
  • Weird fact: 30% of IKEA customers go there for the Food Court alone. That’s nearly one in three, driving to this big yellow and blue warehouse, not for some flat packed desk or Billy Bookcase. For a plate of small Swedish meatballs!

    Which begs the question: what the F is in those meatballs?? And why do they draw a crowd to a furniture brand? 

    If you’ve been to an IKEA - probably dragged there by some parent or other half - you’ve likely wondered, “how are these hot dogs so cheap?” 

    You might have also questioned if you can get those sweet little balls delivered right to your door for a cheap, dine-in meal by the telly with the spouse on a Friday night.  

    Well let me tell you two things: 

    If you’ve wondered that specifically, your marriage needs help.If you want the answer to those last 2 questions and more, listen to this episode.


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  • Look, the title doesn’t even matter anymore. We’re talking Vince McMahon, Beekeepers and Buffalo Mozzarella. 

    It’s basically deciding if you should bother with things we wouldn’t get a full episode out of.

    Don’t overthink it xox

    Listen to the full episode here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/should-you-wwe-111092067?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

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  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • You know the hat we’re talking about. That little squashed down top hat? 

    Think you could pull it off? And can he even pull it off? Sometimes I just wish he would. 

    Take it off altogether and show us that crown of yours. 

    Like, what’s actually under the hat Jason?! Show us will ya, for f*ck sake. Why are you always wearing a hat!

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  • Get the full episode here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-2-should-110160490?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

    Now before you answer that, no. He doesn’t have to be a 10/10. 

    You marry him because he wouldn’t be the only sweet treat you’d have access to. At any time, day or night. Think about it lads! Fu*kin THINK will ya! 

    Is this the only thing we discuss? Again, no. It’s just among other non-related topics that we chat about when we’re not busy discovering what things you should bother with or not. 

    Thanks for subscribing xoxo

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  • It's our first ever Patreon episode! Currently a bit of filler while we're on our holliers.

    And what better to discuss the goats, kebabs and marching bands? With the potential to each be as enjoyable as the next.

    Also, can you guess what they all have in common? Thats right. Fuck*n zero.

    For the full episode, visit: https://open.acast.com/public/patreon/fanSubscribe/11697514

    The link above is also shared on our Instagram, @shouldibotherpod

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  • Did you know there are 200 period tracking apps that are available on app stores today? 

    Why so many? Because maybe they’re something you should bother with? And that's exactly what we’re here to figure out! 

    What you maybe didn’t already know: 

    Men get periods too (yes girls, we are out to steal your fu*kin thunder)People tracked their periods using bones in the past (not their own bones)In France, “the little clown with the bleeding nose” is a term used to describe menstruation (the female one; men don't bleed down there.. usually!)

    What's the point in saying all that? Just a teaser of the kind of sh*te we talk about on this week's episode.

    We also discuss useful things though, like the best period tracking apps - especially those that don’t share your data - and which of those are free or subscription based.

    Coming up next week - we're on our summer holidays! (said in our best yorkshire impressions).

    We'll be back in September and don't worry. There'll still be some Patreon content. So stay tuned, little clown xx

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  • So, mushroom coffee is a thing these days - mainly thanks to those Nordic fellas from 4 Sigmatic, which you may have heard of? 

    What’s next? Coffee mixed with butter?! 

    Oh, wait… 

    Future episode, maybe. 

    Let’s stick with the mushroom one for now. 

    When it comes to mushroom coffee, your question is probably the same one we had: what’s the fu*kin point in this? Why ruin one of life’s little pleasures by mixing it with a fungus?? 

    Usually the answer comes back to health benefits or weight loss or something, so we assumed this was the same.

    Another important question: will it taste like shit? Or mushrooms? That’s probably more likely. Otherwise it’d just be called, “sh*t coffee”, coffee made from sh*t - which is also a thing! 

    So many coffee variants, so little… actually, let’s be honest, plenty of time to try them all. But, if you’ve heard of mushroom coffee and can’t be arsed paying a premium for a potential bag of dirt, take 57 mins to listen to this and we’ll let you know if it’s something you should bother with, or not. 

    Want to try the same coffee we did? Click here to browse the Ballyhoura Mushrooms website, or visit them at https://ballyhouramushrooms.ie

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  • If you’ve heard of the Caminito Del Rey - or seen people posting about it on Instagram - you’ve probably heard the “most dangerous walkway” claim along with it. 

    The word people forget to include however is, “former”. Do you really think we’d be doing this otherwise?? Not a fuckin… HOPE!

    Since the walkway got refurbished in 2015 and pretty much baby-proofed (you must be 8 years of age and this tall and to ride) there have been no recorded deaths - that we know of. 

    But, being a walkway that’s attached to a cliff face 100 metres above a gorge, we’re guessing there’s been a few soiled pairs of underwear. The exact number, we’re unsure of (apparently the tourist attraction doesn’t keep track of those kinds of records).

    What we can promise, however, is there’s a high chance of at least 2 soiled pairs after we’ve tried it. 

    Listen in for that potential shitty reveal and to know if this is worth bothering with the trip to El Churro in southern Spain to try it for yourself. 

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  • “Candlelight concert” - sounds fancy, intimate and an all-round pleasant evening out, doesn’t it? Perfect date night perhaps? 

    If you’re one of the many millions of people that’s been targeted by their ads since 2019, you can also confirm that that’s exactly what it looks like! 

    Hosted in over 100 countries across the globe, a quick “candlelight concert near me” google and you’re sure to find an event pretty close to where you live. 

    But as with everything we try on the pod, there’s so many questions!

    Is it good value for money? Might it be the most boring concert you’ve ever sat through? And with that many candles in one place, how many venues have they managed to burn to the ground? (Bunch of fkn pyromaniacs!)

    The biggest question of all though: is this something you should bother with? 

    Attending their Coldplay candlelight concert in Malaga, we’ll answer that very question for you and suss everything out - discussing the dress code, reviews and the overall general vibe. 

    So if you’re wondering if you should finally give into their annoying ads, or if this could be your next best date night, listen in. 

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  • Is it just us or does the word “diet” trigger a tiny voice in your head that whispers, “Fu*k.. Off” every time you hear it?

    But maybe the Mediterranean Diet is different? Not quite a “diet” in the traditional sense and it’s sure to include Italian food - how bad can that be?! 

    Going into this week’s pod naively expecting plenty of pizza and pasta, we decided to try out the Mediterranean Diet. And why not? Heard it’s one of, if not, THE healthiest diet in the world. And since we’re temporarily based in Spain, we thought.. “When in Rome”?

    In this episode, expect to hear things like: 

    what this diet consists of (and more importantly, what you can’t eat), global blue zones (and how the “med diet” fits into the bigger picture)What to expect from adopting this dietAnd of course, our opinion on if you should bother with it after we’ve tried it ourselves. 

    Oh and if you’re only listening and not watching, imagine us throwing our hands around all the time, like we’re Italian. Makes the whole experience more Mediterranean 🤌

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you’ve never heard of them, you’re probably wondering, “what are morning pages?” Common sense would say you probably already have a fair idea. Pages… that you do… in the morning?

    Exactly! And that’s how Julia Cameron, author of the bestseller, “The Artist’s Way” and creator of this lil’ journaling technique, describes them too.

    What? You’ve never heard of her either?? Look, that’s ok. Remember, this doesn’t make you an idiot. Please put the dunce cap.. Down! 

    Listen into the pod and we promise to bring you up to speed. We’ll go through what morning pages are, who this Julia Cameron lady is and why Tim Ferriss - famous for interviewing the elite and optimising productivity - is also a big fan of this morning routine. 

    We’ll also try this out for a week and give our own opinion on whether it’s something you should bother with too. But you already knew that, seeing as the title of this podcast is about as obvious as “morning pages”. 

    Common sense lads, come on! 

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  • Have you ever googled “Kickboxing classes near me” only to imagine what it’d be like to actually receive a kick or punch to the head and ultimately turn yourself off the idea? 

    If so, you’re in luck! In this episode, we’re going to try a class for you and report back so you know exactly what to expect. No bruises, no black eyes. You won’t even need to break a sweat! 

    Just put your headphones on, lie around, get some popcorn if you want. You do you. 

    We’ll talk you through what a class and kickboxing workout entails, the (short) history behind the sport and we’ve also got a little bulls**t game to break the episode up, as per usual.

    So if you’ve ever wondered if you should bother trying kickboxing classes - or you have some weird curiosity about receiving physical damage to your face - tune into this episode and we’ll help you decide.  

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  • What is a women’s circle? Obviously the name paints a picture in itself (a group of women around a fire singing Kumbayah for one) but what’s actually involved? 

    If you were to take a guess, there’s likely some discussion around commonalities within the group (i.e. “girl stuff”) and that kind of vulnerability in front of strangers can go one of two ways - it remains as uncomfortable as it sounds OR it’s a big fat empowering relief!

    Hoping for the latter, Steph went this one alone this week by joining a local women’s circle in a villa with a pool in Spain. Definitely sounds appealing so far. 

    As usual, expect to hear some research around the topic - what is a women’s circle, what’s typically involved and why anyone bothers with this - before trying the activity for herself to decide if it’s worth the bother of trying at all. 

    Oh, and of course, we break it up with our weekly game that’s loosely related to the topic. But you know that at this stage! ;) 

    Liked this episode or have a suggestion for something we should bother doing? We’d love your review!

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  • Let’s be honest. If you enjoy a glass of wine, isn’t this the perfect excuse to have one early in the day, completely shame free?!

    Other than drinking the ends of leftover drinks in the early hours, we’ve never been to a wine tasting before. 

    What’s the typical wine tasting attire? What are wine tasting notes? Is there particular wine tasting etiquette we need to follow? And what’s the story with sommeliers anyway?

    So many questions! But luckily, all researched and answered for you - another clueless individual that’s wondered if you should bother with a wine tasting event. 

    Our little wine tasting also happens to come with food, but we’ll tell you all about how that went in the episode. 

    Grab your corkscrew and drink along if you wish. Just make sure it’s in a brown paper bag. Apparently that’s the classy way to drink it. 

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  • Survival of the fittest? Not if you’re one of the very few out there with basic survival skills and tools. Then, even if the world ends, you can be as fat and slow as you like!

    This week, we’re prepping for future emergencies and heading to our local survival training camp to brush up on our severe lack of survival skills and knowledge.

    Can we light a fire without a lighter? No. Catch prey or forage for snacks? Nope. Know what to pack in a basic survival kit? Not a fu**ing chance! 

    But maybe that’s all about to change. 

    Expect Destiny’s Child and plenty of Bear Gryll references in this one. Don’t like them? You know what to do - Improvise. Adapt. Overcome!

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  • We’re in Spain at the moment and since we’ve only tried one form of dancing on this podcast to date, why not step into one of Spain’s many stereotypes while we’re here - Flamenco dancing! (Bullfighting is in the works, we promise!)

    Here’s what to expect from this episode: 

    We talk about the history and origin of flamenco (unsurprising to most - it has zero to do with Flamingos)We discuss what to wear, with zero castanets between us..We play a game that’s “loosely” related to the topic (I added those inverted commas for good reason)And we finish off by discussing our experience learning Flamenco dancing in a Cajón studio. A Cajón?! What’s that? A future episode is what it is! But if you can’t wait that long, it’s one of those boxes people sit on and use it as a drum. 

    So if any of that sounds interesting, or if you’ve ever spent two minutes looking at that dancing emoji woman in the red dress 💃 and wondered, “Is Flamenco dancing worth the bother?”

    Listen to this episode and we’ll let you know. 

    Liked this episode or have a suggestion for something we should bother doing? We’d love your review!

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  • We strongly believe that somewhere, over the rainbow, there lives a Jason Mraz lookalike that desperately wants to learn the Ukulele. And although we’d love to beat him, this week we’re actually gonna join him!

    First question to address - is the Ukulele just a small guitar?? One quick glance would say yes? There’s less strings, so does that mean less chords? Does that mean there’s at least one easy ukulele song we can master in an hour?

    Lucky enough to stumble across a ukulele group session this week - hosted in an Irish pub, nonetheless - we jumped at the opportunity to learn our second instrument of the pod! 

    Is the ukulele something you should bother with? And will our social anxiety get the best of us, pretending to play an instrument among a group of strangers? 

    Listen and uke shall see for yourself.

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  • What is Pilates? You’ve heard it on TV. You’ve seen it on signs. You’ve likely heard your mam’s friends talking about it. “Did you see they’re doing pilates with machines now?”

    But have you ever looked into it? And is it worth your precious time to partake? 

    Today we’re pulling on our pilates socks and discussing everything we can find online about pilates. What are the benefits? Can pilates help you lose weight? What about pilates vs yoga, are they that different? 

    Then - after we play our standard, “loosely related to the topic” game - we’ll try out a class for ourselves to discuss the pilates before and after and see if it has any impact at all. 

    Curious to know if Pilates is actually something you should bother with? Then, grab your headphones and let’s get started. 

    Liked this episode or have a suggestion for something we should bother doing? We’d love your review!

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  • We’ve spent the last 2 years trying a new hobby, sport, health trend or tiktok sensation, week-in, week-out to discover what’s worth bothering with or not. 

    Where the F**K did that time go?!

    And after trying 99 of them, we feel we might actually have some lessons to share! So, we asked our audience what they’d like to know most and spent this episode addressing them. 

    Want to know what are the most challenging activities to try? Listen in! Want to know what health trends are worthwhile and which are utter boll**ks? Listen In! Want to know what 3 hobbies will give you the most fulfilling week possible? … You get the point. 

    We also discuss the topics we want to try in the future - hot dog eating competition anyone? So tune in if you want to know what to expect from our next batch of 100. 

    (And as always, if you have any suggestions, write to us using one of the methods below).

    Finally, we weren't sure we’d ever reach this milestone, so thank you to anyone who listened along the way. Of all the things we’ve tried and tested, this podcast is top of the list. 

    Liked this episode or have a suggestion for something we should bother doing? We’d love your review!

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  • Here’s one for anyone that chooses to get off their arse each week to exercise - taking Creatine Monohydrate to build dem muscles!

    As one of the most researched supplements in the world, maybe you’ve heard of it already. 

    And maybe you assumed it’s only chugged down by those bodybuilder lads after a fresh layer of tan. 

    But did you know, that it’s actually produced naturally by your body? … WHA?! 

    In this episode we dive into the research behind taking creatine monohydrate - what does it do? Are there benefits? Or side effects? (Hair loss you say? What if you already have none??) And most importantly, is it even safe? 

    Then, we’ll do what we always do - try this out for a week ourselves, to report back and let you know if it’s something you should bother with too. 

    Want to know what to expect with taking creatine or if it’s even worth it? Then listen in, you nosey little gym rat. 

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