Im Podcast von Krafthand sprechen die Redakteure des Fachmagazins für den Kfz-Service über Aktuelles, Brisantes und Kontroverses rund um die Reparatur und Technik von Autos sowie relevante Branchenthemen. Teils sind dabei Gesprächspartner von Werkstattausrüstern, der Teileindustrie, diversen Verbänden und Kfz-Profis aus Werkstätten zu Gast und es melden sich Experten zu automobiltechnischen Themen zu Wort.
Welcome to Moto Outsider. Hosts Matt Huss and Chris Baird will break down everything Motocross/Supercross/MXGP/Offroad related! We are just two regular dudes from upstate New York who have moved away from home for our jobs. We have decided to come together and bring to light news and information about the sport we love with unique perspectives on each and every race. Join us in these videos and be a part of a community that has never been more relatable: weekend warriors who love racing and love talking about it once its over. We welcome you with open arms, and greatly appreciate you being here. *Thumbnail Background Image belongs to RacerX/ Align With Us Media
Storie, analisi e notizie dal mondo della Formula 1 a cura di Tommaso Fatichi. nasce nel 1999 dalla passione verso il mondo dei motori e in special modo della Formula 1 .Perché il nome Nuvolari? Perché il mantovano volante ha sempre rappresentato il simbolo del coraggio e della velocità. Un nome che si associa immediatamente al mondo dei motori, di cui in questi anni abbiamo analizzato e commentato le varie discipline. Una passione che ci portiamo dietro sin da quando eravamo piccoli.
Perché la Formula 1? Perché è la massima espressione dello sviluppo tecnologico, che poi ritroviamo nelle auto che usiamo tutti i giorni. Nel corso dei decenni è cambiata molto, anche per migliorare il più possibile la sicurezza, ma rimane sempre il top degli sport motoristici a quattro ruote. Da qui la decisione di sviluppare questo progetto podcast con l’obiettivo di raccontare la Formula 1 nel suo complesso, da quando è iniziato il Campionato del mondo nel 1950. Vi porteremo nella sua storia, l’evoluzione tecnica, le biografie dei piloti più rappresentativi e dopo ogni gara analizzeremo quanto accaduto e ci confronteremo insieme.
“Non si può descrivere la passione, la si può solo vivere.” Enzo Ferrari -
Join the team for a weekly wander through the world of electric cars. Whether you’re charging, relaxing, or trying to look busy for the boss with your headphones on, our round-up of the electric week is the perfect way to spend half an hour. Discover what the team has been up to, driving, reviewing and complaining about. We discuss the topics that really matter alongside the ones that really don’t. If you love electric cars or are merely window shopping, this is the podcast for you.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Crypto assets and blockchain technology are about to transform every trust-based interaction of our lives, from financial services to identity to the Internet of Things. In this podcast, host Laura Shin, an independent journalist covering all things crypto, talks with industry pioneers about how crypto assets and blockchains will change the way we earn, spend and invest our money. Tune in to find out how Web 3.0, the decentralized web, will revolutionize our world. Disclosure: I'm a nocoiner.
Motorcycles, adventures, stories, cafe racer and modern classic style, and everything in-between!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Niets is wat het lijkt in de economie. De realiteit verrast altijd. Marike Stellinga en Maarten Schinkel gidsen je elke week langs dubbelzinnige cijfers en de economische krachten die ons leven beïnvloeden, en helpen je onderscheid te maken tussen waan en werkelijkheid.
Marike Stellinga is econoom en journalist. Ze werkte zes jaar als politiek verslaggever voor NRC en schrijft nu over politieke economie, sociaal-economisch beleid en klimaatbeleid, onder andere in de column ‘Zo simpel is het niet'.
Maarten Schinkel schrijft al jaren voor NRC over macro-economie, financiële markten en monetair beleid, onder meer als columnist van de wekelijkse rubriek 'Als het maar beweegt', en als commentator. Ook maakte hij economische documentaires voor VPRO Tegenlicht.
Samen onderzoeken Maarten en Marike de cijfers achter het nieuws en de invloed van economie op de samenleving.
Zo simpel is het niet, elke donderdag een nieuwe aflevering in alle podcastapps.
Robert Llewellyn (Red Dwarf, Scrapheap Challenge) hosts a podcast about sustainability, eco-news and interviews from around the globe. Filled with interesting stories, almost breaking news, a pinch of wit and a dash of banter. A few guests who know what is going on in the world of EVs, renewable energy and sustainability.
I'm sure you feel it too. The world is at a juncture and we have to change the system. But what do we need to know to get ready for the future?
In this podcast, journalist Laura Kemp unpacks some of the telling movements of our time. Joined by insiders and thought leaders, Changing The System explores future versus status quo, rebels versus establishment, changemakers versus the comfortable. Join the conversation to change one system at a time. Let's go! -
Join Race Dog (aka CJ Wilson), Shadow Dog (aka Erik Valdez) and Doc Dog (aka Rich Ha) as they talk about cars, food, cars, and lessons for success while enjoying Nutella. More than just a conversation between friends, they're speaking for the everyday car fan and not for the self promoting and douchebaggish social media car titans abundantly found today. Welcome to The Throttle Dogs... It's gonna be a fun ride!
Seit 2018 unterhalten sich Stefan Anker und Paul-Janosch Ersing jede Woche am Telefon über kleine und große Autos (mit und ohne Elektroantrieb) und alles, was dazu gehört. Die beiden Journalisten geben Einblicke in Ihren aktuellen Berufsalltag, erzählen die eine oder andere Anekdote oder begrüßen einen interessanten Gast in ihrer Sendung. // Autotelefon - Der Podcast über Autos.
Bügel schließen, Hände nach oben und ab geht's...
Bei Launch und Lifthill quatschen wir über verschiedenste Themen rund um Freizeitparks, Achterbahnen & Co..
Wir berichten von Freitzeitpark-Touren, diskutieren über unsere Tops und Flops und reden über die Neuigekeiten der Freizeitpark-Welt.
Viel Spaß beim Hören!