
  • Hello Spirit Talkers! It's so good to be back after summer break. Thanks for tuning in. In this one, I cover energetic housekeeping. After a quick personal update, I talk a bit about some of the following energy clearing tools we can all use in our homes:

    Sweet grass.Sage.Paolo Santo.Incense.Bells and other sound tools. Sunlight.Essential oils.Limes (yes you read that right. You can raid your fridge for house clearing tools).......and more.

    Thank you so much for tuning in! Please consider giving a rating and review. You can join the Soul Tribe facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/xb48Sd6uQNJDA9s8/

    Follow me, your host, Brandee Bolton on Instagram here:


  • GHOSTS! In this part 2 episode, I continue talking ghosts. Full disclosure the podcast ghost was back. I had a slight interruption in recording though it was quite easy to fix. It is no coincidence that the subject matter is ghosts - they like to mess around at times. I do not have ghosts in my home though they do know that I can tune in and sometimes follow me around. It makes sense to me that just talking about ghosts sort of called them in. I have never experienced the type of recording disruption before until the topic was ghosts.

    In this episode, I answer a few quick questions. A listener story is shared. Deeper philosophy around ghosts is explained. Over the last two years I have been learning about ghosts as it has been a topic of interest for me. Spirit has provided insight in various ways.

    Any more questions about ghosts?! Feel free to reach out. I love hearing from you soul tribe! Also, sharing your spiritual stories is something I would love to do more of. Please write me! A whole episode of spirit talker stories would be amazing to do.

    As always, thank you for tuning in! I appreciate you and I am grateful for this small but mighty community.

    email : [email protected]

    IG : https://www.instagram.com/spirittalk13/

    Facebook Soul Tribe group: https://www.facebook.com/share/CosTRWGJrfipL11a/

    Subscribe, follow, review and share this podcast with your own soul tribe. Let's grow this thing together.

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  • This one is on ghosties! Of course a ghost tinkered with my recording and made it all glitch sounds for 4 minutes. Seriously, ghosts can be tricky sometimes. I swear they heard me talking about them and interfered. I cut the glitchy parts mostly. I will come back soon with part 2 because there is more to be said.

    Thanks for asking question on the Facebook group! It really helped me and we're going to do that more.

    You can join the soul tribe group here:


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    check out Out There But Not podcast here:


  • Thanks for joining me soul tribe! This one is about empaths and narcissists and why they often go hand in hand. I want to bring awareness to this personality type in hopes that less of this energy is brought into the world. Part of being an empowered empath is having healthy boundaries. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes going through it with a narcissists to get there.

    Development of psychic abilities goes together with personal development. Relationships are a huge aspect of spiritual life. So lets get into it...

    In this episode I cover:

    What is an empath.What is a narcasist.Why do the two often go hand in hand. What are red flags to watch out for to avoid getting wrapped up with a narcissist.A personal story of an example of gaslighting. What happens to empaths who have been in it for a long haul with a narcissist.To come out is through personal power! A msg to all empaths.

    If you enjoy Spirit Talk, please subscribe, rate, review and share. You can join our Facebook soul tribe group here:


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  • Spring is in the air! I am here for it.

    Ever been tested by the Universe? It could be a sign that you need to get more specific and clear about your aspirations and goals. Maybe the energy behind what you want has been lack luster and the Universe is asking, "do you really want this?" So if you are getting tested, you might be very close to what you want, its just your sign to get more specific. Dare to DREAM is what spirit is telling us this Spring. Ya'll might be pleasantly surprise by what the Universe provides when you really put your heart behind your wishes.

    Winter is over but here's the thing...not enough of us got the rest and recuperation we needed. Spirit tells us we need to work on calming our nervous systems this spring. Especially since there is a LOT of energy coming down the pipe. Be mindful of what you are consuming and taking in - is it only adding to energetic overload?

    For this spring I also channel through:

    A crystal.An animal messanger.Three colours. An activity.

    Finally, I pull a card from this deck https://amzn.to/3J5ZOeM (ad link). And boy oh boy does the card I pulled *sage* beautifully represent a lot of what I said. You can't make this stuff up!

    Thank you for listening Spirit Talkers! You can join the facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1054650118279448/

    You can follow on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/spirittalk13/

  • Barbara With is an author, a channel, a composer, an activist and a co creator of Conflict Revolution and Synergy Alliance. She is all of that and so much more. Barbara was a delight to have on the show. She shares bits and pieces of what she has learned from Albert Einstein in her years of channeling him. I was delighted to talk to Barbara and we even spoke for a while after we stopped rolling. Sorry listeners, I have to stop doing that! I promise to try to keep you in the loop and always be recording. In this episode with Barbara we cover:

    Early life and how she began channeling.At first it was random bits from "angels".Her channeling then morphed when she was asked to channel Princess Dianna!Through that experience, she learned to channel specific people.Spirit lined up who she would channel next. Each person had messages of how to achieve world peace. Barbara wrote a book of her channeling 12 people : https://amzn.to/3TpTVO9 (use my affiliate link to get your copy today! #ad).Barbara shares with us Albert Einstein's teachings, including Compassion being the key to world peace.

    Thank you for tuning in Spirit Talkers! Love you! Please keep the spiritual conversations going in the Soul Tribe group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1054650118279448/

    Here are Barbara With's links:





  • Have you ever seen people roll their eyes when "woo-woo" is mentioned? I have. To me the word is fun, mystical, light hearted, and powerful. But did you know, that is a far cry from the dictionary definition?

    In this episode, I break down the modern take on woo-woo. Are "they" (whoever they are...that's a whole other topic) dividing us spiritually speaking when they devalue words like woo-woo? Probably.

    In this episode, I invite us all to be empowered in our use of the word. Together we can redefine terms like woo-woo. Let's ensure spirituality is at the center of our communities.

    Please, let me know, what does woo-woo mean to you?

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  • Hello Spirit Talkers! Thanks for tuning in. On this one we get to hear from Nicole Harp. She is an artist who does soul paintings. She is also an animal lover and brings through beautiful communications from various animals. I was lucky enough to get a communication from my beloved dog in spirit through Nicole which we will discuss in this episode. You'll also hear about:

    Nicole's formal training as an artist.How her Mother having dementia cracked Nicole open and inspired her to channel soul paintings.A bit about Nicole's process for the paintings and how she channels a poem to go with each one. Animal communication and how it's related to soul paintings (everything is energy!).

    You can see Nicole's work and contact her through Instagram and her website:



    Join the Spirit Talk - soul tribe FB group here:


    Follow on Instagram here - https://www.instagram.com/spirittalk13/

    email: [email protected]

  • Hi Soul tribe! So grateful for you tuning in. In this episode, I just chat candidly about a few experiences I have had recently. Working out some story telling muscles over here.

    Here's a tip...don't bring things into your homes without first cleansing them! I got some cards that were definitely holding some energy, yikes.

    At a cacao ceremony, I unintentionally visited a past life for a few moments and it was incredible.

    Lets celebrate the sensitivities we have innately by celebrating intuitive hits. I share a little hit I got recently (surprise it was numerology involved). This is a call out to all the Spirit Talkers to please share your little hits. I want to eventize this stuff and share on the show!

    You can join Spirit Talk - a soul tribe here:


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    email the show here: [email protected]

  • Hello Spirit Talkers! Happy New Year. Allow me to decode the Universal Year 8 for y'all. I hope you are as excited for it as I am. Out with the old - 7 was one of self reflection and growth through introspection. And in with the new! A year 8 will bring:

    Impactful intellect.A brilliant vibration.Big life force energy.Its VigorousIts Empowering.Its exciting.A year of action.

    Thank you Spirit Talkers for tuning in through 2023. Here's to BIG ideas, goals and dreams for this podcast in 2024. Like, share, review or just send an episode with a friend.

    You can join the Spirit Talk soul tribe here:


    You can follow me, Brandee, on IG here:


  • Let's talk about boundaries to spirit! By that I mean personal energetic boundaries to ghosts, spirits and more. In this episode I cover:

    A new moon women's circle I attended on my birthday.My personal evolution with boundaries to the Spirit world.A new phase of exploration and experimentation with lowering boundaries to the other side. The dimmer switch analogy.Ghost and spirit stories while I have been using the dinner switch. What I have learned and what I think my new normal will look like when I am done experimenting. An invitation to experiment with your own spiritual boundaries.

    You can join the Spirit Talk - a soul tribe on Facebook here:


    Follow me for more spiritual content here:


    If you want to reach out, say hi, or share your own spirit story. You can email them here: [email protected]

    Thank you for listening! Please consider giving the podcast a 5 star rating and review, or share with your spiritual besties.

  • Hello Spirit Talkers! I get personal in this one, explaining that anxiety has been a teacher to me. Anxiousness showed me it was time to change. Then the Universe conspired and had my husband's interest in fasting for physical optimization be the answer I would have never chosen for myself. He and I did an 86 hour fast together where we only had water, electrolytes, and a little bone broth. In this episode, I get into my personal experiences and:

    Fasting: The physical benefits. (some science stuff).

    The spiritual history of fasting.

    The lessons I got about my own spiritual abilities and how to adapt them. I now use a dimmer switch instead of just an "on/off" switch.

    Thanks for listening!

    Join the soul tribe for more spiritual discussion:


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    Consider leaving a rating and review for Spirit Talk.

  • This one is just a little ramble about things I have been thinking about and experiencing lately. My sensitivity has brought me the ability to see sparkles in peoples aura! I asked myself why do some people sparkle and I answer that in this episode.

    Ever wonder why you connect with certain people so well? They might be in your soul group! I talk a bit about soul groups and how they can affect our relationships on the Earth plane.

    Thank you for your understanding that this episode may sound a bit rough. It wasn't planned or edited. Procrastination is something I am working on.....and today done was better than perfect!

    If you like the podcast, please give it a rating and review.

    Join the soul tribe group on facebook here:


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  • In this episode we dive into the history of Halloween and it's ties to Samhain, the Celtic pagan tradition the modern day holiday was derived from with the help of the Catholic church.

    While Celtic pagans started the traditions based on their end of year celebrations, it wasn't until immigration during the potato famine when pagan practices made their way to North America. That is what finally birthed the current tradition of the phrase used on Halloween, "trick or treat?" and the modern version of Halloween.

    Have you heard the term "the veil is thinning"? The Celts believe the veil was thin during Samhain. Sharing what I have learned about Halloween traditions inspired me to talk about the veil. What is it and what does it mean when it's thin? With help of my spirit guides, I describe what affect a thinning veil can have on us and different circumstances that lead to a thinner veil.

    Hope you enjoy! Thank you for tuning in. Please like, rate, review, as it helps this podcast spread.

    Follow me on IG here:


    Join Spirit Talk - a soul tribe here:


  • Jenny Miller takes a holistic approach with her clients, helping them to shift their identity into the most elevated version of themselves. The spiritual modalities she uses are primarily: breathwork, astrology and mediumship. She is highly intuitive and is gifted at offering spiritual guidance.

    This conversation Jenny and I have is centered around healing. We talk about what healing is, why it comes up, and the many reason's people might need healing. We discuss spiritual modalities used for healing and our own experiences. Jenny shares her journey to learning breathwork and in the very first session she went to, a health ailment she was dealing with vanished! She speaks of receiving "the call" to learning breathwork.

    In this conversation we talk about how there is no one right way to heal. Everyone is different of course. There is one through line for everyone though and that's getting to know yourself. Learning about ourselves is paramount in the healing journey and it happens to have an added benefit, heightened intuition!

    Thank you for tuning in! Please consider giving spirit talk a rating and review.

    You can find Jenny Miller's links below. She is holding a virtual breathwork session November 10, 2023. Please check it out!




    You can follow me, Brandee Bolton, on IG here:


    and join the Spirit Talk soul tribe on Facebook here:


  • In this episode, I talk about spiritual burnout. What it is, what can lead us to burnout, and how to get out of or avoid burnout. In a state of vulnerability, I share that I have recently experienced a few of the symptoms of burnout and was definitely headed toward total burnout. With the help of my guides, the self work I have done in the past, and people who are close to me, I was able to course correct and am happy to report that I have my zest for life back.

    I share a "stalker card" that I pulled many times during my near burnout period. I know there is someone out there listening who needs to hear that card. The deck is Sacred Destiny by Denise Linn.

    I hope this episode resonated with some of you! Thanks for listening. Please consider leaving a rating or review for the pod!

    You can join the facebook group, Spirit Talk - a soul tribe here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1054650118279448/

    You can follow me on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/spirittalk13/

    email: [email protected]

    *trigger warning*

    If you have any questions regarding the deep topics of babies in spirit, and or suicide, please reach out as I am preparing an episode on those topics and intend to channel information that I can share with this soul tribe.

  • We can communicate with animals in so many ways! In this episode, I touch on the numerous ways we can communicate. Focusing on my own experiences and stories as well as sharing listeners stories, I didn't want to get stuck in philosophy. Though spiritual philosophy on animals sounds like an interesting episode to try out! In this episode I talk about:

    Last month's energy and what a ride that was.The first time I connected with an animal in a reading.My Mom's story of my childhood dog's ghost being seen by a child. An incredible experience I had in a reading, where a pet dog connected a husband and wife.Two listeners stories involving an animal messenger and an animal guide.

    Would you like to join the online community? Click the link here:


    You can follow me in IG here:


    If you like Spirit Talk, please consider leaving a 5 star rating and review. It helps keep me motivated to keep this passion project going and helps me to know that there is purpose to this. Thanks!

  • It would be silly not to mention the "lion's gate" portal on Spirit Talk, right? I take a practical approach at discussing this gate that its not as complicated as it might sound. This is a day of opportunity to see the best path forward. Our highest and best possible timelines are illuminated today. Take a moment out to visualize yourself being washed over in the golden light of spirit.

    I pull a card for the collective that brings angel energy! Check it out.

    Thanks for tuning in friends!

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  • This month is pure magic friends! At least it feels like as I tune into the collective energy. This month, we are being called to enjoy ourselves and let the beautiful energy wash over us. The energy this month is in stark contrast to May and June this year, in that it is about abundance, and us riding the wave to level up and ascend.

    Ever had telepathic communication? If not, you probably will this month. Telepathy (and other psychic abilities) are amplified this August.

    What do owls mean to you? I have been getting owls as a sign/totum/msg over and over. It is a sure indicator that we are being given divine guidance and downloads and information is coming to us quickly and clearly. We are receiving Universal Truths!

    I am sure I babbled about more to do with August. Listen to find out! Do you like Spirit Talk? If so, please consider giving a rating, a review, or sharing with friends. I appreciate it so much.

    Join the Spirit Talk soul tribe on FB here:


    Follow me on IG here:


  • This episode is a big riff about timeline jumping. Not so much the precision of it all (I will leave that to the quantum physicists) but more so from a zoomed out, spiritual perspective. I explain how I view timeline jumping and that we are all doing a lot of it right now and collectively jumping together.

    Are you familiar with the Mandala effect? It's my thought that it stems from timeline jumping.

    I also talk about being in alignment with the soul's plan and that timeline jumping through our quantum world is a way to re align with that plan. How do we optimize our timelines? By being the best versions of ourselves, letting go of weighty emotional baggage, and doing the work to lighten up.

    Have you been really aware of timeline shifts recently? Please feel free to talk about it on the group, Spirit Talk - a soul tribe on Facebook.


    You can also follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/spirittalk13/

    If you like the less structures, more riffing podcasts, let me know and I will keep it up. I will still have prepared shows where I have notes on specific topics too (my perfectionism wouldnt allow otherwise).

    If you are a fan of the pod, please like, share, subscribe or review. Thank you so much for tuning in!!