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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Lendo Mutambala to the podcast Lendo is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and had been in family court since the age of 23 when he first had his eldest son. Lendo's actual first time in court was in 2015. He had three major appearances there. At first, Lendo was give custody temporarily and he gave that up and when he did that, it would come back to haunt him, as he explains in this podcast.
    Finding himself in court a second time, Lendo was then facing false accusations of neglect. Lendo was able to put documents together, focusing on one of the major lies this was that he was neglecting his son's health issues, being vilified as a young parent. Lendo's career and educational aspirations were now being weaponized against him. Able to convince the judge to give them 50/50 shared custody, it turned out to be the best decision for their child.
    Lendo talked about how he flipped this situation where today his son is thriving and has no bad resentment toward his ex or her mother.

    To Reach Lendo Mutambala: https://www.superdaddyclub.ca/

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Jay Shore, Certified ADA Advocate (2017) and DVSV Survivor Rights Advocate. Invisible Disability Gavel Accountability Forum was discussed as upon entering a courtroom, a person then has a disability.
    Jay spoke on how he had gotten into the ADA by talking with Dr. Karen Huffer who explained to Jay about LegalAbuse Syndrome and from there, he decided to be an ADA Advocate. PTSD and Personality Disorders were discussed as the cause of court trauma.
    Talking about what constitutes a disability in court, Jay explained that family
    court is American Terrorism. Judicial immunity is social deviancy because judges can commit horrific acts on litigants and are protected and immune under judicial immunity. The ADA Rights removes that immunity under 42 USC 12202 because it says actions for ADA violations remove state sovereign immunity from which judicial immunity flows.
    We also discussed how to shut down a hearing and court cases such as Lou v. Lopinto, Sugg v. City of Sunrise and Frazier v. Cupp.

    To Reach Jay Shore: adarightstrust.com and on TikTok

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Julie Andrews to the podcast. Julie is a 59 year old Mother of five adult children who have all been alienated from her. Although her ex-husband and she both grew up in California, he had joined the Navy and they spent most of their 20 year marriage on the east coast.
    Julie is a survivor of domestic abuse. Her ex choked her at the age of 31, while pregnant. Julie started having seizures as a result. Her three oldest children grew up not only living in fear of their own father but they were also taught that their Mother was not worth loving.
    This made it easy for him to alienate them as their two youngest daughters were ages five and eight when he picked up and moved 3,000 miles away from them and moved in with his mother. The children saw a counselor regularly who wrote letters stating that the daughters would come home from their summer visits with their father emotionally traumatized and that everyone in California hated their Mother.
    They were also told to tell the police that their Mother was, "a mean mommy." This went on their entire childhood until her next youngest graduated high school. Her father gave her a one way ticket, changed her phone number and all of her graduation gifts returned. However, she didn't want to go with him and when her Mother asked why, she told her, "I'm afraid if I don't agree with them, they will make everyone hate me the same way they make everyone hate you."
    Julie belongs to a non-profit organization: Advocates For the Falsely Accused.

    To Reach Julie Andrews: On Facebook, [email protected] and www.theaffa.org

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Attorney Christine Miller to the podcast. Attorney Christine Miller, a former divorce attorney is from Louisville, Kentucky and we discussed many topics such as Family Court, Parenting Coordinators, Guardian ad Litems, Attorney For Child and FOC's (3rd party parasites) and judges.
    Bringing awareness in discussing the overturning of the Chevron Deference which applies to federal agencies but may eventually trickle down to state agencies like CPS. The overturning of Chevron gets rid of the rule that gives agencies deference if the statute is ambiguous. There is a lack of understanding of what goes on in family court, as a state agencies may not be involved.
    Federal Funding Title IV entices and increases litigation. Some federal funding goes to the GAL. Title IV-D increases litigation. The money is not being used in appropriate ways. The money is an incentive for corruption and bad behavior. Money controls the decision making and what is really "in the best interest."
    We discussed the case that was published in Colorado Reporting where a GAL received 200,000.00 and a trip to Hawaii. How crazy is family court? Look at the Brittany Spears case, the case of Maya (on Netflix) and Catherine Kassenoff.
    Updates on the Rich Henry case in Louisville, KY was discussed as he hasn't seen his daughter for the last two months. Please follow @RickHenry on TikTok .

    To Reach Attorney Christine Miller: TikTok @kentuckychristine, email: [email protected]

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes back author, Tim Goldich to the podcast. Tim was last on Season 4; Episodes 32, 58, 80, 120 and 149 and Season 5; Episodes 24, 48 and 94. The last time he was on the podcast we discussed Blame and Accountability, Female Power and Patriarchy.
    Today we talked about Gender Political Spirituality and what spirituality is. Also what it means to have a shadow and how a shadow represses and denies or the shadow protects, yet sabotages.
    The four basic cornerstones of Path to Spirt was discussed: surrender, acceptance, forgiveness and thankfulness and how we deeply need hope. We also explained the two different ways of looking a t pain. Not a podcast to be missed.

    To Reach Tim Goldich: [email protected]

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Kai Tristan Rivera to the podcast. Turning 21 in April, Kai works in food service. Currently, Kai spends most of his time in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, a young person finding his way into the world. Kai is speaking out on being a victim of Sexual Abuse and molestation by his stepfather. Kai explains that it has taken him years to realize and accept what has happened to him. Kai has chosen to speak on a public platform at this time because the Pennsylvania State Police did nothing to the abuser when he told them what had happened not only to himself but to his little brothers.
    Kai states, "everyone needs to know the severity of family court corruption and its cover up of child abuse."

    To Reach Kai Tristan Rivera: dismantlingfamilycourtcorruption.com

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes back Jay Rosenthal to the podcast. Jay is the Founder of CPSProtect.com and was last on the podcast Season 3, Episode 87, Season 4, Episode 73 and Season 5, Episode 117. Last time Jay Rosenthal was on, we discussed the case of Hogan v. Cherokee County, NC and the sequence of events that unfolded in the case. The father had placed the child with a neighbor he trusted, while his spouse was having heart issues. Apparently someone made the call to DSS in Cherokee County, NC and the urged the father to place the child with family members - but he didn't know what he was signing due to illiteracy. Conveniently, DSS closed the case.
    Today we discussed a case that CPSProtect.com handled with a parent that helped give her the head start her family needed to face CPS twice and be victorious in reunification with her child in four months and how it was done.
    We also talked about the Chevron Doctrine and how that applies to CPS and other entities.

    To Reach Jay Rosenthal: 844-633-KIDS, Cpsprotect.com, Facebook, instagram

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Linh Stephens and Wade Reeves to the podcast. With Wade Reeves's case, he is being extorted for more child support as his ex-wife is going through a divorce in California. Apparently she needs more money to negotiate the splitting of her assets, which goes agains his Marital Settlement. He has also found that his signature has been altered on documents and arrears illegally inflated in his California case (Fraud Upon the Court). Also they are using Wade's children as leverage to extort more monies from him.
    Linh Stephens updated her case as she was in Debtor's prison for two months and extorted for more child support even though she is indigent. The common thread in both these cases is that Judge D. Leitch in Oklahoma is involved as well as Judge R. Perujino. They will not stop the extortion scheme on Linh and Wade and refuse to follow the Constitution.

    To Reach Linh Stephens: Facebook
    To Reach Wade Reeves: TikTok @WadeReeves and Facebook

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Theodore (Theo) Chino, MBA DCBA to the podcast. Theo Chino is a Legal Management Consultant, MBA, Secondary Education Teaching Certificate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Professor (2nd Degree Black Belt). Theo is also a member of the Dupage County Bar Association in Illinois.
    We discussed the family law predators who take so much money from people via divorce proceedings and other large RICO scams. Theo knows regular people without a law degree that have had THOUSANDS REFUNDED or CREDITED (no extra time in court either) to them many years after their case was closed.

    To Reach Theo Chino: [email protected] or 630-205-2466

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes guest, Shelly Hart to the podcast. Shelly Hart was last on the podcast Season 5, Episode 123. Shelly resides in the state of California and is a Pro Per (representing herself). No one would ever think renting an apartment could turn into litigation.
    Shelly played the tape of a woman trying to get into her bank details. If anyone recognizes this voice please let Shelly know. We also discussed a letter Shelly received on May 23rd regarding a move out agreement. However, Shelly can't move out until she gets a judgment from her lawsuit.
    Shelly is a Tenant Advocate since 2019. Discussing various court orders and bias she has experienced in the court system, Shelly explains her detailed case and the tactics lawyers use to get a Pro Per to quit, such as an, "Anti Slapp.” Shelly also talked about her settlement and how representing yourself consumes your whole life.
    Also, Shelly has written a book, " You'll Never Judge in This Town Again, The Diary of a Mad Pro Per," that will be available early- mid July 2024 and can be found on shellysopinion.com
    Shelly is requesting court watchers to come in person on 11-12-2024 to the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, California.

    To reach Shelly: https://shellysopinion.com/

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes back Stacey Sonnelitter Pynn to the podcast. Stacey was last on Season 3, Episode 155, Season 4, Episode13 and Season 5, Episodes 2 and 47. Stacey Sonnelitter Pynn has filed a RICO lawsuit filed against NYS Courts and CPS for sex trafficking children under the guise of justice and protection.
    Filed at a time when former President Trump has been convicted of 34 felony counts of malfeasance with official records despite his Presidential IMMUNITIES, yet the same NYS Courts he was convicted in obstructed over 34 filed documents from the official court records in this mom’s case in a manner to affect adjudication and sex traffic her children.
    The judges and court clerks in mom, Stacey Pynn’s case to date, enjoy ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY and are still presiding from the bench or are enjoying the benefits of their retirement....But for how long? Yet these NYS Courts made an international spectacle of former President Trump as a serial felon…..What is good for the goose is good for the gander……

    The case: Google link to 34 documents filed but obstructed from official court records:


    The Facebook site: The group regarding Stacey’s lawsuit: https://www.facebook.com/share/dDy8LRSX4HWWWyv3/?mibextid=K35XfP

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes guest, Evelyn Hemphill to the podcast. Evelyn Hemphill was last on the podcast Season 5, Episode 98. Evelyn Hemphill is also known as Evelyn the Advocate. She is an activist and her voice is expressed through various platforms and partnerships to RAISE AWARENESS about domestic violence and support its victims.
    Evelyn's voice is being heard through articles in online news and podcasts that fall under the category of awareness and education. By writing articles and producing podcasts, she aims to educate the public about the dynamics of domestic violence and provide resources for survivors.
    Discussing how it is impossible to get justice in the family court system, Evelyn touched on her case. She also explained the transfer of wealth as she had to pay her abuser via extortion through the system: child support, attorneys and other individuals that were not working in her best interest regarding her child.
    School systems also play a part and that was explained in detail. Recently Evelyn's application for resolution of dispute of fees has been barred because three years has passed. Evelyn is a Pro Se litigant and did not know about the Rule. Now there is no way to recover monies she was robbed of in family court.
    Everyone needs to speak out as we can no longer accept the behaviors from the family court system.

    To Reach Evelyn Hemphill: Facebook: Evelyn Hemphill and Evelyn the Advocate, LLC mailto:[email protected]

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Camilla Gaskey, Stacie Porter, "Anonymous," Typhanie Wilson, Keri Sukanko and Mandy A. Fernandez. The panel of these brave women shared many commonalities in their cases that take place in the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, California involving Judge Carla Garrett.
    Each case similar, yet involved and entwined with deceit, lies and the horror of losing their children to an abuser by a judge that, "doesn't care." Judge Carla Garrett plays a role in all their cases and has no problem psychologically abusing their children. The children pay the highest price, some even wanting to commit suicide. But Judge Carla Garrett, doesn't care.

    To Reach the panel of women: dismantlingfamilycourtcorruption.com

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes guest, Shelly Hart to the podcast. Shelly resides in the state of California and is a Pro Per (representing herself). Shelly is a Tenant Advocate since 2019. Discussing various court orders and bias she has experienced in the court system, Shelly explains her detailed case and the tactics lawyers use to get a Pro Per to quit, such as an, "Anti Slapp.” Shelly also talked about her settlement and how representing yourself consumes your whole life. There will be a Part Two.
    Also, Shelly has written a book, " You'll Never Judge in This Town Again, The Diary of a Mad Pro Per," that will be available early- mid July 2024 and can be found on shellysopinion.com
    A lot of Pro Pers would just give up, but Shelly is persevering.

    To reach Shelly: larecalls.com

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes candidate for County Commissioner, Eulonda Rushing from Cabarrus County, NC. She is joined by Amanda Wallace from Operation Stop CPS who has been on Slam the Gavel Season 4, Episode 25.
    Eulonda Rushing is a dedicated wife and proud mother of five children, with the added role of stepmother to one. A veteran of the United States Army and native of Oklahoma, her family roots extend to Monroe, NC, where a monument stands in honor of her heritage. Eulonda holds a double major from Oklahoma University and later pursued her Masters of Business Administration at Wake Forest School of Business upon moving to North Carolina in 2013.
    Known for her exceptional ability to listen and analyze people's concerns to propose effective solutions, Eulonda is a staunch advocate for justice and equality. As a candidate for County Commissioner and recently selected to testify before the United States Civil Rights Commission, Eulonda is dedicated to championing meaningful change. She looks forward to sharing how her personal journey has shaped her commitment to serving her community and driving her campaign forward.
    Amanda Wallace discussed what was going on in North Carolina regarding CPS and on June 27th, 2024 from 6 to 8 PM, all families in North Carolina are encouraged to speak their truth through a virtual link. Public participation is needed: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/bpjyQ5v/NCCommunityForumPage

    To Reach Eulonda Rushing: 405-919-2865 [email protected]

    To Reach Amanda Wallace: Black Mothers March www.blackmothersmarch.com
    [email protected]


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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Attorney Christine Miller to the podcast. Attorney Christine Miller, a former divorce attorney is from Louisville, Kentucky and we discussed many topics such as Family Court, Parenting Coordinators, Guardian ad Litems (3rd party parasites) and judges.
    Attorney Christine talked about Rule 6 which allows judges to appoint a GAL, therapists, Custody Evaluators, Parental Coordinators giving them quasi judicial immunity and quasi judicial authority and FORCING parents have to PAY for it. Parents are paying $6,500 for a custody evaluation that will take two years.
    Government agencies are prone to corruption if there is no oversight. Kentucky Judges are elected. Rogue Judges running the family courtrooms as they see fit. The question is if jury trials would help. We talked about the Colorado case and the 21 million dollar verdict, the jury found that the father lied, and mother still can't see her children. Fathers and Mothers are getting railroaded and the judges run with the first accusation called out.
    We talked about how certain judges in Louisville, KY are on instagram showing how to put make-up on, recording themselves from the bench during Domestic Violence hearings, erratic behavior on the bench and running podcasts.
    We also discussed Mr. Rick Henry's case and how he is on TikTok discussing his case and was on Slam the Gavel podcast, Season 5, Episode 118. His evidence isn't being heard and we talked about how one parent wants to financially drain the other parent as well as to destroy.
    There are predominantly female judges in Louisville, KY. However, they still have to be held accountable. For instance, Judge Denise Brown, and her behaviors towards lawyers and litigants. It is the wild, Wild West.

    To Reach Attorney Christine Miller: TikTok @kentuckychristine, email: [email protected]

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Grandma Kia Walker, Rockford IL, back to the podcast. She was last on Season 5, Episodes 77 and 112. The last time we talked she discussed an incident with the policed concerning honking her horn and assault and battery of a police officer with her car door as a weapon as well as a fork being on the passenger seat.
    At taxpayer expense they put Kia Walker in jail overnight. Now, at taxpayer expense Kia has an arraignment on 6-13-2024 at 10:00 am and hopes to have court watchers. She is still waiting to receive $350.00 returned to her from having her car impounded.

    To Reach Grandma Kia: @grandmakia8716 on TikTok

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes back Michaela Wade, CO-Founder of the Family Law Assistance Franchise, located in the UK. Michaela was last on Season 2, Episode 116, Season 3, Episode 175 and Season 4, Episode 16.
    Family Law Assistance Franchise is a growing band of a new breed of legal practitioners who help people represent themselves in the family courts, using a mix of legal knowledge and coaching techniques. Michaela Wade has a background as a Master Coach and Hypnotherapist, as well as being an NLP and Hypnosis Trainer, means she has all the tools to help clients manage their mindset and anxiety and put themselves in the best possible position to win their case in Family Court.
    We discussed cameras in the courtrooms and Michaela Wade expressed her concerns regarding very sensitive cases as I gave my views as well. The judges aren't looking at evidence, and this was discussed as well. Will Family Court change? The audience was listening as we also did a LIVE on TikTok during the podcast.

    To Reach Michaela Wade: [email protected]
    Facebook: Family Law Assistance HQ and on YouTube: Family Law assistance; Instagram, TikTok: @familylawassistance

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes Mr. Rick Henry to the podcast. For years he has been suffering under the rulings of Judge Lauren A. Ogden.
    Rick Henry has had custody of his daughter for the last three years. The ex and mother of his child, already has two other children she does not have custody of. Mother has since developed a pattern of picking out violent men. One of them shot her then fourteen year-old daughter in the hand. Mother told her daughter to tell authorities that she, "fell off her bike," to cover for the boyfriend. There has been four violent gun incidents at mother's home in the last three years. CPS notified Rick Henry FOUR DAYS LATER of his daughter's shooting. This is when he obtained custody of his daughter "with stipulations." CPS refused to give Rick Henry a medical card to help pay for child psychologist's rate of $250.00/per hour and other costs such as forcing father to undergo drug testing for the last 3-4 years.
    Judge Lauren A. Ogden entered the picture and all is on video on TikTok @rickhenry43. She speaks down to him as he is in grade school, allows opposing counsel to constantly interrupt and refuses to look at SOLID EVIDENCE. Calling the shooting: "that happened in the past." Over an alleged runaway incident that never happened, she gave the now 16 year-old to the maternal grandparents. The child now sees her mother.

    To Reach Rick Henry: TikTok @rickhenry43

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    Slam the Gavel welcomes back Jay Rosenthal to the podcast. Jay was last on the podcast Season 3, Episode 87 and Season 4, Episode 73. Today we discussed the case of Hogan v. Cherokee County, NC and the sequence of events that unfolded in the case. The father had placed the child with a neighbor he trusted, while his spouse was having heart issues. Apparently someone made the call to DSS in Cherokee County, NC and the urged the father to place the child with family members - but he didn't know what he was signing due to illiteracy. Conveniently, DSS closed the case.
    We discussed the litigation and how the suit was filed afterwards. Mr. Hogan did make efforts to see his child and had to go to court to invalidate the Custody Visitation Agreement (CVA - a permanent placement with some visitation). NC DSS got involved, because the report was made by the school, DSS had concerns child was placed with neighbor. Then the CVA was signed. One year later this was brought to court to invalidate and to reunify. Then the lawsuit was filed.
    The kids are the most important thing to a parent, but not to DSS. This was a very egregious act of DSS with disregard for the father, Mr. Hogan as Jay read what he had said, "They made me feel like I was worthless and I was no good. That I just didn't care about her and I did with all my heart, my baby is my everything. I tried to do everything the right way, the way they asked me to. I couldn't gain no ground and I couldn't get above water." Any parent going through this would feel like Mr. Hogan. There is a reason why Terminating Parental Rights is the DEATH PENALTY of CHILD WELFARE.

    To Reach Jay Rosenthal: 844-633-KIDS, Cpsprotect.com, Facebook, instagram

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