
  • Season three of "Small Medium at Large" by Rebecca wraps up with a highlight reel showcasing key moments and themes from the season. Rebecca explores the four main themes: energy maintenance and healing, co-creation or manifestation, intuition development, and soul contracts. This episode also delves into healing from loss, cutting energetic cords, raising vibration for protection, co-creation with the universe, and distinguishing between divine and ego thoughts. The episode concludes with an in-depth look at the Enneagram as a spiritual tool.

    Key Points:

    Main Themes:

    Energy maintenance and healing

    Co-creation or manifestation

    Intuition development

    Soul contracts

    Healing from Loss:

    Cut fear-based energetic cords

    Reframe situations from "why" to "what" and "how"

    Practice gratitude and blessing situations

    Energy Protection:

    Project light and align with divine forces

    Use prayers and affirmations for guidance and protection


    Understand and engage with the quantum field

    Balance clear intention with surrender

    Stay attuned to feelings and signs from the universe

    Distinguishing Thoughts:

    Mind thoughts vs. divine thoughts

    Practice the trifecta check: head, heart, and gut

    Enneagram as a Tool:

    Identify core spiritual energy and shadow sides

    Use to understand and navigate life lessons and soul contracts

  • In this episode of Small Medium at Large, Rebecca welcomes her brother, Dr. Baruch "B" HaLevi, for an insightful conversation on soul contracts, the Enneagram, and their collaborative Nine Lives program. They discuss the significance of the Enneagram as an ancient tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth, how it intersects with their personal and professional lives, and its practical applications in relationships and business. Rebecca and Baruch share personal anecdotes, provide practical advice on navigating life using the Enneagram, and emphasize the importance of understanding and fulfilling one's soul contract.

    Key Points:

    Understanding the Enneagram: Baruch explains the Enneagram as an ancient roadmap for navigating life's complexities, combining spiritual and intellectual elements.

    Personal Reflections: Both Rebecca and Baruch share how the Enneagram has impacted their lives, providing them with a framework for understanding themselves and their reactions.

    Soul Contracts: Rebecca delves into the concept of soul contracts, their connection to the Akashic Records, and how understanding these contracts can guide personal growth and decision-making.

    Practical Applications: They discuss the practical use of the Enneagram in relationships, parenting, and business, highlighting its role in improving communication and fostering understanding.

    The Nine Lives Program: Introduction and explanation of their Nine Lives program, which integrates the Enneagram with the concept of soul contracts to help individuals fulfill their spiritual purposes.

    Testimonials and Real-Life Examples: Baruch shares examples of how understanding the Enneagram has helped clients, including family dynamics and organizational settings.

    Resources and Further Learning: Information on where listeners can find more about the Nine Lives program, individual counseling, and other resources offered by Rebecca and Baruch.


    9 Lives: The Spirit of The Enneagram

    Meditation Series for calling back energy

    What's Your Heaven? by Rebecca

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  • In this episode of "Small Medium at Large," Rebecca Rosen channels a message from The Trinity about soul contracts. The Trinity explains the significance of our physical incarnation, the purpose of our soul contracts, and the importance of light codes. They offer guidance on how to embrace our soul’s journey, navigate challenges, and elevate our consciousness. Emphasis is placed on personal empowerment, healing ancestral patterns, and embracing the higher frequencies of 5D living.

    Key Points:

    Purpose of Incarnation: Every soul has chosen to incarnate at this time for a higher purpose, aiding the planet's ascension.

    Soul Contracts: Created with the Council of Elders, these contracts outline our life’s lessons and roles.

    Light Codes and Frequencies: New light codes are available to help elevate consciousness.

    Navigating Challenges: Understanding that struggles and conflicts are opportunities for growth and clarity.

    Healing Ancestral Patterns: Recognizing and breaking free from inherited limiting beliefs and behaviors.

    Empowerment and Free Will: Reclaiming power by being proactive in our spiritual journey and making conscious choices.

    5D Living: Moving beyond 3D limitations to embrace higher frequencies of joy, grace, and ease.

    Daily Spiritual Practice: Importance of consistent spiritual practices like meditation, journaling, and connecting with guides.

    Unity Consciousness: Bringing the essence of heaven to earth by aligning with pure source light and Christ consciousness.

    Emotional Intelligence: Using feelings as a compass to guide our actions and choices towards light and love.

    Featured Tools and Resources:

    9 Lives: The Spirit of The Enneagram

    Meditation Series for calling back energy

    What's Your Heaven? by Rebecca

  • In this episode of Small Medium at Large, Rebecca Rosen breaks down the intricate concept of soul contracts. Through your questions, she explores how soul contracts are created, their role in our lives, how they influence our ability to manifest, and whether they evolve over time. Rebecca also answers listener questions on various related topics including traumatic life choices, twin soul contracts, and more.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to Soul Contracts: A soul contract is a pre-birth agreement made with the Council of Elders outlining key lessons and events for our spiritual growth.

    Victim Consciousness: Understanding our soul contracts helps us move out of victim consciousness and reclaim our power.

    Learning Through Earth School: Life on Earth serves as a classroom where we learn various universal lessons such as self-love, forgiveness, and patience.

    Council of Elders and Spirit Guides: These entities assist in planning our life path and support us through different stages.

    Free Will and Multiple Plans: While there's a primary plan (Plan A), free will can lead us to alternative paths (Plan B, C, etc.), each offering different challenges and lessons.

    Role of Akashic Records: It's essential to update your Akashic Records as you grow and evolve to reflect your new vibrational state.

    Manifestation and Soul Contracts: Alignment with our higher self ensures that our manifestations are in sync with our soul's plan.

    Evolving Contracts: Soul contracts can evolve with us, and renegotiation is possible through conscious spiritual work.

    Enneagram as a Spiritual Tool: The Enneagram system helps identify core personality types and their shadow aspects, aiding in personal growth.

    Impact of Relationships: Soul contracts often involve challenging relationships intended for mutual growth, learning, and balancing karma.

    Understanding Twins and Soul Contracts: Twins usually share a strong bond and are often part of the same primary soul group but have individual soul contracts and purposes.

    Featured Tools and Resources:

    9 Lives The Spirit of The Enneagram

    Meditation Series for calling back energy

    What's Your Heaven? by Rebecca

  • In this episode, Rebecca hosts MaryAnn DiMarco, a renowned intuitive medium and teacher, for an enlightening conversation about intuition and spiritual practice. They discuss the importance of self-trust, overcoming ego, and cultivating daily routines that enhance intuitive abilities. MaryAnn shares her personal practices and offers advice on distinguishing between mind chatter and genuine spiritual guidance.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to MaryAnn DiMarco and her contributions to the spiritual community.

    The importance of inclusivity and collaboration among intuitives.

    Empowering individuals to trust and develop their intuition independently.

    Techniques to overcome fear, doubt, and ego-driven thoughts.

    Daily practices for grounding, gratitude, and energy management.

    The significance of self-care and personalized spiritual routines.

    Navigating intuition with mental health challenges like anxiety and OCD.

    Understanding and utilizing the quantum field for manifestation.

    Discernment between light and dark energies and maintaining spiritual boundaries.

    The role of loved ones in spirit and their ongoing communication.

    Embracing pauses and challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

    Encouraging listeners to recognize and act on intuitive experiences and signs from the universe.

    Connect with Rebecca Rosen:

    Website: RebeccaRosen.com

    Instagram: @mediumrebeccarosen

    Connect with MaryAnn DiMarco:

    Website: MaryAnnDiMarco.com

    Instagram: @maryannthemedium

  • In this enlightening episode, Rebecca Rosen channels the Trinity to deliver a powerful message about intuition and spiritual awakening. The Trinity emphasizes that intuition is not a rare gift but an innate quality within all of us, akin to our other senses. By nurturing and exercising this ability, we can elevate our consciousness and connect with higher realms of divine wisdom. This episode encourages listeners to release fear and judgment, embrace their intuitive capabilities, and trust in their inner guidance to navigate life's journey with grace and ease.

    Key Points:

    Intuition as Innate: Intuition is a natural part of our being, similar to other senses, and is available to everyone who chooses to recognize and cultivate it.

    Nurturing Intuition: Developing intuition requires attention, care, and practice, much like any other skill.

    Connection to Higher Self: Accessing intuition involves rising to higher consciousness and connecting with the non-physical self.

    Divine Protection: When focused on light and love, we are divinely protected, and our intuition guides us safely.

    Practical Steps: Simple daily practices, such as setting intentions and being open to receiving guidance, can enhance our intuitive abilities.

    Trust and Surrender: Trusting the intuitive messages and letting go of the need for control or specific outcomes is crucial for spiritual growth.

    Duality and Learning: Embracing the contrasts and dualities of life helps clarify desires and directions for personal growth.

    Collective Healing: Pure intentions for the highest good lead to greater access to divine wisdom, benefiting both personal and collective journeys.

  • In this episode, Rebecca delves into the development of intuition and how to distinguish it from ego or personal agenda. She answers listener questions about connecting with one's spiritual team, differentiating between intuitive and ego-driven thoughts, and establishing a daily practice. Rebecca shares her personal experiences and practical tools like the "trifecta check" to help listeners hone their intuitive skills and deepen their connection with their higher self and spiritual guides.

    Key Points:

    Distinguishing Intuition from Ego:

    Intuitive thoughts are spontaneous and clear, whereas ego-driven thoughts are analytical and repetitive.

    Meditation and prayer can help quiet the mind and connect with intuition.

    Practical Tools:

    Trifecta Check: A method to check in with your head, heart, and gut to get a clear read on situations or people.

    Daily Practice: Incorporating meditation, prayer, and right-brain activities (e.g., creative pursuits) to raise your vibration and strengthen your intuitive connection.

    Intuition as a Skill:

    Intuition is a skill that must be practiced and developed, similar to a muscle.

    Right-brain activities and doing things that raise your vibration (e.g., being in nature, engaging in joyful activities) can enhance intuition.

    Connecting with Spirit:

    Spirit meets you where you are, regardless of your vibration level.

    Daily practices like prayer, meditation, and right-brain activities help open the door to clearer and more consistent spiritual guidance.

    Automatic Writing:

    A powerful tool for connecting with higher wisdom and guidance.

    Requires setting aside time, finding a quiet place, clearing the mind, and setting intentions for divine and benevolent energy.

  • In this enlightening episode, Rebecca Rosen talks with sound healer Tryshe Dhevney. They delve into the transformative power of sound, discussing Tryshe's journey from a life-threatening health diagnosis to discovering sound healing. They explore how alchemy crystal singing bowls and vocal toning can realign our energy, release trauma, and aid in manifestation. Tryshe also shares practical advice on using sound as a tool for personal healing and growth.

    Key Points:

    Introduction: Rebecca Rosen introduces Tryshe Dhevney and shares her personal transformative experience with Tryshe's sound healing.

    Tryshe's Background: Tryshe discusses her journey from acting to discovering sound healing after being diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C and stage four liver disease.

    Healing Through Sound: Tryshe explains how playing a Tibetan bowl contributed to her complete recovery, emphasizing the potential of sound as a healing modality.

    Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls: The unique properties of alchemy crystal singing bowls and how they align with the body's liquid crystal matrix to elevate vibration.

    Rebecca's Experience: Rebecca shares how working with Tryshe helped release long-held energy blockages and improved her overall well-being.

    Sound for Manifestation: Using sound to prepare the body and mind for manifestation, highlighting the importance of aligning intention with a clear energy field.

    Chakra Toning: The benefits of using vocal tones to clear and balance the chakras, and how it aids in personal and spiritual growth.

    Practical Tips: Advice on incorporating sound healing into daily routines without pressure, focusing on joy and exploration.

    Empowerment and Healing: Encouraging listeners to become their own healers and intuitives, using sound as a powerful tool for self-care and transformation.

    Accessing Tryshe's Resources: Information on how to access Tryshe's ebooks, guided meditations, and sound healing courses.

  • In this episode, Rebecca channels the Trinity to explore the art of manifesting. Delve into the spiritual practice of creation and discover how to align with the divine presence within you. Learn about the importance of moving from head to heart, embracing flexibility, and using sound frequencies to amplify your intentions. Rebecca shares insights on how to tap into your innate creative power and ascend to higher frequencies.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The Power of Presence: Shifting from the head to the heart to fully receive and recalibrate.

    Divine Creation: Understanding our role as co-creators and manifesting from a place of light and love.

    Flexibility in Manifestation: Letting go of rigid plans to allow organic unfolding and higher creation.

    Heart-Centered Intentions: Manifesting from a place of clear, direct, heart-centered intentions.

    The Role of Sound Frequencies: Using healing sound frequencies to open and amplify energetic intentions.

    Ascension and Light Codes: Accessing higher frequencies and light codes for greater creative power.

    Grounding the Light: Visualizing light moving through chakras and grounding into the Earth.

    Unlimiting Creations: Releasing mental limitations and fully embracing our creative potential.

    Choosing Higher Frequencies: Moving from 3D to 5D vibrations for ease and grace in manifestation.

  • Key points:

    Quantum Field & Parallel Realities: Understanding that every possibility already exists and how to tune into your desired reality.

    Head-Heart Coherence: The importance of aligning your mind, body, and spirit for effective manifestation.

    Clear Intentions & Elevated Emotions: Combining specific intentions with strong, positive emotions to create a magnetic energy.

    Surrendering Control: Focusing on the what and why of your desires while letting go of the how and when.

    Manifesting for Others: Balancing free will and soul contracts when intending for others.

    Dealing with Negativity: Strategies to stay positive and shift away from limiting beliefs.

    Co-Creation: Recognizing the signs of alignment and synchronicity in your life.

  • In this enlightening episode of "Small Medium at Large," host Rebecca Rosen is joined by her mentor and energy healer, Jakki Leonardini. Together, they dive into the profound impact of energy medicine, the importance of spiritual hygiene, and how to maintain a high vibration. They explore the essence of energy management, the power of forgiveness, and the role of compassion in personal growth. Jakki shares valuable tools for self-healing, grounding, and protecting one's energy, emphasizing the importance of projecting light and love.

    Learn more about Jakki's work

    Key Points:

    Introduction and Gratitude: Rebecca welcomes Jakki Leonardini Smith, expressing deep gratitude for her guidance and the powerful impact of their energy healing work.

    Energy Medicine: Jakki explains the concept of energy medicine, highlighting how it helps clear wounds, limiting beliefs, and dis-ease within the body.

    Spiritual Hygiene: The necessity of regular energy healings as part of self-care to sustain high vibrational energy.

    Duality and Reconciliation: Current global energy trends point towards a reconciliation of duality, urging individuals to align with the frequencies of love, peace, and compassion.

    Forgiveness and Shadow Work: Discussing the importance of forgiveness as a tool to step into light and break the cycle of suffering.

    Personal Responsibility: Encouraging listeners to become their own healers through discernment and the use of various energy tools.

    Practical Tools for Energy Management: Techniques such as grounding, running energy, using personal harmonic attunements, and sound healing to maintain energy balance.

    Protection through Vibration: The best protection comes from maintaining a vibration of light and love, using prayers and affirmations to stay aligned with divine energy.

    Compassionate Boundaries: Setting healthy boundaries with compassion and empathy without indulging in pain or judgment.

    Upcoming Projects: Jakki shares exciting updates about her WellSoul workshops, her podcast "Funny Energy," and enhancements to her app, My Soul Vibe.

  • In this episode, Rebecca Rosen introduces the channeling of the Trinity, a divine collective consciousness she connects with for guidance and healing. Unlike her typical mediumship, which involves communicating with deceased loved ones or angels, channeling the Trinity involves directly tapping into source energy. Rebecca explains her new approach of integrating music, specifically solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats, to enhance the experience. The Trinity shares messages on energy healing, management, and expansion, encouraging listeners to ground their energy, clear their minds, and embrace their light.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to Channeling the Trinity: Rebecca describes her practice of channeling a collective divine consciousness called the Trinity, distinct from her usual mediumship.

    New Approach with Music: Incorporating solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats to aid in meditation and energy healing.

    Purpose of the Channeling: Providing guidance for energy healing, management, and expansion on mental, physical, and emotional levels.

    Energy Healing Techniques: Grounding, clearing, and projecting energy, with emphasis on moving energy through physical activities and visualization.

    Living as Light Workers: Encouragement to be pillars of light, projecting positivity and setting intentions for various life situations.

    Self-Inquiry and Honesty: Importance of being truthful about one's emotional and mental state to facilitate healing and growth.

    Healing Ancestral Patterns: Recognizing and healing shadow sides and false beliefs passed down through generations.

    Encouragement to Play and Be Imperfect: Embracing mistakes, learning with curiosity, and maintaining a childlike sense of joy.

  • In this insightful episode of "Small Medium at Large," Rebecca Rosen explores the profound topic of maintaining high vibration and protecting one's energy as an empath. Drawing from her many years of experience and guidance from Spirit, Rebecca answers listener questions on how to navigate negative environments and people, and heal from traumatic experiences. Whether you are dealing with workplace stress, toxic relationships, or existential crises, this episode offers valuable tools and spiritual insights for every listener.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Understanding Energy and Vibration: Rebecca discusses the importance of maintaining high vibration and shares strategies to protect oneself from negative energies in various environments.

    Earth as a Classroom: Insights into viewing life as an opportunity to learn soul lessons through the classroom of Earth, using the concept of duality and polarity.

    Spiritual Tools and Techniques: Exploration of spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and visualization techniques like imagining a disco ball of protective light.

    Spiritual Armor: Tips on getting spiritually dressed for the day, using metaphysical tools like crystals, and the importance of grounding and expanding one's aura.

    Featured Tools and Resources:

    Meditation Series for calling back energy

    Crystals for protection (e.g., black tourmaline, black obsidian)

    Mantras for shielding and empowerment

    What's Your Heaven? by Rebecca Rosen

  • Welcome to the finale of Season 2 of Small Medium at Large. Consider this episode as a highlight reel, recapping the pivotal insights from this season to assist you on your spiritual journey towards manifesting your Heaven on Earth.

    Our focus this season was my latest book, WYH, serving as your guide to experience Heaven on Earth - an inherent purpose often blocked by past traumas and unhealthy patterns.

    We've delved into the notion of Earth as a school where we learn and teach specific life lessons or assignments we've chosen for ourselves. The season's overarching aim: cleanse our Karma, resolve our lingering issues, and embrace a life marked by grace, ease, and joy instead of pain and struggle, embodying a truly heavenly existence.

    Hopefully, this season has equipped you with wisdom and inspiration to further your soul's evolution into realms of expanded light and love.

  • In this episode, Rebecca shares her spiritual journey with her long-time friend, Katie Burke. Together, they share their experiences of personal growth, spirituality, and the discovery of channeling. The episode concludes with a channeling with the Trinity.

    Questions answered by Trinity in this episode:

    Could you please describe the time and space between our incarnations?

    What is the ultimate goal for us learning lessons in the earth school and raising our frequency?

    Do experiences have to be hard and painful in order to learn from and can we ask for an easier road and still elevate even if we originally put something in our life plan?

    Do we choose our human vessel and all of its physical characteristics?

    Do we really have our memories of past lives?

    Can we uncover our soul's purpose by following what lights us up?

    Do we have soul circles that we travel through many lifetimes with?

    What Is Déjà vu?

    When we recognize a pattern in our life but struggle with identifying WHAT is the lesson we are supposed to learn, how would you advise we figure out WHAT that lesson is?

  • In the episode Rebbeca answers questions related to soul contracts, the journey of spirits after death, our predetermined exit points, and the incarnation of highly evolved souls. I explain how abusive relationships might serve as soul contracts, providing challenging yet invaluable lessons on establishing boundaries and self-worth. I discuss the ebb and flow of spirit presence after death, explaining that the sense of their absence does not necessarily mean they have moved on completely. We explore the concept of exit points in our soul contracts, which are potential opportunities for our souls to leave the body once our earthly mission is completed. Finally, I explain the idea of angels incarnating, clarifying that highly evolved souls, not angels, are incarnating more frequently now to raise the planet's consciousness to a higher place of love and light.

    Order Rebecca’s new book below

    What’s Your Heaven?

    Change It, Run It, Tap It Program

    Take A FREE Life Lessons Quiz

  • The conversation touches on soul contracts, personal growth, spiritual practices, and discernment versus judgment. They emphasize the importance of staying attuned to love and light in order to foster a strong sense of self and maintain healthy boundaries.

    Order Rebecca’s new book below

    What’s Your Heaven?

    Change It, Run It, Tap It Program

    Take A FREE Life Lessons Quiz

  • Over the past few years, I've been doing readings and exploring common life lessons that people work through during their lifetime. I discovered that there are around 30 universal assignments that we come here to learn and grow from. This was the very inspiration behind my book, What's Your Heaven?

    In this episode, I decided to do a deep dive into the top 10 categories of these life assignments. If you're unsure about your own life lessons, I've created a free assessment on my website to help you identify them. For those who are more self-aware, you can often recognize your assignments through the patterns and triggers in your life.

    My book, What's Your Heaven?, also walks you through a process to uncover your most important life lessons. In the podcast, I discuss all 30 assignments, grouped into 10 categories. Before diving in, I shared an email from a client that confirmed the need for further clarification on this topic. So excited for you to listen and gain insights into your life's lessons and assignments!

  • In this podcast episode, spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen answers your questions about the concept of twin flames and soulmates, the importance of working with strangers when starting out with spiritual readings, and so much more.

  • This episode is another very special look behind the scenes of What's Your Heaven. My co-writer Samantha Rose, who has written with me on all four of my books, joins me to talk about our process in writing together, how the books are an opportunity for us to grow and learn as well, and the signs and synchronicities that we've received throughout this process to validate the messages in this new.