Over 80% of kids play in a sport at some point in their lives. That is a lot of kids who play sports. So how do you get your kid to try harder? What is the point of putting them into a sport to begin with? These are the questions we aim to answer in this week's episode.
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Let us be honest, learning how to be a good friend takes time. It takes time to learn to forgive, how to work through frustrations, and/or when it is time to move on from a friend. So how can we help our kids learn to be good friends? That is the question of this week's episode. Here is to hoping we actually come up with some helpful suggestions, but we guarantee nothing.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Your kid is sick and you want to have compassion, you really do, but the compassion just isn't there. In this episode we talk about compassion fatigue and how it can apply to parents as well as those who work in helping fields.
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You cannot do it alone!!! Listen here to all you women listeners...you cannot do it alone. In this episode we talk about the benefits of having chores for your children, how to establish them as a part of their routine, and making sure they are age appropriate.
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We live in a world where there are constant distractions. Between expectations at work and at home with the kids it is no wonder we feel like we are losing our mind. In this episode we talk about all our personal distractions, there effects on us, and how to decrease them. Also, we have a winner to our contest!!!
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Nobody likes a rude child, adult, or animal. Its amazing the difference between "go get me a drink" and "please, go get me a drink." So how do we do it? How do we raise a polite child? In this episode we explore ways to do it, and openly admit we may be failing but he are living on a hope and a prayer.
Also...THIS WEEK IS CONTEST WEEK!!! Share us on an Instagram story or post OR leave a review on Apple podcast and win a $25 gift card and a mug!!! It will help us out big time since this is how people are finding out podcast!
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Kids hate school--Sort of. Your kids gets in trouble at school, as a parent do you A) double down and have a consequence at home or do you B) let the school handle it because they are the one with the problem? No surprise but Whitney and Britney handle this question very differently. What do the 'expert' say in this situation and do you agree?
Also, get ready, there is a contest coming next episode. A chance to win a $25 gift card and a mug, who wouldn't want that!!!!
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WE'RE BACK and boy was it a Christmas season. Falling Christmas trees, sickness, and totaled cars. In this episode we recap the past few weeks and talk about things we would have changed from 2022 with regards to parenting. We do this episode after our yearly fast food New Years!!!!
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Jingle bells, Batman smell, Robin laid an egg.... Oh, hello Christmas time! So much joy and yet so much annoyance. In this week's episode Britney and Whitney talk about the challenges of "keeping up with the Jones," the multiple Christmas parties, and our favorite Christmas memories. This is our last episode in 2022 because we are taking three weeks off to hang with our families. See you on January 9th, 2023!!!
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After seeing a girl on Instagram pretend to wash her hands after going to the bathroom, Britney and Whitney decide to share all the little odd things they do, or they experience to determine if they are alone in their actions or experiences. This is a fun episode where Whitney is a bit hungover from a work party and Britney's son has decided to 'act his age.'
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It's not fun to talk about, but the truth is our kids will have to experience some type of death in their lives. With Whitney's dad recently ill and Britney's great grandmother recently intubated, we decided it was a good time to talk about how to explain death to your children. Not one of our funniest episodes but a necessary one.
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Well, we are nearing Thanksgiving Day and it is time to stop and think about what we are thankful for. For some it is waterproof skin, for others it is electronics and sound machines. No matter what makes you feel thankful, you can rest assured that your children feel none of it...or do they? By the way, if you are not super tall you should be thankful for mirrors where you don't have to bend down to see your face.
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SLIGHTLY CRUNCHY HITS ONE YEAR!!! WooHoo! Now, on to the episode, how to know when your family is complete.... Man, what a great question, right! In this week's episode we discuss the average family size and when we individually knew we were done growing the family.
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Alright, last week we discussed the benefits to eat at home. This week Britney breaks down how she is able to cook each night for her family even though time is limited and she doesn't enjoy the process near as much as Whitney. Hope this is helpful.
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It seems annoying and it seems so hard to actually sit down and have time for a family meal. In this episode we talk about eating out vs. eating in. We discuss the benefits to making a home cooked meal.
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When do you start letting your child dress themselves? Wash their own hair? Brush their teeth? Get dressed? The reality of it is at some point they have to learn how to take care of their own bodies because washing your 17-year-old son's hair is weird, real weird. This week we discuss when to let your child go in the hygiene world to learn the difference between smelly kid at school and apple-scented kid at school.
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To be a pet owner or to not be a pet owner, that is the question. If it is up to Britney, then her daughter's obsession with getting a cat would dissipate like a fart in the wind. Unfortunately, sometimes parents and kids do not agree on things. In this episode we discuss getting a pet, how common is it to have one, and should Britney bite the bullet and get a pet for her daughter who will never stop asking?
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Yep, Parental Burnout is a thing. It's this thing where you have a baby in one arm, a cigarette in the other, while on a work zoom call, doing dishes with three fingers, while putting on lipstick for the zoom call you are currently on. Your husband is there, he is the one making sure the internet connection is working and trying to get baby to take your boob for its milk, but cette baby keeps screaming because it wants mom to stop smoking, or at least that is why mom thinks the baby is screaming because she knows she should quit smoking but let's be honest...she is so stressed out and can't even think about stopping. Does this make sense? Who knows, because I am burned out and don't even know if my brain is a mess or if I am rocking it today. So, in a nutshell, this week's episode we talk about parental burnout. What it is, the symptoms, and why does it even exist.
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Parental Burnout Around the Globe: a 42-Country Study - PMC (nih.gov)
Does it feel like you are consistently comparing your body to someone else's? Is it me or does it feel like I will never be happy with my body no matter how old I get? In this episode we discuss the increase in invasive and non-invasive plastic surgeries, body image and other people's perception. Let's learn to take steps and start loving yo' self for who you are, not what you think you should look like.
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Oh, the age ole question: Am I messed up because I was a middle child? Do I hate sharing because I was an only child? Man, I sure do love to be the center of attention, must be because I was the baby of the family, right? In this episode we talk about the theory behind birth order and its effects on children. We also talk about fun 'facts' surrounding birth order. Is the theory correct or is it just a theory; don't worry, we will tell you about our opinions on the theory.
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- Visa fler