Quote: The Energy, that is used throughout Existence, is the Force. It
supports you in creating your reality with the Unconscious, which is the
Force as well.
Description: The role of Energy as your support system in creating
your reality is discussed with an emphasis on its part with the
Watch here: https://youtu.be/RqEs8xQrSHw -
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Description: Learn to detach from experiences that no longer serve you.
Quote: "Neutralize the low-vibrational energies that surround your personal space".
Watch here: https://youtu.be/kXUHQScO4SQ -
Quote: "Transitions can be a challenge to you when you become emotionally attached to them".
Desciption: Change can be a challenge. However, undestand that you can overcome anything.
Watch Here: https://youtu.be/p0RCUCPdg-M -
Quote: Don’t be afraid of coming into your true self. Release those low-
vibrational thoughts and emotions. They no longer serve you for it is time to come
into your true nature of strength.
Description: -
Quote: When individuals attempt to defame you or try to make you feel
unworthy, remember that they are showing you who they are. It is not you.
Description: Learn that you cannot be defined by anyone. You only know you! -
Quote: This life is an interesting phenomenon in which everything works for your
good. However, sometimes you do not recognize this to be true because your
challenges can feel over whelming.
Description: Develop the understanding that everything is working for your good
at all times, regardless of how it presents itself to you. -
Quote: Many of you believe that an outer force controls you and that you are destined to experience certain things in your life. You believe that things can be done to you by others, and that you have no control over yourselves. So, now is the time to rise up and explore your spiritual power.
Description: Learn how great you are! -
Quote: Your dreams are ways to explore the Unconscious.
Description: Learn how to look at your dreams and interpret their meaning. - Visa fler