Thursdeee's Tasty Bits:
How did they get this cow down after it got stuck in a tree?
I can't believe we have to say this about mosh pits?
Are these the best old TV Theme songs?
Little kid or drunk adult...you give us the scenario and we guess!
People who finish a food item and put the container back in the fridge empty….EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Spicoli calls out Taz for how he was rubbing the "cat's tail" aka the "plant corn dog".
Funny would you rather questions that really make you think like would you rather have pogo sticks as arms or legs?
Am I Weird Wednesday? This caller's husband...he is violating his nose and needs to stop!
DQ customer urinates on the counter but why?
What would be a worse form of punishment other than jail? All this dude has to do is read a few THICK books.
Michael Jordan's used underwear is going for how much on an auction site?
Listener had a dream about Spicoli and Taz and maybe it's a sign of what we need to do?
CHALLENGE: Say something nice about Nebraska Football! Listeners try really hard and the responses are great
FML Monday: What happened when this dude ate the "special brownies"?
MEAT CUBE full of raw chicken on the luggage carousel just going round and round. Who wants to claim it?
We pause SMF for 13 seconds for the 13 American Hero's who we lost in Afghanistan including Omaha's own Daegan Page, 23, was a US Marine and went to Millard South High School.
New Zealand’s COVID-19 response minister urged people to socially distance when they go outside and to DO WHAT??
How have you accidentally hurt your kid? Spicoli's four-year-old son had an "incident"
Facebook news: Woman offers a mobile breastfeeding service...and the comment sections turns rotten.
Women call to tell us the creepy ways dudes have hit on them "hey do you want to go 50/50 on a baby"
Thursdee's tasty bits!
This MLB game in Iowa tonight is going to be iconic! Guess who is throwing out the first pitch?
Man confronts woman for pooping on his lawn! Was it justified?
Little kid or drunk adult?? This person calls 911 on his dad because he matches the description of terrorist??
Dude at McDonald's busted for tattooing a little kid! If 8-year-old you could get a tattoo, what would be covered in?
Spicoli pits his birthday presents up against each other and you have to determine which is better!
Crazy woman is going around and licking EVERYTHING at the grocery store
Spicoli lost Dare Dice, listen to him suck helium out of a balloon for the first time and sing himself Happy Birthday
How'd you accidentally hurt your junk? This man with a nail gun, YIIIIIIKES!
Am I The Jerk...you give us the scenario, we tell you if you're the jerk or not. Today this dude calls out his chick for slurping her spaghetti.
Funny Vaccine PSA but we have questions??
Britney Spears goes crazy over getting her first Ipad. We expand the conversation
Facebook News: Jenny Is A Scream Machine!
You vs. us in a battle....your last Amazon purchase is your weapon! Who wins?
Tuesday's Tasty Bits:
Nebraska Monopoly, what should the eight pieces be? Yes, we already have Runza.
Normalize winning Bronze in the Olympics. Why is that so bad?
Listener reveals how he accidentally exposed himself at QT. And based on the calls we got, accidentally exposing yourself happens more often than you think.
Want to get speeders to slow down in your neighborhood? Taz's unethical life pro tip.
Monday's Tasty Bits:
These snakes sure look like a certain body part...
Imagine sitting on the public toilet and you get a random visitor crawling underneath the door
Redneck engineering, ever do it? Olympian wins gold after using WHAT to fix her kayak?
Joey Chestnut reveals what happens to his body after he devours 76 weeeeners
Love or Hate self check out??
Dude gets his arm mangled after sticking his arm in the Jauguar pen at zoo
You have to hear this "third leg" gaffe
Ever get arrested on date? Listen to these stories from the WMDA
Facebook News: Kurt thinks he's in a relationship with a girl but really he's a Grubhub driver
Iowa and Nebraska have the "corn sweats"
Confession Session! What Kurt did with the Cop's daughter after getting arrested, YIKES
Is this the biggest burn of all time on SMF? On Genius Award woman calls out her ex for claiming to get a vasectomy and getting prego with twins
Thursdeee's Tasty Tidbits:
Mail Thief Karen caught and goes nuclear
Women Reveal FIVE Qualities Men Think Are Attractive That Are Actually Giant Turn-Offs
NEW FEATURE! Explain yourself: People who do not replace the toilet paper roll, explain yourself
Ever get into a fight with a customer at work? We heard from one listener who through a guy threw a window and woman who beat a man with a chair. Find out why!
Fred Durst doesn't look like Fred Durst.
Joey Jordison, Slipknot’s founding drummer and co-writer passed away at the age of 46. Our boss Sophia John discovered and developed the band back in Des Moines when she was working at a local radio station. She has many fond memories with the band and had a lot of interesting tidbits to share about Joey. Stuff like, how he he started in a jazz band, working at a gas station, her nickname for him that he loved, what her dog would do to him and so much more. For maggots or heavy metal fans, this is truly a treat to peak behind the curtains of one of the most biggest metal bands of our time.
Tuesday's Tasty Bits:
Would you give a flip flop beatdown if you saw this couple doing THIS on the beach?
Council Bluffs Bubble Bandits strike again and it's costing tax payers how much to clean up?
How hot is it jokes because why not laugh when you're suffering from swamp ass!
Am I The Jerk for accepting a drink from another man before my actual date?
Man with no arms is confusing women with this dirty offer!
Drunk dude goes off on his mom through the Ring Camera....just one problem though.
Little Kid Or Drunk Adult?! This week, sticking socks in the microwave and calling the cops on your reflection.
Woman believes men are mistreated in this country and gives examples??
Listeners call and tell us their proposal fails!
Two Lincoln teenagers are heroes for how they saved a little kid!
Jackass is back! Would you join us in theaters to watch?
This band is releasing their own BONG
NFL player rips a heart out of a fish and eats it while it's still beating. What's the most unusual food you've eaten?
Taz thought I was really talking about "Playing The Tuba" ya know, our code word for "doing it" but I was, um...wow, there was a lot of confusion.
Tuesday's tasty bits!
Jean companies say this woman has the best butt, however Taz would like say a few words
Who has the ehem...bigger "rocket" Bezos or Branson
What do you do better drunk?? Because this guy drinks and drones!
We lost Chester FOUR years ago today! Let's look back at the time when we had him on SMF
Arby's why? Why did you do this to your menu?!
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