As heard onINSIGHT TIMERThe Power of I AM -Manifesting Your Deepest Desires:Learn how to reclaim your sacred Source Code “I AM” and create more peace, joy and abundance in your life."Welcome to Dr. Freeman's Soul Soup, where she dishes up a little food for your soul and some warmth for your heart… Each episode there will be some delicious spiritual teachings to assist you on your journey of spiritual awakening and empowered living.Each podcast is created to inspire, uplift, and transform/heal through meditation and an energetic healing processes. Something will happen at the level of the Higher Self to clear and create.10 day video course on the Power of I AMwww.janettefreeman.comFollow on Instagram @janette_freemanJoin theHIGH VIBE SOUL TRIBEConnect to live coaching/classes/connection with Dr. Janette, meet with other new friends on the FB Private Group page with the purpose of living from the Higher Self and intentionally living from a high vibe, all for a regulation donation to the Non Profit The Oneness Center. For More Information go towww.highvibesoultribe.com