Welcome to the Divorce Matters Podcast, where we give unfiltered, unadulterated guidance for how to
survive family courts. We will give you no-nonsense, straight forward strategies for beating the system.
We guarantee you won’t hear this advice anywhere else.
A reminder that we are not attorneys and this is not legal advice. However, we’ll help you more than any
attorney ever will. -
Jsme Løype. E-shop, prodejna a kavárna pro psy a jejich lidi. V podcastu pro vás máme rozhovory ze psího světa (s lidmi) a tipy, aby byl váš život se psem (ještě) lepší. Mrkněte na nebo na Instagram @loype_cz. Na živo nás najdete v Budečské 14 v Praze na Vinohradech nebo v našem Loype hubu v Jizerkách.
Vítejte na cestě! Na cestě životem, rodičovstvím i osobním rozvojem. Na cestě k sobě samým. Často je těžké přijmout, že život je neustálá proměna, nikdy nekončící energie, jejíž tok máme jen a pouze ve svých rukou. Jak na to? Třeba s tímto podcastem! Jsem Věra Švachová, trojnásobná pracující máma žijící s rodinou v Berlíně a dělím se s vámi o prožitky života v různých zemích, o životní lekce cestou nabrané, o proměny manželství i sebe samé při postupném přicházení dětí, ale také o hodnotné techniky a praxe z oblasti mindfulness (všímavosti) a osobního rozvoje, které můžete ihned v podcastu vyzkoušet a prožít a jednoduše aplikovat do vašeho obyčejného života.
Podcast o farebnosti materstva a hľadaní rovnováhy.
Rozhovory s českými a slovenskými rodičmi zo sveta podnikania, showbusinessu, internetu a médií. Vo všetkých podcastových aplikáciách i na
Moje osobné príbehy nájdeš na instagrame mliko_v_hlave.
Zastihneš ma na [email protected]. -
Tak trochu jiný podcast (nejen) o vztazích. Otvíráme tabuizovaná a nepopulární témata, sdílíme příběhy ze života, vyvoláváme provokativní otázky, odlehčujeme vážná témata. Náš podcast je našlapaný energií, kterou vysíláme. Objev s námi cestu sám/sama k sobě. Zkrátka lepší ty, lepší vztahy, lepší život.
Získejte svůj výtisk knihy Opravdový život. ( -
Welcome to the 18 Summers Podcast for Parents! Family life is essential – hosts Jim & Jamie Sheils are on a mission to help you live your best one. You’ll hear personal, inspiring and mindset-shifting stories from thought leaders in parenting, entrepreneurship and more. You CAN find success in business WITHOUT sacrificing your family.
Always authentic and relatable, Jim & Jamie have guided thousands of families in creating the family life they’ve always wanted. Listen in and learn how you, too, can ignite your family life to make the absolute most of your 18 Summers. -
Rozhovory autorky knihy Třetí rodič s inspirativními hosty. O roli třetího rodiče, o partnerství v komponované rodině, o dětech vlastních i nevlastních. Pojďte se s námi ponořit do příběhů rodin, kterým se říká patchworkové, komponované, či složené. Odneste si naději, inspiraci a pocit, že v tom nejste sami.
Welcome to Delight in Parenting Podcast. Let's into the essence of peaceful, playful and emotionally intelligent parenting, where I share the insights, expert advice & research, and support necessary to transform your parenting approach from struggling to delighting. Say goodbye to conflict and embrace cooperation, creating a more joyful home environment.Join me as we embark on a path to deeper connection and more peace & play within our families. I'm excited to connect and share this journey with you through each episode! -
This podcast is about empowering parents of Highly Sensitive Children to nurture their child’s unique personality trait and create a path to success. Our podcast provides guidance, insights, and support to help you unlock your child's full potential, fostering resilience, confidence, and a bright future.
I’m creating a global movement in bringing awareness and acceptance of Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and Highly Sensitive Children (HSC).
I’m committed to transforming how the world sees Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and more importantly how Highly Sensitive People see themselves. It took me decades to learn that I’m a Highly Sensitive Person and another 3 years to work on myself to accept my trait and start to love myself and realize how amazing it is to be among the 20% of the global population with this trait. For example, as an HSP, I see subtleties that most people don’t see, and this aptitude has helped me be successful in my career, in my personal life, in helping my parents, family, and friends.
I believe that my purpose in life is to help parents of Highly Sensitive Children understand their child’s trait, embrace it, and realize that the best thing they can do for their child is to understand this trait in them and help them see the beauty in it. I truly believe that if we start focusing on the strengths of this trait, we can set our children up for success.
Book A Free Consultation:
Подкаст от образовательной платформы Учи.ру о чувствах и эмоциях, которые испытывают дети и их родители на протяжении школьных лет.
В каждом выпуске ведущая — социальный педагог и психолог Лиля Брайнис — расскажет про одну эмоцию. В каких ситуациях она возникает у детей и их родителей, как они её выражают или как реагируют на её проявления, как эта эмоция переживается в теле и какие есть самые конструктивные способы ее выразить и использовать на благо себе и учебному процессу.
Почему страх, печаль и скука — это полезные эмоции? Как развить в ребенке мотивацию к учебе и любознательность? Как родителям справляться со своими эмоциями и помогать детям проживать чувства? Что делать, если ребенок не хочет учиться или горюет из-за плохой отметки? Давайте разбираться вместе!
Курсы на платформе: -
This is the Real Birth Podcast: a safe, welcoming platform to share birth stories. I'm Lucy Hill, a doula, mother, wife and total birth nerd living in Frome, Somerset in the UK. When I was pregnant, one of my favourite things to do was to listen to birth stories. During this time I read and listened to literally hundreds and hundreds of birth experiences shared by all kinds of parents, having all kinds of births. I quickly became obsessed with the narrative of birth and the power of storytelling. I am convinced that because I was so regularly exposed to hearing about REAL birth - the glory, the mess, the trauma, the comedy, the boredom, the ecstasy - I didn't fear it, because I knew so much about what could unfold. When eventually I went into labour, my planned natural home birth turned into an undiagnosed breech and very unexpected cesarian. Of course I felt shocked. But beneath this, I felt calm and safe in the knowledge that birth can and does take twists and turns we can't predict. I had, in essence, heard it all before. I felt part of a wider collective of humans, each with stories as unique yet familiar as mine. The magic of birth stories existed not just for me as an expectant parent learning something unknown, but I also noticed the profound healing and peaceful resolution which often came from families revisiting and reflecting on their births. All of the podcasts I found dedicated to birth stories were either American or Australian, and I deeply wished there had been a bank of UK birth stories I could have mined for information, particularly when it came to NHS care which is so different to care models overseas. Since having my son in 2019 I have continued to listen to birth story podcasts, but have still yet to find a consistent, birth-story-dedicated podcast in the UK. Enter The Real Birth Podcast! Series 1 launches in early 2022, featuring a range of stories from UK parents and a variety of different birth experiences. Whether you're pregnant, on the other side of birth or just love geeking out about birth, I'm so excited for you to join me.
«У нас все дома» — подкаст о коучинге и родительстве, где две мамы-коуча, у которых 5 детей на двоих (две пары двойняшек и особенный ребенок) рассказывают о том, что такое коучинг родителей и подростков, коучинговый подход в родительстве. Кроме этого, делятся своим опытом жизни с детьми, обсуждают актуальные вопросы родительства и отвечают на вопросы слушателей. Алиса Круглова и Анастасия Есаулова рассказывают, как коучинг влияет на погоду в доме, а также когда, зачем и с чем нужно обращаться к коучу родителей и подростков.
Подписывайтесь на наш телеграм-канал:
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The David Nurse Show is one of the top-ranked podcasts for self-development and personal growth. David is world-renowned for teaching people how to transform their minds. He has trained over 150 NBA stars, CEOs, Hollywood Actors, and more to transform their mindset and ultimately transform their life!
David is a Top 50 Keynote Speaker (Real Leaders) and a Wall St. Journal Best-Selling Author. 'The David Nurse Show' is packed with real-life 'Sessions' where guests work through issues they currently face live on air and interviews with incredible game-changers in mindset, health/wellness, authors, professional sports, and leadership. Past guests on the show have included powerhouses like Jeremy Lin, Ed Mylett, Max Lugavere, Jon Gordon, Gretchen Rubin, Jim Kwik, Teddi Mellencamp, Boris Kodjoe, Jrue Holiday, and many more!
Tune in every WEDNESDAY for a brand new episode that has the potential to literally transform your life! -
A podcast for parents who have chosen a natural approach to parenting from birth and beyond! Parenting Specialist, Child Development Specialist, and Play Therapist, Chelsea Vail, educates parents on hot topics from a “crunchy” perspective and drops knowledge on research based techniques for raising loving, happy, healthy kiddos. Chelsea is an advocate for all things Waldorf, anthroposophical, sacred, spiritual and loving. Please support by subscribing and joining the tribe at
V podcastu O rodičovství si povídám se svými hosty o různých tématech, které se týkají rodičovství, výchovy dětí, přivádění dětí na svět a vůbec toho, jak si udržet všech pět pohromadě, když už se člověk stane rodičem. Z vlastní zkušenosti vím, že je to naplňující, ale i těžká zkušenost, plná každodenních rozhodnutí. A tak jsem se rozhodla pídit po informacích, na jejichž základě mohu tato rozhodnutí činnit. V každé epizodě se tedy můžete těšit na rozhovor s člověkem, který se svým oborem do hloubky zajímá. No a díky podcastu můžu vás, posluchače vzít na cestu za poznáním s sebou. Pojďme si popovídat o rodičovství!