Get ready for something AMAZING!
This month of SigTalks, Dr. James Sigafoose goes over how to have a high volume practice, from Day 1 all the way to converting them into a maintenance patient.
Don't let this episode skip on by, take it and listen to it again and again until that Innate expression of thought is turned into energy and finally the practice that you have always wanted.
Love You All,
Dr. Carey
Hello and welcome to another episode of SigTalks.
Sorry I’ve been away for so long, but I took advantage of the summer. Now that it’s coming up on my seventh year of doing this, I started off with a excellent episode that focuses on what it is that we think and how what we think can either help us succeed or destroy us.
I would highly suggest that you get a pen or a pencil and a piece of paper and sit down and listen to this episode several times.
As always we would love your support so please visit us at: www.sigafoose.com for all of the other products that we offer, in which my father created during his lifetime.
Peace and love,
Dr. Carey
Saknas det avsnitt?
You are not only what you think, you are also whom ever you surround yourself with.
I can not say enough about the second part of the above statement. How many times I have found myself in a swamp of negative people, only to see myself becoming one as well.
Screw draining DC's swamp, drain your own.
Love To You All,
Dr. Carey
Welcome to this months SigTalks!
I am just going to say listen to the END!
FEAR! What is your fear? What is keeping you back from succeeding in your practice, your life, hell, in everything.
Go get a pad of paper and a pencil and get ready to break through all of the shit that is keeping you exactly where you do not want to be.
Dr. Carey
This months episode is all about time. Time in your practice, time with your family, and time that you waist or that is stolen from you.
Have a pad and pencil with you for this episode, because there is a lot of information at the end that you will want to right down.
So sit down, take a break and get ready to organize your TIME.
Dr. Carey
Welcome to another SigTalks episode, this one comes with a bit of drama, but the end story is all about BALANCE!
Being a successful Chiropractor does not just mean having a successful practice, it also means having a successful family life and a healthy lifestyle in general.
I can not tell you how many times I wished my father loved our family as much as he loved his practice and his patients.
So sit down and find an hour to listen to this episode, maybe you will also find a way to realize that being awesome in practice does not mean that you can't also be an awesome husband or wife or brother or sister too.
All My Love,
Dr. Carey
Welcome to a SPECIAL month of SigTalks. This month you will hear an entire episode of Sigafoose Weekly. This is what you will get each week if you join Sigafoose Weekly, well this and SO MUCH MORE!!
If you are interested in becoming a MEMBER, then here are the details.
Send me an email to ChiroSig@Yahoo.com and tell me what school you go to or where you practice. Students pay 250 dollars or 250 euro, depending on where you are from. Doctors pay 750 dollars or euros. If you are ready to get started, just send the 250 or 750 to ChiroSig@Yahoo.com via PayPal.com and I will send you your lifetime link to sign up. Each link is a one time link, so don't lose it. Don't worry if you do, I can send you a replacement link for Free the first time, but it will be 25 dollars or Euro if you lose it a second time. That is it. We all look forward to seeing you in the membership room on Facebook, which is another part of your membership and it is filled to the brim with chiros from around the world and 100's of doc's that have turned their practices into thriving Philosophy based practices.Thank you for supporting us and CHIROPRACTIC.
Dr. Carey
Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year. This month on SigTalks, my father gets us ready to look at ourselves for the coming year.
Make sure you have your paper and pencil ready, because I only talk about one small aspect of this talk.
I hope everyone enjoys this episode as much as me and I look forward to reconnecting with any and all of you as much as possible in the coming year.
Let’s look forward to 2021 and take pride in what we did do in 2020.
Dr. Carey
I would say if you are having a hard time in practice or in life at the moment, then you should listen to this episode, just a note, I do get into a bit of a political rant, but you will get over it, like always.
Get a pen and paper, because there is homework this time. hehe
WOW! To much to even talk about. I am just going to go with what dad said at the end. I am just going to do what I want. That is what I got from this episode .
Now your turn. What did you get?
What is this???? So this month is a grab back of everything. But what I picked up on was, "Who Are You!!," yup that is it. So have a listen and sit back and ask yourself who you are and are you who you want to be.
See you all next month!!!
Dr. Carey
What an honor and a pleasure it was to speak not only to my sister, but the Vice President of the ICA. We talked about where she gets her strength and what is going on with the ICA vote.
Calm the FREAK down! She is my sister and we are talking about how she is and how she sees what is going on with this ICA vote and how no matter what she continue to Give, Love, Do and SERVE!!! AND Nothing is going to keep her down!
Hope you get something awesome from this episode, Dad is all over the place on this show, but in the end he brings it all together in true Sigafoose style. So shoot us a note and let us know what you got from this episode.
Lots of Love,
Dr. Carey
Welcome to June! This month on SigTalks, it is all about intention. Where the heart goes, the mind follows. I would say this episode is more metaphysical. It really is amazing and if you stay to the end you will see how you can get all of my dads patient education material and a few bonuses for a STEAL! Love you all and see you next month.
Conversations on the Audio, Video and Written works of Dr. James M. Sigafoose and how his ideology and passion for THE philosophy of chiropractic is explained in his works.
This week his talk is mostly philosophical with a bit of religion. Mostly it is about one thing. Telling the story of chiropractic and Innate and Universal Intelligence. Basically, if you want a high volume practice, you have to let people know who and what we are and that we are not medicine or PT or anything else.
Just tell the damn story in your own words and people will come and many more will stay your patients as long as you are honest and tell them who and what we are as chiropractors.
Lots Of Love,
Dr. Carey
Fear, we either choose to live in it or we choose to live in LOVE. I choose LOVE. Enjoy this episode and I will see you again next month.
Oh! Don't forget to check out our special this month below.
Hello My Chiropractic Family!
As I sit here going on week four of quarantine in the Netherlands, I was thinking of how I am spending my time.
I wake up and meditate; I still go into my practice, even though we are not allowed to see patients. I walk my dog, A LOT! But the most important thing that I do is listen to my fathers tapes, watch my fathers videos and read my fathers books, all to get me ready to come back into the practice and PRACTICE with purpose, with passion and most of all with PHILOSOPHY. Not just any philosophy, but pure chiropractic philosophy that my father, Dr. James Sigafoose, taught his entire life.
I also sit and wonder what my father would do so that all of you could return, to your practices, with the same drive and determination that I am. Then it hit me!
My father, in his heyday, practiced in this manner. Basically, patients would come in get adjusted and then put whatever they could afford in a box that was attached to the wall. NO ONE WAS REFUSED FOR HIS OR HER INABILITY TO PAY.
So while this COVID-19 crisis is on going, we here at the Sigafoose clan are going to bring BOX ON THE WALL back for all of Dr. Sigafoose’s products.
Here is how it will work:
Go to www.Sigafoose.com and check out our store. Find whatever product it is you want. Go to www.PayPal.com and send whatever it is you can afford to pay, to ChiroSig@yahoo.com in USA; and in Europe, send it to ChiroSig@gmail.com. Make sure it is sent as family or friend, that way they do not put a hold on the funds and there is no charge. Please note in the message box what product it is that you want along with your email and I will send it out to you via DropBox ASAP. One product per donation, but you can pick a new product and donate as many times as you want. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD ANYTHING, SEND ME AN EMAIL TO EITHER OF THE EMAILS ABOVE AND YOU WILL STILL GET WHATEVER PRODUCT YOU WANT. NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY FOR HIS OR HER INABILITY TO PAY. This box on the wall deal is for any of the products you can see on the website. We are also making the Sigafoose Weekly Program available (weekly consultation calls drip fed to you) but because it is a much bigger product we ask a minimum donation of $1000.00 for the calls. For the other products you can donate whatever you can!Well that is it, I hope EVERYONE takes us up on this offer and lets all return to our practices with a NEW found passion for what it is that we do.
Dr. Carey & Patrick Pabouet-Sigafoose
Weekly conversations on the Audio, Video and Written works of Dr. James M. Sigafoose and how his ideology and passion for THE philosophy of chiropractic is explained in his works.
This week is all about creating a vision of what it is you want out of Life, Practice and well EVERYTHING. If you don't get anything from this episode, get this one thing! It does not mean squat, if your vision is not followed by action and imagination.
Think about Donating to SigTalks via PayPal @ ChiroSig@yahoo.com or ChiroSig@gmail.com. Without support from you, we would not be able to keep this going on. Thanks in advance.
Very motivational and exactly what you need, if you are stuck in your practice, and need to shake things up.
I know I am using a new numbering system instead of titles, but if I had to name this one, it would be called, "the yellow jeep."
Don't let anyone steal your Abundance, because you will find in life, that your success makes other people feel bad about themselves and they will consciously or subconsciously try to sabotage you. This is just one of the topic that I got from this weeks episode. If you want to hear all the other nuggets of gold, well, you are just gonna have to listen.
See you on the inside.
- Visa fler