Is “now” just an illusion? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Paul Mecurio answer questions on the Higgs Field, dark energy, and the feasibility of Dyson spheres with astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi.
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Is fusion the future of energy and space travel? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Paul Mecurio explore the cutting-edge science of plasma physics and fusion energy with Fatima Ebrahimi, a physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-future-of-fusion-energy-with-fatima-ebrahimi/
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Is nuclear power the key to sustainability? With data centers consuming massive amounts of energy, can we keep up? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gary O’Reilly & Paul Mecurio discuss the physics, safety, and future of nuclear reactors in a world of increasing power demands with nuclear engineer Kathryn Huff.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/solving-ais-energy-problem-with-kathryn-huff/Thanks to our Patrons Diokindacute, Wheeler Weise, coryb440, Tim Itoi, Curiosidad científica podcast, Deborah Wales, nahar najjar, Scott Jewell, richard ravelo, Samuel Tomka, zackery Cool, Alexis Schad, Sean Smith, KEO LYPENG, Simon Tang, Thomas Coppola, Joseph, Monchelle Hicks, Paul Nowosielcki, Andrei Sirbu, bgbng, Neil Juanillo, Neal Beaton, Vic, PENE WILSON, Brendan Gombosi, Chad Jubyna, Jacob Narr, Mike, Nick H. is AllDamgeNoCntrol, Suliman, and Christoph Hermann for supporting us this week.
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What do crime waves, contagious diseases, and social trends have in common? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice welcome best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell to explore the hidden forces that drive human behavior.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/revenge-of-the-tipping-point-with-malcolm-gladwell/Thanks to our Patrons Matt Silkowski, Dylan moffitt, Grahan Rossiter, FunThings2See, Anthony Sipple, Micheal Kemp, Alexandria French, Ali Jasemi, Nick Charles, Christopher Scott, Graham Jones, Richarad Negus, Win Lương, Paul Durae Duncan, Ian Diaz, Micheal Kroes, Adam Bodenhamer, Chris, foo red, Micheal Rivera, Charles Stanley-Grey, Samuel Andrews, Damian Cartwright, Maliha Khan, Carleton Chang, Jay Holmes Jr. , Mike McKinney, Justin Zarsky, ImJustBeingLazy, Nicholas Elias, Ruth, Brian Toms, Zach Stein, Melanie, Noah, and Philip Taylor for supporting us this week.
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Is anything real? Is time just a construct? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Matt Kirshen answer your far-out questions about black holes, dark matter, and the universe with astrophysicist Janna Levin.
(Originally Aired Tuesday, March 8 2022)
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://www.startalkradio.net/show/cosmic-queries-stoner-edition-with-janna-levin/
Thanks to our Patrons Ivan Masjuk, c, Nathan Mitchell, Conner Kemmsies, Dustin Dewayne Hart, Kyle Reinsberg, Andrew Magri, Virginia Cohen, Cathleen Corrie, and David Claassen for supporting us this week.
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What can gamma rays tell us about supernovae and galaxy formation? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice sit down with astrophysicist Tim Paglione to explore high-energy cosmic phenomena, gamma rays, and the extreme events that create them.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-extreme-universe-with-tim-paglione/Thanks to our Patrons Alexander Storts, Chris Henderson, Micheal Mayo, Jose Lotzin, Rebecca Noland, Scientific Panda, Sander Bergheim, Aubrey Loftus, John Leon, Jaquelin Butkovic, Jesse McIntyre, Kelly Sheffield, Kaseim カセイム, Bradley Westbrook, Chris Rassette, Aquahood, BA_MPH_JD_PhD-aspirant, Ravenwingfeather, Kaity Sturgell, Norma Bazan, Mickey Brumfield, lamar Gibson, Bong Bong, Andrew Hayes, Billy Madison, Bruce Muller, parker martindale, James Pope, Carrie Williams, Robert Lester, Mike Bundy, and My Pug is a Bug for supporting us this week.
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Why does magic fool us so easily? Is our perception of reality just an illusion? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Gary O’Reilly explore the neuroscience behind magic with magician Teller (of Penn & Teller) and neuroscientist Susana Martinez-Conde.
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Thanks to our Patrons Jon Alvarez, Peter Dyreng, Joseph Dolan, Chesterfield Browne, Vinkey, Raymot Holmes, Kev, Kamila Kaftol, Biko Duncan, Nathan Hill, Alex Mertz, Erik Berglund Photography, Tricia Lynch, Mathaniel Spomer, Micheal Palmer, John Keltonic, Jack Williams, Eric Christensen, Melissa Palladino, Chris Ormonde, Tom Somers, Ivynelsewhere, Rafael Arenas Jr, Maurice Bakker, Flamigo Toes, Cadu Magarinos Torres, Tanner Simon, and Mike Nagavalli for supporting us this week.
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Could slowing time increase mass? Do particles ever collide or do they just get really really close? Did anything go “bang” during the Big Bang? Neil deGrasse Tyson, co-host Paul Mecurio, and astrophysicist Charles Liu tackle these cosmic questions and more!
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Thanks to our Patrons Ty Jones, Mitchell Johnson, Bunny D, Julia Lord, Maurice, Garrett Wilson, TheRoyleKiwi, Velhaagrande, Sxyncerebral, Billy Caldwell, Debra Amandola, Dillon Fried, Urich, Mark Loucas, sparcis, James Hudson, Luc Miron, Debra, Richard Starr, Mark R, Mark Van Vrancken, Chirag Ahluwalia, Carole Fredrickson, Eddy, Chris Wells, Tomas E, Claire Richard, Andrew Atkins, Trevor steed, Srinivas N Ch, Pim Bliek, Joe Stradi, Austin Devillier, Johnny Le, Simao Voloch Neto, and Hardy Chen for supporting us this week.
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How much more physics is out there to be discovered? Neil deGrasse Tyson sits down with physicist, professor, and rockstar Brian Cox, to discuss everything from the Higgs boson, life beyond our planet, and the fundamental forces that guide our universe.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/our-world-of-particles-with-brian-cox/Thanks to our Patrons Anthony Sclafani, Alejandro Arriola-Flores, Brian Christensen, Allen Baker, Atlanta Gamer, Nigel Gandy, Gene, Lisa Mettler, Daniel Johansson, Sunny Malhotra, Omar Marcelino, yoyodave, Mo TheRain, William Wilson, ChrissyK, David, Prabakar Venkataraman, PiaThanos22, BlackPiano, Radak Bence, Obaid Mohammadi, the1eagleman1, Scott Openlander, Brandon Micucci, Anastasios Kotoros, Thomas Ha, Phillip Thompson, Bojemo, Kenan Brooks, [email protected], TartarXO, Trinnie Schley, Davidson Zetrenne, and William Kramer for supporting us this week.
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Are we on the brink of merging with machines? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly dive into the mysteries of consciousness versus intelligence, panpsychism, and AI with neuroscientist and author Anil Seth.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/is-consciousness-everywhere-with-anil-seth/Thanks to our Patrons James Boothe, Vicken Serpakian, John Webb, Doctor Pants, Greg Gralenski, Lost_AI, Bob Lester, kim christensen, Micheal Gannon, Aaron Rosenberg, Shai Kr, Kyle Bullock, JyinxTV, James Myers, victor recabarren, David Pederson, Ted McSheehy, Terena, Tracy Sheckells, Groovemaster24, Sheedrealmusic, David Amicucci, Brian Ridge, M Ranger, Peter Ackerman, Mars Colony AI, DonAlan, Harry Sørensen, G Anthony, Muhammad Umer, and Joshua MacDonald for supporting us this week.
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Why was there more matter than antimatter left over? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice explore the quantum origins of the universe, charge parity violation, dark matter, and the many quarks that make up our world with CERN particle physicist Harry Cliff.
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https://startalkmedia.com/show/why-anything-with-harry-cliff/Thanks to our Patrons Diedre Austin, Robert R Able, Peter Onnasch, Valarie McCullar, tremayne johnston, Kurt Kwok, Gianfranco Iannotta, April007, Dale Frewaldt, Sergio Castañeda, Desiray Belcher, Steelfinger7 Steelfinger7, Arnav Madan, Jana, Stephan, Craig Cordwell, Emmanuel Nolasco, Micheal Dunthorn, Forgotten Glory, Thornman, Simba vortex, Justus Patrick, Joey Sandall, Ainsley Bhattan, Dan Teston, Nick Smith, Matt Curtis, Todd King, Reka, and Micheal Smith for supporting us this week.
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How did Einstein uncover so many fundamental theories of the universe? Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-host Harrison Greenbaum, and astrophysicist Janna Levin celebrate the life and legacy of Albert Einstein, accompanied by Neil’s interview with director Ron Howard.
(Originally Aired March 15, 2019)
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
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How did Marie Curie’s discoveries in radioactivity change our understanding of the natural world? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice sit down with science writer Dava Sobel, author of a new book on Curie, to explore the enduring impact of her work on radioactivity.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-elements-of-marie-curie-with-dava-sobel/Thanks to our Patrons Steven Dominie, MICHEAL EMANUELSON, Troy L Gilbert, Johnny Mac, Micheal Benvenuto, Keti Khukhunashvili, David Cashion, Lord Bane, Pat Dolloff, timothy jones, Amir Torabi, Catherine B, Lewis Z, Andrew Troia, Samurai_wolf_6, mike johnson, The Analytical Btch, Mark Petry, Randy Harbour, Garrett Gilbeau, Christopher Manning, Sulla, Jeremy Wong, P Soni, that one guy Kamaron, and Bisexualstardust for supporting us this week.
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Hypnosis—stage act or science? Neil deGrasse Tyson, joined by co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly, dives into the mysterious world of hypnosis with clinical psychiatrist David Spiegel. What is hypnosis? Is it about losing control—or gaining it?
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/getting-hypnotized-with-david-spiegel/Thanks to our Patrons L, Brian Mckeighan, shpdds, Azure Rodriguez, Erel Ortacdag, Sean Bettencourt, Ashtyn Marcus, Kiril Nikolov, Andy Sist, mark howell, Shawn Ravenfire, Kim Barron, Brooke Bellamy, Devin Daley, Aubrey Fernandez, Jeff Mathewson, Lord_J.Capella, Alexander Langholm Skogvik, Carleigh Drakulic, Daniel Trimble, Kyle Francek, Kayla Hunter, Mathew, Diksha Thakur, east779ave, Chris Roskell, and Shyam Vekaria for supporting us this week.
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Are we all living in The Matrix? Neil deGrasse Tyson sits down with actor Laurence Fishburne to explore the science of The Matrix, simulation theory, and who has the better deep voice. Would you take the red pill?
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/into-the-matrix-with-laurence-fishburne/Thanks to our Patrons james martindale, Henry GLover, Steven Weber, Evan, Qaisar75, Moe, Denise Edwards, Micheal J Trietsch, Randy Frankel, John Mortimer, Austin Croley, Chase J, Kathryn Cellerini Moore, adijan Oda, Markus McLaughlin, Dan, 1 Eleven, Dustin Morell, Siva Kumar, Brandon Smith, Ken Zebarah, Steven Dominie, Layf Carlson, st.johnstantine, Thimon De Raad, Scott Payne, Micheal Williams, Ricardo Piras, Troy camilleri, lioz balky, s, and CeeJay for supporting us this week.
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What is time? Is it infinite? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice answer questions all about time. Does time even exist?
(Originally Aired March 3, 2013)
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Could we have reached the moon in 1700? Neil deGrasse Tyson answers the burning questions co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly’s have been saving all year about immortality, redshifting photons, altering the laws of physics, and more!
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Thanks to our Patrons Gail Fairburn, Chris, Kestutis, Dave Seff, Dennis Waters, Bill Anderson, bobdan, Aisling, Erez Buchnik, AndrewRaidz, Rolf Ulrich Isachsen, Korakot Teerasawad, Dylan Mustafa, RMKay, KateOfTime, David Skinner, Malcolm Mar Fan, Matt Berg, Tripp Dailey, Micah Widmaier, Christian Holmes, Dmitry Yurchenko, Adam Booth, Daniel Cummings, Arjun Ananth, and Marcus Smalls for supporting us this week.
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What type of time travel is in “A Christmas Carol”? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice answer fan questions on time travel, paradoxes, and wormholes with theoretical physicist, Brian Greene. Did Ebenezer Scrooge get pulled through a wormhole?
(Originally Aired December 20, 2022)
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/past-present-future-time-travel-with-brian-greene/Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of StarTalk Radio ad-free and a whole week early.
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What is a gravitational wave? Janna Levin and comedian Matt Kirshen sit down with physicist Rainer Weiss to discuss LIGO, black holes, and the physics of gravitational waves.
(Originally Aired October 4, 2016)
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/deciphering-gravitational-waves-janna-levin-startalk-stars/Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of StarTalk Radio ad-free and a whole week early.
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Are alien spacecraft here on Earth? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice discuss the UAP hearings, unexplained cosmic phenomena, dark matter, and more with astrophysicist and NASA UAP chair David Spergel.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/alien-sightings-with-david-spergel/Thanks to our Patrons David Anderson, Paul Balchin, Gary Droege, Antonin Bukovsky, Bill Bailey, Nathan Ramsey, Allan Schwartz, Tom Voyles, Curt Helvey, Walquiria Fontanez, Peg & Rick, Brandon, DJ Thuggy, Lorenzo Olivera, James Cobb, devon, Peter Čerešník, Rick, VICTOR HERNANDEZ, Pohev, Terry Burke, Barbara Guerra-Torres, Tyler Provencher, and Mariann for supporting us this week.
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