Now he wants nothing to do with me. TIFU entire class decided to write letters to a prisoner
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r prorevenge where Block the street? I'll just leave my car there. I don't want your roof inspection, but I'll happily take your grocery points. Don't use the bedrooms Suburban Road Rage- It’s finally come full circle ⭕️ Dog abusing neighbor gets car plowed in I was in a hungry and in a hurry Paid college tuition in nickels Steal my footballs and I will deflate them You shouldn't rock on your chair: you might fall Crooked second hand car dealer
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r prorevenge where Guy made me wait while he got an extra sample, now I’m getting his samples before he can see Driver paid tolls in pennies, I made them wait while I counted. Want to Share Your Phone Conversation With the World? Not Interested. If you’re gonna take my parking spot, enjoy your extra steps Bought a car that turned out to be a lemon. Seller ignored me so I sent him a text. Knees into the back of my airplane seat Truck Driver Wanted to Be a Jerk, So We Gave Him a Taste of His Own Medicine Neighbour put up cameras pointing into my bathroom and bedroom. Overbearing MIL wants to guilt trip my wife and mess with our home? Absolutely not eBay Buyer Defrauded Me Public speakerphone pettiness How to keep the tweakers from jacking all your high-speed data… Lol. He Waited a Month to Text Back After a Date, So got my Petty Revenge hehehe A customer was rude to me so I gave her $95 in the smallest bills I had Front of house manager makes mistake.
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r TIFU Tried to surprise my boyfriend with a cute upside-down kiss, he sneezed and headbutted me into another dimension. I gave my youngest son relationship advice when my wife and I decided he was now old enough to date. My oldest son's girlfriend took that advice and confronted my oldest son, apparently because he wasn't respecting her or her feelings. They had a huge argument and broke up. I used a tanning booth too long and got a massive sunburn. I regret not asking the lady at the gym more questions. i accidentally walked in on a faulty interview and started asking interview questions because i was given the wrong time for lunch I’m white, my black doctor has the same last name as my mother and is from the same city, and I said we must be related. It sounded like I was excitedly telling her that my family had owned and SA’ed her family. thought it said tablespoons instead of teaspoons and ended up consuming 3 GRAMS of magnesium in one weekend My friend asked me for a Halloween animal pun for his art project. I confidently said Ost-witch, which sounds a lot like something that someone who failed art school would say. I sent a gif of Homer Simpson dressed as the devil and dancing on a grave immediately after a colleague told everyone their dad had died. I self sabotaged my “relationship” by putting off talking about my feelings. Now he wants nothing to do with me. TIFU entire class decided to write letters to a prisoner
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maliciouscompliance where Move your cars Shut my mouth and do what I was told?...absolutely! Wipe my computer? Sure thing! (you didn't say anything about saving the important information on it first) Manager says it is MY FAULT I got stiffed $600 at the adult club after guy couldn’t pay. Some malicious railroad compliance. You want me to delete my own account in front of you? Ok done. Bye bye money!
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r TOMC where I proposed to my fiancee and this is what my mom said when I told her..... Found out my wife has been cheating on me. We have a 6 week old baby. My girlfriend is beyond stupid and I feel like I might have to end the relationship My mother is upset I am not including her in my proposal to my fiance and I find it weird Proposed to my girlfriend I really like talking to chatgpt as a friend My husband's guitar playing drives me crazy. Please help me. I feel guilty spending money on myself, even when I've earned it A man tried to get into my house today. I did everything wrong except lock the door I overheard my boyfriend’s brother talking to his mistress about leaving his pregnant wife My family hate that I go to bed earlier than them and I hate that they expect me to not do it I accidentally brought an explosive through TSA and got away with it.
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maliciouscompliance where I Got Got You said to unalive the print job Bakery catastrophe Malicious Compliance in the 1930s You can’t have a phone until your brother needs a new phone Despreatly need a new Phone - we got you covered! Just something to make it better No assistant for me? Let's see how that works out. My new favorite bartender I Live to Serve
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r TOMC where i love my girlfriend I have decided to cut ties with my mom after she refused to be there for me when I needed her the most. Had a small bombshell drop at a family dinner. My ex's alcoholism made me break up with him, and I "set him up" the day I moved out I can’t stop feeling guilty for not working as hard as I used to! My moms godson started smacking on his food now that he lives alone The girl best friend is always the issue My partner of 6 years is cheating on me on RuneScape while I’m 8 months post partum My ex is dating my neighbour
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Best of r/AITA 2025 - Reddit Stories
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Reddit rSlash Storytime r TOMC where I found out the guy I’ve seeing has a fiancé for the last 9 months I anonymously told my SIL her bf cheated.. have I done the right thing? I liked this girl and now I can't get over her. It's making life unbearable. My best friend of 15 years nuked our friendship when she met her current husband I resent my parents too much to have kids… My Mom can’t hold a job and I’m not willing to finance her lifestyle. My dad expects me to take care of my step-siblings. I said no. Shall I tell my brother that his best friend tried it on with me? My wife had an affair when my mum died and blames me for the relationship breakdown My Girlfriends Daughter has me reevaluating the relationship I started washing and putting away my roommates favorite mug whenever she uses it. When she caught me I lied about why. My mom asked me to give her back my birthday gift and I'm kinda disappointed
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r amithejerk? where AITA for buying sisters boyfriend lunch? AITA for feeding my family a fish dinner while I eat steak and potatoes AITA for agreeing to babysit for my friend without asking my partner first? AITA (34M) for "stooping to a new low" by kicking our neighbours garbage bins out of the way whenever she (37F..?) leaves it in front of our driveway AITA for telling my girlfriend to “Suck it up” around my clown figurines? AITA for telling my mother to stop telling people the story behind my name? AITA for leaning on a nearby wall after being denied use of gym equipment by a woman doing supersets? AITA For Telling my husband not to make extra food for our kids anymore? AITA for refusing to give my aunts dog back AITA for snapping at my boyfriend's friend for touching my hair? AITA: Found out my MIL was smoking meth in my house. Kicked her out. AITA for wearing an engagement looking ring? AITA for telling my girlfriend to just let me watch a movie? AITA for taking my autistic daughter to have lunch w her autistic male friend and his father (both autistic adults don’t drive) when my fiancé doesn’t want me to? AITA for Refusing to Pay for My Boyfriend’s Dog’s Vet Bills When He’s Always Broke? AITA for not paying my friend back? AITA my husband doesn't think having parents to stay should be a house buying consideration AITA for removing my brother's GF from our Life 360? AITA: opened a jar of sauce to use some and put the rest in the fridge WIBTA if I didn’t let my daughter go to her friend’s 16th birthday party? AITAH for yelling at my girlfriend and kids for constantly waking me up?
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r prorevenge where Time my sisters and I crashed our Dad's wedding party Refuse service when legally you can't? hope you enjoy the fine 🤣 Scammer called me from a live number. I called him back over 100 times for the next hour "You can't park there!" You send me junk faxes, I'll send them right back. Sales guy selling my dad....How do you install it? If you could do it to me, I can do it to you Call me non-stop? I'll give you a reason to stop Property manager didn't take bed bugs seriously, but I sure did! I didn't back down on clown trying to force me to reverse I crap the WiFi off so my roommates couldn't use it as they let their friends use my room Want to unfairly grade students? Let’s see what the School Board thinks Steve's Manifesto Not being creative? I will make you be creative! My fiancé gets unintentional revenge against her work bully I don’t fold my husband’s clothes You're the ugly one with the bad breath. A little bit salty No tips?… no problem A break deserves a break Optics store refused support for reading glasses Wait Your Turn...
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r prorevenge where Time my sisters and I crashed our Dad's wedding party Refuse service when legally you can't? hope you enjoy the fine 🤣 Scammer called me from a live number. I called him back over 100 times for the next hour "You can't park there!" You send me junk faxes, I'll send them right back. Sales guy selling my dad....How do you install it? If you could do it to me, I can do it to you Call me non-stop? I'll give you a reason to stop Property manager didn't take bed bugs seriously, but I sure did! I didn't back down on clown trying to force me to reverse I crap the WiFi off so my roommates couldn't use it as they let their friends use my room Want to unfairly grade students? Let’s see what the School Board thinks Steve's Manifesto Not being creative? I will make you be creative! My fiancé gets unintentional revenge against her work bully I don’t fold my husband’s clothes You're the ugly one with the bad breath. A little bit salty No tips?… no problem A break deserves a break Optics store refused support for reading glasses Wait Your Turn...
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
r amithejerk? where AITA for buying sisters boyfriend lunch? AITA for feeding my family a fish dinner while I eat steak and potatoes AITA for agreeing to babysit for my friend without asking my partner first? AITA (34M) for "stooping to a new low" by kicking our neighbours garbage bins out of the way whenever she (37F..?) leaves it in front of our driveway AITA for telling my girlfriend to “Suck it up” around my clown figurines? AITA for telling my mother to stop telling people the story behind my name? AITA for leaning on a nearby wall after being denied use of gym equipment by a woman doing supersets? AITA For Telling my husband not to make extra food for our kids anymore? AITA for refusing to give my aunts dog back AITA for snapping at my boyfriend's friend for touching my hair? AITA: Found out my MIL was smoking meth in my house. Kicked her out. AITA for wearing an engagement looking ring? AITA for telling my girlfriend to just let me watch a movie? AITA for taking my autistic daughter to have lunch w her autistic male friend and his father (both autistic adults don’t drive) when my fiancé doesn’t want me to? AITA for Refusing to Pay for My Boyfriend’s Dog’s Vet Bills When He’s Always Broke? AITA for not paying my friend back? AITA my husband doesn't think having parents to stay should be a house buying consideration AITA for removing my brother's GF from our Life 360? AITA: opened a jar of sauce to use some and put the rest in the fridge WIBTA if I didn’t let my daughter go to her friend’s 16th birthday party? AITAH for yelling at my girlfriend and kids for constantly waking me up?
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