Kirkko kiinni? -podcast etsii 2020-luvun merkityksiä. Kärsiikö evankelis-luterilainen kirkko postluterilaisesta stressisyndroomasta? Millaisessa uskonnollisessa ja uskonnottomassa todellisuudessa elämme? Tervetuloa Marjo Kiljusen johdolla selvittämään tätä tutkijoiden ja ajattelijoiden kanssa. Podcastin jaksojen tekstivastineet löytyvät osoitteesta
New Life Kingdom Builders Ministries is a place where people can come and be made whole. We believe in people, marriages and families receiving restoration, healing and deliverance through the power of God. We believe Christians should go out in the power of the Holy Ghost and the authority given by Jesus to be the kingdom here on earth. We are a network of ministries that go out and do the Father’s will by doing what Jesus did in Matthew 4:23 by preaching, teaching and healing all manner of sickness and diseases among the people. NLKBM is a place where people can learn to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for them through the Word of God and execute that plan in the places they have been called to. It is a place that is not a “church” but a body of believers who have been called to be the church.
Services are currently being held at 2602 Whitehouse Rd, S. Chesterfield, VA 23834
Saturday @ 6:30PM (Weekend Service)
Wednesday @ 7:00PM (Prayer & Bible Study) -
"Kristillinen usko on uskottavampaa kuin kuvittelit ja kauniimpaa kuin kuvittelit. Niiranen & Marjokorpi podcast ei pelkää ottaa kantaa ja pohtia päivän polttavia ja ajattomia kysymyksiä Jumalasta, uskosta, etiikasta ja kulttuurista konservatiivisesta luterilaisesta näkökulmasta käsin.
Ohjelman isäntinä toimivat Kansanlähetysopiston apologialinjan vetäjä Miikka Niiranen ja Uusi Tie -lehden päätoimittaja Santeri Marjokorpi. He yhdistävät syvällisen analyysin ja kahdenkeskisen keskustelun luoden podcastin, joka ei jätä ketään välinpitämättömäksi.
Ohjelma tarjoaa viikoittain syvällisiä näkökulmia, innostavaa pohdintaa sekä kiehtovia näkemyksiä niin apologeettisiin kuin ajankohtaisiin teemoihin. Kun kuuntelet tätä, löydät uusia näkökulmia maailmaan, jossa Jeesus on kaiken keskellä."
Seuraa videokuvan kanssa osoitteessa
Sukella syvemmälle Kansanlähetyksen maailmaan Johtajan sydämeltä -podcastissa, jossa johtoryhmä avaa sydämensä kerran viikossa. Käsittelemme uskon, lähetystyön ja Raamatun teemoja ainutlaatuisesta näkökulmasta.
Astu kulissien taakse ja kuule lähetysjohtaja Daniel Nummelan, viestintäjohtaja Sanna Myllärinen, hallintojohtaja Samuli Virtasen, kotimaantyön johtaja Jukka Revon ja Kansanlähetysopiston rehtori Niilo Räsäsen mietteitä.
Oletko aina halunnut tietää enemmän? Kerro meille, mistä aiheista sinä haluaisit johtajiemme puhuvan! Jätä viestisi osoitteessa ja ota osaa podcastiimme. Tule mukaan inspiroivaan keskusteluun!
Ohjelma kuunneltavissa Radio Deillä lauantaisin kello 8.35 alkavassa Raamattuavain Extrassa.
Hi, welcome to Orthodoxy Talk and we are talking about my journey and yours and trying to overcome fears and anxiety. I also talk about prayers, the verses I find that day and my favorite psalms! You can follow and talk to me on Instagram @orthodoxytalk 💕 Thank you and God bless you all!!💕💕💕💕
A new wind is blowing. Eternal waters are flowing. God's Living Light is everywhere.
From the hidden corners of this planet Love of Yahweh is being spread like the wave of the ocean. The time is now. We cannot close our eyes from seeing it anymore. We cannot close our ears from hearing it anymore.
The amount of Love & Grace that was unimaginable and unbelievable earlier, is now here available for you.
This show is all about God and his living miracles in our daily lives. There are interviews and stories which will allow you to walk by embodied faith not by sight.
You are invited to receive this show with the totality of your Heart and Spirit. Your host, Vera, provides gentle but powerful support to unravel deeper layers of purity and love of your being.
Receiving the Revelation of God’s nature in you will have a massive ripple effect in all areas of your life: all creations, business, money, relationships, health etc.
In this show, God is discussed outside of religion and spiritual dogma - multidimensionally through the door of Christ.
May you receive the prayers of this show to level up your life into dimensions that you did not know existed for you and for all of us.
It is such an honor to have you here!
Welcome to "The Jewish Jesus," a thought-provoking series delving into the intersection of faith, history, and culture. In this inaugural episode, "The Bible & Antisemites," we embark on a profound exploration of the rich tapestry woven between Judaism and Christianity.
Unraveling misconceptions and delving deep into scripture, we shed light on the often misunderstood connection between Jesus' Jewish identity and the emergence of antisemitism throughout history. Through meticulous analysis and engaging discourse, we confront the shadows of prejudice while celebrating the shared heritage that binds us all.
Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery, challenging perspectives, and fostering understanding in a world where unity and tolerance are paramount. Subscribe now and embark on this enlightening voyage with us, as we uncover the truth behind "The Jewish Jesus."
@2024 Joseph Shulam -
Join us as we compile the international teachings of Joseph Shulam into a thought-provoking podcast series. From his passionate sermons to his insightful lectures, Joseph Shulam’s words have touched lives across the globe. Each episode offers a unique perspective on spiritual growth, Jewish cultural perspective, and the power of faith. Whether you’re a seasoned listener or new to his teachings, you’ll find inspiration and wisdom in these global messages. Tune in and experience the worldwide impact of Joseph Shulam.
Hi, we are Mark & Fiona Gilpin. We are authors, speakers, and evangelists who equip Christians to freely enjoy evangelism. Evangelism Reimagined podcasts are powerful and practical examples of how to share God's love in supernatural evangelistic moments.
We founded Evangelism Reimagined, an evangelism training ministry, which will transform your experience of evangelism, making it accessible to everyone. We empower Christians into a supernatural lifestyle, where God can invite them into an evangelistic moment any time, any place, anywhere.
We are authors of God's Dream - Our Greatest Privilege. Through our personal stories and those of others, we explore why many Christians struggle with evangelism. We consider what can be learnt from how Jesus did evangelism, and how he introduced people to the Good News of the kingdom.
We created the Developing a Supernatural Evangelistic Lifestyle Course (DASEL), which introduces Christians to the privilege of partnering with God to bring about his dream. The course helps Christians overcome their hindrances to evangelism and discover the evangelistic ability that God has put within them.
We help lead Evangelism at Eastgate Church in North Kent (UK) and teach at the Eastgate School of Supernatural Life (ESSL). We have trained churches and Christians in evangelism for over twenty five years. We regularly speak at churches, travelling within the UK and abroad.
Further resources to help you develop an evangelistic lifestyle can be found at -
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day. -
The Hot Seat is an interactive Islamic podcast that aims to deal with contemporary issues by using classical solutions from the past. Atheism. Feminism. Politics. The early generations of Muslims – the best of Muslims – had answers for all of these issues and many more.
However, this isn’t your average Islamic lecture series. Firstly, YOU have the power to choose the topic you would like to see discussed on the show. Secondly, the unique format of the show comes to life through an engaging, captivating, and often heated dialogue between two opposing parties. Enjoy!
Find out more by visiting or by following us on Instagram @thehotseat_pod -