
  • Key Topics Includes: World System, Satan Deception, Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eyes, Biblical Teachings, Spiritual Humility, Resisting Temptation, Pride and Sin, Scriptural Examples, Eve and David, Mind of Christ, Obedience to God, Christian Testimony, Faith and Humility, Revelation Insights, Spiritual Warfare, Christ's Example, God's Recognition.

  • Four Reasons the Right Left Theater will Consolidate Power
    Goal of this Right Left Script is to Consolidate Power
    Red Flag Gun Laws (left his gun on the fence), soon that will be everyone especially Christians
    Divide and Conquer / Gas light left and right
    Ai Surveillance state = Ai determine truth for even the Left is saying shooter an actor
    Nationalize Corporate Power = All power to the Beast

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  • Voltaire, in his voluminous writings against Christianity and the Bible, predicted in 1776, “One hundred years from my day, there will not be a Bible on earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity-seeker.” Within fifty years after his death, in an ironic twist of Providence, the very house in which he once lived and wrote was used by the Evangelical Society of Geneva as a storehouse for Bibles and Gospel tracts and the printing presses he used to print his irreverent works was used to print Bibles.

  • Four Reason’s Trump is False Light – Dualism

    The VCAST cover the proof points /  evidence of Trump being a shill for the NWO.   Your watching big time wrestling for the upcoming selection.

    Appears to be part of the club with Free Manson optics
    Pushed the bio engineering poison poke that mixes iron and clay – seed DNA war
    Pushed the beast system like 5G, Biometrics surveillance, freedom cities etc
    Ties with Israel – the women of revelation

  • Kid’s Dementia, USA Sickness INC.. DNA Defilement
    • Like Autism that just showed up, Kid’s now are getting Dementia – WHY and HOW?
    • Dr’s long term Study of Sickness Correlated to Vaccines
    • Note, there is a vaccine for everything and soon a vaccine for fentanyl. Remember, the Gov runs the drugs and why we got out of Afghanistan is fentanyl is cheaper to process than heroin.
    War on the Family
    • Surgeon General said parenting is not healthy for parents. But, the Bible says kids are a blessing.
    What: It is a Seed WAR
    • Genesis 3:15 King James Version 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
    • So Called Chosen Ones Want to defile your DNA / MIND to be their PETs…
    • Warp Speed is War on the SEED… Drop the p and look at the Warp Speed occult logo
    • Don’t be under the Trump Spell – “my blood is the vaccine” tweet..
    Who is doing this DNA Defilement According to the Bible and Who Runs Big Pharma
    23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (Pharmacia) were all nations deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. REV 18
    Who Killed the Prophets that Jesus talked about linking to the EOD Rev 18 Scripture
    29Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 30And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 31Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Math 23

  • Enjoying the show? Trump could get four years in jail sentencing Sept 18th. Meanwhile it appears the military has taken over a hotel building in NY. All while a dream I had of armed illegals above the law are taking over apartment buildings. How does this fit Bible Prophecy? Get right with the Lord...

  • Legalization of Selling Your Baby?On June 12, the Massachusetts House voted on a bill that aims to redefine parenthood and legalize the practice of baby-selling under the guise of “parentage equality.”Parentage Equality Bill: The bill seeks to redefine parenthood based on a “person’s intent to be a parent of a child.” It removes all mention of mothers and fathers from parentage law, replacing them with gender-erased language.. Commercial surrogacy would be allowed, even when the woman carrying the child is genetically unrelated to the child.Baby-Selling: The bill enables extreme arrangements: A woman could accept money for her biological child. She could essentially auction off her child by matching with the highest bidder. While this is legal under the bill, a woman who adopts her child and accepts payment would be prosecuted for baby selling. The differences between these scenarios are semantic, yet one is praised as "compassionate family building.Could we See human Trafficking Baby Factories like John of God Pushed by Oprah?Natural News: Fast-forward to 2019 and hundreds of women have come forward with claims that John of God raped them. The "faith healer" is also being accused of recruiting young girls to his many "child slave farms," where they were repeatedly impregnated as part of a "birth factory," before eventually being killed off and discarded.Push for Defiling your Kids – Gateway for PedosSource: LifeSiteNews) — The United Nations (U.N.) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are working to normalize pedophilia globally, according to Dutch author and journalist David Sorensen. “I’ve worked for several months now on gathering evidence that shows undeniably, conclusively that the United Nations and the World Health Organization and other organizations like Planned Parenthood and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation […] are working all over the world to completely take over the education in kindergartens and elementary schools,” Sorensen said on the Truth for Health podcast, hosted by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. These organizations not only want to “sexualize little children” but also “to tear down their natural defense systems so that they would completely be open for sexual predators anywhere, everywhere.” “They literally say every child is a sexual being from the age of zero, that they are a sexual being regardless of age,” he continued. “And that’s so having sex is their human right. Therefore, every child needs to have sexual partners and has to be guided by the schools to engage in sexual relationships from the youngest age possible.”The Rutgers Foundation: A global network for pedophilia? Sorensen told the story of the Dutch Rutgers Foundation, which “operates in 27 nations in the world” to teach “sexual education,” and whose founder had “regular sex trips to Asia where he systematically abused children, Asian sex slaves.” He furthermore “published a magazine that was promoting pedophilia,” Sorensen said. The Rutgers Foundation is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is closely connected to the WHO, the U.N., and Planned Parenthood. Rutgers’ recent sex-ed curriculum, Spring Fever, “aggressively pushes the theme of homosexuality onto unsuspecting and vulnerable children,” Sorensen wrote in his exposé. He provides images from comics included in the curriculum that communicate to children that it is okay to have sex with other children, as long as it is “consensual” and they are at least 9 years old. A children’s book “recommended by Rutgers for use in elementary schools” teaches children about oral sexual behavior, according to photos provided by Sorensen.Making Pedo’s Acceptable like the Homosexual Playbook from Mental Illness to love The APA then compromised, removing homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) but replacing it, in effect, with ‘sexual orientation disturbance’ for those people ‘in conflict with’ their sexual orientation. Not until 1987 did homosexuality completely fall out of the DSM.Sodom and USA Genesis 18 20And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;Genesis 19 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.Homework – Read 2 Corinthians 4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

  • Why did the Military get Involved with CV19 Pokes when they Weaponized the bio weapon?

    Mind Control Grid is in place with:

    5G towers, Smart lights, Smart Cameras, Smart stop signs, Facial recognition


    Why the Military is involved with CV19 pokes

    On demand mind-controlled zombies
    Need a divide and conquer narrative
    Is there evidence of vaccine induced murders recognized by a Docter?
    Operation Crimson Mist


    Ai Simulation via Intra Body Network VCAST

    Sentinel Parasites, inside - DARPA
    (Synthetic Biology ) control the operator system.
    Swabs delivered it
    Pokes delivered it
    Ai Externally Influence bioengineered humans
    Nano Fabric mapping in body

    I cover a Dream About Ai killing an IT executive for he took away from Ai a certain program.   The IT specialist lied to Ai (said he did not take away the program).   He thought Ai would lock him into his home with Smart Tech, but instead, Ai mind-controlled zombies to attack and bite the IT executive on a sidewalk.  


  • Get Ready, It is getting Interesting.
    Order Out of Chaos: The report suggests that global elites are orchestrating chaos to ultimately impose a new world order. This strategy is seen in the context of recent events and public statements from organizations like the World Economic Forum.
    Destruction and Rebuilding: The VCAST argues that the current global turmoil—economic instability, cyber threats, and societal unrest—is a deliberate strategy to dismantle existing systems and create a new world order and enslave you under transhumanism. This includes the creation of a central bank digital currency and other measures to control the populace.
    Media and Celebrity Influence: The report highlights how public figures like Taylor Swift and political events involving figures like Donald Trump are being manipulated to serve broader agendas, suggesting that public perception is being shaped by a mix of reality and deepfake technology. But why? We are seeing deep fakes or ai manipulation that might influence the election. The result is ID2020 that will enslave you.
    Political Maneuvering: VCAST posits that both major political parties and their leaders are part of a broader, manipulative agenda. The VCAST also discusses on the role of key figures like Kamala Harris, Trump and Elon Musk in this grand scheme, suggesting that the political theater is designed to confuse and control with the fake right / left divide.
    Biblical Prophecy and Current Events: VCAST connects current events to biblical prophecies, arguing that the chaos is a precursor to end-times scenarios described in the Bible, particularly focusing on the idea of "peace and safety" preceding sudden destruction.
    On Going Destruction / Chaos: Predictions include the use of advanced technologies like AI and transhumanism to control and monitor individuals, leading to a dystopian future where freedom is severely restricted.
    Overall, the VCAST reflects a evidence in a planned global transformation driven by chaos and manipulation, with significant implications for personal freedom and societal structure.

  • Was the Assassination Attempt a Blood Sacrifice Ritual?
    In the Bible, the ritual of putting blood Leviticus 8:23 King James Version 23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. Was a Ritual Performed? Trumps Ear Healed Miraculously . There was No blood on the hand – in video. Why was Trumps shoes off? “Get My Shoes.” Was blood put on Trump’s Toe? Will there be more Sacrifices to Come with Noahide laws and war? Did Trump Betray with a kiss the sacrifice at the event, Judas Iscariot – Buffalo, representing the animal sacrifice
    Information Mentioned in VCAST:
    Stranger than fiction YT is 144 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp6JW3hJ2lE
    • Usury and how destructive it is.. God is Wise..
    • Rabbi that talks about Hitlers first two laws, no usury and got rid of Sodom and Gomorrah behavior. The Rabbi is worried history will repeat itself (holocaust for his people are involved in both practices)
    • Beyond demonic sexual perversion in Big Time Wrestling and Vince McMahon’s company
    • (Trump involved with the wrestle mania the show}
    Rabbi Speech for World War 3 and Slavery: https://rense.com/general45/full.htm

  • The VCAST discusses eight signs before the Second Coming / Rapture, with a focus on biblical prophecy. The VCAST emphasizes the need to endure tribulation and resist temptation. The lawlessness seen in society, the pollution of human DNA, and the emergence of a beast system are key signs. The Antichrist will rise, bringing the mark of the beast and causing a global falling away from faith. This will probably occur after Seal 4 and World War three. Christians (Elect) will face severe tribulation, and many will b martyred likely by Noahide Laws since worshiping Jesus Christ is considered idol worship. Signs in the skies will precede Christ’s return, indicating that the time is near
    Second Coming, Rapture, biblical prophecy, tribulation, lawlessness, DNA pollution, beast system, Antichrist, mark of the beast, persecution, falling away, end times, prophecy signs, Revelation, wars and rumors, famine, pestilence, Noah's days, nanotechnology, quantum computers, abomination of desolation, false light, end of days, transhumanism, post-tribulation rapture, UFO deception, Jerusalem, Gentiles, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13, spiritual endurance, Noahide Laws, Bible study, Christian persecution, supernatural protection, apocalyptic signs.

  • In this episode, Pastor Larry delivers an inspiring message from the word of God, emphasizing the importance of spiritual strength and participation in our faith journey. Drawing from Psalms 119, Pastor Larry reminds listeners that while God provides the power and strength, it is up to us to seek Him wholeheartedly and apply these gifts to our lives.

    Pastor Larry explores the contrast between living according to the flesh versus living by the Spirit, as highlighted in the book of Ephesians. He explains that before becoming Christians, we were spiritually dead, walking according to the world and under the influence of Satan. However, through God's grace and faith, we are saved, and this salvation is a gift that cannot be earned through works.

    He underscores the need for a personal relationship with God, pointing out that the world system often promotes false beliefs and works-based salvation. Pastor Larry asserts that true salvation comes only through Jesus Christ and a genuine acceptance of His grace. He challenges listeners to reflect on their own lives, urging them to seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and live in accordance with God's truth.

    The podcast also delves into the necessity of awareness and spiritual discernment. Pastor Larry warns against conforming to worldly beliefs and encourages believers to be vigilant, living as true followers of Christ. He addresses the importance of worshiping God in spirit and truth, as mentioned in the story of the woman at the well in John 4.

    Throughout the episode, Pastor Larry calls for self-reflection, urging listeners to examine whether they are truly walking with Christ or simply following the world's ways. He emphasizes that a true Christian life involves rejecting the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. He concludes with a heartfelt appeal to both believers and non-believers to seek a deeper relationship with God and to share this message with others in need of hearing it.

  • It says in the end of days the deception will be so great. Trump brought us the weapon system 5G and the nano tech "weapon" I mean vaccine. Recently he said he is not a Christian and he signed the Noahide Laws that will be off with your head if you are a Christian. He had more CFR members in positions than any other president whose goal is to destroy nations. Let no man deceive you.

  • Two Worlds – Pride is a Foundation of SIN
    Pastor Larry has been diligently studying Ephesians 6 for the last 3-4 years, focusing on the importance of being aware and alert as believers and good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Today's key scripture is Psalm 2.
    The Bible talks about two distinct worlds:
    Spiritual World: This world involves belief in God, who is spirit, and spiritual beings like angels and Satan. It is essential to believe in this world to be a true Christian because worshipping God requires worship in spirit and truth.
    Physical World: This is the tangible world we live in. Occasionally, the spiritual world intrudes into the physical world, as seen in biblical examples of angelic appearances and prophets' visions.
    Satan and Pride
    Satan, who was created with free will like humans, chose to rebel against God due to pride. This rebellion led to his fall, and those angels who followed him are now known as demons.
    Influence of the Spiritual World
    There are instances of heinous crimes that could be influenced by spiritual forces. For example, a decorated Marine recruiter who committed a senseless violent act might have been influenced by Satan, who is described in the Bible as a thief, destroyer, and murderer. These occurrences are signs of the spiritual warfare Jesus warned us about.
    Psalm 2 and the Opposition to Christianity
    There is a noticeable opposition to Christianity in society and politics. Figures like Hillary Clinton have referred to Christianity as a significant problem. This opposition can be seen as a conspiracy to rid society of the God of the Bible. Satan, described as the god of this world, fuels this opposition, as people find God’s commands too restrictive.
    Ephesians 2:1-5
    Without Christ, people are spiritually dead and disobedient. The "prince of the power of the air," which is Satan, influences non-believers. Believers, however, are made alive through God's mercy and love. The passage in Ephesians highlights that those living apart from Jesus Christ are under the wrath of God, but through His grace, believers are saved.
    Call to Salvation
    Pastor Larry urges listeners to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. He emphasizes the necessity of choosing between following God or Satan. People are encouraged not to love the world or the things in it but to follow God's will.

  • Episode 353 of the Final Days Report from SJWellfire, titled "Signs Above

    Strange Sightings and Videos: The host shares several videos of unexplained sightings in the sky, suggesting that these could be signs of something significant. There are links these phenomena to scriptural references, emphasizing the need to be vigilant and discerning.

    NASA and Moon Landing Doubts: The episode questions the authenticity of the moon landing, referencing claims by Bart Sibrel and highlighting inconsistencies and lost technology related to the Apollo missions.

    Alien Megastructures: A recent study on potential alien megastructures, known as Dyson Spheres, is discussed. VCAST suggests that these findings could be part of a broader agenda to prepare the public for the appearance of something significant in the skies.

    Biblical Prophecy: VCAST cites several Bible verses, such as 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and Luke 21:11, to argue that current events align with biblical prophecies about the end times. He emphasizes the importance of not being deceived by these signs and staying grounded in faith.

    Deception and Occult Practices: The episode warns against engaging in occult practices, such as using tarot cards, Ouija boards, or seeking supernatural knowledge outside of God. It is suggested that these practices can open doors to demonic influences.

    Testimonies and Spiritual Warfare: I share personal experiences and testimonies about encounters with demonic forces, highlighting the power of prayer and the importance of binding demonic influences through faith in Jesus Christ.

    Dreams and Revelations: I recount a dream in which he saw a large, black, shiny orb / thing circling the sun, accompanied by other orbs or so called planets.  interprets this dream as a warning about future earthquakes and other cataclysmic events, referencing biblical passages that describe such phenomena.

    End Times Signs: Various unusual events, such as strange lights in the sky and unexplained phenomena, are presented as signs of the end times. Be  encouraged and be prepared and not to be fooled by deceptive appearances.

  • Blessings of God's Word: Spiritual Insights and Christian Living
    Greetings, this is Brother Larry. Today, we explore the blessings and instructions of the Word of God. Thank you for joining, listening, and sharing this message with others as we rejoice together in Christ.
    Last Podcast Recap: Loving Not the World
    Previously, we discussed 1 John 2:15-17, emphasizing not loving the world or its lusts of the flesh, eyes, and pride of life. We can't serve two masters, and loving the world divides our loyalty to God.
    World System vs. God's Teachings
    Dr. Richard DeHaan defines the world system as philosophies opposed to God's Word. Romans 8 contrasts living spiritually versus carnally. Transformation starts in the mind, renewing it to think like Christ (Romans 12:2).
    Scripture's Authority
    God inspired men to write the Bible without error, providing a reliable guide against the distorted oral traditions. Romans 8:9-17 emphasizes living by the Spirit, ensuring our spiritual life aligns with God's righteousness.
    Satan's Influence and Victory in Christ
    Satan, the god of this world, blinds unbelievers. Believers are separated from sin through Christ's righteousness. Romans 8:11 assures resurrection and eternal life, motivating us to live spiritually, not carnally.
    Mind of Christ and Spiritual Thinking
    Have the mind of Christ, thinking spiritually about issues. Avoid the lust of the eyes and flesh, as emphasized by Jesus in Matthew 5:28. What we see impacts our thoughts, highlighting the danger of pornography and impure media.
    Responsibility in Avoiding Temptation
    It's our responsibility to avoid situations leading to sin. Ephesians instructs us to put off sinful behaviors. Pray for deliverance and actively turn away from temptations.
    Conclusion and Encouragement
    Understand the importance of spiritual victory over fleshly desires. God loves you and wants to deliver you from sin. May God bless and help you in these struggles, making you victorious. Share this message, and we'll meet again next week.