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Spiritual People : How To Approach Current Times & Disrupt The Program.
In this episode Faern is sharing her ideas around the energy of society, how it affects us and how to deal with it. This is an important episode to share with your energy sensitive or spiritual friends. We are experiencing the beginnings of a global exchange in regards to how things work and we as spiritual people have a bit of a responsibility to take part, to a certain extent.
Listen in and let us know what you think.
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The Spirits Path Teamaddendum feb 2 : we are aware the actions mentioned overseas are not on our behalf. we didn't really believe that at the time it was said in recording, but it was what the media was saying so we left it. there are issues worldwide which ours is highly connected to.
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Keep the promises you make to yourself. Faern is sharing with us a way of being and coupling it with how to begin. She is suggesting a practice which built a lot of self confidence for her so she wants to share it with you now in the hopes of assisting your path. Listen carefully because it is so simple you might miss the details. Be sure to share this with a friend trying to begin creating art or write poetry.
Thank you for listening.
Happy 2025
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The previous episode mentioned in the beginning: Are you Being True To Yourself
In this episode Faern draws our attention to one way main way to see whether or not we are being true to ourselves. As well she provides us with three ways to approach the situation.
This episode is short but is packed full, listen carefully.
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At this stage of human & societal development Faern has been looking further and further into stress and how we are attempting to manipulate the area in order for her to see why things so easily go awry for the individual, besides the fact that on a societal level we are living in stress pretty commonly and think we can "regulate" this. Basically- we cannot and we are being told we can and this concept is being wrapped up into WELLNESS CULTURES- Yoga, Meditation etc.- right where it doesn't belong, keeping many people in an un-grounded state of being.
In this episode Faern goes over why cosmic living from a spiritual perspective will support your health while bypassing the need to "regulate" yourself like a police officer. It's counterintuitive to put anything in between you and your divinity or any spiritual practice.
Previous episodes mentioned OR used for inspiration:
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Let Go of Election Stress: Short Guided Meditation & Breathwork
Everyone around seems to be riding high on stress or some sort of anxiety in regards to the election. Due to this Faern wanted to help alleviate some of it and decided to create a short guided meditation / breath-work session for you to use now, save for later and send to your friends who might need a little moment for themselves right about now.
Thank you for being here, listening and letting us know if you have any questions or topics you think we would be interested in here at Spirits Path Podcast.
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Before we begin we would love to ask a favor. If you could take a moment and subscribe to Spirits Path Podcast on all the podcast apps we'd very much appreciate it, it helps the show get in front of more eyes.
This week we have a basic rundown of how "returning to yourself" works. Faern shares with us how to begin and keep it going in order to gain momentum on your spiritual transition.
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This episode is related to our last one- you can listen before or after. This one explains the "microcosm" in relation to YOU as a human here and now.
Going forward it is becoming more and more important to be MORE than present- to return to yourself often. As things get a bit messier on the planet do your best to not get to caught up in the fear that will build or is already.
Have a way to come home to yourself.
This reminder will be our next episode topic- for now, please take time to see the grand ceremony from day to day.
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The Spirits Path Podcast Team
PS- our computers are finally up and running again- thank you for being loyal listeners!Support the show
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In this episode Faern shares about the current transformational times we are in from her current perspective. This episode is very important to her, to us, and we are hopeful you will share this with your closest spiritually attuned friends.
Please do let us know what you think & thank you for listening,
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Try This For Better Sleep
In this episode Faern shares a few practices to get better sleep as well as the common components to a poor night's sleep.
In the episode Faern describes the following steps to setting your inner alarm clock.
Inner Alarm Clock steps:
1- do not skip any steps
2- have backup alarm already set
3- choose your intended wake up time
4- looking intently at the numbers on your clock say in your head "when this clock says 6:50 am I wake up" repeatedly
5- tell yourself one more thing "I want to wake up at 6:50 am"
6- go to bed
7- write down the time you wake up
8- Repeat Repeat Repeat
Share with your friends who have trouble sleeping.
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How To Connect To Your Discernment
In this episode Faern shares what discernment means to her as well as methods for developing a clear connection to your discernment. She uses a Sanskrit term VIVEKA (discrimination) to assist in the description of what discernment is and how to work with it.
Give a listen and let us know if you have and questions,
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This is Episode 2 in a series.
The previous episode in this series -> Early History of American Spiritualism
During the 1730's - 1840's in Colonial America and the then the newly formed United States had two Great Awakenings. This episode is a short overview of this fascinating time of spiritual change.
The currently popular term "Move from your head to your heart" actually comes from way back in the very first awakening period. Faern finds it amazing how this history lines up with our current wave of change across the U.S. and the world at large.
Give a listen and let us know what you think!
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We are in a very large collective shift which is bringing a lot of people into the spiritual paradigm and there's also an influx of information which is not necessarily described in a very clear way.
Have you been curious about why people are saying 3D 4D 5D? Have you been recently confused by the New Age approach to explaining our earthly existence?
Faern simplifies one of the most mis presented popular concepts in the current spiritual context: DIMENSIONS
What is meant by dimensional reality?
How can we learn from it?
Is 5d a place you go?
Give a listen and let us know what you think!
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This week we have the beginning of an interesting history series on American Spiritualism. This episode covers the earliest portion of this vast timeline of events beginning from the philosophical root. Faern's interest in this as of NOW since she did more research is in how similar the time periods are ( then & now).
Enjoy Faern's first history podcast! Look forward to more.
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This is the episode Faern mentions at the beginning of this current episode on Eclipse Season.
In this episode Faern tells us this year's Eclipse Schedule & you will get tips on how to work within the Eclipse Window we are in (which are assisted by the tips in the previous episode).
She also goes over WHY energetically things are a bit EXTRA and what else is happening around the April 8th eclipse which she feels will impact our very physically sensitive friends.
All in All this episode has a lot going on and we are very interested in what your thoughts are. Email us, it's in the episode.
OR visit Faern on their social media.
Keep Listening,
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This Spring Equinox in an 8 Year Prep episode is a little longer than the others because there are specific tips at the end which Faern thinks are the most important for this upcoming time period.
YES Spring Equinox is technically a day or even a moment HOWEVER the energy of this phase is exponential in value and extends much further than the exact scientific timing of the equinox. In this episode Faern shares her intuitive messaging around this 2024 Equinox. She includes information about the numerology for this year- the 8 year- as well as brings in the current energetics and how they will add to the experience.
Thank You for listening & please subscribe to Spirits Path Podcast wherever you can!
Episodes mentioned:
Refine Your Energy: A How To Begin Episode
Numerology Basics : Life Path Number
How We Perceive Energy Is Changing
I'm putting this here because I feel like it:
"Lackmind" In hard Times
and this (although it may also be mentioned in the episode):
Affirmations : What Are They & How To Use ThemSupport the show
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This week's episode is exactly how Faern would teach you how to refine your energy if you were a beginner. HOWEVER any advanced energetic being can use a refresher- not all practices will be the same or taught in the same way.
11 Minute Meditation: Centering & Holding SpaceAffirmations : What Are They & How To Use ThemHow We Perceive Energy Is ChangingPhilosophies & Theories Are Meant To be helpful
She shares with us WHY this is important to take control of AND three easy things to begin with which will guide you towards the best possible practice of energetic "hygiene" possible. By doing this you support all of you, the people around you as well as set yourself up for the best possible next chapter.
On To Energy Refinement!
Keep Listening.
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The Spirits Path Podcast team
Don't forget to email us with your questions and suggestions!
Energy EPISODES you probably missed:
A Place To Return To No Matter Where You Are
Beliefs, Philosophy & Spiritual Practices : Why your choice matters
The Morning Intention Is Essential- are you setting one? part 1Support the show
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In this episode Faern returns to defining DOGMA and how when philosophy becomes dogmatic it is inherently unhelpful. To her it is looking like a major source of confusion comes from the limitations often created in translation mixed with people needing to HAVE THE ANSWER so badly or something of the sort. (Our previous episode has more on this).
All in All it is important to develop discernment when adding anything into your spiritual practices on your path because there is always another layer of energy we may not have a direct view of but we are ALWAYS interacting within it. Some practices do expire as well- which on one hand could mean no one is paying attention to it, and on the other hand it ran its course and people will benefit from leaving it behind now.
It's much more important to take care of your "container" during these abrupt changes on the planet.
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This week Faern is talking with us about ENERGY but specifically about the electromagnetic shifts we are receiving from pulses off the sun. Combine this with solar flares, Wars, societal movements and personal emotional states over an extended amount of time and what we get is another big shift.
EVERYONE is starting to FEEL and express the sensations in one way or another.
Faern is thinking this is going to push all of society into a VERY BIG shift into a much greater understanding beyond where anyone has been as of yet, that we know of or that is speaking of it. Consider it this way- just a few years ago we were talking about moving from head to heart and NOW we are talking about living from an energetic connection to the Divine.
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Happy 2024 everyone!
With the intention of starting on a light hearted note Faern shares with us a little bit about numerology and it's history.
She also tells you how to calculate your Life Path Number.
Visit THIS POST on TikTok for more about the Life Path Number and for you to participate in the conversation by entering your number as a comment on the post- Faern said she would add a positive trait or aspect of your number- take her up on it!
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Thank you all for being a part of Spirits Path Podcast in 2023!
You hung in there with us as we moved through pandemonium and then changed the name, this means the world to us and our little production.
In this episode Faern gives her interpretation of some pages in BE HERE NOW (starting on page 95) which directly apply to moving into a new zone of spiritual and emotional living. We understand how at this time there are terrible things happening on this planet- while at the exact same time the energetics of earth are practically being completely overhauled and are offering us a more sound and loving framework to exist from. Therein is the challenge of the spiritual being creating their lives in this present moment.
Near the end is a quick wrap up of the most popular episodes of the year and the most consistent cities of our wonderful listeners.
Thank You for being here,
Here's to more love in
2024Support the show
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