
  • What if the world was full of kinder workplaces? 🤗

    Companies that didn’t just pop #BeKind posts on social media but actually followed a framework that created work cultures based on community, connection and inclusivity?

    Becs Crosby is on a mission to help companies do just that and is carving out a successful business for herself in the process.

    And she’s doing it all from a ‘shoffice’ (a shed/office) at the bottom of her parent’s garden.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Come and discover how Becs has nailed her brand, created a website, designed a lead magnet, grown her mailing list, and won new clients, all within 12 months. Find out why she thinks our Business Beyond Social Programme is as easy as A, B, C, and how Joy’s 5-minute Power Move helped Becs take action. And learn more about how Becs is helping to banish those Sunday night work blues.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [03:10] What could you achieve in just one year with the right support?

    [07:02] How do you grow your mailing list?

    [08:54] Make a 5-minute power move.

    [13:06] What does kindness in the workplace look like?

    [15:30] The KIND framework.

    [20:48] The concept of the compassionate self.

    Whether you’re hoping to create your own dream business just like Becs or want to call Becs up to help your company understand what kindness in the workplace really looks like, press play now! ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • How do you go from having a paralysing fear of being on camera and hating the thought of being on social media to managing successful social media campaigns, hosting webinars and implementing marketing strategies for clients?

    All within 15 months. 😲

    Thanks to our trio of transformational training programmes and teaming up with other talented TechPixies, Carolyn Boddington has crushed her crisis of confidence and is now hitting milestone after milestone as a fractional CMO (chief marketing officer).

    What’s so incredibly powerful is that Carolyn says she doesn’t recognise the person she was when she started TechPixies. Not only that, but she feels like she’s becoming the person she’s always wanted to be.

    Want to know how she did it? 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Here’s why you need to tune in

    💡 Gain insights: Hear Carolyn’s key takeaways from her training.

    💡 Be inspired: Learn how she’s slaying her business goals and working with people she never imagined 15 months ago.

    💡 Get top tips: Walk away with essential marketing strategies for your own business.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:49] Becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.

    [03:48] The milestones Carolyn’s achieved in just 15 months.

    [07:48] Working with other TechPixies and replacing in-house social media teams.

    [10:38] Key takeaways from TechPixies’ programmes.

    {16:55] What should you be doing to market your business?

    [21:44] Who are the coaches in Business Beyond Social?

    Whether you’ve been out of work for a while or have suffered a health crisis like Carolyn and are feeling nervous about the path ahead, come and see what’s possible when you put yourself first.

    Press play for more now and start your transformation today! ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Freedom.

    Whether it’s time or financial freedom, we’d all love to live our lives with more free time and money in the bank. 👌🏼

    But too many of us are stuck with our noses to the grindstone, thinking a never-ending cycle of eat, sleep, work a gazillion hours, repeat, is the only way to achieve this. 🤯

    So we called up Lois Cox, a TechPixie who has created a business that allows her to work flexibly part-time so she can prioritise time with her son to show you that with the right skills in place, running a business doesn’t have to be all-consuming.

    Lois is also one of the many women who do our Social Media Management Certification training despite not wanting to be a social media manager. Instead, Lois has used our training to ensure she’s up-to-date with the latest changes to the platforms and has the necessary knowledge to advise her clients on their strategy and sales development. 💪🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Learn about the awesomesauce business Lois has created following her 18 years at Tiffany & Co. and the skills she’s picked up through TechPixies. Discover what kept her motivated to complete her Social Media Management Certification CPD report and what tactics she used to get it done. Plus, hear why Lois thinks the value and content from her training is for life.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [04:43] The power of the TechPixies Facebook group.

    [08:46] Lois’s Social Media Management Certification (SMMC) journey.

    [13:20] What to focus on to complete your SMMC CPD report.

    [16:51] How Lois has structured her business.

    [18:41] The promise of doing our SMMC training.

    [20:20] The circle of inspiration.

    [21:20] The value of continuous learning.

    If you’ve ever wondered where our social media training could take you, be inspired by Lois’s story. Press play for more now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of our Social Media Management Certification programme, please visit TechPiixes.com/yes

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • If your relationship with money feels a bit like the Nemesis Reborn ride at Alton Towers, we’ve got something to help you hit the brakes on your financial roller coaster. 🎢

    Our chief TechPixie Joy Foster is here with a fly solo episode that offers a few top money tips and tricks usually reserved for participants in our Money Mindset Masterclass. 🧠

    And the good news is that if you’ve ever wondered why you struggle with money, or you’re constantly worried about money and the thought of looking at your bank balance gives you the heebie-jeebies, there are some simple steps you can take that will change the way you think about money for the better.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Come and discover why your current thoughts about money might be holding you back from changing your financial situation. Be inspired by how Joy changed her own money story and the valuable lessons she’s learned along the way. Hear why money in the hands of women is such a good thing, and understand why the three levels of gratitude could help you get your finances back on track. 💰

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [03:55] What’s your current money mindset story?

    [05:42] Does Joy’s money mindset story resonate with you?

    [12:05] It’s ok to love money.

    [16:58] Why you need to lean into gratitude.

    [21:09] Craft your money mindset action plan.

    [22:38] Create a money mindset brain prime.

    [28:16] Why this is the most powerful move you can make.

    [30:16] The story of the Chinese bamboo tree.

    It’s time to stop saying "I can't afford that" or "money is the root of all evil” and press play on an episode that’ll change your perspective on how you think about money for good. ▶️▶️▶️

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com.

    To learn more about our Money Mindset Masterclass, visit TechPixies.com/moneymindset

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Say the word ‘brand’, and what pops into your head? Amazon? Apple? Coca-Cola?

    How about you and your business? 😱

    For TechPixie Julia Heffer, thinking about you and your business as a brand from the outset is the key to success. In fact, building an authentic brand is a business fundamental and goes way beyond a logo and a great-looking social media feed.

    Get your branding right, and you’ll put yourself on the road to saving time, saving money, finding clients more easily, and charging more – all because you’ve understood who you serve, nailed your messaging, and discovered how to stand out from the crowd in the best possible way. 💪🏼

    And if you’re scratching your head thinking, ‘well, that sounds lovely, but I haven’t got a clue where to start’, this is the episode for you. 🩷

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover how Julia can help you get clear on your brand vision so that your messaging becomes crystal clear and you better understand how you can show up and stand out. Learn more about Julia’s path to success as a brand coach and hear why she’s putting together a free Masterclass you don’t want to miss.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:53] How Julia Heffer’s business has evolved.

    [06:31] What are the benefits of having a cohesive brand?

    [10:21] How could Julia’s Brand Masterclass help you?

    [14:07] Why you need trusted advisors in your business.

    [17:22] Tangible benefits of Julia’s coaching.

    [21:24] Be inspired by the story of bamboo.

    If the idea of building a brand has left you feeling like you’d rather pull the duvet over your head and leave it all for another day, this episode is a great place to get over the overwhelm.

    Press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ 🌈

    It’s the question every kid gets asked at some point, an invitation to dream about the life you could live – and sometimes, it’s the start of something special.

    At 10, Carolyn Hayter was told fashion design could be a route for her creative talents. However, after marrying young and starting a family, buying a house and making it home ignited a passion for interior design. 🏠

    And it’s a passion that’s burned brightly for Carolyn for the past 30 years. But making her dream of becoming an interior designer a reality hasn’t been without a few twists and turns along the way.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Carolyn’s story proves that if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to pull on a pair of brave pants and make it work. You’ll hear the steps she took to follow her dream career and how she’s used social media to grow her interior design business. Plus, you’ll also get an insight into how Carolyn charges for her time and the brilliant tool she uses to create everything from moodboards to invoices.

    Here’s what to listen out for

    [00:44] Carolyn’s dream goes back years.

    [02:41] Carolyn puts on her brave pants to follow her dream.

    [07:44] How social media has helped Carolyn in her interior design business.

    [10:31] The power of networking.

    [13:52] How do you grow your mailing list?

    [17:15] Why you have to decide to go for your dream.

    [18:26] The biggest benefit of doing TechPixies.

    [24:20] How do you charge and invoice for your services?

    Whether you want to become an interior designer or just want to be inspired by someone who has made owning their dream business a reality, press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • There’s a crisis in Fairyland 😰

    But never fear because The Wobblies are here to save the day. 😃

    These tooth fairies in training are the brainchild of Denise Fishburn and are the realisation of a dream that began 25 years ago.

    So we’ve invited Denise onto the podcast to reveal how these super fun characters came to be and how they’re now the foundation for an exciting new business. 🙌🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Denise has gone from feeling dissatisfied in a job and a little lost to rediscovering a passion project she’d put on the back burner. Discover how she’s learned to turn her dream into a business, hear the brilliant story of how The Wobblies came to be, and learn what life is like now that Denise has the confidence and skills to take on the world!

    Here’s what to listen out for

    [03:30] Denise puts herself first.

    [05:40] Denise tries to discover what she really wants to do.

    [11:08] When a dream you’ve buried for 25 years resurfaces.

    [14:26] How you validate an idea.

    [15:33] Saying a big hello to The Wobblies.

    [18;22] Looking for a sign for the path ahead.

    [19:31] Doing Couch to 5K.

    [21:10] The hidden benefit of the Business Beyond Social programme.

    [22:07] What’s life like now for Denise?

    ▶️▶️▶️ Look out for The Wooblies launching on Etsy soon, and come and follow in Denise’s footsteps by checking out our training programmes.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Stucksville. It’s a place no one wants to be.

    But unless you’re super lucky, you’ve probably had a moment in life when you weren’t sure what you should be doing next. 😕

    For Kay Holdsworth, this moment arrived after the emotional rollercoaster of a spell in hospital with her son. And when anxiety took hold, Kay not only felt lost but like she was surviving, not thriving.

    As Kay says, she was in stucksville – so much so that she’d bought the t-shirt, the shoes and the handbag!!! 🙈

    So, how did she turn things around?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover the path Kay followed to reignite her spark and how she’s now helping other women step off the hamster wheel of life and tap into what matters most. And learn more about Kay’s free webinar, Carpe Diem – Wake Up To What Matters Most, and why she thinks all women deserve to live a life filled with purpose and possibilities.
    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:14] Kay realises she’s surviving, not thriving

    [05:32] Discover the number one regret of the dying.

    [07:07] How do you find your spark?

    [11:13] Are your big dreams keeping you stuck?

    [15:56] Are you ready to seize the day?

    ▶️▶️▶️ Once you’ve hit play, you’ll want to save your spot on Kay’s FREE Carpe Diem webinar on 1 May from 1pm UK time to help you get to the heart of what matters most to you. Save your seat here.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For additional links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • To paraphrase Reese Witherspoon, who started her hugely successful production company in her 40s, you should bet on yourself because you are your own best lottery ticket. 🎫

    This is especially true in a job market as volatile as the British weather right now.

    So when TechPixie Paula Campion Skerry came to us and said she was super keen to show her fellow TV execs exactly how to navigate an industry being disrupted by everything from AI to dwindling ad revenues, we knew heaps of peeps would love hearing what she had to say.

    So we’ve popped her on the podcast so you can hear her story and pick up a whole bunch of tips on how you can pivot your career. ↪️

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover how a Success List can help you identify the transferable skills you already have so you can pivot to something new, and learn why a vision is super important when thinking not just about your dream job but the life you’d truly love to live. And don’t miss Joy talking about becoming a pile of goo before you can become something new. 🦋

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:45] How did Paula get into TV?
    [05:08] TV is changing.
    [07:06] How do you identify your transferable skills?
    [10:00] Why it’s important to have a vision.
    [14:39] You will go through the messy middle.
    [18:46] Taking action and trusting your intuition.
    [21:40] Don’t limit your vision.
    [24:11] Be inspired by Reese Witherspoon.
    [27:42] Why resilience is key.

    ▶️▶️▶️ Press play now.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Want to know what it takes to be a successful social media manager? 💡

    When Lucy Johnstone started our Social Media Management Certification programme, she wrote down a number she wanted to earn each month.

    So we were super chuffed when Lucy started smashing that number out of the park having become an Insta Ninja.

    Her expert Instagram skills have seen her attract 8 clients to her social media management business, and the best news is she’s doing it all while STILL maintaining the flexibility she craved to be there for her family. 🙌🏽

    So, what’s the secret of her success, especially since Lucy is a self-confessed introvert and you won’t find her dancing around on Reels?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover how Lucy has built up recurring revenue in her business, and listen in for the nuggets she drops on how she prices her services. You’ll hear her advice for hosting discovery and sales calls and the attitude you need to have that’ll give you the best results. Plus, Lucy’s got some best practice tips for your Instagram bio that you’ll want to follow.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:18] Lucy’s take on social media management

    [06:13] Why doors open when you put your brave pants on.

    [08:02] How do you win clients?

    [12:02] How do you structure your packages?

    [16:31] How TechPixies helped Lucy on her journey.

    [19:00] Top tips for discovery and sales calls.

    [21:21] How do you set and then raise your prices?

    [25:12] Lucy’s top advice for your Instagram bio.

    [34:42] Let people get to know you (even if you think it’s boring!)

    If you’ve ever thought about becoming a social media manager so you can enjoy fun and flexible work, press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • If you’ve become a parent, you’ll know how tough it can be to juggle a career with the demands of a family. 🤹🏽‍♀️

    That’s why we need more women like Louise Webster in the world, who is on a mission to empower women by helping mums find balance and purpose in their lives beyond the school run.

    It’s a mission that’s taken her to Downing Street and seen her put pen to paper to write a book full of tips for mums looking to reignite their talents in the hours available to them. And its helped her create an online community that has connected thousands of mothers around the globe to opportunities, inspiration and information to empower them to grow both personally and professionally while honouring the job of being a parent. 🙌🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover exactly what Beyondtheschoolrun offers the world and why Louise and Joy believe it’s better to have support when building a business than trying to go it alone. Hear what it means to unlock your ‘element’ or your ‘spark’ and find your flow, and learn more about Joy’s shocking experience in Switzerland.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:50] What is Beyondtheschoolrun?

    [05:14] Discover how to unlock your 'element' or 'spark'.

    [13:03] How do you create a financially stable business?

    [17:31] What building a business will teach you.

    [22:06] Find out the invaluable lessons that come with entrepreneurship.

    [24:01] Why you need a support system.

    [26:54] Joy’s shocking experience in Switzerland.

    [34:49] Take daily steps.

    If you want to see how it’s possible to be a parent, do a job, and build a business that changes the world for women, press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links to resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Be more Taylor Swift.

    Good advice for life, right? 💯

    According to our new Insta Ninja Emma Leatham, the princess of pop’s approach to Instagram is something we should all get on board with.

    Because while trying to keep up with the changes and understand how the platform’s algorithm works can feel like patting your head and rubbing your tummy while hopping on one foot, Tay-Tay’s connection and engagement with her legions of Switfites on Insta is just as important as the content she puts out. 🔥

    And when it comes to content in 2024, it’ll come as no surprise to hear that video – whether it’s Lives, Stories or rocking Reels – is still queen. But Emma is here with top tips on what else is working on the Gram right now.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Emma kicks off with some advice dished out by Adam Mosseri, Insta’s big cheese on that sticky subject of reach. She also reveals her own top tips on using carousel posts, explores the photo dump trend, and shares her own account so you can see what a great bio looks like.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [00:56] Introducing Emma, our new Instagram coach.
    [03:03] These stats will blow your mind.

    [04:18] A tip from Insta’s head honcho Adam Mosseri.

    [05:23] What’s working in 2024?

    [08:08] TechPixies’ best-performing Reel this year.

    [10:34] Are you doing this?

    [12:05] The power of carousel posts.

    [13:42] How do you win clients on Instagram?

    [17:51] Awesome advice if you’re just starting out.

    [19:00] What makes a good Instagram bio?

    [23:23] How Emma managed maternity leave as a social media manager.

    [25:35] Be more Taylor Swift.

    To get all the goss, press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Want to know what’s hot and what’s not on Facebook right now?

    You need to heed the advice of our social media marketing sage Vee Roberts.

    Because Meta loves to mix things up, and has already announced a major change to Facebook Groups that is a potential mare for users of third-party apps (such as a scheduling tool, for example).

    Luckily, Vee has heaps of advice to ensure you can do more in 2024 despite Meta's meddling.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    If you want to know what metrics matter in 2024, fancy a spot of engagement maths so you can work out how well your posts are performing, need advice on paid advertising, or want the lowdown on what’s working on Facebook this year, go and grab a cuppa and settle in. Because this is the episode you’ve been waiting for.

    Here’s what to listen out for:
    [00:23] What’s big on Facebook in 2024?

    [01:50] Getting the lowdown on the changes to Facebook Groups.

    [04:58] What metrics matter in 2024?

    [07:18] A top tip for repurposing content.

    [12:05] Do some engagement maths.

    [13:26] Effective strategies for paid advertising.

    [17:24] Insights into what's working on Facebook now.

    [22:00] How to build your mailing list with Facebook.

    [25:21] Why you should integrate Facebook into your broader online marketing strategy.

    Don’t post another thing on Facebook until you’ve listened to this! You know what to do. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Crikey! 😲

    With over 1 billion active users and 20 changes to the platform dropped already this year, we love that LinkedIn is making waves.

    But if you’re already thinking, ‘I barely have time to wash my hair let alone keep up with LinkedIn’s tinkerings’, we’ve got you covered.

    Marianne Avery, our very own LinkedIn coach, has done the hard work of deciphering what’s hot and what’s not on LinkedIn in 2024 and has zeroed in on the 5 key trends you need to know. 🔥

    She’s even cast an eye over LinkedIn guru Richard van der Blom’s Algorithm Insights Report to bring you top tips for your profile and posts that are worth their weight in gold.

    Here’s why you need to tune in

    Hear how LinkedIn is embracing AI to make your life easier and why authenticity rules in 2024. Know once and for all whether Premium is worth investing in and discover the sweet spot when it comes to the number of characters you should use in posts and the length of your lives and audio content.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:10] Why LinkedIn is continuing to level up.

    [04:06] AI tools to make a note of.

    [08:32] Why you need to show your human side.

    [12:40] Are you embracing live video and LInkedIn’s audio features?

    [15:13] Check out this new security feature.

    [17:17] Do you need Premium? And is it worth it?

    [24:03] Tips from Richard van der Blom’s LinkedIn algorithm report.

    So, hit play now and level up your LinkedIn with the only trends that matter this year. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Step away from the cat videos for a minute. 🐱

    Because while we all love a good chuckle at cats or kids doing something cute, this podcast episode could be just what you need to grow your YouTube or TikTok channels this year.

    Yep, we’ve invited Aby Moore, our resident YouTube, TikTok and Social Media Management Certification Coach, back into the hot seat to spill the tea on the biggest YouTube and TikTok trends in 2024. 🚀

    And apparently, it’s all about ‘Creative Bravery’ and ‘Unhinged Storytelling’, so strap in my friend.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover the fab new testing tool on YouTube that could be a game-changer for your thumbnails. Learn why authenticity and community are key this year and what this means for your vids. And come away with top YouTube and TikTok tips – such as SEO tools and ways to gain more subscribers – that’ll have you running to your channel dashboards to implement right away.

    Here’s what to listen out for:
    [01:45] These stats will blow your mind.
    [03:47] Are you replicating and repurposing your content?
    [07:14] The rise of AI on YouTube.
    [11:02] The trend for authenticity on YouTube.
    [19:09] Why SEO is important.
    [22:02] How can you encourage subscriptions?
    [27:41] What are TikTok’s macro trends in 2024?
    [42:17] TikTok’s community drive.
    [45:00] How do you deal with the haters?

    And here’s something that’ll blow your mind. One billion hours of content is watched daily on YouTube, and of the 5.3 billion internet users worldwide, 23% are on TikTok. 🤯

    With that many potential eyeballs, now’s the time to slay your social media strategy. So, hit play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For details of links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

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  • Trying to use social media without a strategy in place is like walking up Ben Nevis in flip-flops. It’s not impossible to make progress, but why would you want to make life difficult for yourself?

    And where do you start in creating a strategy that works? Especially when the pace of change in social media is quicker than a lizard on hot sand. 🦎

    Fortunately, Joy Foster, our chief TechPixie, has decided to rock the mic for one of her famous fly solos this week with an episode that explores your options when it comes to nailing the social media game in 2024. 🙌🏽

    So, take a listen to the golden nuggets Joy is dishing out and then decide which avenue is right for you.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Joy breaks down the various strategies you could follow for social media success in 2024 – from what an organic-only strategy looks like to creating an approach that is a mix of organic social media and paid advertising.

    Joy also covers viral organic social media, offering up a few top tips if the thought of going viral on TikTok floats your boat (and why it might not be for you if the idea of having to constantly feed the content beast makes you want to run for the hills). 🏃‍♀️

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [04:03] Joy reveals how an organic-only social media strategy works.

    [07:05] What is the content infinity loop?

    [12:34] Discover the power of viral organic content.

    [17:47] Learn more about a hybrid organic + paid strategy.

    [23:57] Questions to ask yourself if you want to use social media professionally in 2024.

    This episode kicks off our favourite series of the year, where we get to ask our expert social media coaches their thoughts on the social media trends to watch in 2024.

    So hit play now and keep your peepers peeled for next week’s drop. ▶️▶️▶️

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • If there’s anything guaranteed to shake you to the core, it’s divorce. For Tania Ross, it was utterly devasting, ripping away her career as a childminder, her home, and her mental wellbeing. 💔

    Not that you’d know it to look at her today.

    Tania’s a purple-loving crochet queen who is smashing it out of the park as a copywriter, a peer educator supporting parents with neurodiverse kids AND a mentor for the Department of Education. Listen to Tania speak, and it feels like she could take on the world and win. 💪🏽

    After sofa surfing during her divorce and the stress and worry of wondering how she would support herself and her children, Tania has found her sanctuary in her dream home and a cat called Gino.

    So, how did Tania transform her life?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Transformation isn’t Amazon Prime, but Tania is proof of what’s possible when you do the work. Hear how she went from grieving for a future she’d no longer have to creating a whole new narrative for the life she wanted. Learn how she stepped into her power to rediscover her confidence and purpose and why this story might just make you cry happy tears (tissues at the ready!).

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:18] Tania hits rock bottom.

    [06:27] The 200% effort rule and what changed for Tania.

    [13;00] There are happy tears as Tania chats about her incredible transformation.

    [15:37] Why transformation is not Amazon Prime.

    [!8:25] You can change your narrative.

    [20:45] The power of pets and a shout-out to Gino, the cat.

    [26:20] Feeling overwhelmed? You’ll love this advice.

    [35:22] With her confidence rocketing, discover what Tania’s up to now.

    Keen to turn your life around, just like Tania? Press play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    For links and resources mentioned in this edition, please visit TechPixies.com

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • If your Oodie or Hug n Snug is crawling to the washing machine because you’ve spent all winter hibernating in it, we’ve got the perfect replacement. Because, drum roll, please…
    TechPixies has launched its own stylish swag!!! 🥳 🎉💃🏼

    Thanks to our pals Jess Christie and Hannah Walker, founders of hand-printed organic clothing brand Northern Brights, you can now get your mitts on a range of sweaters, t-shirts and our personal faves – snuggly cowl neck hoodies – designed exclusively for TechPixies.

    Not only do Jess and Han LOVE stars as much as we do (you’ll love hearing why they pop a star on the sleeve of every item they produce), but they were also super keen to help boost our Partners in Believing Fund, which supports women receiving PIP, ESA or Universal Credit, those who are 60+, BAME or are LGBTIQ+, and women with visible or invisible illnesses or disabilities through our training programmes. 🙌🏽

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Learn more about how the Partners in Believing Fund has supported women through our training in 2022 and 2023, and get busy deciding what TechPixies x Northern Brights loveliness you’ll be adding to your wardrobe. Remember, 5% of every purchase goes to the Partners in Believing Fund. Plus, throughout February, you’ll enjoy 10% off too. 🏃🏽

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [01:08] Discover why Northern Brights pops a star on all its clothing.

    [04:20] Joy reveals all about the TechPixies Partners in Believing Fund.

    [06:48] Get a sneak peek at how TechPixies changed lives in 2022 and 2023.

    [11:18] Feast your eyes on the fab TechPixies swag.

    [12:55] How Northern Brights makes clothing with love.

    [14:54] How the DreamBuilder® programme helped Jess and Hannah with their business.

    It’s time to use your pounds (£££) for a purpose, so hit play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, visit TechPixies.com

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • Some days, wouldn’t it be great to be able to magic up a few extra hours? Especially when the juggle has gone properly Pete Tong, and there’s so much on your to-do list that you barely have time for a cup of tea (sacrilege).

    Esme Willis can relate. While her freelance role as a graphic designer gives her a degree of flexibility, she’s also running her late parent’s farm and has a gazillion jobs that she can’t just park until another day.

    So, with time definitely not on her side, how did Esme learn the social media skills she needed to rocket the value she could offer clients?

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Esme arrived at TechPixies wanting to develop social media skills to promote herself as a freelance graphic designer AND add more strings to her bow. Get the lowdown on how she made this happen – despite time not always being on her side – and discover the tips and tricks Esme used to work through the curriculum at her own pace, in her own time.

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    [02:27] Why Esme chose the self-study route.

    [04:11] Esme discovers the power of social media for a good cause.

    [08:47] Hear Esme’s top tips for making a success of self-study.

    [10:39] This is why we teach all the social media networks.

    [14:04] How Esme schedules her time as a self-study student.

    So, if you don’t think you have the time to learn social media, try working at your own pace with our step-by-step, click-by-click system and take all the time you need.

    Hit play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    To learn more about our Social Media Self-Study Membership, click here.

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!

  • How do you know when the time is right to do paid advertising? And how do you make a success of paid advertising when you’re ready to take the plunge? 🤷‍♀️

    Fern Fuller has been on quite the journey at TechPixies (tune in to hear all her incredible wins), and she’s followed a clear roadmap to get her business ready for paid advertising. And it’s so good we wanted to share it. 🧭

    Because no one wants to be flinging cash at Meta and not see results, our chief TechPixie Joy spells out the success path in this podcast episode so you’ll know when the time to do paid advertising is right for you.

    Here’s why you need to tune in
    Discover how organic social media helped Fern define who she wanted to serve and how this has helped her with her Meta ads. Follow the roadmap Fern used to get her business for paid advertising and make a success of it. And learn how she got over her fear of putting herself out there. If Fern can do it, you can too! 💪

    Here’s what to listen out for:

    01:09] Fern recaps her journey with TechPixies.

    [04:46] How Fern grew her social media reach organically.

    [06:56] Fern makes an important shift in her business.

    [14:36] How long did Joy wait to move from organic to paid advertising?

    [16:23] Why 2023 was a pivotal year for Fern.

    [17:52] Your roadmap to social media success.

    [19:11] How Fern combats any fear she feels.

    [24:55] How can you get to be where Fern is now?

    Grab the roadmap you need for marketing success by pressing play now. ▶️▶️▶️

    Love our podcast? Leave a review and get hold of our Quick Start Podcast Guide.

    For links and resources mentioned in this episode, please visit TechPixies.com

    Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

    Follow us on social media @techpixies and ping us a DM or drop us a line at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening!