124: Use these journal prompts to get CLEAR and INTENTIONAL on your 2023 goals and manifestations!
What you can expect to learn in this episode:
+ 8 prompts to set clear and intentional goals
+ The 9 feng shui areas to set your goals
+ How to create a feng shui vision board
Click HERE to learn more about the Year of You 2023 Virtual Summit
Click HERE to learn more about the Bali Magic Goddess Retreat in August 2023.
Get the Mindful Movement Program HERE.
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
123: 9 months later....Kelly is finally ready to share all of her favorite pregnancy tips and tricks for your mind-body-soul wellness!
What you can expect to learn in this episode:
+ Kelly's favorite pregnancy and labor books, podcasts, apps, courses, and more
+ Nutrition, movement, and mindfulness tips for each trimester
+ Kelly's favorite breathing practices and affirmations to prepare for labor!
Click HERE to learn more about the Bali Magic Goddess Retreat in August 2023.
Get the Mindful Movement Program HERE.
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
Mentioned in this episode Ritual Prenatal Vitamins Garden of Life Magnesium Gummies Expecting Better by Emily Oster Cribsheet by Emily Oster The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Paul Thomas Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Deepak Chopra Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongan Brain Rules For Baby by John Medina The Positive Birth Company Hypnobirthing Course Yoga Poses for Fatigue Yoga Poses for Nausea/Stomach Pain To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
Saknas det avsnitt?
122: In this week’s episode of Soul Spark, we are joined by Rohini Moradi to learn all about the Akashic Records and how they can support you in your journey.
Rohini Moradi is an internationally recognized teacher of the Akasha and spiritual explorer. Through her revolutionary approach to empowering spiritually curious individuals, Rohini guides her community through a wondrous journey inward so they can experience the awe of a limitless reality.
What you can expect to learn:
+ A beginner’s intro to the Akashic Records - what they are, and how to use them to guide you with life’s toughest decisions
+ How to tap into the Akasha
+ The best questions to ask the Akashic Records, and why
+ Rohini's inspiring story
Links mentioned in the show:
To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE.
To connect with Rohini click HERE.
View Rohini's website HERE.
View Rohini's podcast Magic Inclined HERE.
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE.
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
121: It's time to summon your inner witch and align your energy with the moon!
What you can expect to learn in this episode:
+ Kelly's 3 favorite witchy rituals
+ How to use the energy of the moon cycles to release and receive
+ How to cleanse your space to remove negative energy
Click HERE to learn more about the Bali Magic Goddess Retreat in August 2023.
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
120: In this week’s episode of Soul Spark, Kaity Rose Holsapple joins us to discuss healing from trauma through somatics and yoga.
What you can expect to learn:
+ What somatics is and the benefits
+ Kaitlyn's experience healing from sexual trauma
+ Trauma-informed yoga: How it helps you heal, the benefits, and which types to try based on your current experience
+ How trauma impacts your nervous system
Links mentioned in the show:
To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE.
To connect with Kaity Rose Holsapple click HERE.
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE!
To listen to ep 24: Using Your Menstrual Cycle To Live In Greater Alignment click HERE.
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
119: In a world where we are constantly inundated by outside noise, it is essential that we stay connected to our truth in order to maintain our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual autonomy.
What you can expect to learn in this episode:
+ What autonomy is and the importance of it
+ 9 ways to stay connected to your truth and maintain your autonomy in the modern world
Click HERE to learn more about the Bali Magic Goddess Retreat in August 2023.
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF Mentioned in this episode: Sedona Goddess Retreat Photos Nazli Takesh Kali Aevermann Charie Juaneza -
118: Learn all about the Soul Spark Academy women's group coaching program and how this program can help you to step into your authentic power.
The next container begins on September 27, 2022! Click HERE to learn more and sign up.
+ stay tuned until min. 13:30 for a meditation to help you release limiting beliefs and align with gratitude and abundance.
What you can expect to learn:
+ What is the Soul Spark Academy
+ What results can you expect to gain from completing the program
+ How to know if the program is right for you
+ All of the logistics and what to expect
Click HERE to book a FREE 30-minute Soul Spark Connection Call.
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
117: Finding a balance between having structure and flow in our lives can completely shift how we feel on a day-to-day basis and our ability to create a life we love with ease and grace.
In this week's episode, Kelly dives into the importance of this balance and how you can begin to create more structure & flow in your life.
What you can expect to learn:
+ The benefits of both structure and flow
+ The impact that this balance has on different areas of your life
+ 6 tips for creating more structure & flow in your life
Click HERE to learn more about the Soul Spark Academy!
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF Root Chakra Blog Sacral Chakra Blog Solar Plexus Blog Vibratix Cosmetics -
116: Your subconscious beliefs directly dictate your ability to take action towards your dreams and create the life that you deeply desire.
What you can expect to learn:
+ What the subconscious mind is and why it's important
+ The difference between the subconscious and the conscious mind
+ How to rewire your subconscious mind
+ The importance of neuroplasticity and how to create new neural pathways
Click HERE To learn more about the Sedona Sun Goddess Retreat.
Click HERE to learn more about the Soul Spark Academy!
To learn more, join the FREE How To Get Unstuck & Reignite Your Inner Passion Free Master Class HERE
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
115: Manifestation can be a confusing topic but have no fear! Kelly's going to break it down for you in this week's episode.
What you can expect to learn:
+ Learn the basic principles of manifestation
+ Become more magnetic to energetically attract what you're calling in.
+ Learn Kelly's signature method for practical manifestation with the chakras system!
Click HERE to learn more about the Soul Spark Academy!
To learn more, join the FREE How To Get Unstuck & Reignite Your Inner Passion Free Master Class HERE
To join Kelly for a retreat or online and in-person events click HERE!
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
114: Life is NOW. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not 10, 20, 30 years from now. Your life is happening right here, right now!
In this week's solo episode, Kelly talks about the top 3 regrets of dying and dives into how you can take control and begin to live your life now.
What you can expect to learn:
+ The top 3 deathbed regrets
+ Why it's important to know yourself and what lights you up
+ 3 action steps to live your most fulfilling life, NOW
Click HERE to learn more about the Soul Spark Academy!
To learn more, join the FREE How To Get Unstuck & Reignite Your Inner Passion Free Master Class HERE
To join Kelly for a retreat or online and in-person events click HERE!
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
113: Do you find your mind constantly moving towards lack and scarcity? Are you ready to live a more abundant and wealthy life? Then, this episode is for you!
In this week's solo episode, Kelly dives into what an abundance mindset is and how you can begin to live a more abundant life!
What you can expect to learn:
+ How to have an abundance mindset
+ How to create more wealth in all areas of your life
+ A powerful abundance meditation to help you to tap in and cultivate more prosperity
Click HERE to learn more about Soul Spark coaching.
To join Kelly for a retreat or online and in-person events click HERE!
To connect with Kelly click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
112: Have you ever thought about taking yoga teacher training or have you ever just wondered what the benefits of taking a YTT are? Listen up!
In this week’s episode of Soul Spark, my co-founders of the Gaia Yoga School, Nazli Takesh and Justice Klein are here to talk all about yoga teacher training!
What you can expect to learn:
+ The benefits of taking a YTT (hint hint: it's for more than just those wanting to teach yoga!)
+ How to know if a YTT is for you and if the timing is right
+ The different types of YTT's that you can take
+ All about the Yoga Alliance Certified Gaia Yoga School!
Links mentioned in the show:
Learn more about the Gaia Yoga School 200hr YTT & apply HERE.
To connect with Nazli Takesh click HERE.
To connect with Justice Klein and Cacao & I click HERE.
To listen to ep 24: Using Your Menstrual Cycle To Live In Greater Alignment click HERE.
Other links:
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
Learn more about my Sun Goddess Sedona Retreat HERE.
Learn more about Soul Spark Coaching HERE!
To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE.
To view Kelly's website click HERE. -
111: How have your past experiences and beliefs shaped your body and physical health?
In this week’s episode of Soul Spark, Ph.D. in Natural Medicine, Dr. Stacy Berman tells two lucky giveaway winners how!
What you can expect to learn:
+ What Character Armor is, the signs of character armor, and how you can begin to transform your body by loosening the rigid patterns of movement which changes the way the body processes information which changes the way we feel, think and behave.
+ how Jenny and Dani's experiences, thoughts, and beliefs have impacted their health and current reality.
Listen to Ep. 109 with Stacy Berman HERE.
Get the Mindful Eating Program HERE.
Learn more about my Sun Goddess Sedona Retreat HERE.
Learn more about the Gaia Yoga School 200hr YTT HERE.
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE!
To book a FREE Soul Spark 20-minute session click HERE.
To connect with Stacy click HERE.
To view Stacy's website click HERE.
To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website click HERE. -
110: An intentional pause can be a powerful way to take a step back from an important goal, reevaluate, rejuvenate, and then get back to your goal with more gusto than ever! In this episode, Kelly talks about the power of an intentional pause and how to take one.
She also talks about her big, magical, exciting news -- there's a baby on the way!
To join Kelly for an online or in-person event click HERE!
Click HERE to learn more about 1:1 Soul Spark coaching.
*** Post the episode on IG and tag @thesoulsparkpodcast OR Rate/Review the show and send a screenshot to hello@kellycollinswellness.com to get your free Morning and Evening Rituals Checklist!
To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
109: Do your deep-seated limiting beliefs impact your health? Damn right they do!
In this week’s episode of Soul Spark, we're joined by PhD in Natural Medicine, Dr. Stacy Berman!
What you can expect to learn:
+ how exactly your thoughts and beliefs impact your health
+ the link between physical health and spiritual wellbeing
+ What Character Armor is, the signs of your character armor, and how you can begin to transform your body by loosening the rigid patterns of movement which changes the way the body processes information which changes the way we feel, think and behave.
To enter the giveaway click HERE!
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE!
To book a FREE Soul Spark 20-minute session click HERE.
To connect with Stacy click HERE.
To view Stacy's website click HERE.
To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website click HERE. -
108: We've all heard that mean girl in our head yapping at us and telling us that we should do this or shouldn't do that, or we aren’t smart enough, thin enough, successful enough.
Well, it's time to tell her to take a hike, PERMANTENTLY.
What you can expect to learn in this episode:
+ why you should be kinder to yourself and kick your mean girl out for good
+ easy tips to help you to cultivate more loving, compassionate, kindness for yourself
To join Kelly for an online or in-person event click HERE!
To join the 30-Day Journaling Challenge click HERE!
*** Post the episode on IG and tag @thesoulsparkpodcast OR Rate/Review the show and send a screenshot to hello@kellycollinswellness.com to get your free Morning and Evening Rituals Checklist!
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE! To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
107: We've all had those moments where we've wondered "will that relationship/career/trip/monumental life-changing scenario ever happen?"
In this solo episode, Kelly talks about WHY manifesting what we desire can take so long and how to speed things up!
What you can expect to learn:
+ why manifestation what you want can take so long
+ what could be holding you back from calling in your deepest desires
+ 8 amazing tips to help you call in your manifestation faster!
To join Kelly for an online or in-person event click HERE!
To join the 30-Day Journaling Challenge click HERE!
*** Post the episode on IG and tag @thesoulsparkpodcast OR Rate/Review the show and send a screenshot to hello@kellycollinswellness.com to get your free Morning and Evening Rituals Checklist!
Click HERE to support the show on Patreon! Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE! To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website and blog click HERE. SUBSCRIBE to Kelly's monthly newsletter and get her free 7 Mantras To Heal Your Chakras PDF -
105: In this week's episode, love-life coach, author, and podcast host Veronica Grant joins us to discuss how we can all expand our capacity for emotional availability so we can create more intimacy in our relationships + how we can stop allowing unhelpful dating narratives or myths keep us from finding deeper love.
What you can expect to learn:
+ how inner child healing can help you to find the love you've been looking for
+ how we can all expand our capacity for emotional availability so we can create more intimacy in our relationship
+ how we can stop allowing unhelpful dating narratives or myths keep us from finding deeper love
Watch the video HERE.
Click HERE to support the show on Patreon!
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE!
To book a FREE Soul Spark 20-minute session click HERE.
To connect with Veronica click HERE.
Listen to the Love Life Connection podcast HERE.
To view Veronica's website click HERE.
To view the Seek The Joy website click HERE. To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website click HERE. -
105: How can choosing rest bring you more joy?
In this week’s episode of Soul Spark, we're joined by lawyer and the creator, host, and producer of Seek The Joy Podcast, Sydney Weiss to explore the importance of rest in cultivating more joy in your life.
What you can expect to learn:
+ how to decondition from a hustle mentality
+ the benefits of entering and embracing a rest cycle
+ Sydney's insights into rest + her favorite tools
Watch the video HERE.
Click HERE to support the show on Patreon!
Learn more about Soul Spark 1:1 Coaching HERE!
To book a FREE Soul Spark 20-minute session click HERE.
To connect with Sydney click HERE.
To view the Seek The Joy IG click HERE.
Listen to Seek The Joy podcast HERE.
To view Sydney's website click HERE.
To view the Seek The Joy website click HERE. To connect with Kelly Collins click HERE. To view Kelly's website click HERE. - Visa fler