The final video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers: - Maning of Salok (Shaloka) - Creation of life through Breath, Father and Mother - All our actions have consequences, some of which we may never be aware of. - Naam (awareness of Oneness) is the destroyer of duality.
The words in this verse are: pavan guroo paanee pitaa maataa Dharat mahat. divas raat du-ay daa-ee daa-i-aa khaylai sagal jagat. chang-aa-ee-aa buri-aa-ee-aa vaachai Dharam hadoor. karmee aapo aapnee kay nayrhai kay door. jinee naam Dhi-aa-i-aa ga-ay maskat ghaal. naanak tay mukh ujlay kaytee chhutee naal. ||1||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfWqGbTrBFpedydGl8Tf5OwwU7sMWz2K
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
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The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers: - What is Amrit - Love in spirituality - Mould yourself with Shabadh The words in this verse are: jat paahaaraa Dheeraj suni-aar. ahran mat vayd hathee-aar. bha-o khalaa agan tap taa-o. bhaaNdaa bhaa-o amrit tit dhaal. gharhee-ai sabad sachee taksaal. jin ka-o nadar karam tin kaar. naanak nadree nadar nihaal. ||38||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfWqGbTrBFpedydGl8Tf5OwwU7sMWz2K
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Saknas det avsnitt?
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers: - Self-control of the senses - 5 Senses (Giaan Indriya) = Sight, Hearing, Smell,Touch, Taste ) - 5 Karam Indriya (organs that allow us to perform actions) - 2 legs, 2 Arm, 1 Tongue (i.e. speech) - 5 Vikaar (vices) = Kaam - Lust, Krodh - Anger, Lobh - Greed, Moh - Attachment, Ahukar - Self importance / Pride - Patience & perseverance on the spiritual path - Fear and Discipline
The words in this verse are: jat paahaaraa Dheeraj suni-aar. ahran mat vayd hathee-aar. bha-o khalaa agan tap taa-o. bhaaNdaa bhaa-o amrit tit dhaal. gharhee-ai sabad sachee taksaal. jin ka-o nadar karam tin kaar. naanak nadree nadar nihaal. ||38||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfWqGbTrBFpedydGl8Tf5OwwU7sMWz2K
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers: - The abode of permanence - Heaven - Completion of spiritual union and enlightenment - Sach Khand is the formless Oneness expressing it's own creative nature.
The words in this verse are: karam khand kee banee jor. tithai hor na ko-ee hor. tithai joDh mahaabal soor. tin meh raam rahi-aa bharpoor. tithai seeto seetaa mahimaa maahi. taa kay roop na kathnay jaahi. naa ohi mareh na thaagay jaahi. jin kai raam vasai man maahi. tithai bhagat vaseh kay lo-a. karahi anand sachaa man so-ay. sach khand vasai nirankaar. kar kar vaykhai nadar nihaal. tithai khand mandal varbhand. jay ko kathai ta ant na ant. tithai lo-a lo-a aakaar. jiv jiv hukam tivai tiv kaar. vaykhai vigsai kar veechaar. naanak kathnaa karrhaa saar. ||37||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfWqGbTrBFpedydGl8Tf5OwwU7sMWz2K
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- The final step of realisation
- Grace and power
- Complete mergence with the divine
- Transcending death
The words in this verse are:
karam khand kee banee jor.
tithai hor na ko-ee hor.
tithai joDh mahaabal soor.
tin meh raam rahi-aa bharpoor.
tithai seeto seetaa mahimaa maahi.
taa kay roop na kathnay jaahi.
naa ohi mareh na thaagay jaahi.
jin kai raam vasai man maahi.
tithai bhagat vaseh kay lo-a.
karahi anand sachaa man so-ay.
sach khand vasai nirankaar.
kar kar vaykhai nadar nihaal.
tithai khand mandal varbhand.
jay ko kathai ta ant na ant.
tithai lo-a lo-a aakaar.
jiv jiv hukam tivai tiv kaar.
vaykhai vigsai kar veechaar.
naanak kathnaa karrhaa saar. ||37||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Saram Khand
- Importance of effort and endeavour
- Transformation of thoughts and identity through devotion and meditation
The words in this verse are:
gi-aan khand meh gi-aan parchand.
tithai naad binod kod anand.
saram khand kee banee roop.
tithai ghaarhat gharhee-ai bahut anoop.
taa kee-aa galaa kathee-aa naa jaahi.
jay ko kahai pichhai pachhutaa-ay.
tithai gharhee-ai surat mat man buDh.
tithai gharhee-ai suraa siDhaa kee suDh. ||36||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Giaan Khand
- State of Awakening
- Expression of euphoria and wonderment
- Story of Dhru Bhagat
The words in this verse are:
Dharam khand kaa ayho Dharam.
gi-aan khand kaa aakhhu karam.
kaytay pavan paanee vaisantar kaytay kaan mahays.
kaytay barmay ghaarhat gharhee-ahi roop rang kay vays.
kaytee-aa karam bhoomee mayr kaytay kaytay Dhoo updays.
kaytay ind chand soor kaytay kaytay mandal days.
kaytay siDh buDh naath kaytay kaytay dayvee vays.
kaytay dayv daanav mun kaytay kaytay ratan samund.
kaytee-aa khaanee kaytee-aa banee kaytay paat narind.
kaytee-aa surtee sayvak kaytay naanak ant na ant. ||35||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- 5 Khands of spiritual development
- Dharam Khand
- Purpose of mankind on Earth
The words in this verse are:
raatee rutee thitee vaar.
pavan paanee agnee paataal.
tis vich Dhartee thaap rakhee Dharam saal.
tis vich jee-a jugat kay rang.
tin kay naam anayk anant.
karmee karmee ho-ay veechaar.
sachaa aap sachaa darbaar.
tithai sohan panch parvaan.
nadree karam pavai neesaan.
kach pakaa-ee othai paa-ay.
naanak ga-i-aa jaapai jaa-ay. ||34||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Perception of control
- Free will and choice
- Determinism, fate, destiny
The words in this verse are:
aakhan jor chupai nah jor.
jor na mangan dayn na jor.
jor na jeevan maran nah jor.
jor na raaj maal man sor.
jor na surtee gi-aan veechaar.
jor na jugtee chhutai sansaar.
jis hath jor kar vaykhai so-ay.
naanak utam neech na ko-ay. ||33||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- How much time does it take to repeat Naam?
- God is like a Husband
- Yoga Vasistha's 7 steps of enlightenment
The words in this verse are:
ik doo jeebhou lakh hohi lakh hoveh lakh vees.
lakh lakh gayrhaa aakhee-ahi ayk naam jagdees.
ayt raahi pat pavrhee-aa charhee-ai ho-ay ikees.
sun galaa aakaas kee keetaa aa-ee rees.
naanak nadree paa-ee-ai koorhee koorhai thees. ||32||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Breaking the shell of ego
- How to exist without self-identity
- Euphoria through Naam
The words in this verse are:
aasan lo-ay lo-ay bhandaar.
jo kichh paa-i-aa so aykaa vaar.
kar kar vaykhai sirjanhaar.
naanak sachay kee saachee kaar.
aadays tisai aadays.
aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays. ||31||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
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Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- What is Maya?
- Trigun (Rajogun, Tamogun, Satogun)
- Trinity in creation
The words in this verse are:
aykaa maa-ee jugat vi-aa-ee tin chaylay parvaan.
ik sansaaree ik bhandaaree ik laa-ay deebaan.
jiv tis bhaavai tivai chalaavai jiv hovai furmaan.
oh vaykhai onaa nadar na aavai bahutaa ayhu vidaan.
aadays tisai aadays.
aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays. ||30||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
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Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Wisdom is the path of the yogi
- Compassion
- Recognising the vibration of life in all
The words in this verse are:
bhugat gi-aan da-i-aa bhandaaran ghat ghat vaajeh naad.
aap naath naathee sabh jaa kee riDh siDh avraa saad.
sanjog vijog du-ay kaar chalaaveh laykhay aavahi bhaag.
aadays tisai aadays.
aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays. ||29||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- How to progress from knowledge to experience?
- Internal practice vs external practice
- Virtues of the spiritual seeker
- Conquering the mind to conquer the world
The words in this verse are:
munda santokh saram pat jholee Dhi-aan kee karahi bibhoot.
khinthaa kaal ku-aaree kaa-i-aa jugat dandaa parteet.
aa-ee panthee sagal jamaatee man jeetai jag jeet.
aadays tisai aadays.
aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays. ||28||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Siddhis - Eighteen spiritual powers of the Siddhas
- Mythical and heavenly being sing divine praises
The words in this verse are:
so dar kayhaa so ghar kayhaa jit bahi sarab samaalay.
vaajay naad anayk asankhaa kaytay vaavanhaaray.
kaytay raag paree si-o kahee-an kaytay gaavanhaaray.
gaavahi tuhno pa-un paanee baisantar gaavai raajaa Dharam du-aaray.
gaavahi chit gupat likh jaaneh likh likh Dharam veechaaray.
gaavahi eesar barmaa dayvee sohan sadaa savaaray.
gaavahi ind idaasan baithay dayviti-aa dar naalay.
gaavahi siDh samaaDhee andar gaavan saaDh vichaaray.
gaavan jatee satee santokhee gaavahi veer karaaray.
gaavan pandit parhan rakheesar jug jug vaydaa naalay.
gaavahi mohnee-aa man mohan surgaa machh pa-i-aalay.
gaavan ratan upaa-ay tayray athsath tirath naalay.
gaavahi joDh mahaabal sooraa gaavahi khaanee chaaray.
gaavahi khand mandal varbhandaa kar kar rakhay Dhaaray.
say-ee tuDhuno gaavahi jo tuDh bhaavan ratay tayray bhagat rasaalay.
hor kaytay gaavan say mai chit na aavan naanak ki-aa veechaaray.
so-ee so-ee sadaa sach saahib saachaa saachee naa-ee.
hai bhee hosee jaa-ay na jaasee rachnaa jin rachaa-ee.
rangee rangee bhaatee kar kar jinsee maa-i-aa jin upaa-ee.
kar kar vaykhai keetaa aapnaa jiv tis dee vadi-aa-ee.
jo tis bhaavai so-ee karsee hukam na karnaa jaa-ee.
so paatisaahu saahaa paatisaahib naanak rahan rajaa-ee. ||27||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
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Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- What is the door and house of God?
- See all of creation as a musical show
- All of nature sings to God
- Creation is the song of life
The words in this verse are:
so dar kayhaa so ghar kayhaa jit bahi sarab samaalay.
vaajay naad anayk asankhaa kaytay vaavanhaaray.
kaytay raag paree si-o kahee-an kaytay gaavanhaaray.
gaavahi tuhno pa-un paanee baisantar gaavai raajaa Dharam du-aaray.
gaavahi chit gupat likh jaaneh likh likh Dharam veechaaray.
gaavahi eesar barmaa dayvee sohan sadaa savaaray.
gaavahi ind idaasan baithay dayviti-aa dar naalay.
gaavahi siDh samaaDhee andar gaavan saaDh vichaaray.
gaavan jatee satee santokhee gaavahi veer karaaray.
gaavan pandit parhan rakheesar jug jug vaydaa naalay.
gaavahi mohnee-aa man mohan surgaa machh pa-i-aalay.
gaavan ratan upaa-ay tayray athsath tirath naalay.
gaavahi joDh mahaabal sooraa gaavahi khaanee chaaray.
gaavahi khand mandal varbhandaa kar kar rakhay Dhaaray.
say-ee tuDhuno gaavahi jo tuDh bhaavan ratay tayray bhagat rasaalay.
hor kaytay gaavan say mai chit na aavan naanak ki-aa veechaaray.
so-ee so-ee sadaa sach saahib saachaa saachee naa-ee.
hai bhee hosee jaa-ay na jaasee rachnaa jin rachaa-ee.
rangee rangee bhaatee kar kar jinsee maa-i-aa jin upaa-ee.
kar kar vaykhai keetaa aapnaa jiv tis dee vadi-aa-ee.
jo tis bhaavai so-ee karsee hukam na karnaa jaa-ee.
so paatisaahu saahaa paatisaahib naanak rahan rajaa-ee. ||27||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
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Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Talking meditation - Describing God as a meditation
- Worshiping demi-gods
- There is no end to praise
The words in this verse are:
amul gun amul vaapaar.
amul vaapaaree-ay amul bhandaar.
amul aavahi amul lai jaahi.
amul bhaa-ay amulaa samaahi.
amul Dharam amul deebaan.
amul tul amul parvaan.
amul bakhsees amul neesaan.
amul karam amul furmaan.
amulo amul aakhi-aa na jaa-ay.
aakh aakh rahay liv laa-ay.
aakhahi vayd paath puraan.
aakhahi parhay karahi vakhi-aan.
aakhahi barmay aakhahi ind.
aakhahi gopee tai govind.
aakhahi eesar aakhahi siDh.
aakhahi kaytay keetay buDh.
aakhahi daanav aakhahi dayv.
aakhahi sur nar mun jan sayv.
kaytay aakhahi aakhan paahi.
kaytay kahi kahi uth uth jaahi.
aytay keetay hor karayhi.
taa aakh na sakahi kay-ee kay-ay.
jayvad bhaavai tayvad ho-ay.
naanak jaanai saachaa so-ay.
jay ko aakhai boluvigaarh.
taa likee-ai sir gaavaaraa gaavaar. ||26||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NanakNaam.Org
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Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- The joy of speaking about the divine
- Describing meditation
- The fools think they know God
The words in this verse are:
amul gun amul vaapaar.
amul vaapaaree-ay amul bhandaar.
amul aavahi amul lai jaahi.
amul bhaa-ay amulaa samaahi.
amul Dharam amul deebaan.
amul tul amul parvaan.
amul bakhsees amul neesaan.
amul karam amul furmaan.
amulo amul aakhi-aa na jaa-ay.
aakh aakh rahay liv laa-ay.
aakhahi vayd paath puraan.
aakhahi parhay karahi vakhi-aan.
aakhahi barmay aakhahi ind.
aakhahi gopee tai govind.
aakhahi eesar aakhahi siDh.
aakhahi kaytay keetay buDh.
aakhahi daanav aakhahi dayv.
aakhahi sur nar mun jan sayv.
kaytay aakhahi aakhan paahi.
kaytay kahi kahi uth uth jaahi.
aytay keetay hor karayhi.
taa aakh na sakahi kay-ee kay-ay.
jayvad bhaavai tayvad ho-ay.
naanak jaanai saachaa so-ay.
jay ko aakhai boluvigaarh.
taa likee-ai sir gaavaaraa gaavaar. ||26||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NanakNaam.Org
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nanaknaam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nanak_naam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanaknaam_
Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- 5 vices
- Kaam - Desires
- Krodh - Anger
- Lobh - Greed
- Moh - Attachment
- Ahunkar - Self importance / identification
- 5 virtues
- Sat - Charity
- Santokh - Contentment
- Daya - Compassion
- Dharma - Divine living
- Sach - Truthfulness
The words in this verse are:
amul gun amul vaapaar.
amul vaapaaree-ay amul bhandaar.
amul aavahi amul lai jaahi.
amul bhaa-ay amulaa samaahi.
amul Dharam amul deebaan.
amul tul amul parvaan.
amul bakhsees amul neesaan.
amul karam amul furmaan.
amulo amul aakhi-aa na jaa-ay.
aakh aakh rahay liv laa-ay.
aakhahi vayd paath puraan.
aakhahi parhay karahi vakhi-aan.
aakhahi barmay aakhahi ind.
aakhahi gopee tai govind.
aakhahi eesar aakhahi siDh.
aakhahi kaytay keetay buDh.
aakhahi daanav aakhahi dayv.
aakhahi sur nar mun jan sayv.
kaytay aakhahi aakhan paahi.
kaytay kahi kahi uth uth jaahi.
aytay keetay hor karayhi.
taa aakh na sakahi kay-ee kay-ay.
jayvad bhaavai tayvad ho-ay.
naanak jaanai saachaa so-ay.
jay ko aakhai boluvigaarh.
taa likee-ai sir gaavaaraa gaavaar. ||26||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NanakNaam.Org
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nanaknaam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nanak_naam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanaknaam_
Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org -
The next video in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK.
This talk covers:
- Suffering is a medicine
- Liberation from bondage
- Maya & Materialism
The words in this verse are:
bahutaa karam likhi-aa naa jaa-ay.
vadaa daataa til na tamaa-ay.
kaytay mangahi joDh apaar.
kayti-aa ganat nahee veechaar.
kaytay khap tutahi vaykaar.
kaytay lai lai mukar paahi.
kaytay moorakh khaahee khaahi.
kayti-aa dookh bhookh sad maar.
ayhi bhe daat tayree daataar.
band khalaasee bhaanai ho-ay.
hor aakh na sakai ko-ay.
jay ko khaa-ik aakhan paa-ay.
oh jaanai jaytee-aa muhi khaa-ay.
aapay jaanai aapay day-ay.
aakhahi se bhe kay-ee kay-ay.
jis no bakhsay sifat saalaah.
naanak paatisaahee paatisaahu. ||25||
Watch all the videos of Japji Sahib English Translation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nanak Naam is a charity setup to help improve people's lives through the wisdom of Gurbani and Sikh Meditation.
Find out more and donate online: http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate
Stay in touch for more Sikh Meditation techniques and guidance:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NanakNaam.Org
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nanaknaam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nanak_naam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nanaknaam_
Ask a question: http://ask.fm/nanaknaam
Website: http://www.nanaknaam.org
Email: Contact@nanaknaam.org - Visa fler