Hello and welcome to Are you Michelle from Skins? with me, April Pearson. And yes, I played Michelle in E4’s iconic teen drama, Skins. This show is helping me work through the highs and lows of being associated with something so memorable by talking to other creatives who are also known for that one seminal moment in their career. I'm speaking to boyband members, soap stars, and other Skins cast members about how that one iconic role has impacted their life and career going forwards.Ever wondered what it’s like being that person from…..? Well sit back and let’s find out together.
Ordinary Girl - hosted by Courtney Raine & Kaley Shannon - is a weekly lifestyle podcast dedicated to delivering joy, relatability, & belly-laughs to young people everywhere. Every Friday, Courtney & Kaley share the jaw-dropping insanity they’re experiencing in LA as if you’re chattin' with them on a Covid-Safe beach watchin' a Malibu sunset (don't forget your iced-grande-cinnamon-dolce-Starbs). The honest & entertaining storytelling will leave you either in suspense or feeling completely understood (& hopefully a little less nuts).
Η ιστορία της συγκίνησε το πανελλήνιο και η δύναμή της έδωσε έμπνευση σε όσους αναμετρήθηκαν με μια μεγάλη δοκιμασία. Στον πρώτο κύκλο αυτού του podcast, η Ιωάννα Παλιοσπύρου φιλοξένησε πρόσωπα που έγιναν σύμβολα γενναιότητας και μετέτρεψαν μια τραυματική εμπειρία σε αφετηρία για μια νέα ζωή. Στον δεύτερο κύκλο συνομίλησε με ακτιβιστές που στέκονται στο πλευρό όσων χρειάζονται ενσυναίσθηση και αλληλεγγύη. Στον τρίτο κύκλο φιλοξενεί ειδικούς που απαντούν στις απορίες, στις προκλήσεις και τα διλήμματα που δυσκολεύουν τη ζωή, την ψυχική μας ισορροπία και την αρμονική συνύπαρξη με τους άλλους.
I’M SO POPULAR is an audio program from the end of the world by American drag queen in Japan, Zach Langley Chi Chi. Scream into the abyss, find another way: discussing with anyone and everyone homosexual beauty, art, culture, Madonna, Marxism, J-Pop, James Joyce, drag, death, all of it, none of it. What can be salvaged.
Κάποιοι πιστεύουν πως η μητρότητα δεν έχει manual. Κάποιοι άλλοι αναζητούν μανιωδώς απαντήσεις και πληροφορίες όπου σταθούν κι όπου βρεθούν. Όλα θα ήταν πιο εύκολα αν αναζητούσαν τις πληροφορίες στη σωστή πηγή. Στην Ελληνίδα μάνα, που όλα τα γνωρίζει και για όλα έχει μια αποκρυσταλλωμένη άποψη. Τα podcasts «Η μανούλα ξέρει » από τη Μυρτώ Κάζη δεν είναι τίποτα περισσότερο –αλλά και τίποτα λιγότερο– από τις μεγάλες αλήθειες της Ελληνίδας μάνας. Αλήθειες, απαντήσεις, συμβουλές, μυστικά και tips που δεσμευόμαστε πως θα σας φανούν απρόσμενα χρήσιμα.
Меня зову Святослав Гусев, я основал крупнейшее рекламное агентство, медиа сеть и платежную систему на базе blockchain. Поставил для себя цель, чтобы исполнить мечту своей матери и добиться результатов. Рассмотрение кейсов, способов заработка, поиск новых ниш и тем в бизнесе. Делюсь своим мнением относительно криптовалют и публикую свежайший контент в IT, самые быстрые новости с зарубежных ресурсов, провожу бесплатные образовательные митапы на регулярной основе по инвестициям.
Do you know more about Real Housewives than your own family? Do you have strong opinions about Kody Brown’s move to Flagstaff? I know I do! If that also sounds like you, then this is the podcast for all your reality tv pleasures! Recaps of episodes, reality tv news, and whatever I may feel like sprinkling in between. Come along with me, your host, Catherine, on my Adventures in Reality TV!
Your words have power!
And the way you speak to yourself matters... They say life and death is in the power of the tongue!
Are you encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting yourself or are you shaming, hating, and blaming yourself? If you find that you are not encouraging yourself, don't worry it’s never to late to change the way you talk to yourself.
This podcast was designed to help you find the words you need to speak life into difficult situations.
You have to ability to change your life and it starts with finding your voice!
So AFFIRM yourself... even if your voice is shaking!
And always remember to speak these affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey!
Host : Sarah V
@sheisaffirmed -
This show intends to celebrate and talk about cinema, the universal art form that translates stories and emotions from a larger-than-life perspective to its spectators. Here you can listen to screenwriter Santhosh Mathevan presenting about or having conversations with like-minded movie freaks on the crafts and nuances of cinema. Be it screenplay, music, cinematography, editing acting, or anything about films, we talk about that here.
Jingle composed and arranged by Shreyas
メッセージ:[email protected] #randomchatでのツイートもお待ちしております。 -
Welcome to Bestie let's talk, a podcast hosted by Pita. She wanted a place where she could be raw and uncensored. Each week she will cover serious/crazy topics, storytimes, advice, or anything she has in mind. New episodes every Thursday! Support this podcast: