This is a show hosted by Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher and ranked #1 in North Carolina by Golf Digest, Jason Sutton, "aka The Guru" in which he has top teachers and coaches in the golf industry on to share their techniques for success in golf, life and personal development. The goal is to dissect and uncover traits, tactics, habits and applications that will help the teachers but also be applicable to other businesses and occupations.
The Sports MBA Podcast is entirely written and produced by students of the San Diego State University Sports MBA Program - the only program of its kind on the West Coast.
We are an accredited MBA program focused entirely on the international business of sports, featuring top tier faculty and a dedicated alumni network. The Sports MBA is an accelerated, 18-month degree program that begins in January each year and is intended for highly motivated students seeking an intensive academic environment combined with extensive hands-on industry experience.
For more info on the Sports MBA, visit -
Quiero Ser Rico; Un podcast para aprender a ahorrar e invertir.
El podcast de los pequeños ahorradores que soñamos con la libertad financiera.
Yo y desde aquí te voy a ir contando lo que he ido y voy aprendiendo en mi camino hacia la riqueza.
Te cuento en donde invierto y que hago para poder tener una mejor vida para mi y mi familia.
Yo no voy a ser tu asesor financiero, fiscal o legal. Yo te voy a contar lo que yo estoy haciendo. Puedes copiarme o no. Eso es responsabilidad tuya.
¿Quien Soy yo? Aquí puedes saber más de mi.
Y si en algún momento, hablo de alguna inversión que yo no he probado te lo diré directamente -
The Underground Running Project welcomes runners of all ages and skill levels. In this show David Suarez and Danny Areces, speak about their experiences as runners and try to share some of their knowledge about how they started from nothing and made their way through the ranks. You'll hear from guests who have had a huge impact on the running community and those who are on their way.
Javier Orgaz un canal de perfumería, moda y tendencias y productos que usamos los tíos y porsupuestísimo vosotras chicas este canal es completamente unisex.Suscríbete a mi canal si aún no lo has hecho, (os estaré profundamente agradecido) lánzalo a tus redes sociales, y todo el cosmos sin olvidar dar dedito arriba, y escribir tus mejores comentarios (faltaba más). NEGOCIOS:[email protected] redes Sociales?:Find me online ?:GRUPO DE FACEBOOK: Business Inquiries: [email protected] Este vídeo no está esponsorizado.
Soy José L. Cherrez, experto en seguridad y armas, instructor y especialista en protección ejecutiva, consultor y asesor en Seguridad Integral. Estoy aquí para brindarles consejos de seguridad, noticias relevantes, técnicas nuevas, temas de armas y defensa, así como situaciones que ocurren en todo el mundo y más.
Mi objetivo es ayudar a todos aquellos interesados en servir, proteger y ayudar a otros. La seguridad es una responsabilidad compartida y es fundamental que todos estemos preparados y informados.
En mis publicaciones, compartiré consejos prácticos sobre cómo protegerse a sí mismo y a sus seres queridos, cómo tomar decisiones seguras en situaciones de emergencia, así como información sobre armas y su uso responsable.
También estaré atento a las últimas noticias y eventos relacionados con la seguridad, para mantenerlos actualizados y brindarles la información que necesitan para tomar decisiones informadas.
Además, estaré encantado de responder cualquier pregunta que puedan tener y de discutir temas relacionados con la seguridad y las armas.
Así que si estás interesado en aprender y estar preparado, te invito a seguir mis publicaciones. ¡Juntos podemos trabajar para crear un entorno más seguro y protegido!
Soy Mónica Pascual, coach de alto rendimiento para deportistas de élite, profesionales y empresas.
Y esto es Imparables: un pequeño córner sonoro en el que vamos a dar las claves para que puedas conducir la temporada hacia el máximo rendimiento profesional, sea el ámbito que sea.
Deportivo, sí, sobre todo.
Pero no solo eso.
Porque todo el mundo que esté interesado en rendir al máximo está invitado a ser… ¡IMPARABLE! -
If you are a Wedding Filmmaker then the Wedding Film School Show is for you. Hosted by Jason McCutchen and Jared Haskell of Stopgolove and Huxley Film, we dive into the depths of how to run a wedding filmmaking biz in the wedding industry. From gear talk, to industry interviews, to straight up mathy business topics, we cover a lot of ground. Give us a subscribe and let us know what you want hear about next!
Hello, I'm psychologist and parenting expert Dr Maryhan and this is How Not To Screw Up Your Kids, the podcast for parents, grandparents, educators, and anyone else who wants to be part of a movement to raise confident children who grow up believing in themselves.
Follow now for twice weekly episodes - on Monday's you'll find shorter Bucket Emptying episodes, with longer episodes each Thursday.
The greatest gift we can give our children is self-belief. It will get them further in life than any qualification and is absolutely possible for each and every child; we just need the right information and support around us to teach them.
The old saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child” couldn’t be more true than now. Parenting has got a whole lot harder; not just because we are busier than ever but because our children are growing up in an ever changing, fast-paced world, which is so different to the one we grew up in. Our children have more pressure to be better, look better, do better, and in a world where lives are so publicly scrutinised and commented on through social media it’s really no wonder we’re seeing mental health problems sky rocketing amongst children, teens, and young adults. What you can expect from this podcast are honest conversations about parenting.
We’ll talk confidence resilience, anxiety, managing tech, and all the topics you’d expect as well blowing the lid off the widely help misconception that children are innately resilient. They’re not!
This podcast is for people who want to get real about parenting. You understand it can get messy sometimes and aren’t afraid to admit it. I have had more than my fair share of messy and I will no doubt share these with you along the way. I won’t dress things up but I will always give you something practical to take away and use in each and every episode. My guests and experts will be real people who have overcome their own adversities and bring with them a message to us as parents, as well as inspiring stories.
So pour yourself a cuppa, find a comfy seat, and enjoy the conversation...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Looking forward to hearing the latest buzz on how to scale your business? 🚀
Dancho Dimkov, the mastermind behind BizzBee Solutions, reflects on some of his daily life's most mundane and peculiar occurrences, providing you with something sweet to chew on.
Who says that you can't take a shortcut to growth? 😎
Let Dancho's everyday life and business stories pave your way to a successful B2B digital business and save you a mistake or two. 😉 -
let's talk about stuff, money stuff, economic stuff, investing and the intersection.
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Welcome to "Building Awesome Events," the podcast where seasoned event marketers from leading companies like VMWare, HP, and Drift join your host Ankush Gupta to share their insights on the art of event marketing.
Tune in to learn about their personal journeys into the industry and discover their proven strategies for consistently delivering successful B2B events and business conferences. From event management to event marketing, this podcast covers it all.
Don't miss out on valuable tips and tricks from the experts in the field. #Events #EventMarketing #B2BEvents #BusinessConferences #EventManagement -
Controlando la Piscina es el podcast en español de Orenda que fue diseñado para informarle a los propietarios, operadores y técnicos del servicio de piscina acerca de la química y los diferentes fenómenos que se pueden presentar así como el impacto de los productos químicos utilizados dia con dia para entender de mejor manera cómo tener la mejor calidad de agua posible. Si quiere realmente entender la química de su piscina, este podcast puede ser para usted. En cada episodio hablaremos de un tema nuevo relacionado con las piscinas, la química del agua, o la calidad del aire interior. Con nuestra ayuda, tendrá la capacidad de ir controlando su piscina sin abusar de los químicos mientras ahorra dinero.