
  • In this episode, Dr. Steve and his wife Theresa explore the essentials of goal setting. They discuss the importance of setting meaningful goals, focusing on immediate steps, and planning ahead to overcome obstacles. The episode highlights the power of positive thinking and emotional attachment in achieving goals, offering practical techniques to rewire your brain for success.

    Join them for insights and motivation on your goal-setting journey.

    [00:01 - 04:53] Setting Meaningful Goals

    Understanding the significance of setting goals that truly matter to you.

    Make goals enjoyable and align them with personal growth.

    The importance of focusing on the next immediate step rather than the entire journey.

    Small business owners' examples of why knowing every step upfront can be overwhelming.

    [04:54 - 12:59] Planning Ahead for Goal Success

    Anticipate obstacles and plan your strategies in advance.

    Replace processed foods with healthier options by planning your meals.

    Rewire your brain with positive thoughts and avoid negative thinking patterns.

    Use an emotional attachment to your goals to keep you driven and focused.

    [13:00 - 21:16] Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking

    The power of positive thinking and the impact of thoughts on goal achievement.

    Techniques for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

    The role of emotions in maintaining motivation and commitment.

    Stories of dramatic transformations achieved through mindset shifts.

    [21:17 - 28:47] Closing Segment

    Identify goals that truly matter and understand why you want to achieve them.

    Avoid overwhelm by concentrating on the immediate next step toward your goal.

    Anticipate challenges and create strategies to handle them in advance.

    Achieving small goals boosts confidence and motivates you to set and achieve more.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “A goal means that there's something in your life that you want to improve.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The best way to keep with a goal is to make tiny steps and you continuously achieve those goals. And that gives you that momentum.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “You have to change your thoughts in order to change your life.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you plan ahead and you stick to your plan, 90 percent of the time, you're going to start believing that you're actually capable of setting this goal.” - Theresa

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve addresses the overuse of medications for chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, pointing out that these often only mask symptoms rather than tackle the root causes such as insulin resistance. He advocates for eliminating carbohydrates and emphasizes the health benefits of animal proteins and animal fats. Dr. Steve also highlights the manipulative practices of the pharmaceutical and food industries in shaping health policies. He argues strongly for choosing natural, unprocessed foods over industry-driven solutions, promoting informed dietary choices as essential for genuine health and well-being.

    [00:01 - 06:00] Symptom Management vs. Root Causes

    The excessive use of medications for conditions like diabetes only treats symptoms.

    Insulin resistance and inflammation are true underlying health problems.

    Advocates for a diet rich in animal proteins and fats, and recommends eliminating carbohydrates to combat health issues.

    The influence of pharmaceutical and food industries on health policies and practices.

    [06:01 - 15:38] Unveiling the Root Causes of Modern Diseases

    High carb intake keeps insulin levels elevated, leading to resistance.

    Processed foods contain harmful chemicals that trigger inflammation.

    The big agribusinesses for promoting carbohydrate-heavy crops like corn, wheat, and soy, which are staples in processed foods.

    Food and drug companies design products to be addictive, maximizing dependency.

    [15:39 - 19:57]The Hidden Dangers of Modern Diets

    Cut exposure by choosing natural foods over processed ones.

    Excessive omega-6 from vegetable oils causes inflammation, unlike balanced animal fats.

    Fructose in processed foods fuels inflammation and disrupts health.

    Continuous high glucose intake leads to insulin resistance and can damage organs.

    [19:58 - 25:04] Exposing Misleading Health Claims

    Companies push profitable health myths, like the false dangers of red meat.

    Fiber is marketed as essential only because it doesn’t get absorbed, unlike beneficial meats.

    Promoted as essential by companies profiting from sugary, non-satiating foods.

    Highlights how commercials for unhealthy products and medications manipulate consumer perceptions.

    [25:05 - 32:35] Closing Segment

    The marketing-driven creation of "prediabetes" and lowering of A1C levels to increase drug sales.

    Diabetes drugs often worsen the underlying condition by increasing insulin resistance.

    Extensive side effects from classes of diabetic and blood pressure medications.

    Advocates for natural, unprocessed foods as essential for health and disease prevention.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “If this is this medication you're just taking for a short period of time, that's fine. If it's a medication that they're telling you're going to be taking the rest of your life, that's not fine. That's a drug that is not curing anything.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you really want to reverse your type two diabetes, which they tell you is chronic irreversible and progressive, that's only, if you take medications for it. When you change your nutrition, you can totally get rid of this.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “They want to teach you that they have a pill to cure your every ill. That's their motto. And that's not true.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The problem with the statins is the way they lower your cholesterol is actually poison your cells.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

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  • In this episode, Dr. Steve and his wife Theresa engage in a captivating conversation with Helen Sernett, host of the "Sleep List" podcast. Helen shares her transformation from enduring a high-stress career to becoming an advocate for the importance of sleep, sparked by her battle with insomnia. This discussion explores the serious health consequences of neglecting sleep and provides Helen’s innovative approach to promoting better sleep practices through her podcast.

    Helen Sernett, a former nonprofit fundraiser, turned her life around after confronting the severe impact of a work-centric lifestyle on her health. Once a believer in the mantra "Work hard and sleep when you're dead," she experienced significant mental and physical health issues due to chronic overwork and lack of rest. Helen's recovery journey led her to appreciate the critical importance of sleep, prompting her to launch her podcast, "Sleep Lists." Through her podcast, she helps others achieve better sleep by providing soothing audio content designed to assist in falling and staying asleep. Helen is now a dedicated advocate for balanced living and the vital role of rest in maintaining health and well-being.

    [00:01 - 13:09] The Origin of "Sleep List"

    Discussion on the serious health implications of sleep deprivation that Helen experienced.

    Helen shares how chronic insomnia pushed her to quit her high-stress job.

    The conception of "Sleep List" was born from Helen's need for sleep aids that didn't exist.

    The initial recordings were made on her iPhone and the evolution into a podcast.

    Explains the podcast's approach: soothing list readings aimed at helping listeners fall asleep.

    [13:10 - 36:15] Health Benefits and Lifestyle Changes from "Sleep Lists"

    Helen noted better mental health and fewer physical issues after improving her sleep.

    Improved sleep significantly increased Helen's daily productivity and energy.

    Emphasizes the need for dietary changes and sleep prioritization for overall health.

    Helen advocates for recognizing sleep's essential role in health, comparable to diet and exercise.

    [36:16 - 50:58] Sleep Strategies and Personal Anecdotes

    Emphasizes the restoration benefits of lying still and pretending to sleep.

    Suggests staying in bed during early wake-ups to maintain restfulness.

    Recommends controlling light exposure and minimizing noise for better sleep.

    Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime to aid digestion and enhance sleep quality.

    [50:59 - 56:29] Closing Segment

    Advises against consuming sugar, carbs, and caffeine before bed to prevent sleep disruption.

    The benefits of incorporating protein in the last meal to sustain fullness and support sleep.

    Recommends investing in quality bedding that suits personal needs for better sleep management.

    The importance of temperature regulation and a dark, quiet environment to enhance sleep quality.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Connect with Helen:

    Sample of "Sleep Lists" podcast of presidents

    List of Presidents: Click Here

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Good sleep impacts all of the same areas of health that diet and exercise impact and it takes up a third of our day, a third of our lives.” - Helen Sernett

    “Even just resting still and pretending to sleep has some of the benefits of sleep.” - Helen Sernett

    “When we're sleeping, we're able to create new habits and some of the habits that I had to create from being depressed was to stop thinking negatively and to reflect on the moment and things that make me happy or bring me joy.” - Helen Sernett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve delves into the mechanics of blood pressure medications, discussing their functions, the body’s natural blood pressure regulation system, and the significant side effects they can cause. He highlights the interconnectedness of Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, emphasizing the role of lifestyle and diet in managing these conditions. Dr. Steve critically examines the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on medical standards and advocates for a return to natural foods to reduce medication dependency.

    [00:01 - 06:13] Blood Pressure Medications Overview

    Blood pressure medications treat symptoms rather than curing the underlying condition.

    Historical perspective on how blood pressure standards have been lowered over time by pharmaceutical companies.

    Impact of diet on blood pressure and insulin resistance.

    [06:14 - 14:15] ACE Inhibitors and Receptor Blockers

    The renin-angiotensin system and how ACE inhibitors work.

    The shift from natural remedies to pharmaceutical interventions in blood pressure management.

    Adverse effects of ACE inhibitors and the importance of consulting a doctor when pregnant.

    [14:16 - 19:59] ARBs and Alpha Blockers

    Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) and their function in managing blood pressure.

    Overview of Alpha-blockers and their role in blood vessel dilation.

    Insight into the complications and multiple adverse effects of these medications.

    [19:60 - 30:06] Beta Blockers and Other Medication Classes

    The function of Beta-blockers in slowing the heart rate to manage blood pressure.

    Introduction to other classes of blood pressure medications like Calcium Channel Blockers and Diuretics.

    Warnings about the potential severe adverse effects of these medications.

    [30:07 - 33:30] Closing Segment

    Avoid reliance on medications and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

    The importance of eating unprocessed, natural foods and avoiding man-made products.

    Return to traditional eating habits to improve overall health and reduce medication dependence.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “All blood pressure medications do is treat the symptom of high blood pressure. It doesn't do anything to cure it.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Anytime you take a pill to take care of a problem, it is never curing that problem. It is only symptomatic relief.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Drugs that act directly on the renin-angiotensin system can cause injury and death to the developing fetus.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve and his wife Theresa delve into the significance of goal setting and prioritizing life's essentials using their F.I.R.S.T. values for their framework—Financial, Intellectual, Relational, Spiritual, and Train Physical goals. They share insights on how effective goal-setting directs one's personal journey and enhances fulfillment and purpose.

    [00:01 - 03:38] The Importance of Setting Goals

    Discussion on why setting goals is crucial for personal development.

    Differentiate passive existence from active goal-oriented living.

    How unintentional goals like maintaining a home implicitly shape our actions.

    Encouragement to set goals that enhance joy and personal satisfaction.

    [03:39 - 08:44] Understanding Values Through "Big Rocks"

    Introduction to Stephen Covey's "big rocks" metaphor for prioritizing life's important aspects.

    Explanation of sorting life priorities: big rocks, gravel, and sand.

    The concept of big rocks represents core personal values.

    Reflection on how this principle has guided the hosts' life choices.

    [08:45 - 15:02] Aligning Goals with Personal Values

    Exploration of the FIRST acronym (Financial, Intellectual, Relational, Spiritual, Trained Physical) as a framework for setting goals.

    Importance of aligning goals with personal values to ensure meaningful achievements.

    How mismatched goals can lead to dissatisfaction in work and personal life.

    Setting and pursuing personal goals rather than conforming to others' expectations.

    [15:03 - 21:38] Practical Goal-Setting Strategies

    Tips for listing potential life goals and stretching personal aspirations.

    Importance of writing down goals to avoid getting lost in daily trivialities.

    Strategies for organizing goals under the FIRST values to maintain focus.

    The role of prioritization in achieving goals effectively.

    [21:38 - 31:27] Closing Segment

    The benefits of journaling for keeping track of progress towards goals.

    How weekly goal reviews can prevent feeling overwhelmed and keep priorities clear.

    Maintaining goal focus influences daily choices and enhances life fulfillment.

    Regular goal-setting fosters personal development and boosts self-confidence.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “If you don't set a goal, you're just gonna be doing everybody else's goals.” - Theresa Hughlett

    “When you're journaling every week, it keeps it in top of mind. It's top of mind awareness.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you're unhealthy and you realize you need to change, you won't improve or stay the same without a plan.” - Theresa Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve interviews Dr. Joseph and explores why people visit the dentist and how oral health is closely linked to overall bodily health. They delve into the impacts of diet on dental health, the effectiveness of dental practices, and the crucial role of early dental visits.

    Dr. Joseph Dills, DDS, based in Springfield, MO, is a dedicated partner at Parkcrest Dental Group. A Drury University and UMKC School of Dentistry alum, Dr. Dills has practiced dentistry since 2001, focusing on restorative, cosmetic, and implant dentistry. His commitment to professional development and community involvement is evident from his roles in the Rotary and on the board of the Children’s Smile Center, as well as through his active participation in church and community services. Married to Kellie for 22 years and a father of two, he enjoys golf, paddle boarding, and running, embodying his belief in the importance of whole body health.

    [00:01 - 17:39] Understanding Dental Visits

    People often visit dentists due to pain, similar to responding to a car's check engine light.

    Introduce children to the dentist six months after the first tooth appears to prevent future issues.

    Diets high in sugars and refined carbohydrates can significantly increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

    Maintain oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing, and using fluoride toothpaste to strengthen enamel.

    [17:40 - 29:30] The Impact of Diet on Oral Health

    Diets high in sugars and carbohydrates increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

    Regular chewing of firm foods like vegetables and meats strengthens the jawbone and teeth.

    A healthy diet supports good dental health; systemic health directly affects oral conditions.

    Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups can prevent complex dental issues.

    [29:31 - 42:13] Effective Oral Hygiene Practices

    Tongue scraping reduces mouth bacteria significantly.

    Swishing coconut oil can decrease oral bacteria but is less efficient than brushing.

    Electric toothbrushes are preferred for their effectiveness and gentleness on gums.

    Avoid sugary and acidic drinks; opt for water and nutrient-rich foods to improve oral health.

    [42:14 - 01:08:00] Debunking Myths and Emphasizing Preventative Care

    Sugar significantly contributes to tooth decay by creating an acidic environment that harms teeth.

    Saliva neutralizes acids and remineralizes teeth with essential minerals.

    Cavities arise from poor diet and hygiene, not calcium loss from pregnancy or genetics.

    Myths such as "sugar dissolves quickly so it doesn't cause cavities" and "pregnancy depletes calcium from teeth" are incorrect.

    Regular dental visits catch early signs of serious conditions like oral cancer and maintain overall oral health.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “What I eat affects what I do. What I do also affects what I eat.” - Dr. Joseph Dills

    “Diet impacts the body, yes, but it also impacts the teeth.” - Dr. Joseph Dills

    “The earlier tooth decay starts in the mouth, the more severe the problem for a lifetime.” - Dr. Joseph Dills

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve and his wife, Theresa, share transformative insights on making lifestyle changes by starting with your thoughts. They introduce the concept of “pre-deciding” as a daily and weekly foundational step to commitment, emphasizing the power of mindset in achieving personal health and wellness goals.

    [00:01 - 06:27] Pre-Deciding to Commit

    The significance of deciding in advance to commit to lifestyle changes.

    How changing your thoughts is the first step toward any lifestyle change.

    Share personal experiences on the effectiveness of planning meals and activities.

    The risk of falling back into old habits due to tiredness or stress highlights the value of pre-decision.

    [06:28 - 15:29] Building a Healthy Lifestyle

    Shifts focus from quick fixes to long-term mindset changes for health improvements.

    Use one's time and energy, referencing Einstein's theory of relativity to underscore the relativity of time in lifestyle changes.

    The significance of setting realistic, small goals to building momentum and confidence.

    [15:30 - 21:44] Nutrition and Physical Well-being

    Advocacy for consuming real, chemical-free foods for better health.

    Movement, stretching, and outdoor activities as essential components of a healthy lifestyle.

    The importance of adequate sleep and hydration for overall well-being.

    [21:45 - 28:03] Closing Segment

    The power of gratitude, meditation, and prayer in maintaining a positive outlook and coping with stress.

    Avoid the pitfalls of negative media and focus on blessings and positive aspects of life.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Don't be focused on time, how fast you can get this off. It's not about speed. It's about going in the right direction.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Whatever you pre-decide stick to it.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Don't eat for comfort, eat for nutrition.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve dives into the adverse effects of diabetic medications. He uncovers the hidden risks behind common treatments, such as Sulfonylureas, Thiazolidinediones, Metformin, GLP-1 Agonists, DPP-4 Inhibitors, and SGLT2 Inhibitors. Learn how these medications may exacerbate insulin resistance and contribute to serious health complications. Gain insight into the importance of nutrition and making informed dietary choices to mitigate medication dependency and promote long-term health.

    [00:01 - 08:35] The Diabetes Medication Dilemma

    Diabetes drugs may reduce blood sugar but can also increase insulin resistance.

    Diabetic medications treat symptoms rather than addressing the root causes.

    Managing diabetes effectively requires focusing on nutrition rather than relying solely on medication.

    Processed foods lack nutrients, contributing to diabetes progression and poor health.

    [08:36 - 17:54] The Importance of Proper Nutrition

    Breaks down the essential components of a nutritious diet: protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

    Challenges common misconceptions about dietary needs, particularly the unnecessary emphasis on carbohydrates.

    Highlights the risks of man-made foods and advocates for whole, unprocessed foods for optimal health.

    [17:55 - 23:28] Diet's Impact on Medication and Health

    Poor diets increase medication dependence and side effects.

    Some diabetes drugs may worsen insulin resistance.

    Statins lack proof of heart disease prevention and pose risks.

    Nutritional changes have significantly driven up diabetes globally.

    [23:29 - 33:37] Diabetic Medication Adverse Effects

    Sulfonylureas: 33 adverse effects including heart issues and low blood sugar.

    Thiazolidinediones: 24 adverse effects, risk of bladder cancer, heart failure; black box for heart failure.

    Biguanides (Metformin): 28 adverse effects, mainly GI issues, B12 deficiency; black box for lactic acidosis.

    GLP-1 Agonists: 50 adverse effects, risks include kidney injury, thyroid tumors; investigating links to suicidal thoughts.

    DPP-4 Inhibitors: 25 adverse effects, including severe joint pain and heart failure.

    SGLT2 Inhibitors: 31 adverse effects, risks of kidney injury, bone fractures, amputations.

    [33:38 - 36:59] Closing Segment

    Every meal choice directly influences health and potential medication dependence.

    Understanding the connection between diet and health allows for conscious, healthier eating decisions.

    Prioritizing convenience or emotional eating can lead to adverse health effects and increased medication.

    Making informed dietary choices is crucial for long-term health and avoiding the cycle of medication dependency.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Every single drug has adverse effects.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The more adverse effects you have, the more money they make, because more drugs that can put you on and the more adverse effects you have.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “All medications, they may fix one thing, but they have multiple adverse effects.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you're addicted to carbohydrates, if you're eating for that, you're going to eat the types of foods that's going to put you on these medications.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve dives into the intricate world of diabetic medication. With over 30 years of experience as a doctor of pharmacy, he expertly breaks down the mechanisms, histories, and main issues, including adverse effects, of six primary classes of diabetic drugs. This discussion sheds light on the fact that while these medications address symptoms, the real key to overcoming diabetes lies in dietary changes, not drugs.

    [00:01 - 08:58] Sulfonylureas And Thiazolidinediones

    Sulfonylureas: Stimulate insulin production; associated with weight gain and insulin resistance.

    First discovered in 1942, with advancements leading to a new generation in 1984.

    Thiazolidinediones: Boost insulin sensitivity but risk serious side effects..

    The increase in type 2 diabetes and new medication classes correlate with dietary shifts towards higher carbohydrate intake.

    [07:11 - 19:31] Biguanides And GLP-1 Agonists

    Metformin: Reduces glucose production; U.S. approved in 1994 due to lactic acidosis risks.

    GLP-1 Agonists: Popular for weight loss; may increase insulin resistance.

    Potential for insulin resistance and side effects like nausea and gastroparesis.

    [13:37 - 27:35] DPP-4 Inhibitors And SGLT2 Inhibitors

    DPP-4 Inhibitors: Regulate insulin by blocking the DPP-4 enzyme.

    May worsen insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.

    SGLT2 Inhibitors: Facilitate glucose excretion via urine without altering insulin levels.

    Provide cardiovascular and renal benefits but risk of ketoacidosis.

    [27:36 - 33:52] Closing Segment

    Stress on diet over medication for diabetes management.

    Recommends a diet rich in meat and fats for fullness and nutrients.

    Urges a shift towards nutrient-rich foods to potentially reverse diabetes.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “If you're taking Ozempic or anything like that just to make yourself feel full, stop the drug and eat meat and fat, and you'll do the same thing without all these problems.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you're on metformin, that's great, but you can get off; but you have to change your nutrition before you can do that.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Keeping your blood glucose levels low is the key to decreasing heart attacks and stroke. That's a lie.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve talks about what Type 2 diabetes really is, explaining why it's not just about sugar levels but mainly about our insulin levels and inflammation due to what we eat and our body's reaction to it. He discusses how changing what we eat is much more important and much more effective than medications, with all of their numerous adverse effects, in dealing with diabetes. Dr. Steve also sheds light on how ultra-processed foods cause health problems by both increasing insulin levels and increasing inflammation in our bodies and offers tips for eating better to improve your health.

    [00:01 - 07:11] Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high glucose levels, but this is a symptom rather than the cause.

    The root causes are insulin resistance and inflammation throughout the body.

    Key strategies include maintaining low blood glucose levels to prevent insulin resistance and avoiding environmental and dietary chemicals that contribute to inflammation.

    [07:12 - 18:22] Dietary Guidelines and Type 2 Diabetes

    The shift in dietary guidelines in 1977 promoted increased carbohydrate intake, leading to higher diabetes rates.

    There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate; our bodies can produce glucose through gluconeogenesis.

    The emphasis on plant-based carbohydrates and the reduction in animal-based foods contribute to increased insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes prevalence.

    [18:23 - 23:10] The Impact of Food Industry Practices

    Food companies profit from promoting processed foods over natural, God-made foods, contributing to the diabetes epidemic.

    Obesity and diabetes rates have soared from 5% to 40-50% since the change in dietary guidelines.

    Insulin resistance and inflammation, crucial factors in type 2 diabetes, are exacerbated by continuous high glucose intake and processed foods.

    [23:11 - 32:16] Closing Segment

    Eliminating man-made, ultra-processed foods and focusing on animal-based proteins and fats can reverse type 2 diabetes.

    Type 2 diabetes is portrayed as incurable to maintain the profitability of food and pharmaceutical industries.

    Opt for nutrient-rich, whole foods to prevent type 2 diabetes and boost health.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “High glucose is just a symptom of type two diabetes. That's not the cause. The cause of type two diabetes is insulin resistance and inflammation all throughout your body.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “You don't have to eat any carbs at all ever, and you'll be doing perfectly fine.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The only reason [Type 2 diabetes] is a long term chronic disease is because you keep eating the same food.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve dives into the critical topic of the A1C laboratory test, an essential tool for monitoring blood sugar levels and managing diabetes. He aims to give listeners the knowledge they need, explaining why the A1C test is crucial for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Steve shows how A1C levels and average blood sugar are connected and how diet affects these important health signs. He supports eating more animal proteins, highlighting how good nutrition can prevent and reverse diabetes and improve health.

    [00:01 - 03:32] Understanding A1C Tests

    A1C tests are crucial for managing blood glucose in obesity and type 2 diabetes.

    The US faces high obesity and type 2 diabetes rates compared to countries like China and Japan.

    Man-made foods with harmful ingredients fuel the health crisis.

    Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, manageable through diet.

    [03:33 - 10:41] Understanding Hemoglobin A1C

    A1C measures glucose attachment to hemoglobin over 3-4 months, reflecting recent blood glucose levels.

    Red blood cell lifecycle links to hemoglobin's oxygen transport and glucose attachment.

    Hemoglobin function in gas exchange is pH-dependent, affecting oxygen and carbon dioxide transport.

    Differentiates adult (A) from fetal (F) hemoglobin, focusing on adult hemoglobin's glucose attachment.

    [10:42 - 17:09] Understanding A1C and Glucose Levels

    A1C measures glucose bonded to hemoglobin, indicating 3-4 month blood sugar averages.

    Various factors, including iron levels and certain health conditions, impact A1C accuracy.

    EAG calculators translate A1C levels to average glucose, aiding in blood sugar monitoring.

    Revised A1C standards post-2009 reflect controversial shifts in diabetes diagnosis criteria.

    [17:10 - 22:07] Closing Segment

    A1C, or hemoglobin A1C, measures glucose attached to hemoglobin, indicating average blood sugar levels.

    A1C below 8 is manageable without diabetic medication; focus on reducing carbohydrate intake.

    Reject the myth that type 2 diabetes is irreversible; proper nutrition can improve insulin resistance and health overall.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “The more carbohydrates you eat, the more glucose you're putting in your body, the higher insulin levels go and the more insulin resistance you get.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Type 2 diabetes is not a problem of high blood glucose. That is a symptom of the underlying problem. The actual problem is insulin resistance.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “An A1c that's less than eight, you're still fine. You do not need to be on diabetic medications if you will change your nutrition.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Anything that affects your red blood cells will also affect your A1C.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve explores the term "pre-diabetes," tracing its origins, diagnostic changes, and the influence of dietary shifts and pharmaceutical interests. He emphasizes the critical role of nutrition in managing blood sugar levels and questions the expanding definition of pre-diabetes in public health.

    [00:01 - 08:12] Historical Insights on Diabetes and Nutritional Guidelines

    Introduction to the concept of pre-diabetes encountered at health conferences.

    High blood sugar indicates insulin resistance, advocating for addressing underlying causes.

    Introduction of "pre-diabetes" term in 2001 by ADA, and its implications.

    The term "pre-diabetes" was introduced in 2001, leading to confusion and controversy.

    [08:13 - 15:34] The A1C Criteria and its Implications

    How the A1C test measures blood sugar and its role in identifying diabetes.

    Revision of the A1C criteria over time, from 9% to 6%, and then to 5.7% by the ADA.

    The creation of 72 million more potential diabetic patients in the US by lowering the A1C threshold.

    The influence of drug companies and financial incentives on the expanded definition of pre-diabetes.

    [15:35 - 21:22] Reassessing Pre-diabetes Treatment and Its Consequences

    2018 research shows many pre-diabetics return to normal A1C levels without intervention.

    Surge in diabetes drugs post-1980s, despite lack of new medications in preceding decades.

    Over 100 new treatments targeting pre-diabetes, despite lack of evidence to prevent diabetes.

    Medication for pre-diabetes is often prescribed off-label, raising concerns about efficacy and safety.

    Financial incentives drive lower A1C thresholds, increasing potential patient numbers.

    [21:23 - 29:20] Closing Segment

    The critical role of nutrition in reversing type 2 diabetes and the limitations of diabetic medications.

    The expansion of the pre-diabetes definition and its financial benefits for various stakeholders.

    Criticizes the broad definition of pre-diabetes, leading to unnecessary medication for many.

    Emphasizes nutrition as an effective strategy for diabetes prevention and management.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “The main reason for this is because of financial conflicts. That's why they came up with the term prediabetes. That's why they keep dropping the A1C lower and lower because they get more and more people.“ - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The reason why you're gonna go from pre-diabetes to diabetes is because you never change your nutrition habits.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “All medications have adverse effects. They're gonna fix one thing and they're gonna mess a lot of things up.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The only way to treat truly treat type two diabetes is to change your nutrition.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve explores the truth about statins through the book "How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time" by James and Hannah Yosef. He challenges the effectiveness and safety of statins, reveals their side effects, and questions the pharmaceutical industry's claims. This insightful discussion urges listeners to seek informed healthcare advice and consider the role of diet in maintaining health.

    [00:01 - 08:58] Opening Insights about Learning Statins

    Dr. Steve shares a personal goal of daily reading, leading to the discovery of a significant book on statins.

    Introduction of the book "How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time" by James and Hannah Yosef.

    Emphasis on the podcast being for educational purposes, not medical advice.

    [08:59 - 15:48] The Reality of Statins Explained

    Discussion on what statins are and their widespread promotion by pharmaceutical companies.

    Critical examination of statins' mechanism of action and their actual effects on the body.

    Insight into the misconception about cholesterol and LDL levels related to heart disease.

    [15:49 - 25:23] Unveiling the Truth Behind Statin Effects

    Statins' role in blocking vital cell functions, leading to potential cell death.

    Highlights the low reporting rate of statin side effects.

    Lists various health issues linked to statin use.

    [25:24 - 30:33] Closing Segment

    Discusses pharmaceutical companies' misleading practices.

    Urges conversations with doctors about statins.

    Advocates for nutrition over medication for health.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Lowering LDLs the way these do is the worst thing you can do for your body, and it actually does kill you one cell at a time.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “With statins, these are not adverse effects. These are direct effects. This is exactly how statins work.

    They work to starve and kill your cells.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Yes, statins do lower your blood cholesterol, but no, there's no reason to do that.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “This is exactly how statins work. They work to starve and kill your cells.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve continues to unravel the intricacies of our carbohydrate addiction. He provides practical tips for overcoming addictive eating patterns, emphasizing the importance of understanding nutritional misinformation and fostering a supportive environment.

    [00:01 - 08:51] Understanding Food Addiction Design

    Recap of the part 1 episode on the origin of food addiction.

    Discussion on the 5 A's of the addiction model: age, advertising, availability, affordability, and addictive substances.

    Impact of food addiction on health and the economy. Importance of breaking free from addictive food patterns for personal health and well-being.

    [08:52 - 16:39] Optimizing Health Through Nutrient-Dense Eating

    Embrace a meat-based diet rich in essential nutrients like fat and protein.

    Challenge deceptive marketing tactics employed by food and drug industries.

    Educate yourself on the truth behind fat, cholesterol, and cardiovascular health.

    Empower your health journey by prioritizing nutrient-dense, God-made foods over processed alternatives. .

    [16:40 - 32:38] Revamping Your Nutrition Plan

    Identify problematic foods causing adverse reactions.

    Eliminate processed foods with gluten, added sugars, and artificial additives.

    Prioritize nutrient-dense options like real meats and healthy fats.

    Seek support from community groups to overcome carbohydrate addiction and improve health.

    [32:39 - 34:26] Closing Segment

    Assistance is available to break free from unhealthy food cycles.

    Developing programs to guide towards healthier lifestyle choices.

    Utilize resources like books, podcasts, and documentaries for education.

    Remain vigilant against biased sources influenced by food and drug companies.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate. You can also check us out on Youtube. Tweetable Quotes:

    “Fat and cholesterol is vital to life.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “They said this is your fault if you're obese. You need just to eat less food and exercise more. It's a lie.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Do not believe that high cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease. It is a lie.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you eat all this toxic sludge that is man-made, there are no nutrients in it, so your body still will remain hungry, and you'll be hungry all through the day. Again, that's by design.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve sheds light on how our carbohydrate addiction is not our fault but rather a result of intentional design. He explores the manipulation tactics used by food and drug companies and offers insights into breaking free from this cycle.

    [00:01 - 07:15] Understanding the Influence of Processed Foods

    Recognition of widespread carbohydrate addiction as a result of intentional industry manipulation.

    Historical insights into tobacco companies' shift to promoting food addiction.

    Analysis of marketing strategies, like the "5 A's" model, used to perpetuate addiction.

    Clarification that addiction is not a personal failing but a consequence of deliberate marketing tactics.

    [07:16 - 17:33] Impact of Advertising on Carbohydrate Addiction

    Surge in advertising targeting children, promoting sugary, fatty foods.

    Correlation between advertising and rising obesity rates.

    Ultra-processed foods are made widely available via vending machines, checkout stands, and gas stations.

    The affordability of nutrient-poor foods reinforces addiction to cheap ingredients.

    [17:34 - 26:53] Brain Manipulation by the Food Industry

    Brain Structure: Prefrontal cortex for reasoning vs. Limbic system for pleasure.

    Addiction Cycle: Limbic system overrides logical thinking, fostering cravings.

    Deceptive Marketing: Ads promote addictive foods, mocking moderation.

    Peer Influence: Mirror neurons mimic behaviors, impacting lifestyle choices.

    [26:53 - 31:03] Closing Segment

    Acknowledging Carbohydrate Addiction and Its Causes

    Seeking Support and Avoiding Commercial Influence

    Embracing Natural, Unprocessed Foods

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “There is not a single medication that cures one thing without causing all kinds of damage throughout other parts of your body.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Once you start this addictive road, you can't think logically anymore. And again, this is all by design.”

    - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Please realize this is not your fault. This truly is by design, they make their food so you cannot stop eating it.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “That is by design. They want to get these kids as young as possible to be addicted to sugar, to be addicted to carbohydrates.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve interviews Jason Bekebrede about his transformative journey toward healthier eating habits. From dissecting food labels to avoiding processed foods, Jason shares insights on making nutritious choices and the positive impact on his health. The interview explores the impact of nutrition on overall well-being and inspires others to embrace a quality life through mindful eating.

    Jason Bekebrede, a 46-year-old business owner and Drury University graduate, is the proud owner of Monticello Custom Homes & Remodeling. Married to Leigh for 15 years, he is a devoted father to 10-year-old Campbell and 7-year-old Ethan. Jason's journey to health began when faced with the prospect of cholesterol medication alongside existing blood pressure prescriptions. Opting for a transformative approach, he embraced nutritional changes inspired by Dr. Steve's book, "Your Plate Is Your Fate." Nine months later, Jason's lab results reflected remarkable improvements, affirming his commitment to a cleaner, healthier, and medication-free lifestyle.

    [00:01 - 11:07] Revitalizing Health Through Nutrition: Jason's Journey

    Jason's initial health concerns and doctor's recommendations for medications.

    Detailed analysis of Jason's lab results, showcasing significant improvements in cholesterol levels and ratios.

    Reflections on dietary changes, including reduced carb intake and moderation in indulgences like juices and sweets.

    [11:08 - 32:31] Lifestyle Transformation

    Understanding food as essential nourishment rather than mere cravings.

    Acknowledging the design of food and drug industries to profit from sickness.

    Encouraging a shift from medication to nutrition for holistic well-being.

    Noticing carb-heavy choices in restaurants, emphasizing portion awareness.

    [32:31 - 43:38] Elevating Health Through Simple Changes

    Prioritizing protein-rich breakfasts and incorporating healthier twists into family meals.

    Suggesting tweaks to favorite meals, choosing healthier options, and promoting ingredient awareness.

    Exploring the impact of carbs and vegetable oils, sharing reduced pain experiences, and success stories in ditching gout meds.

    Increasing exercise, noting mood improvements, mental clarity, and an overall boost in productivity.

    [43:38 - 01:05:42] Closing Segment

    Successfully sharing nutritional insights with family, encouraging healthier choices.

    Exposing the influence of drug companies, highlighting the need for nutritional solutions over medication.

    Emphasizing the simplicity of adopting a nutrient-focused lifestyle for long-term well-being.

    Inspiring individuals to prioritize nutrition, dispelling myths surrounding common health issues.

    Sharing the success story of getting off blood pressure medication through nutrition.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “The book obviously helped a lot because it was, I mean, you laid it out pretty well in there. About what was good, what was bad, and all that.” - Jason Bekebrede

    “It's a great way to go just to try and push it to that next level if it's when you're working out and you want to get better results out of it, or just, you want to fend off the chances of that, all those medications coming your way.” - Jason Bekebrede

    “It's rare that I have any foot pain now. It's kind of blew my mind that it was tied to either, you know, both what I was eating and my weight at that time that I was just putting that much more pressure on my feet.” - Jason Bekebrede

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve delves into the importance of dietary fiber in nutrition. He breaks down misconceptions and debunks six key fiber myths. From its role in constipation to its impact on heart health and colon cancer, Dr. Steve provides valuable insights. Learn why focusing on real meat and essential nutrients may be a better approach to good nutrition. Discover the truth about fiber and its place in a healthy diet.

    [00:01 - 07:52] Understanding Dietary Fiber

    Dr. Steve clarifies the role of fiber in nutrition.

    Explanation of macronutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

    Highlighting the absence of essential carbohydrates for a healthy body.

    Understanding soluble and insoluble fiber and their effects on digestion.

    [07:53 - 21:12] Debunking Fiber Myths - Part 1

    Myth 1: Fiber cures constipation – The effect of fiber on constipation depends on your water intake.

    Myth 2: Fiber lowers blood cholesterol – Cholesterol is essential for hormones, vitamins, and cellular repair.

    Myth 3: Fiber prevents blood sugar spikes – Fiber doesn't eliminate the need to control carbohydrate intake.

    Myth 4: Fiber aids in satiety and weight loss – The role of fiber compared to a diet rich in meat and animal fat.

    [21:12 - 29:27] Debunking Fiber Myths - Part 2

    Myth 4: Fiber helps with satiety and weight loss - Eating real animal meat and fat keeps you feeling full without needing fiber.

    Fiber doesn't eliminate the need to control carbohydrate intake.

    Myth 5: Fiber helps with heart health - Animal fat provides essential short-chain fatty acids for heart health.

    Myth 6: Fiber protects you from colon cancer - Undigested fiber in the colon can lead to inflammation and weaken colon cells, potentially exacerbating colon cancer. Low to no-carbohydrate diets can reduce inflammation.

    [29:28 - 35:19] Closing Segment

    Carnivore diet provides essential nutrients and keeps you full.

    Eating seasonal, locally sourced fruits and veggies is recommended.

    Plant toxins, pesticides, and herbicides can harm your health.

    Avoid ultra-processed foods and support local farmers for better nutrition.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Atherosclerosis is caused by out-of-control inflammation and high insulin and high glucose levels. Cholesterol is not what causes atherosclerosis.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “So whether it, whether fiber causes constipation or whether it causes or it helps with constipation totally depends on how much water you have in your bowel.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “High fiber diet may help reduce your cholesterol, that doesn't mean it's a good thing.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve addresses the real causes of obesity, challenging common misconceptions promoted by drug and food companies. He explores the body's homeostasis mechanism and its impact on weight and explains how processed carbohydrates disrupt natural hunger regulation through hormones like leptin and ghrelin. Dr. Steve also highlights the true nature of type 2 diabetes as a symptom of insulin resistance, not solely high blood glucose. The episode emphasizes the importance of choosing natural foods over processed ones to combat obesity and maintain overall health.

    [00:01 - 06:03] Understanding Obesity: Differing Perspectives

    Contrast between drug/food company views and nutrition science.

    Importance of homeostasis in body functioning, including temperature, pH, and essential nutrient levels.

    Concept of body weight set point and its regulation through metabolism and hunger.

    [06:04 - 11:31] Role of Hormones in Appetite and Metabolism

    Influence of leptin from fat cells on satiety and ghrelin from the stomach on hunger.

    Impact of carbohydrates on constant hunger due to lack of nutrient density.

    Mechanisms of the body in regulating glucose, involving fat as a primary energy source.

    [11:32 - 16:54] Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

    The misconception of type 2 diabetes as solely high blood glucose; is actuality of insulin resistance.

    Overstimulation of pleasure centers in the brain leads to resistance (sugar and cocaine analogy).

    The relationship between excessive carbohydrate intake and insulin resistance.

    [16:55 - 29:55] Dietary Impact on Insulin and Glucose Regulation

    Effects of carbohydrate digestion and insulin production on the body's glucose management.

    Medications for type 2 diabetes often exacerbate insulin resistance.

    Importance of reducing carbohydrate intake for managing type 2 diabetes.

    [29:56 - 34:18] Closing Segment

    Development of fatty liver disease and other organ failures due to excessive carbohydrate intake.

    The gradual impact of carbohydrates turning into fat and causing organ damage over the years.

    Emphasis on choosing natural, nutrient-rich foods and avoiding processed carbohydrates for health.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on YouTube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “The reason you're on a maintenance medication is because you do not eat the proper amount of food.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Your body weight set point is a place that your body has found is comfortable for you. It's not necessarily the healthiest, but it knows what your activity level is and it knows what types of food you tend to put in your mouth.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “If you want to lose weight, it's not about exercising. It's about what you eat.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “You don't just decrease calories and exercise more. You have to change the nutrition you put in your mouth.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “The reason you have a high blood glucose is because you have insulin resistance. That is what type 2 diabetes is.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve interviews Linda Gill about reversing her pre-diabetes and high cholesterol through diet changes. Inspired by the book "Your Plate is Your Fate," Linda cut out unhealthy foods, focusing on proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. Her story highlights the power of nutrition in improving health, challenging conventional medication-based approaches.

    Linda Gill is 76 years old. She retired at age 68. She has always worked in health care from nursing homes to a podiatry office to taking care of special needs adults. She still works as a volunteer at a hospital once a week and is the proud mother of 2 wonderful children.

    [00:01 - 19:59] Linda Gill's Transformation Journey

    At 76 years old, Linda faced health challenges like pre-diabetes and high cholesterol, weighing 154 pounds.

    Inspired by "Your Plate is Your Fate," she cut out sugars and processed foods, leading to healthier eating habits.

    Linda's diet overhaul resulted in a 30-pound weight loss and significant improvements in her cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

    Her journey highlights the importance of diet awareness and discipline, proving health can be transformed at any age

    [20:00 - 34:09] Linda's Path to Wellness

    Stresses the value of regular movement, not just intense exercise.

    Adjusted diet to include salads, veggies, and moderate meat.

    Emphasizes protein and healthy fats importance.

    Focuses on balanced food choices and moderation for sustained health

    [34:10 - 45:45] Linda's Advice for Healthy Aging

    Linda emphasizes that age shouldn't be a barrier to starting healthy habits.

    Her decision to eat healthier was influenced by alarming lab results and insights gained from book "Your Plate is Your Fate."

    Her healthcare career highlighted the downsides of over-medication.

    The importance of staying informed about health and nutrition, including local food sourcing

    [45:46 - 59:25] Closing Segment

    Challenges the idea that healthy eating is expensive, comparing it to the higher costs of processed foods.

    Highlights buying bulk meat as a cost-effective alternative to grocery store prices.

    Advises choosing full-fat dairy products over processed low-fat options.

    Addresses the food industry's role in sugar addiction and advocates mindful eating.

    Linda shares her success in health improvement through a strong mindset and dietary changes.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “I read your book and made a lot of sense when you said, you know, if god didn't make it don't eat it And I started reading the labels and It was hard at first, but I just cut a lot of that out and I was surprised that I could do it.” - Linda Gill

    “My cholesterol was, you know, on the high side and they wanted to put me on a statin and I just kind of went, you know, I don't want any of this stuff.” - Linda Gill

    “You can eat healthy if you just watch what you do.” - Linda Gill

  • In this episode, Dr. Steve focuses on the importance of recognizing and acting on life's warning signs, from health to diet. He compares the consequences of ignoring minor issues to serious health risks and discusses the dangers of sugar and processed food addiction. Dr. Steve offers guidance on healthier dietary choices and underscores the importance of early warning signs for better well-being.

    [00:01 - 06:51] Recognizing Change and Warning Signs

    Personal growth is ongoing; you're either improving or declining daily.

    Ignoring small issues, like car brake noises, can lead to significant problems.

    Minor health symptoms, if overlooked, can escalate into severe conditions.

    Pain and fever are crucial warnings from the body, not to be ignored.

    [06:52 - 15:21] The Dangers of Addiction and Poor Dietary Choices

    Cocaine addiction parallels sugar addiction in its impact on the brain.

    Consuming ultra-processed foods can lead to addiction and health issues.

    Obesity and the need for medication can stem from poor dietary habits.

    Early signs of addiction include an increased craving and dependency.

    [15:22 - 24:59] Strategies to Overcome Unhealthy Eating

    Choose God-made real foods over man-made ultra-processed ones for better health.

    Recognize and address carbohydrate addiction and its withdrawal effects.

    Shift your mindset to view unhealthy food as detrimental.

    Acknowledge the benefits of healthy eating for long-term well-being.

    [25:00 - 32:01] Closing Segment

    Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners to reduce addiction risk.

    Replace unhealthy snacks with nutritious, whole-food options.

    Focus on real, whole foods and eliminate processed items from your diet.

    Choose locally sourced meats and produce for health and cost savings.

    Please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, share, and subscribe if you enjoyed my show.

    You can also follow me on Facebook. Instagram, and Tiktok. If you'd like even more information on this topic, you can go to Amazon or Audible and pick up my book, Your Plate Is Your Fate.

    You can also check us out on Youtube.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    “Pain is a good warning sign telling you that there's something wrong. There's something wrong in your body. There's something that's not right.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “Sugar and fructose affect your pleasure center in the same way that cocaine does.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett

    “You can't change the circumstances that happened to you. All you can change is your thoughts.” - Dr. Steve Hughlett