
  • Hey folks, as always, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    This is just a little episode marking the beginning of a show hiatus.  When I was a kid, the auto plant in my town would occasionally shut down for a few months, for "re-tooling" - something necessary when they switched from making sedans to making mini-vans, for example. That's what is happening with So Much Pingle - some re-tooling.  I have some new software to learn, a review of the entire production process needs to happen, I've got to come up with a plan to convert and upload existing episodes to YouTube, and get some kinks ironed out with SMP merchandise.  All that is difficult to do when I'm working to bang out episodes, so I'm taking a few months off to catch my breath, think some thoughts, and then bring the show back online. A little summer vacation. 100 episodes is a good pausing place.

    Thanks to Josh Holbrook for stepping in and helping me explain what's up!  And thanks for listening everyone! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, should you have any questions or comments during the short time off.

    See you all soon and thanks!


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode One Hundred!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    I can’t deny it, it feels pretty good to reach the one hundred show mark, four and a half years and one pandemic after I started this project.  The experience has been all the things – interesting, challenging, frustrating, and ultimately, rewarding.  I listen to a few podcasts that, at the end of the show, list all the people involved – the writers, researchers, editors and recording engineers, production assistants, et cetera, and now and then I think “wow, what could I accomplish with a crew like that?”  Because you know I wear all those hats on this little show.  But that’s all on the front end, and for me, the back end is where I’m blessed. Go ahead and make your jokes, I’ll wait. On the back end are all the folks who listen to the show, promote the show, support the show (both emotionally and financially), and of course, come on the show and talk with me. THAT has been amazing.

    As always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    A few months ago I started thinking about what the hundredth show should be, and I had a number of ideas, but one in particular kept coming back to me.  I had attempted to record a Big Year episode as far back as 2022, but each time there were problems – hardware failures, scheduling issues, you name it.  I had chucked that whole project to the side with some disgust and some sadness, and moved on.  But I decided to give it one last try, for the hundo, and Josh Holbrook, Matt Ratcliffe, Jake Scott, and Tim Warfel were down to give it another shot as well.  This last effort itself took several tries, and in the end, we got it done.  It’s recorded on Zoom instead of Squadcast, which I normally use, so instead of multiple tracks to clean up there’s just one.  Zoom is not the greatest recording tool but fortunately, most of the recording is clean, and there’s only a few fuzzy bits here and there. I left in a few minutes of pre-show banter because these guys crack me up and it’s a peek at how the sausage is made.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


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  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Nine!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    This show is dedicated to the memory of Gary Pinson.  Gary lived over in the Missouri Ozarks and every October he and his family would come over to Snake Road in southern Illinois, which is where I first met him.  It got to be a thing every year, meeting up with Gary and his crew, walking and talking on the road.  He was a good man, a gentle man, with a twinkle in his eye and always ready with a story.  I will miss him and so will so many other folks who come down to Snake Road on the regular.  My sympathies to Preston, Gregory, Amy and the rest of the Pinson family – I’m quite sure Gary’s at a McDonald’s somewhere.

    As always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Just prior to heading down to Peru in May, I heard from Devon Graham, who is the director of Project Amazonas. Devon told me our group would be sharing the Santa Cruz field station with some folks doing venom research, and that certainly sounded intriguing, Arriving at Santa Cruz we met with Ella Guedouar, Carter Haley, and Grant McCargar, and we got a peek at the research they were conducting.  A very gracious trio, they were cool with me and Josh and all of his students doing some shoulder surfing as they extracted venom and worked up their serpent subjects.  And they graciously agreed to talk with me about their research.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Eight!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there. After traveling for the better part of a month, it's good to be back home and back in the podcast studio.

    As always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    I captured this episode in Suriname back in mid-May, towards the end of our herp trip there.  It was recorded around the swimming pool in the heat of the afternoon on one of our few down days in Suriname.   Energy levels were a bit low given the heat and the swimming pool and some adult beverages, but the lads responded and gave good accounts of our adventures there. I hope you enjoy this in-the-field episode, and I want to thank Jeremy Pixton, Matt Cage, Peter Mooney, John Burris, Pat Kain, and Shawn LaRochelle for talking with me and a special shout-out to our pal Dermot Bowden, who had to leave a few days early and missed the discussion, it was good to see you again Dermot.  Special thanks to the folks at Unlock Nature - Dick Lock, Lieke Verwoerd, Marcos Carello, Soraya Sodrono, Matthew Wallace, Fenne, Yordi, and all the other folks who helped to make our trip a success.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.



  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Seven!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    I just got back from a great herping trip to Suriname.  You may remember my conversation with Dick and Lieke back in episode 79 and it was fun to go visit and see how they operate herp tours there, and the answer is they do very well.  I was with a small group and we saw a lot of fabulous herps.  At any rate I am back home for just a few days, allowing me to get this time sensitive episode assembled and in your ears, so to speak.  I return to Peru in just a few days to assist Josh Holbrook with his tropical ecology class, so the next episode will come out in early June.

    SMP Patrons! I want to thank James Burnham for his contribution to the So Much Pingle podcast, via Patreon. Much appreciated, James, thank you so much.  And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Oh yeah. If you’ve been with the show from the early days or you’ve worked through the back catalog of episodes, you may recall me talking with Dr. Emily Taylor way back in Episode 12.  Well Emily is back with some exciting topics and it’s always a pleasure to talk with her and catch some of that vibrant energy she has. And below are some links for books and cams and papers:

    Order link for the California Snakes book and other merchandise

    Project Rattlecam website, and Project Rattlecam on YouTube

    Link to Savannah Weaver and colleague's paper on Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizards. Open access.

    Link to paper "Effects of relational and instrumental messaging on human perception of rattlesnakes" Open access

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.



  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Six!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there. It’s the last Sunday in April which means that this is the last episode in Season Four – we start Season Five on the first of May and I should have a show out around the middle of May, after I return from a trip to Suriname.

    And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    HERPETOLOGY CAMP FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS!  Don't forget, Professor Josh Holbrook will be hosting another herpetology camp this year at Montreat College in North Carolina, The first week will be held June 23-28, 2024, and an extension will be held June 16-21, 2024 (the week before). For more information, see the Herpetology Camp link at www.montreat.edu/compass  

    This episode is the last set of origin stories that I recorded on my second Peru trip in February of this year.  Starting us off is a conversation with Dane Conley, followed by a tag-team interview with Lucas Dunn and Brady McGowan.  Thanks guys!  It was good to talk with you all!

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Five!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    SMP Patrons! I want to thank a couple of new Patreoners! – Derek Gillespie and Paul Duren, thank you both so much for supporting the show!  Much appreciated!  And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Well, if you’re a fan of the longer episodes then you are in luck – this one was a bit of a challenge, with 13 individual recordings to stitch together, and all recorded in the field to boot.  In late March I spent a long day in the field with Dr. Michael Dreslik, or Drez as folks call him, and his field team, doing field surveys for Massasaugas here in my home state of Illinois.  Mike has been studying saugas for a quarter century now, and it seemed like a good time to check in with him.

    Lots of parts to this episode – there’s an interview with Mike to start off, and then we go out in the field to look for massasaugas.  I also talked briefly with everyone on Drez’s survey team, and these little vignettes are scattered throughout the episode.  I briefly touch base with Mike near the end, and then the last is a chat with Xander Perelman,  who is Mike’s PhD candidate, where we talk about some of the other interesting projects that he is working on with saugas and pygmy rattlers, as part of his PhD work.  Oh yeah and Xander provides a lot of narrative during the field recordings, doing a lot of explaining, and I thank him for that.

    I want to thank Dr. Michael Dreslik for talking with me and letting me hang out and help look for those hard-to-spot massasaugas.  Let’s not forget all of the folks on the survey team – Emily Ash, Matt Parry, Joey Cannizzaro, Nick Dunham, Tony Easton, Claire Dietrich, and Xander Perelman.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Four!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    SMP Patrons! I want to thank a couple of folks for their support - Clint Guadiana, for his contribution via Patreon, and Dave Weber, who made another one-time contribution via PayPal.  Thank you Clint and Dave! And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Here we go with the eighth installment of Herp Science Sunday with Dr. Alex Krohn.   I’ve really enjoyed doing these shows with Alex, and this one was no exception - a conversation with Dr. Harry Greene on a variety of subjects including Pleistocene rewilding, Bolson Tortoises, a breakdown of serpent prey items, and much, much more.  Harry is a deep thinker and don't be surprised if you find yourself thinking deeply about some of the topics we discuss!

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.




  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Three!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there, and happy Ground Hog Day!

    SMP Patrons! I want to thank Justin Coburn for his contribution to the So Much Pingle podcast, via Patreon. Much appreciated, Justin, thank you so much.  And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Well here we go with another Origin stories episode, recorded just a few weeks ago in Peru.  Most of you know the drill – I sit down on the back deck of my tambo, and have a chat with folks when there’s a little downtime.  And on this occasion, a rainy morning provided me with a captive audience, although we had to slap some mosquitos during the sessions.  This is a three-part origin story, featuring Justin Coburn, Greyson Getty, and Kris Haas.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.




  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Two!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there. I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous New Year, and let there be peace for everyone in the days ahead.

    And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    This episode comes out of a herping trip I made to south Texas earlier this year.  I almost always pack along my field recording kit, and I wasn’t very far along into that trip when I could see the shape of an episode in my mind.  On the last night before heading home, I sat down with Erik McCormick, Kyle Elmore, and Clint Guadiana to record.  Listening in post-production I could hear how tired I was – definitely not at the top of my game but it is what it is.  Before we get to it I want to give a shout-out to John Edward, Isaac Smith, Braden Alexander, and Tim Burkhardt, I really enjoyed hanging out and herping with y’all down in Texas.

    Kyle's YouTube Channel is Pop Milk!

    Clint's YouTube channel is Much Ado About Herping

    Thanks for coming on the show, Hans, it was a great pleasure to talk with you!  And thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.



  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety One!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there. We’re rolling into December and like many people, I have a big block of family time coming up, so I am pushing to get this episode finished and out sooner, rather than later.  I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and peace on earth for everyone.  And be safe out there on the roads, y’all.

    And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Here’s an episode I have been waiting for and I’m sure many of you feel the same way.  Hans Breuer and his wife Lisa live on the island of Taiwan, along with their two boys, Karl and Hans Jr.  If you’ve spent any time perusing the old Field Herp Forum, you’re probably familiar with Hans’ posts about his escapades herping around that island paradise.  If you’re not, go ahead and do so – we’ll wait.  Hans has parlayed his adventures into two delightful books, which we cover in this episode, along with many other interesting things.

    Thanks for coming on the show, Hans, it was a great pleasure to talk with you!  And thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    I’ve talked about HerpMapper here and there on various episodes, but since September of 2023 was the tenth anniversary of the project, I wanted to devote an episode to it, and talk with Don Becker and Chris Smith.  The three of us are the primary architects of the HerpMapper project, and I am immensely proud of the work we’ve done, and of the success of the project.  Dr. Josh Otten was kind enough to serve as our interviewer.  You may recall that I talked with Josh and Don recently, along with Jim Scharosch, for The Mud-Box-Hog Extravaganza, in episode 86.

    Thanks Chris and Don for everything!  And thanks to Josh Otten for guest-hosting on this one.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Eighty Nine!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    SMP Patrons! I want to thank Shawn LaRochelle for his contribution to the So Much Pingle podcast, via Patreon. Much appreciated, Shawn, thank you so much.  And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    I also want to give a shout-out to Colleen McCarthy, Justin Michels, and Noah Fields for their recent comments and suggestions regarding the show, and for just being awesome people in general.  As I’ve often said folks, I’m open to your comments, suggestions, feedback, whatever you got. Drop me a note to somuchpingle@gmail.com.

    This one is a Noah Fields two-fer, a mashup of two separate recordings.  I recently spent a couple days hanging out with Noah and his girlfriend Kaitlyn, during their first visit to Snake Road.  We had a pretty good time and I recorded just a ten-minute session with Noah, to get his thoughts on the whole Snake Road experience.  My aim was to talk with some other folks as well, and then put together a full episode.  But that didn’t pan out, mostly because I was concerned about over-saturation of the subject, because – I was a recent guest on the Orianne Society’s Snake Talk Podcast, and the subject was Snake Road. Chris Jenkins does a great job with Snake Talk and I’m featured on episode 89.

    Anyway, after my Snake Road business was concluded for the year, I headed down to Georgia for yet another attempt to see a Southern Hognose Snake, Heterodon simus.  Hogtober baby! And I got to hang out with Noah for a couple days on his home turf, so to speak.  We recorded the second and larger session sitting around a campfire, and while hognoses and Hogtober were covered, we stray into some other subjects as well.  FYI I had an issue with my microphone about 42 minutes into the recording, but I managed to recover my audio from Noah’s microphone track (two mics, two tracks).  So be warned, the sound quality is a little warbly for about 8 minutes.  Warbly is a technical term.  No warblers were actually present.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.



  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Eighty Eight!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Our guest for this episode is Rachel Pikstein, and we discuss the issue of invasive tegu lizards in Florida and elsewhere, and we also talk about her research in this area, and much much more. I had attended the International Herpetological Symposium this past summer, where Rachel gave a presentation on the subject and I knew I wanted to get her on the show.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Eighty Seven!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    It's another episode of Herp Science Sunday!  On this installment, Dr. Alex Krohn and I discuss two papers:

    Between fruits, flowers and nectar: The extraordinary diet of the frog Xenohyla truncata
    by Carlos Henrique de-Oliveira-Nogueira et al., and published in Vol 35 of the journal Food Webs

    Aggregation and social interaction in garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis)
    by Morgan Skinner and Noam Miller, and published in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2020) 74: 51

    and as always, drop me a note if you need a copy of these publications.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.




  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Eighty Six!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    Before we get to today’s episode, I want to thank Gerry Salmon for his one-time donation to the So Much Pingle podcast. Much appreciated, Gerry, thank you so much.  And as always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    I also want to give a shout-out to Justin Michels and Marty Whalin for their recent comments and suggestions regarding the show, and for just being awesome dudes in general.  As I’ve often said folks, I’m open to your comments, suggestions, feedback, whatever you got. Drop me a note to somuchpingle@gmail.com.

    I drove up to Iowa to interview Dr. Josh Otten, Don Becker, and Jim Scharosch, about their ongoing project with Illinois mud turtles, ornate box turtles, and western hognose snakes. Initially this was a survey project, but along the way conservation and restoration components were added. Before we talked, I spent the day in the field with Josh and Don and Jim, and I also want to give a shout out to Laura Scharosch, Jeff Faircloth, and May Quiminales, lovely folks who were also present and willingly gave their time and effort to the project.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Eighty Five!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there. And for those of you experiencing extra-high temperatures, I hope you all are staying cool and hydrated.

    As always, I want to thank everyone who keeps the show rolling along. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Our guest this week is Dr. Steven Allain, of Kent University in the UK.  We talked about some of his research projects that include grass snakes and midwife toads. Steve also keeps the science flowing on his social media accounts and we cover some of that as well.

    Steve actively posts about his study subjects, herp science, and other science-related issues on Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, and Facebook.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Eighty Four!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

    It’s good to be back in the recording studio after a long absence, and I appreciate everyone’s patience while I was out having a good time. I spent several weeks in Thailand, on a herping trip that started in Bangkok and finished at the southern tip of the country, on the border with Malaysia.  I saw some amazing herps and other wildlife, lots of pit vipers including several Wagler’s pit vipers, one of those bucket list serpents for me.

    So Much Pingle Patrons! A big thank you to the show’s newest patron, Daren Riedle!  I’m sure you all remember my conversation with Daren back in Episode 78 – that was a fun one and I get a lot of comments about that show.  So thank you so much Daren for supporting the show and for taking part as well!  And as always, I want to thank everyone who keeps the show rolling along. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    So this episode arises out of some singular events that happened in Peru earlier this year.  I was down there with Matt Cage for three separate herp tours, and the crazy bit is that we encountered 7 bushmasters across the three trips – one on the first, FIVE on the second, and one on the last trip in February.  Now, we are happy to get one Lachesis muta on an expedition – there’s no denying that the chance to see a bushmaster is a big draw for our clients – and sometimes we may even find two.  But during our second trip, after five bushmasters were found, I decided to record with some of the folks involved, attempting to capture some of the experience. So please enjoy my conversations with Jill Rials and Michael Moffat, Jeff and Berk, the Brothers Martineau, and Richard Legere.

    Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to the show!  Mike Pingleton here, and I am your host for these proceedings.  And here we go with Episode Eighty Three, and I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.  It’s early June here at the So Much Pingle world headquarters, and my flower garden is starting to POP!  It’s a great time if you’re into that sort of thing.

    Well I’ve been kind of busy over the last few weeks, helping out with a couple of different herp surveys, and there’s a podcast episode coming out of one of those, which I hope to put out next month if time permits.  I say time permits because I’m leaving for Thailand next week and I won’t get back until July 4th.  I’m happy to get this show out before I leave because the last 4-5 days at home before a trip I am running around like a madman trying to get everything ready, and getting the lawn mowed one more time, stuff like that.  Good problem to have.

    So Much Pingle Patrons! As always, I want to thank everyone who keeps the show rolling along. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Our guests for this episode are Sky Stevens and Sheri Monk, which I recorded months ago in Peru. Why did it take so long you say?  Well, I had some technical issues – let’s call them what they really are, operator error on my part.  When I record in the field, I use a Zoom HN4 recorder, with two Shure microphones cabled in. It’s a lovely rig and I get good results, but on this occasion, I neglected to turn off the Zoom’s built-in omnidirectional microphone and just run the two Shures as per usual.  The result was a lot of static and wind noise, and I had to spend some time learning how to clean that up using Adobe Audition. I’m not an audio engineer and every time I have to dig deeper into audio engineering, I feel like my brain forgets a dozen scientific names to make room.

    Thank goodness I didn’t have to ask Sky and Sheri to re-record this episode, because it is a gem.  There are still a few moments of static, notably around the 2 minute, 39 minute, and 1 hour 14 minute marks, my apologies, but the rest of the recording is quite clear.  You may notice some other artifacts – the omnidirectional microphone picks up EVERY buzzing insect, and the birds are a lit louder too, although I’m told some folks enjoy that.  Maybe turn down the volume if you listen with headphones.

    Thank you Sky and Sheri!  So much fun talking with you. And thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, methods for picking up water snakes, tips for herping better, etc.


  • Hello everyone and welcome to the show!  Mike Pingleton here, and I am your host for these proceedings.  And here we go with Episode Eighty Two, and I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.  It’s a lovely Sunday morning in May and I can't wait to get out in it after I’m done putting this together.

    So Much Pingle Patrons! A big thank you to the show’s newest patron, Skylar Hopkins!  Thank you Skylar! And as always, I want to thank everyone who keeps the show rolling along. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

    Our guest this week is Dr. Andrew Hoffman lately of The Ohio State University, and we talk about bucket cams, rattlesnakes, outreach and education, the Life Underfoot You Tube channel, and Andrew's new job as assistant professor at St. John Fisher University.

    Thanks for talking with me Andrew! And thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, methods for picking up water snakes, tips for herping better, etc.
