
  • Dr. Seçil Gönültaş stands as a beacon in the realm of adolescent psychology, particularly in her nuanced exploration of bullying, bystander intervention, and intergroup relations. Her prolific body of work, ranging from the social inclusion of refugee and native peers to the intricate dynamics of theory of mind, showcases not only her academic rigor but also her deep commitment to understanding the multifaceted experiences of young individuals. Dr. Gönültaş's research, especially her focus on bias-based bullying and the experiences of immigrants and refugees, is a testament to her empathy and dedication to fostering inclusivity and understanding. Beyond her impressive academic achievements, her work reflects a character deeply invested in the betterment of society, driven by a genuine desire to bridge divides and champion the cause of marginalized groups. Her contributions to the field are both invaluable and inspiring, painting a picture of a researcher whose heart and intellect work in tandem to illuminate the complexities of human behavior and relationships.

  • Today, we're thrilled to have Dr. Miri Besken, a distinguished figure in psychological research, especially in the realms of memory and metamemory. Dr. Besken's groundbreaking work has significantly advanced our understanding of how we perceive and predict our memory processes, particularly through her exploration of the perceptual fluency hypothesis.

    In today's episode, we're eager to explore Dr. Besken's journey in science, her impactful research, and how her findings bridge the gap between complex psychological theories and everyday understanding. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Miri Besken to the Spectrum of Science podcast.

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  • Today, we're honored to have Dr. Pınar Önal with us, a distinguished figure in genetics and developmental biology. Dr. Önal's groundbreaking research, particularly in the realms of transcription networks and the evolution of proteins like Bicoid in Drosophila, has shed light on the complex mechanisms driving phenotypic diversity and evolution.

    In our conversation, we'll delve into Dr. Önal's scientific journey, her passion for unraveling the mysteries of genetic regulation, and her significant contributions to the field of evolutionary biology. We'll also discuss the challenges she's overcome, her most impactful research findings, and her vision for the future of her field.

  • Abdullah Atalar, a distinguished applied physicist and former rector of Bilkent University, has had a remarkable journey marked by academic excellence and impactful leadership. From his early days as a top student, graduating with a perfect 4.00 GPA from Middle East Technical University (METU), he showcased his commitment to learning and research. His academic journey laid the foundation for a successful career bridging academia and industry, offering valuable insights into their similarities and differences.

    At Stanford University, Atalar gained further experiences that influenced his perspective on education and research. His tenure as the rector of Bilkent University for 12 years allowed him to understand the intricacies of university leadership, making important decisions that shaped the institution.

    Dr. Atalar's dedication to improving higher education is evident in his work on innovative funding solutions for universities in developing countries, addressing critical global challenges in academia.

    Throughout his career, Atalar's passion for advancing imaging techniques, particularly in acoustic and atomic force microscopy, has been central. His pioneering work in these areas showcases his commitment to scientific exploration and precision.

    Looking forward, Abdullah Atalar continues to explore new research frontiers, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of applied physics. His life and career stand as a beacon of inspiration for those aspiring to make a significant impact in the world of science and education.

    Here is our conversation, welcome to the Spectrum of Science.

  • Dr. İlyas Chachoua stands at the forefront of groundbreaking research that delves deep into the intricate world of chromatin and its pivotal role in gene expression. His meticulous exploration into the nucleus's organization, particularly the nuanced differences between the A and B compartments, has shed light on the complexities of the gene gating mechanism and its profound implications for gene expression. Beyond the technicalities of his work, which encompasses the innovative use of tools like the CRISPR/Cas9 system and confocal microscopy, Dr. Chachoua's dedication to understanding oncogenes signals a beacon of hope in the relentless battle against cancer. His insights into the potential therapeutic targets for cancer, driven by a deeper comprehension of the gene gating mechanism, are nothing short of revolutionary. But it's not just his scientific acumen that sets him apart; it's his unwavering passion and curiosity. Inspired by the intricate relationship between chromatin organization and gene expression, Dr. Chachoua's vision for the future of cancer therapy and his predictions about diseases potentially linked to disruptions in the gene gating mechanism showcase a mind that's both analytical and visionary. Here is our conversation, welcome to the Spectrum of Science.

  • In the intricate world of human genetics, Dr. Tayfun Özçelik stands as a beacon of innovation and discovery. His pioneering endeavors in mapping human genes to both human and mouse chromosomes have unveiled the profound complexities and mesmerizing patterns within our genetic code, offering invaluable insights into the traces of diseases embedded within specific human genes. Dr. Özçelik's astute understanding of the challenges associated with identifying genes linked to conditions like neurodegeneration and obesity underscores the multifaceted nature of genomics and the hurdles that lie in translating genetic data into tangible medical solutions. His recent groundbreaking studies, especially the intriguing connection between the CRY1 gene, ADHD, and sleep phase disorders, are a testament to his ability to unearth novel genetic links and their implications for human health. Beyond the sheer scientific prowess, Dr. Özçelik's dedication to the field is palpable in every endeavor, from the meticulous research processes to the thought-provoking questions he raises about the future of genomics. As we delve deeper into this enlightening conversation, let us celebrate the brilliance and unwavering commitment of a researcher who is truly redefining the boundaries of genetic research and its potential impact on humanity. He is also a very good faculty president, changing the education of Science for the better.

  • Dr. Naci Saldı, matematiksel araştırma alanında, özellikle stokastik kontrol, ortalama-alan oyunları ve Markov karar süreçleri konularında öne çıkan bir isimdir. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Mathematics of Operations Research ve IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control gibi saygın dergilerdeki yayınları, karmaşık matematiksel zorluklara karşı derin anlayışını ve yenilikçi yaklaşımını gösteriyor. Q-learning'in düzenlenmiş ortalama-alan oyunlarında, sonlu yaklaşımların asimptotik optimalitesi ve merkezi olmayan stokastik kontrolün nüanslı alanında gibi konularda kapsamlı çalışmaları ile bilim dünyasına katkıda bulundu. Dr. Saldı'nın tartışılmaz akademik yeteneğinin ötesinde, bilgi sınırlarını zorlama konusundaki sürekli adanmışlığı, karakteri hakkında çok şey söylüyor. Sadece kendi çalışmasını yükseltmekle kalmayıp, aynı zamanda onunla birlikte çalışma şansına sahip olanlara da ilham veriyor. Naci Saldı ile Spectrum of Science podcastine hoş geldiniz.

  • Allow me to introduce Dr. Onur Tokel from Bilkent University, an esteemed researcher with an impressive body of work in the field of OptoElectronics and photonic crystals. Dr. Tokel is an extraordinary teacher, with the ability to spark interest and show important questions and innovations down the line. Dr. Tokel's work stands at the cutting edge of innovation, blending theoretical inquiry with practical application to unravel some of the most intricate problems in physics today.Renowned for his work on photonic crystals and OptoElectronics, Dr. Tokel's research is driven by a deep fascination with light and its interaction with matter. His work promises significant advancements in these fields, revolutionizing how we harness and manipulate light in various applications, ranging from communications to energy.One of the standout achievements of Dr. Tokel's career is his significant work on holograms, which have brought the awe-inspiring visions of science fiction closer to reality. His work in this area demonstrates how fundamental research can lead to remarkable technological advancements.Dr. Tokel's work on deep subsurface laser processing and selective chemical etching has already made substantial improvements in the manufacturing process of silicon wafers. As he continues his work in this area, we can anticipate further innovations that will redefine the way we approach manufacturing in the microelectronics industry.In sum, Dr. Tokel's research continues to push the boundaries of our understanding of light, matter, and the interface between them. His work has profound implications not just for physics but also for how we approach technological innovation and manufacturing. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Dr. Onur Tokel.

  • It is my honor to introduce to you today, Dr. Burcu Ayşen Ürgen from Bilkent University, a remarkably dedicated and innovative researcher, who has been pushing the boundaries of knowledge in a range of intriguing areas in psychology.Known for her interdisciplinary approach, Dr. Ürgen's work delves into a myriad of topics such as gender attribution, personality prediction, and visual perception, among others. She integrates these seemingly disparate fields with cutting-edge technologies including artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality, creating a fascinating nexus of research that is as diverse as it is interconnected.Dr. Ürgen's research does not shy away from the complexities and challenges of experimental psychology. In fact, she thrives in this setting, employing meticulous methodologies in the design and execution of her experiments, all while navigating the intricacies of emerging technologies.Additionally, Dr. Ürgen has undertaken a significant study into auditory and visual perceptions. Her research provides unique insights and contributes to our growing understanding of the mind's inner workings.Dr. Ürgen's innovative work extends to examining human brain patterns in response to robots exhibiting different appearances and functional gestures. Her findings in this area provide invaluable insights that could shape the future development of androids and our interaction with them.In closing, Dr. Ürgen is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary research, the pursuit of diverse interests, and the application of robust scientific methodologies. Her work continues to enlighten our understanding of human cognition, perception, and interaction in this era of rapid technological advancement. I give you, Dr. Burcu Ayşen Ürgen.

  • It gives me great pleasure to introduce today's guest, Dr. Ahmed Ausaf Farooqui from Bilkent University, an important academic in the field of neuroscience. Dr. Farooqui's work represents an impressive fusion of rigorous empirical investigation and groundbreaking theoretical inquiry into the intricate relationship between brain activity and task execution.Dr. Farooqui has carved a unique niche in neuroscience, concentrating on understanding how our brain divides tasks. His work in this area has revealed surprising insights into neuroscientific aspects of task execution, providing valuable guidance for anyone interested in maximizing their efficiency and effectiveness in task completion.His work has also shed light on the complex dynamics of the Default Mode Network (DMN) during task execution. This network of brain regions, typically active during rest and deactivated during tasks, is the subject of much ongoing research. Dr. Farooqui’s contributions to our understanding of the DMN have significant implications for how we view consciousness and its role in task execution.Dr. Farooqui's research continues to push the boundaries of our understanding of the human brain and task execution. His work has profound implications not just for neuroscience but also for how we understand our own minds and actions in the world. I present to you, Dr. Ahmed Ausaf Farooqui.

  • I am delighted to introduce our esteemed guest for today's episode, Dr. Aurelian Gheondea from Bilkent University. An accomplished and renowned mathematical physicist and mathematician, Dr. Gheondea specializes in the field of operator theory, a branch of functional analysis which involves the study of linear operators on spaces of functions.In addition to his scholarly work on operator theory, Dr. Gheondea has displayed a wide-ranging curiosity that extends into quantum mechanics. His research here, particularly in the realm of Hilbert spaces, is profoundly influenced by the mathematical formalisms in quantum theory. This fascinating interplay between mathematics and physics has not only enriched his work but has also fostered a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of these two disciplines in his approach.Now, let's hear from Dr. Gheondea himself as we delve into these topics and more. I give you, Dr. Aurelian Gheondea