Teachers often mistake control for being firm and stern and when that doesn't work, they become firmer and, more stern. Frustrated, they ask for help from administrators or counselors, who often tell them to do the exact same thing they were doing before.
What's a teacher to do then?
Enter the solution focused approach to classroom management, where teachers share their concerns and personal feelings about wanting to teach their students WITH their students. This podcast will assist you, your teachers or administrators with a dramatically different approach that calls upon students for help in achieving a classroom where learning is possible.
For more information on Solution Focused Schools Unlimited, visit https://solutionfocusedschool.com where you will find many free resources and upcoming trainings that can take you directly into solution focused land! If you are interested in more on the book, Counseling Toward Solutions, 3rd printing, you can purchase the book here: https://www.routledge.com/Counseling-Toward-Solutions-A-Practical-Solution-Focused-Program-for-Working/Metcalf/p/book/9780367640903
Join Linda Metcalf in her free bi-monthly SF Connection live webinars and meet school counselors and social workers from around the world who are learning the approach and using it every day.
This podcast addresses how the solution focused mindset helped two school counselors to deal with complicated problems in two real case studies. Learn specific ways to ask questions and the reasons to steer away from problem talk with both elementary and secondary students. For more information on the solution focused approach to school counseling, go to https://solution focused school.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this first podcast of a new series, "The Solution Focused Teacher," learn about a new approach that can help you get your power back in your classroom. Whether you teach kindergarten or twelfth grade, whether you are an academic coach, administrator or special education teacher, the ideas in this podcast are aimed at one goal...to help you get your power back. Once you grow your power, your classroom will transform into a more respectful, motivating climate.
This podcast series will introduce a very different approach that is part of a "solution focused mindset." This initial podcast describes that mindset by describing how a twelfth grade teacher dealt with a disruptive student who tried everything to upset her. Listen as the teacher comes up with new ways of dealing with the student that did not include consequences! Listen as I describe how she created her own solution, which she then tried successfullly.
I would love to hear from you! Email me at lmetcalf62@gmail.com with situations or topics for future podcasts. This podcast series is yours and to make it yours, I want to cover what you need. May the solution force be with you.
Linda Metcalf, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Solution Focused Schools Unlimited, LLC
email: lmetcalf62@gmail.com
website: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
The school year has started and so have the requests. This podcast introduces the solution focused approach as a mindset, not just strategies to try out. Listen to how the author recognized the importance of engaging students differently, as a teacher, and then later as a school counselor. The podcast will share the three steps of the solution focused approach and bring to life what those steps do for the school client (student, teacher or parent). From there, each step is explained and examples given. You will leave this podcast with steps to try out that will restore hope in your job as a school counselor and leave you less stressed and more excited than you have been in a while. Listen, enjoy and practice!
Get the book, Counseling Toward Solutions at Routledge: https://www.routledge.com/Counseling-Toward-Solutions-A-Practical-Solution-Focused-Program-for-Working/Metcalf/p/book/9780367640903
Check out the Solution Focused Schools Unlimited website: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
This episode takes a different approach in conceptualizing how to keep students safe in a world of uncertainties. You will learn three ways that do not cost money, do not require a change of school policy and yet, incorporate every single staff member and students into a process that anyone can learn. Listen, as I share how the solution focused mindset can engage the "scary" student and pave the way for that student to feel important to the school. Learn how to re-engage students once they return from a suspension, conjuring up strategies together with an administrator to NOT be suspended in the future. From simple words that every teacher can use to de-escalate a situation to ideas that share the responsibility of safety, this podcast is unique and offers a glimpse into finding the miracle we are all looking for.
For free resources and a view of upcoming events from Solution Focused Schools Unlimited go to: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
To email Linda Metcalf: lmetcalf62@gmail.com
This podcast will cover 3 constructs that contribute to the solution focused mindset. The ripple effect, the ideas that resistance can be conquered through a mindset and ways to talk to frustrated teachers are just some of the ideas covered in this podcast. Whether your job is as a school counselor, administrator or teacher, in this podcast, you will hear stories that bring to life what it is like to be an educator who sees past problems and into the eyes of experts in front of you. Website for more free resources and events: https://solutionfocusedschool.comProfessional Development inquiries: lmetcalf62@gmail.com Routledge.com
This podcast uses the comical Tinkerbell story to illustrate how the solution focused approach can help students, parents or teachers begin to realize the magic or expertise within themselves. Three basic constructs are discussed in this podcast, and illustrated through case studies. The listener will hear practical ideas for setting the direction of the solution focused approach with reluctant students, offering another mindset to a frustrating team meeting that focuses on problem talk and finally, how to reach the most resistant students of all. Listeners are invited to join the Solution Focused Schools Unlimited where they can receive free weekly resources: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
To inquire about professional development training with Linda, email her at lmetcalf62@gmail.com -
This podcast will share how to create a Miracle Worker team, (MW)composed of teachers who learn the solution focused process and work as consultants to fellow teachers and their students together to build solutions. It is ideal for school counselors and administrators who have students constantly referred to them for misbehavior or disrespect. The MW team takes those referrals instead, talking for 20 minutes to both teacher and student, creating a "preferred future" where they both describe what each person would be doing. Since it involves both teacher and student, it is more efficient and the chances of a return referral decreases dramatically.
For information on more free resources, visit https://solutionfocusedschool.com
This unique podcast was created after I witnessed a disturbing situation in a classroom. Recording the podcast in my car afterwards, I share ideas on how to help teachers who take actions that can disengage students who desperately need engagement. Listen as I provide ideas from the 3 solution focused steps that can assist you in reaching teachers of concern.
The solution focused approach is not about technique or strategies. It is much more than that. it is about how we think of people- our mindset. This podcast provides 4 mindset beliefs of the solution focused approach and describes a case of a student who is in an administrator’s office facing suspension. Additionally, a case involving a teacher who just wants advice about a disruptive student is addressed. Seeing the expert in every school client can instigate results like these- it just takes a mindset.
There were 29 school shootings in 2021. Our strategies to protect our schools is noble but not effective in putting a stop to school violence. This podcast takes on a solution focused mindset that is proactive. Listen to ideas that will give you direction to try a new strategy. We nothing to lose and have everything to gain. The last SF Connection on Dec 15 will be at 12:00 CST. The topic will be on preventing school violence. Register at: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
Exceptions are times when things go slightly better in our lives. In schools, exceptions are always there but are often overshadowed by a problem focused mindset. This podcast explains how noticing exceptions can change a student’s view of himself and create hope. Through a few case studies you will learn how to seek out exceptions from the most challenging students, showing them that they too, are exceptional. Visit my website for more free resources and training opportunities: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
Learn how to create a Miracle Workers’ team in your school to help carry out the solution focused approach in team meetings. Listen to a classroom guidance activity that helps students conceptualize what a team player does. Go further by incorporating teacher input so the classroom climate changes. Finally, get an idea on how to proactively approach frequent flyers so they construct a new vision of themselves. Website: https://solutionfocusedschool.com
This podcast refers to “The Power of Purpose Driven Schools, an article by Mark Oppenheimer (WSJ 8-1-21) and explains how the questions of the solution focused approach can elicit purpose for our students. A story is included that focuses on how a student rose above a tough situation and shows how the solution focused questions supported his resilience. To become part of the SF Connection webinar series and receive guidance topics weekly (Monday Ideas) as well as learn about the 2021 SF School Conference, go to https://solutionfocusedschool.com
Every day, in schools around the world, educators construct strategies for student problems with the purpose of helping their students to succeed. It is an admirable task that sometimes ends with frustration, when the strategies, created in isolation from the student, fail to work. Yet, by simply including the students in all of the meetings that affect them, the student has an opportunity to share what might be helpful to increase success. Whether it is a team meeting, RTI or parent conference, including students in the conversation can serve several purposes:
1. The students' voice becomes a source of information for strategies that are more likely to succeed.
2. The student and teachers engage and are focused on the same goal.
3. Relationships change between the student and teacher, resulting in different interactions.
After many years of going to home campuses to meet with her private clients at school, Dr. Metcalf reports a 98% success rate for student improvements, academic and behavioral when students were with her in meetings with all of the student's teachers. This podcast with share how it is done. Get ready to alter your meetings for Fall 2021!
Link for new copy of Counseling Toward Solutions: https://www.routledge.com/Counseling-Toward-Solutions-A-Practical-Solution-Focused-Program-for-Working/Metcalf/p/book/9780367640903
Our students are returning this fall after seventeen months away. How we greet them will impact how they re-enter the classroom environment and settle back into school. This podcast will provide ideas for developing a plan for re-entry using the solution focused mindset. Get ready to brainstorm your unique plan and greet your students back to class. The solution focused mindset will make the difference for students and for you!
The school year is coming to a close. You have worked diligently to be at your best. How do you hope the last few weeks go, so your students recall your time with them as exceptional? This podcast will simply serve to remind you of the power you have to impact others in a great way, by being at your very best. Get ready for some visual insight in this podcast, designed to commend you on your diligence and remarkable abilities.
Parents often come in upset about their child/teen and have concerns and complaints that can veer you toward problem focused land. By inquiring about their child/teen’s wonderfulnesses the conversation will get you on the path to solutions and improve the parent-child relationship in the process. This podcast will provide steps for you, too, so you discover the wonderfulnesses that you possess as well. This podcast was inspired by the book, Narrative Therapy in Wonderland: Connecting with Children’s Imaginative Know How- Norton Publishers (2016) Epston, Marsten and Markham. Visit solutionfocusedschool.com for more resources on becoming a solution focused educator!
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