
  • If you want to help more amazing business owners like you hear from badass expanders like Jenny, leave us a rating and review!

    What if you had a 7-figure business, had retired your husband, and moved your family to Mexico... but while they were surfing waves, you were stuck at your desk every damn day? That's where relationship mentor and revolutionary torchbearer for women, Jenny Glick, found herself... with all the trappings of success on the outside, but deeeep in a well of burnout that only an embodied approach to business could dig her out of. The amazing news is that Jenny took misalignment in her business as an invitation to usher in an embodied era in her business, with pleasure and intuition as her guide. And an intuitive offer that landed her a multi-six-figure year with ease and grace. In this episode we get real about the toxic burnout underbelly of the wellness industry, embodied offer ideation, and what softpreneur success is reaaaaally all about (and yes it does include greeting each day with a dance party, a luscious pool swim, and a cup overflowing with spirit). If you've ever wondered how you can let go of the gripping and loosen into a more pleasure-fueled business model, this episode does not disappoint. Jenny is an initiatory catalyst of a changemaker and she will light you on your way.

    We Explore:

    How to build offers that come from deep within yourself.How to build a business from a nourished and nurtured place.The elephant in the living room of the wellness industry: entrepreneurs operating from burnout and adrenal fatigue (and how to move toward more alignment).If your marriage is your ashram, so is your business: approaching all aspects of your life and business as a mystery school.

    Jenny Glick is a former traditional marriage and sex therapist gone rogue. She's a writer, torchbearer, and change catalyst for grown-ass women. With over 25 years of showing incredible women how to unlock rich, resonant lives – without all the fluff-you-up-coachy-empowerment-bullshit – Jenny helps you thrive in fulfilling partnerships, align with the compass and map of your own being, and come alive with pleasure… through the radical act of BEING MORE YOU. A wife of 25 years, mother, entrepreneur, and questioner of everything, Jenny lives in Southern Arizona with her hubs, their dog Jane, and a whole lot of wide open space.


    4:15 Create a soul-aligned business by listening to your body.

    7:20 Move towards more alignment and avoid burnout.

    10:55 Embrace variety in spiritual practices for better business decisions.

    15:30 Identify the right path by deeply listening to yourself.

    20:45 Shift from productivity to pleasure for sustainable success.

    26:18 Understand how nourishment leads to true wealth in business.

    32:40 Align pricing with your true value to serve clients better.

    Level up all of your relationships with Jenny's signature course Your Marriage Is Your Ashram. Use the code: ALL10 for 10% off, your loved ones will thank you!

    Check out Jenny's Linktree and connect with her on her Website, Instagram and YouTube

    Resource Mentioned:

    What's your pleasure archetype by Jenny Glick | Quiz

    Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • We want to collaborate on The Softpreneur Podcast with you! So if this concept of "business as stewardship" hits for you, we'd love to know how you are stewarding the earth, the people around you, and your business. Send us a DM on IG, leave a comment, or shoot Dawn an email at [email protected] and fill us in!

    Are human beings inherently bad, exploitative, consuming machines... or is there a chance that we might exist in harmony and steward each other and the earth as we grow our businesses? Dawn and Elyssa go deep on the concept of business as stewardship, musing on how to do life differently, whether it's the way we consume, the way we collaborate, how we establish our communities and hold the collective and love. As well as our creative responsibility to create the world we want to live in, on a small scale, so that the large scale can reflect a more open-hearted, loving, and collaborative way of being.

    We Explore:

    The 3Cs of Business As Stewardship and how these principles speak to your divine service in this world.How being intentional about what we consume and supporting small businesses can contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world.How the idea of "leave no trace" might make you feel bad to be human, and how that doesn't help anyone step up, steward, or nourish their connection to the earth.The concept of A World Brotherhood Colony and why Yogananda said "Environment is stronger than willpower".The collective shift toward stewardship, cultivating relationships with nature, and how millennials are leaving city life behind.The radical, mindblowing things that happen when you create and collaborate with likeminded humans to create something bigger than you (or than you could have ever imagined).


    8:32 Rethink consumption habits to align with stewardship goals.

    13:22 Understand collaboration as a key to effective stewardship.

    17:03 Be more intentional about your media consumption.

    22:28 Apply creative solutions to localize and improve stewardship efforts.

    29:22 Collaborate with others to foster innovation in stewardship practices.

    33:05 Embrace complementary skills in collaboration for greater impact.

    37:00 Challenge the belief that humans are inherently bad for the earth.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Yogananda's Self-Realization Fellowship | Website

    Amanda Frances | Website

    Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

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  • Eyla Cuenca has built a following on Instagram by being a bit of a rebel in the birth space. A thought leader to the core, Eyla is a holistic birth guide, Childbirth Educator, Doula, health freedom advocate and birth trauma alchemist. Eyla creates polarizing posts that really help to grow her following... all in service of creating more conversation, connection, and sovereignty for everyone involved in the birth experience. Eyla gave us the inside scoop on how she creates a strong container to hold herself with love, especially when what she posts is divisive and polarizing. Plus how she grew her business from in person to online, and her manifestation process when it comes to growing an audience. Eyla's social media strategy is proof that if you're not afraid of ruffling feathers, you can build a strongly successful business online... in a way that works for YOU.

    Eyla's work is dedicated to offering guidance that supports women and men in returning to their deepest knowing about birth, individual sovereignty, and the body’s innate intelligence.

    With a BA in Anthropology and Ethnographic photography from Bennington College… Eyla studied family systems and is passionate about helping change the conversion around the way women birth. She brings an anthropological lens to her work, with an eye for institutional critique. Eyla trained with the AAHCC founded by Robert A. Bradley, MD, where she specialized as a Birth Educator and Doula. Her work as a Guardian Ad Litem for the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida as well as attending over 200 births as a Doula – in both hospital and home settings – brought her into health freedom and advocacy work. Eyla thoroughly believes that it is everyone’s right to have access to empowering education from conception to parenting.

    Follow Eyla Cuenca on Instagram @eyla_cuenca_birth and if you want to hold space for yourself as you show up loud and proud on social, check out Eyla's Containment Course.

    If you're looking to create more sustainable success, bust through mindset blocks and take aligned action in your business, shoot us a DM on IG @allconnected.agency. We're here to support your radiant growth!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Uncovering Birth | Website

    The Primal Wound by Nancy Newton Verrier | Book

    Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • If you're looking to create more sustainable success, bust through mindset blocks and take aligned action in your business, shoot us a DM on IG @allconnected.agency. We're here to support your radiant growth!

    Stace used to think "influencers were cringe," and now she's a social media influencer who tries out the world's weirdest wellness hacks, and effortlessly grows her following through the practice of shadow work, which she learned through To Be Magnetic's process for neural manifestation. We go deep in this episode, from how to "hack the algorithm" by clearing your subconscious blocks. To recognize that the gift of cancel culture might just be learning how to cultivate a DGAF mentality, and vote for yourself first.

    From physical trainer to kundalini yogini, to active wear e-com retailer, to red light therapy, carnivore, and beyond, Stace is a wellness influencer (and serial entrepreneur) on a mission to support the collective to DO our shadow work so we can show up as the most authentic versions of our ourselves.

    Come Hang with Style by Stace Fizzy on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.

    Resources Mentioned:

    To Be Magnetic | Website

    The Portable Jung by Carl G. Jung | Book

    Kelly Brogan's Work | Website

    Carnivore Diet Video | YouTube

    Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • What wellness influencer do you want us to interview? Shoot us a DM on Instagram @allconnected.agency and tell us who you'd love to hear from for an inside scoop!

    For the last decade, Carly Banks has been helping women find body, mind, spirit, nervous system, and hormonal balance through sharing the path of Ayurveda.

    In early 2024, one of Carly's videos went viral on Instagram and TikTok (garnering millions of views) -- and in the last ~6 months, her Instagram following grew from 3500 to 74k followers. All along the way, she has kept it real. Carly truly lives her practice of simple, daily ritual and is also a brilliant business woman who knows that social media is just one part of a thriving business ecosystem.

    Carly shares how the best way to grow your business as a wellness practitioner is by honing your expertise in person, so that when you're ready to expand your online business, you have SO MUCH value to share with your audience.

    One of the biggest wins?

    Her absolutely viral video was an education piece where she was being EXACTLY herself!

    Tune in and hear us chat about finding your authentic stride with social media, the sustainable way to grow your business, why nurturing your email list is SO essential, and how a huge following doesn't necessarily translate to a thriving business.

    Connect with Carly on Instagram @thehabitayurveda and check out her life-enhancing offerings at thehabit.net while there take the Ayurvedic Mind-Body Quiz to find your personalized, simple path to balance.

    Resources Mentioned:

    ManyChat | Website

    Chanti Zak's Quiz Course | Website

    Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • Send us a DM on Instagram @allconnected.agency and tell us what you think about social media, personal sovereignty, and victim consciousness as a Softpreneur.

    Yes, social media sucks. But when you recognize your role in the drama triangle and take sovereignty over your relationship with this tech overlord behemoth, you can use social media as a catalyst to your spiritual & business growth, rather than a villain to be escaped at all costs. In this episode, the gals elucidate some of the reasons social media IS a villain, then dig into some of the ways it can be seen as both a personal blessing and business blessing. They also give you some of the clues you need to understand when you're stuck in victim consciousness. If marketing is a healing modality, social media in and of itself can be a spiritual practice. Because when you become more visible, your business benefits in SO many ways. This game changing episode is the beginning of our series on Softpreneurship and Social Media, so if you've been on the fence about whether to go all in on social, give this episode a listen, and your nervous system a rest.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Reclaimed Woman by Kelly Brogan, MD | Book

    Stephen J. Karpman's Drama Triangle | Website

    Madelyn Moon | TikTok

    The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben | Book

    Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • Send us a DM on Instagram with your vision for the collective.

    In this episode, Dawn & Elyssa interview Camilla Blossom, a spiritual mentor, land alchemist, and medicine woman passionate about earth stewardship. Camilla shares her vision of interconnectedness, emphasizing the importance of joy, intuition, and love to brighten the world. Learn how reciprocal relationships with nature, honouring ancestors, and rethinking our connection to the land can transform both personal and business practices. This episode promises to inspire you with profound insights on nurturing yourself, others, and the planet.

    "We are not here to heal the earth. We are here to heal our relationship with Mother Earth." - Camilla Blossom

    For over 35 years, Camilla has been walking a magical fairy shamanism path to awaken and embody the consciousness of Mother Earth. She is a spiritual mentor & guide, land alchemist, medicine woman, and author of Sacred Spirits of Gaia: Co-Creating a New Earth with Fairies, Elementals, Ancestors, and Spirits of Land.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Interconnectedness of all living beingsJoy, pleasure and lifting spiritsReciprocity and gratitude to natureHealing our earth connectionMentorship and accessing gifts

    For bonus content, join Camilla Blossom on Pateron at Tree Keepers Circle in the Temple of Earth Magic.

    Explore Camilla's magical offerings on her Website, and definitely check out her YouTube Channel.

    Connect with Camilla Blossom on her Instagram, Patreon or sign up for her Newsletter.


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • Muse all things meaningful marketing with us on Instagram: @allconnected.agency | @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim

    In this episode, Dawn & Elyssa interview Shiva Rose, a wellness icon and entrepreneur. They explore the delicate balance of feminine and masculine energies in business. Shiva shares how her spiritual practices, including Ayurveda and Kundalini yoga, shape her entrepreneurial journey. From retreats in Tuscany to creating a skincare line inspired by meditation, learn how Shiva integrates intuition and joy into her multifaceted ventures. Discover the essence of true prosperity and the importance of sisterhood and structured discipline in achieving a fulfilling life. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation on aligning business with spirit.

    Shiva Rose’s a bit of a legend in the wellness world, founder of clean beauty line Shiva Rose Beauty, Author of Whole Beauty: Daily Rituals and Natural Recipes for Lifelong Beauty and Wellness, creator of the Pre-Goop holistic wellness blog The Local Rose (which Elyssa contributed to!), and she weaves beauty wherever she goes. She created her new online course The Waterways of the Feminine Mystique to guide women on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment by reconnecting to their innate femininity and sensuality.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Importance of sisterhood and connectivityRole of Ayurveda in entrepreneurshipBalancing feminine and masculine energiesEmbracing spiritual practice in businessDefining true prosperity and joy

    Looking to learn more? Shiva's Waterways of the Feminine Mystique Course is a guide women on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment by reconnecting to their innate femininity and sensuality.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Eka Mai Recitation By White Sun | Listen Here

    Mul Mantra By Snatam Kaur | Listen Here

    Other ways to connect with Shiva Rose is through The Local Rose on their Website or Instagram.

    Also, check out Shive Rose's Beauty Products on their Website or Instagram.


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • Co-create the future you'd like to see with us! Send us a DM with your vision for the collective over on Instagram. If you enjoyed this podcast, leave us a review and share it with a friend.

    In this episode, Dawn & Elyssa explore their personal spiritual journeys and discuss how integrating spirit into business practices can lead to greater alignment and success. They also share their visions for the collective and emphasize the importance of putting spirit first in entrepreneurship.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Spiritual practices and journeysCombining spirit with businessOur vision for the collective Tuning in and energy alignmentSpirit-focused entrepreneurship strategies


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

  • Connect with us on Instagram: @allconnected.agency, @dawn_petrin, and @elyssajakim

    Dawn & Elyssa kickoff the Softpreneur podcast by exploring the concept of Softpreneurship. They discuss the integration of personal values into business and introduce the idea of marketing as a healing modality.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Marketing as a healing modalityDefinition and importance of SoftpreneurshipFinding personal freedom in businessCombining spirituality with entrepreneurshipEthical and conscious business practices


    Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi