Soul Kitchen Radio is a show that dedicates itself to supporting the Independent Artistry of Soul. We love to give artists a chance to shine by way of interviews, artists spotlights, and rotating their music in the mix with @realdjslix. During the NFL Football Season be sure to check out Memphis Lou @natureboyIV FrenchoRanchez @frencho_Ranchez Misha Trubs @mishatrubs and Rick Camacho @soulkitradio as we talk all things #FantasyFootball we have your best to worst players, starts and sits, and of course our Waiver Flavor. If you are lucky you can Catch Ricks 80 year old mother pick her favorites of the week. Follow our whole crew on social media:
@bigomeezy @divalateefah @allhailmsisking. visit our website www.soulkitchenradio.com
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