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At all phases of the displacement cycle, flight, displacement and return, older people are exposed to specific challenges and risks which are not sufficiently taken into account.
Over the past decade, UK courts and administrative tribunals have become increasingly comfortable relying on international human rights treaties in cases where non-citizens claim asylum or other means of protection from persecution.
The post-Saddam Iraqi state enjoys only limited support from the population, excludes significant sections of its people from power, suppresses the opposition and does not protect citizens from arbitrary arrests, and corruption is rampant.
Displacement and distress migration within and outside North Korea may be an indicator of state fragility but a reduction in numbers should not necessarily be read as a sign of improving conditions there.
El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are largely ignored by refugee agencies who underestimate transnational criminal organisation' abuses and powers of control, while overestimating national governments' ability and willingness to protect their citizens.
Those who left Haiti in the chaotic aftermath of the 2010 earthquake did not generally find the same posture of solidarity and humanitarianism overseas that was apparent in the significant international assistance that followed the disaster.
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