Детские научные подкасты, способные увлечь ребенка миром науки
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В первом сезоне вас ждут увлекательные приключения Венто и Саши. Задача непроста: починить корабль и помочь Венто вернуться на родную планету. Для этого нужно найти энергию, но где её искать?
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Mamagang è un viaggio sonoro nella genitorialità di oggi in sei puntate.
Un podcast partecipativo che dà voce a mamme work in progress, papà a caccia di modelli attivi, genitori in cerca di una comunità.
6 puntate per pensare e ripensare i nostri ruoli e metterci in marcia verso una famiglia più libera!
Un podcast di Giulia Cappellin, Clarissa Monnati, Laura Faggin
Musiche: Stefano Dallaporta
Comunicazione e Social: Silvia Vitale
Instagram: @mamagang_ilpodcast
Facebook: Mamagang il podcast
Copertina: La mère encrée -
Človek, najlepší priateľ psa...aj mačky samozrejme, poď sa snami započúvať do podcastu, ktorý ťa naučí rozumieť tvojmu chlpatému miláčikovi.
Som veterinárna lekárka Mária Poláčková a rozhodla som sa robiť veterinu inak. Prevenciou. Mojím cieľom je naučiť majiteľov domácich miláčikov rozumieť zdraviu ich chlpatých kamarátov. Započúvajte sa do veselých ale aj smutných príbehov, na ktorých si vysvetlíme, čo si všímať, ako postupovať a hlavne, čo nezanedbať v otázke zdravia zvierat.
Podcast VETERINA INAK Vám prináša Mária Poláčková a Milan Zimnýkoval. -
भारत में केवल महापुरुष तथा महान नारियां ही नहीं हुई वरन ऐतिहासिक व पौराणिक कथाओं से पता चलता है कि ऐसे बालक भी हुए, जिन्होंने अपने जीवन में कई सदगुणो व आदर्शों को उतारा और उस पर अटल रहकर महान व पूज्य पद भी प्राप्त किया और अमरता भी। उन आदर्श बालकों की प्रेरणास्पद अमर कथाएँ आडिओ स्वरूप में इस पॉडकास्ट में संकलित हैं।
ये 24 अमर बालक हैं… प्रहलाद, ध्रुव, आरुणि, अभिमन्यु, लव कुश, एकलव्य, गणेश, स्कंदगुप्त, चंड, प्रताप, दुर्गादास, पृथ्वीसिंह, शिवाजी, अजीत कुमार, प्रताप, छत्रसाल, उपमन्यु, ऋतुध्वज, बर्बरीक, नारद, भीष्म, सुकर्मा, श्रवण, पिप्पलाद।
वाचक स्वर : योगेश पांडे, संज्ञा टंडन, अनुज श्रीवास्तव -
Ako nestratiť dieťa v digitálnom svete... Z pohľadu rodiča môže niekedy pôsobiť správanie sa našich detí ako digitálna apokalypsa. Je ľahké povedať si „toto ide mimo mňa“ a zostať analógovým rodičom. Alebo si môžeš pustiť náš podcast a dáme ti tipy a triky, ako na deti, pre ktoré je mobil, tablet, herná konzola či počítač stredom ich vesmíru. A spolu sa pokúsime tej apokalypse predísť. Peťo je šéfom digitálnej agentúry v Bratislave, Baška v Košiciach. Popri biznise už niekoľko rokov pomáhajú rodičom, učiteľom a vychovávateľom zorientovať sa vo svete internetu, sociálnych sietí a digitálnych technológií. Dlhoroční priatelia, digitálni marketéri, ale predovšetkým rodičia, @digitalnirodicia. Epizódy vychádzajú vždy vo štvrtok a denný videocontent Digitálny popcorn nájdeš v aplikácii TOLDO
Hunt-Find-Alert is a discussion about everything related to K-9 Search and Rescue. This podcast is for people involved in Search and Rescue, first responders, or people who are just interested in the subject matter. We will discuss all elements of Search and Rescue work, as well as the fascinating world of working dogs. If you are interested in detection dogs, search and rescue, or the work of first responders this is the podcast for you.
Привет! Меня зовут Настя Плеханова, я специалист по коррекции поведения собак, дипломированный психолог и сертифицированный канистерапевт. У меня есть собака, которую я бесконечно люблю, – голландская овчарка по имени Чили с взрывным темпераментом и добрым сердцем.
И в своём подкасте «Ты чё, пёс?» я простыми словами научу вас понимать свою родственную душу, если она – собака 🐶 И стать самой классной командой друзей будет проще!
Come on in, kick off your shoes, pull up a chair, and grab a coffee, because we have plenty to chat about! As a mom, you know much of your time is spent devoted to family, with the majority of that time in a chaotic cattle drive of errands, activities, and meals on the run.
Ready for a fresh perspective on what you’ve been living through? You’re in the right place. And starting today, you’re no longer in this alone.
Each week we’ll explore the realities of your day-to-day family life in this modern era of non-stop texts, memes, and technology.
After all, how many rules can we have? How many days do you stay in your workout clothes until the afternoon? How many recipes can you save?
Families are living breathing entities that need to be nurtured, from our nuclear family to our global family, and let’s be honest: most of that nurturing is going to fall on your shoulders.
Does it really all begin and end with self-care? Is that the answer?
Tune in each week as we figure it out together.
With our amazing guests and thought-provoking discussions, we’ll take a holistic look at family health: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.
Whether it’s a micro perspective of family involving healthy snacks, teenagers with attitude, stressed out husbands/partners, potty training, eldercare, grandchildren, or a macro perspective of world events, including flu, earthquakes, weather, and finances, we will find a way together.
Take a deep breath, exhale ~ and know that you’re not alone
Welcome to the Family Balancing Act
Maureen Huntley, MS, CHC, CFMHC is a board-certified Integrative and Functional Medicine Health Coach, with a master of Science degree in Health Coaching with a concentration in applied nutrition. She’s a Raw-vegan food educator, and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, with additional certifications in Reflexology, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and the Law of Attraction. Maureen holds a BFA from the Theatre School at DePaul University Chicago and is a member of AEA, SAG, and AFTRA. As a working mother of four, and grandmother, she understands what it takes to juggle relationships and motherhood with work, self-care, healthy eating, and healthy living.
She’s a four-time published author, speaker, and former co-host of the international radio show The Family Balancing Act programming on the Politics of Health and its effect on the family, with notable guest speakers.
Finding health and balance in her own life, Maureen created Mo Green Juice and Vital Health for Life, LLC with retail distribution in grocery stores, farmer’s markets, gyms, hospitals, local stores, CSA’s throughout New York, the tri-state area, and surrounding states.
Through her work, Maureen guides women to use their innate wisdom as the stepping stones to living life as an adventure and freedom with the co-created awareness all that has been experienced emotionally is digested.
Maureen’s expertise lies in showing women how powerful they are by giving them the exact tools and insights they need to break free from rules and limits. Once you hear Maureen, you know that anything’s possible, and things are about to change - for the better. -
The Feelings Detective Podcast gives kids ages 5-8 the tools for emotional wellness through fun stories, meditation adventures, and engaging activities.
Welcome to the Feelings Detective Podcast, where we crack the code of Social Emotional Learning!
The Feelings Detective Podcast is your secret weapon for unleashing kids’ emotional intelligence. We're talking about building self-awareness, mastering those big feelings, and navigating the world with confidence.
Podcast episodes include captivating story designed to build self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making—all the tools they need to navigate the ups and downs of life.
Every new episode includes a printable activity to continue the fun and develop valuable skills and — so sign up on our website to get free printable activities designed to fuel creativity, spark critical thinking, and build essential life skills.
Get ready to boost your kids’ self-esteem, develop executive functioning skills, ignite mindfulness, and empower them with the knowledge to thrive in any situation. Join us on the Feelings Detective Podcast, and unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within your kids! -
This former Special Ed classroom teacher is on his own with a microphone, to share some of the magic he's learned in his 34+ years in the field.
Stories, strategies, and a true grasp for what life can be like for parents and caregivers of Disabled children are waiting here!
Witnessing, first hand, your challenges in the home has invigorated my desire to share what I know and to be a cheerleader for your lives and the lives of your child using mindfulness as a fulcrum to success.
You are not alone and your life matters. Join me as we let go and grow together! -
Myšlienky a meditácie od mamy pre mamy. Pre spomalenie a sprítomnenie. Pre tréning trpezlivosti. Odbúranie presvedčení, ktoré nám neslúžia. Väčšiu empatiu. Prepojenie s deťmi a s partnerom. Zvýšenie lásky k okoliu a k sebe. Pre väčšiu slobodu a šťastie. Všímavá meditácia môže mamám pomôcť znižovať stres a úzkosť, zlepšovať emocionálnu reguláciu a sústredenie. Môže podporiť fyzickú a mentálnu pohodu, zvýšiť trpezlivosť a posilniť vzťahy s rodinou. Celkovo môže prispieť k lepšiemu zvládaniu každodenných výziev a podporiť sebalásku a sebaprijatie. Mám MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) tréning a Neuro-somatický meditačný tréning. Sebarozvoj ma fascinuje už roky, a teraz, v materstve, mi slúži ešte viac ako pred ním. Na tomto kanáli zdieľam praktiky a poznania, ktoré pomohli mne. Ty mysli kriticky, a zober si z nich len tie, ktoré dávajú zmysel TEBE a pasujú do TVOJHO života.
Psychológovia a psychologičky z liniek pomoci a krízových služieb OZ IPčko - a Krízová linka pomoci (0800 500 333) sa spolu s ďalšími odborníkmi a odborníčkami rozprávajú o duševnom zdraví, výchove detí, problémoch mladých ľudí, nástrahách internetu a o krízových a náročných situáciách, ktoré sú súčasťou života. Spoločne hľadáme riešenia a ponúkame pomoc.
Po 100 dieloch podcastu hmmm… prichádza nová séria NA NERVY v spolupráci s TV JOJ. -
Patríte medzi milovníkov zvierat a chceli by ste vedieť čo najviac „pikantérii“ z ich života? Započúvajte sa do podcastu, vďaka ktorému sa okrem množstva iných zaujímavých informácii dozviete aj to, či sa oslovujú menami, aký je ich vzťah k alkoholu a drogám, či je penis naozaj len výsadou samcov, aký je ich postoj k homosexualite a potratom, ale aj to, či používajú toaletný papier a dentálnu niť.
Welcome! Maybe you are already learning Turkish with us on Youtube? On the Easy Turkish Podcast, we discuss topics from Turkey and around the world. In our episodes we will discuss a topic we choose, explain an idiom or an expression, recommend a movie, a TV series or a song and we will answer your questions. Members get full transcripts and our exclusive vocabulary helper for each episode.