
  • Relitix just released its Agent Movement Index for April, and it’s a weird one. First, the number of active agents is on the rise (don’t they know inventory is DOWN?). And second, the number of agents moving from one brokerage to another is on the rise with April’s movement outpacing March’s—that’s super unusual. Join us to find out what’s going on and the implications for both agents and brokerages. Plus, you’ll get our strategy of the week and answers to listeners’ questions.

    Connect | Resources

    BAM blog: 2 Trends to Watch: More Agents & More Movement Between Brokerages

    Have a question you’d like us to answer? Send us an email at podcast@remindermedia or shoot us a DM on Instagram @staypaidpodcast.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:37 About ReminderMedia

    4:15 The reality of growing a business

    9:21 Headline of the week

    31:09 Sales and marketing strategy of the week

    39:09 Listener Q&A

    43:09 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

  • A true Instagram expert, Michelle Berman puts the nail in the coffin of viral videos, sharing why real conversations are the key to conversions. She explains her three-part DM that authentically connects and keeps the discussion going. She also offers an outstanding strategy her real estate clients have used to attract hyperlocal opportunities and direct business. Plus, you’ll get our strategy of the week and answers to listeners’ questions.

    Connect | Resources

    · Connect with Michelle on Instagram @bermanmediasocial

    · Learn more about Michelle’s program, Beyond the Method.

    · Stuck in a Content Rut? Do This to Get Out of It by Lindsey Jo

    · FREE resource: The Relationship Marketer's Guide to Social Media Success

    Visit our Resource Library for more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads.

    Have a question you’d like us to answer? Send us an email at podcast@remindermedia, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @staypaidpodcast.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:12 Guests and topic of the week

    2:11 The challenge to constantly create content

    3:45 Personal content makes you approachable

    8:11 Share successes in stories

    12:18 A superb example of story telling

    14:12 Content creation: Venn diagrams and AI

    17:40 How to convert your audience

    21:28 DM strategy Part 1

    25:21 DM strategy Parts 2 and 3

    26:14 Example of DM strategy in action

    27:58 The time commitment

    30:37 The direct ask

    32:08 Moving convos through the funnel

    37:23 Weekly marketing tip

    42:40 Listeners’ Q&A

    45:43 Find your level of consistency

    50:49 Quality over quantity

    52:31 Social media is a lead pillar

    54:40 Action Item

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  • When building your client base, there are five mistakes that BAM contributor Sarah Lentz warns agents to avoid. One of the biggest is focusing on increasing brand awareness over cultivating relationships in your sphere. We’re discussing this and the other blunders that agents frequently commit when trying to build their client base. Plus, you’ll get our strategy of the week and answers to listeners’ questions.

    Connect | Resources

    · 5 Mistakes Agents Must Avoid When Growing Their Client Base (BAM blog)

    · Acree Brothers Realty Team in Lynchburg, Virginia, is hiring top agents! Contact Stephen Acree at 434-607-2976

    Have a question you’d like us to answer? Send us an email at podcast@remindermedia or shoot us a DM on Instagram @staypaidpodcast.

    You can get free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    0:00 introduction 0:12 Guest Intros 0:38 Headline of the week 8:16 What’s the most loyal Generation? 13:05 Luke’s exciting speaker event news! 20:56 Sales Strategy of the week 28:18 Listened Q&A 31:20 Last words from Stephen & Cody 32:13 Closing Statements 33:50 Action Item

    5 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Client Base

  • It’s the first episode of our new Stay Paid format! Join us for lively conversation, the sales tip of the week, and answers to our listeners’ questions. Tune in to hear the leader of the top sales team in Lynchburg, Virginia, Stephen Acree and his director of sales Cody Smith discuss the implications of the NAR lawsuit and settlement, along with an account of what Gary Keller has to say about it. Plus, you’ll get this week’s expert sales tip and answers to listeners’ questions.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

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    Visit our Resource Library for free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads

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  • When you’re confronted with a difficult business decision, it’s not uncommon to later wonder whether you made the right choice. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a decision-making shortcut—one that minimized the worry and uncertainty—that you could rely on to reveal the best course of action? In this Silver Dollar episode, we talk about a recent business decision we made and what led us to our final answer. We believe our process is one that will help you the next time you’re faced with a tough call.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/
    to explore the world's best marketing and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    Connect | Resources

    You can get free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 Assessing the situation

    2:52 Be led by your goals

    5:42 Benefit to our audience

    6:46 New podcast format

    8:03 Rethinking content creation

    10:03 Luke’s motivation for change

    11:18 Act. Track. Pivot.

    14:40 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    Follow Stay Paid: https://www.tiktok.com/@staypaid_podcast



  • Ryan Forman is a mortgage broker working in more than 12 states and one of the key people behind ActuallyAgents, an online community of over 9,000 real estate agents. In these roles, he has the opportunity to engage large numbers of agents, so he's got the inside track on what's working for agents right now. During his interview, he shares three such marketing tactics you, too, can use to grow your business. Join us for today’s episode to hear about the undeniable foundation that continues to define every successful approach to real estate marketing regardless of whether it’s email blasts, paid ads, door knocking, or something else; the YouTube strategy that produced 16 deals in one year and 28K views in 28 days; and the best plan for sending cold emails we’ve ever heard.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/
    staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing, and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    Connect | Resources

    · Website: actuallyagents.com

    · ActuallyAgents Blog: Discord for Realtors: Cultivating Real Estate Success Beyond the Norm (And get their newsletter!)

    · Instagram: @ryanjforman

    · FREE printable: Real Estate Referral Partner Worksheet

    · FREE lead magnet: A Road Map to Selling a Home

    You can get more free resources, including e-books, additional printables and more lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    1:11 Ryan’s business bio

    1:49 Ryan’s backstory

    6:41 What’s working in marketing

    8:27 What’s working on YouTube

    13:01 Tip to getting started

    14:57 Email marketing strategy | Referral partners

    19:31 Email automation software

    22:08 Advice post-NAR settlement

    27:14 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    3 Marketing Strategies That Are Working for Agents Today

  • We all know that market shifts are inevitable and a natural part of the economy; no business, regardless of industry or size, is completely immune to downturns. As a result, every business owner needs a plan that will not only get them through a rough patch but also help them secure a dominant market position when things begin to look brighter. Today’s episode aims to help you with that plan. Join us to find out a very specific action you can take to fortify your resolve, sharpen your skills, and encourage you to think in new ways; how to determine where to put your time, money, and energy so that you can produce the greatest ROI; and the huge mistake to which every business is vulnerable and what you can do to avoid it.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/
    staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing, and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    Connect | Resources

    FREE lead magnet for real estate agents

    · The 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

    · A Guide to Buying Your First Home

    You can get more free resources, including e-books, printables, and additional lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    2:10 Shifts cause confusion

    2:59 Go on the offensive

    4:01 #1 Embrace the change

    7:35 #2 Sharpen your skills

    9:57 #3 Consult the data

    11:33 #4 Focus on client experience

    14:11 #5 Niche down

    16:56 Action Item

    Follow Stay Paid: https://www.tiktok.com/@staypaid_podcast



    NAR Settlement: What Warren Buffet Would Advise Agents

  • Tamany Hall, owner of the Simple Touches, helps real estate agents manage their social media to generate top-of-funnel leads. This week on Stay Paid, she shares a series of Golden Nuggets about how agents can optimize Instagram for generating local leads. Join us to find out the nonnegotiable first step to attracting leads with social media, a smart tip for discovering the type of content you’re best positioned to provide, and how you can move leads through your sales funnel using Instagram, even if you haven't done anything with leads on it before. Plus, you’ll discover how your personal use of the platform could render it far less effective for lead generation and what to do to avoid such a disaster.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/
    staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing, and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    Connect | Resources

    Website: The Simple Touches

    Instagram: @realtorsocialmediamarketing

    FREE e-books

    · How to Win at Instagram

    · Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    1:07 Tamany’s business bio

    1:30 Converting social media leads

    4:52 Train the algorithm

    8:53 Niche-defined content

    11:12 Moving leads through your funnel

    15:20 TikTok vs. Instagram

    18:41 Engagement strategy

    21:07 Frequency of posts

    22:55 Advice on reel titles

    26:05 Social media jumpstart

    27:54 About Social Simplicity

    0:00 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    Training Instagram to Bring You More Local Leads

  • When double-digit attempts to connect with someone who has already raised their hand don’t pay off, it can be immensely frustrating. Even the most diligent sales professionals eventually get weary of the crickets. In today’s Silver Dollar episode of Stay Paid, we discuss five tactics you can use to get any lead, including the most elusive ones, to respond. Listen to discover a strategy to keep control of the sale when your attempts to connect have failed, successful approaches used by call centers to vary the timing of your follow-ups, and a simple text you can adapt to your industry that practically guarantees a response every time.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit http://remindermedia.com/
    staypaidmarketing to explore the world's best marketing, and get exclusive discounts reserved just for Stay Paid listeners.

    Connect | Resources

    · Blog: 7 Tips to Get a Prospect to Respond to You (from Spiro)

    · Free webinar recording: The Art of Following Up

    You can get more free resources, including e-books, printables, additional webinar recordings, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 Tactic #1: Use multiple channels

    4:50 Automation | Speed to lead

    8:43 Tactic #2: Switch up attempts | Examples

    10:22 Tactic #3: Offer item of value

    13:40 Tactic #4: Keep control of follow up

    15:07 Tactic #5: Make a personal connection | Examples

    18:40 Action Item

    Follow Stay Paid: https://www.tiktok.com/@staypaid_podcast



    How to Get Real Estate Leads to Respond [5 IRRESISTIBLE TACTICS]

  • This week, we are resharing one of our most popular episodes with the one and only: Jaynie Carlucci! Jaynie is so in tune with what drives her clients and their decision-making styles that she became a top producer in the New Jersey real estate market and did more than $30 million in sales in 2022 alone!

    In this episode, Jaynie discusses the importance of building genuine connections and how her business background and training in neuro-associative programming (NAP) help her tap into her clients’ deepest needs and wants.

    Listen to find out how you can use NAP to form more genuine connections with clients.

    Be sure to check out our show notes at https://remindermedia.com/podcast/ for more in-depth information and added details not included in the episode.

    Connect | Resources

    To contact Jaynie, go to https://thebossteamcollection.com/

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenjreboss/

    0:32 Introduction

    1:50 Jaynie’s backstory

    3:05 Keys to success

    6:25 Breaking into the luxury market

    8:20 Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

    18:30 How to keep your brand top of mind

    22:30 Building your brand early

    23:28 The book that has had the most impact on Jaynie

    26:40 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an advertising program designed to provide a means for ReminderMedia to earn a small fee by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

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  • Quick—what’s your personal brand? Don’t worry if you don’t know (well, maybe worry a little) because in this Silver Dollar episode of Stay Paid, we’re explaining not only what a personal brand is but also how you can strategically build one that inspires trust and loyalty. If you do know yours, are you sure it’s what you think it is? Join us to understand the nature of a personal brand and how an unmanaged one can silently destroy your business, discover a powerful exercise that will clarify your unique value proposition into a single, compelling sentence, and get three resources you can leverage to enhance and promote your professional identity.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design by Marty Neumeier

    · Blog: A Real Estate Agent's Guide to Building a Personal Marketing Plan

    · Free e-book: The Relationship Marketer's Guide to Branding

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an advertising program designed to provide a means for ReminderMedia to earn a small fee by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 Discovering your brand

    3:15 Step 1: Unique value proposition

    8:34 Extended example

    10:50 Step 2: Consistent brand identity

    14:23 Step 3: Leverage online content

    18:42 Step 4: Leverage influencers

    20:25 Step 5: Networking

    20:51 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand

  • This week on Stay Paid, we’re speaking with Katie Lucie, real estate agent, contributor to Broke Agent Media (BAM), and hyperlocal expert on all things in Juniper, Florida. She’s rocking her numbers, and during her interview, she shares the most important prerequisite to a farming strategy that works right out of the gate, how to integrate your geofarming plan with neighborhood events, why social media vanity metrics don’t deserve your attention, and how to manage your home life and work life and still get it all done. She also offers her best advice for agents navigating this potentially career-changing market.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · Blog: How to Calculate Turnover Rate When Selecting a Farm

    · Free case study: Only 4 Months into ReminderMedia’s Postcard Campaign, Agent Lands Two Listings on the Same Street

    You can get more free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    1:13 Katie’s business bio

    2:07 Extreme time management

    4:22 Judicious prospecting

    6:06 Geofarm tip 1: Turnover rate

    7:35 Geofarm tip 2: The demographic

    9:55 Client touchpoints

    14:53 From farming to convos

    17:04 Geofarm tip 3: The dominant agent

    18:02 Approach to social media [Golden Nugget]

    20:06 The hype about viral videos

    23:37 3 things agents should do right now

    27:46 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    You can get more free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library. Follow Stay Paid: https://www.tiktok.com/@staypaid_podcast https://www.facebook.com/staypaidpodcast https://www.instagram.com/staypaidpodcast

    Geofarming Genius: Top-Producing Agent Shares Brilliant Hyperlocal Geofarming Tactics

  • You may take lengthy minutes selecting the perfect words for your blog, but in the long run, research suggests you could be better off investing that time into choosing images. In this episode of Stay Paid, we share five ways you can use images to raise your blog’s click-through rate, increase the time visitors spend reading your articles, boost social sharing, and improve readers’ retention. Join us to discover how many images you should include, and where you should place them, to get better results; the must-have image you need to include in every blog and how to optimize its effect; and AI and more traditional tools that will help you create blog images, pictures for social media posts, and videos.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources


    · 11 Blog Images: Best Practices for Adding Great Pictures to Every Post (from Orbit Media)

    · Understanding Copyright: How to Safely Incorporate Internet Images into Your Marketing


    · InVideo: creates videos from text

    · Giphy: grab animated .gif files

    · Meme Generator (free version)

    · Pexels and Unspash: Free images

    You can get free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 Blogging trends

    3:53 Impact of images

    3:47 #1: Use as many images as possible

    5:42 #2: Use charts and graphs

    6:48 #3: Include faces in every post

    9:25 #4: Place quotes over images

    9:59 #5: Embed videos into your blog

    13:12 Bonus tips

    15:09 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    Best Practices for Using Images in Your Content

  • Krystopher Benyamein, this week’s Stay Paid guest, is the driving force behind Estate of Grace in Norwalk, California. He shares the lesson he learned after scaling Mt. Everest that redefines what it means to be “goal oriented,” emphasizes why agents need to identify one aspect of their jobs they absolutely love, and delivers three mind-blowing ways he’s capturing buyer leads along with a twist to one that we guarantee you aren’t using to secure listings.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · Instagram: @krysbenyamein

    · FREE e-book: The Science of How to Become a Memorable Real Estate Agent

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    1:10 Krystopher’s business bio

    2:34 The lesson of Mt. Everest

    4:37 The evolution of your “Why?”

    5:42 Tip #1: Get a mentor

    7:16 Tip #2: Don’t expect it to be easy

    8:50 About NAR lawsuit

    13:06 Find something you love

    13:37 The common thread in success

    15:57 Reframe thinking about social media

    21:25 Buyer lead idea #1 [Golden Nugget]

    24:09 Buyer lead idea #2

    25:00 Buyer lead idea #3

    26:05 Mt. Everest documentary/Juniper Fund

    29:45 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

  • Bullying, gossiping, slacking off—these are just a few examples of the types of conduct that, if not stopped, can bring down morale, slow productivity, and, ultimately, affect your entire business. In this Stay Paid Silver Dollar episode, we discuss five different types of employees that have the potential to derail progress and ruin what you’ve built. We point out the signs to look for and suggest ways to rein in the troublemakers so they contribute to, rather than detract from, all you’re trying to achieve.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · Entrepreneur blog: 5 Types of Toxic Employees and How to Deal With Them (Infographic)

    · FREE e-book: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Marketing

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 The danger of toxic employees

    1:44 Responsibility to address the issue

    2:45 #1 The hot mess

    4:09 Correction

    4:32 Expect greatness

    5:17 #2 The slacker

    6:40 The high cost of low productivity

    7:30 Correction

    8:40 #3 The martyr

    9:19 Correction

    10:26 #4 The socialite

    10:59 Correction

    12:50 #5 The sociopath

    13:46 Correction

    15:13 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

  • This time on Stay Paid, we speak with Jacki Semerau Tait, an agent, coach, author, and speaker, and staunch proponent of relationship marketing. Most agents know that garnering referrals is superior to constantly chasing new leads, making building relationships with their SOI preferable to cold calling, sourcing internet leads, door knocking, and other approaches to lead generation. Even so, not all understand how to implement and sustain an effective relationship marketing strategy. This is where listening to Jacki’s interview will help. Join us to discover a simple approach to effectively managing relationships with everyone in your database regardless of its size, the highly feasible routine that will produce at least one appointment every week, and what you should do to organically connect and network with other agents you may not have considered working with before.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · FREE e-book: Getting Started with Relationship Marketing

    · FREE printable: 12 Month Pop-By Printable Bundle

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books and printables as well as lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 Jacki’s business bio

    2:21 Living a life on purpose, in purpose

    4:58 The basis of relationships

    6:41 Building relationships at scale

    10:00 Touchpoint strategy

    13:32 10 call a day, 5 days a week

    16:24 “Shortcut” fees

    18:01 Building a referral agent network

    19:21 Coaching for relational agents

    23:06 Where to focus in this market

    27:34 Action Item

    Making Relationship Marketing Work for You

  • In this Silver Dollar episode, we’re sharing eight robust tools (plus lots of examples) that will bolster your efficiency, allowing you to squeeze more from each 24-hour day. These tools will relieve you of the burden of the minutiae that robs you of precious hours, freeing you to provide best-in-class service to your clients while also reclaiming your sanity—we mean, weekends.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · Original source: Best CRM Software of 2024

    · FREE e-book: How 5 Top Producers Generate Referrals

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    1:27 #1. CRM

    5:06 #2. Integration tools

    6:22 #3. Calendar management

    8:06 #4. Graphics software

    10:35 #5. Freelance sourcing

    11:45 #6. Social media automation

    13:01 #7. Organization tool

    13:49 #8. Marketing automation

    16:06 Action Item

    Follow Stay Paid: https://www.tiktok.com/@staypaid_podcast



    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing?

    Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    400 Medicare Apps in One Month—WHAAT?

  • If you didn't catch our interview with the Girls with Grit the first time, you’re in luck! Founders Lauren Rocco, Jamie Tulak, and Tara McCarthy tackle the struggles of the 2023 housing market that continue to dog agents in 2024. Tune in to hear the Golden Nuggets you may have missed, and get ready to look at current market challenges in a different light. Listen to discover tactics for becoming “5-Mile Famous” and dominating your local market, niches that—regardless of market conditions—will always need to buy and sell, and how to approach client events so they become your #1 source of new leads.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    · The 2024 Girls with Grit Collective Annual Conference is scheduled for April 21–24 in Nashville, Tennessee.

    · Bonus episode: 12 Client Appreciation Events Inspired by Top Agents and Producers

    · FREE e-book: How 5 Top Producers Generate Referrals

    · FREE e-book: Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    2:24 Business biographies

    8:15 The 3-part mission of Girls with Grit

    13:30 4 hot real estate niches

    15:36 Tips for your messaging

    19:05 Strategies for keeping in front of audience

    21:23 CRM of preference

    23:28 Lead gen: being 5-mile famous

    24:40 The issue with online leads

    27:52 Lead gen: client events

    30:31 How do you get started after relocating?

    34:02 Girls with Grit conference

    36:20 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    The Girls with Grit Share Timeless Lead-Gen Strategies [Repost]

  • What’s the difference between the winners and losers, great and mediocre, and high achievers and those who scrape by? What enables our top sales professional to close 1,200 sales a year while the rest average 400–500? Join us this week to find out the only two things keeping you from achieving more of what you want.

    💥 Let us help you get more referrals and repeat business! Visit the home of Stay Paid at remindermedia.com to explore the world's best marketing, and download a FREE SAMPLE of the gold standard in personally branded magazines.

    Connect | Resources

    You can get free resources, including e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

    0:00 Introduction

    0:57 What makes a winner?

    4:46 #1 Work ethic

    7:32 Success happens when you do the work

    9:01 #2 Belief in a vision

    11:45 Belief comes from effort

    14:40 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    THE MINDSET OF A WINNER // It comes down to 2 things

  • This week, we speak with Ramon Casaus, founder of author, podcast host, ROC Real Estate Partners, and creator for Broke Agent Media (BAM). He believes that as the industry evolves, listing agents will have the advantage. In fact, he’s already made the decision to work exclusively with sellers. He also thinks that as competition increases, real estate professionals will need to partner with “big money” to survive. ROC recently partnered with PLACE, a multibillion-dollar real estate tech company, which has enabled his team to sell 500 homes a year.

    Join us to better understand the power of expired listings to grow your business faster and easier, find out a brilliant tactic to start conversations with disheartened sellers that instantly builds credibility, and discover more about PLACE and how it fixes two of the problems brokerages have never been able to solve.

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    Connect | Resources

    · Book: No Permission Needed: There Is a Mentality Before There Is a Reality by Ramon Casaus

    · Instagram: @ramon.casaus

    · FREE e-book: Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents

    You can get more free resources, including additional e-books, printables, and lead magnets to attract new leads, by visiting our Resource Library.

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    0:00 Introduction

    0:40 Ramon’s business bio

    1:38 About No Permission Needed

    3:51 Quality of expired listings leads

    6:06 Framework for calling expired listings [Golden Nugget]

    10:04 Finding expired listings to pursue

    12:03 Using cold reading to break through

    16:18 About PLACE | Ancillary services

    21:50 Why partner with PLACE?

    24:01 A combo of confidence and humility

    26:56 Thoughts on the industry

    28:08 Thoughts on joining a team

    30:51 Action Item

    Want Josh and Luke to help you with your marketing? Visit www.remindermedia.com/StayPaidMarketing

    Expired Listings: The Cash Cow of 2024