[SF219] Dom & Chris Chat With Debi Evans
Sheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom’s Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
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Chris’s Gaping Gobs – Etsy UK
Episode 218 will be released in full,Pt1 Mint Sauce Chronicles & Pt2 with Andrew Johnson.
There will be an edited version for YouTube but the full releases will be available here and at our Podomatic channel, link below, with downloads for members and none members.
Andrew's website and contact details Check The Evidence – Knowledge, Not Belief
Sheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom’s Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris’s Gaping Gobs – Etsy UK
Saknas det avsnitt?
[SF217] Dom & Chris Chat With Allegedly Dave
Sheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
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Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
https://sixty-degrees-south.com/John Hamer Official (bitchute.com)Amazon.co.uk: John Hamer: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
falsificationofhistory.co.ukSheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
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Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Sheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Dr. Thomas E. Levy is a board certified cardiologist and has written many books on health-related issues. Most of his work has centered on how to restore and maintain good health in the face of the many different forms of toxicity that all of us face, typically on a daily basis. He no longer has a clinical practice of medicine and cardiology. Rather, he limits himself to research and writing at this time.
Dr Levy Email Contact: [email protected]
Website: IV Vitamin C Protocols and Procedures | Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Vitamin C Specialist
Sheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
In this weeks episode we asked Mike Williams from Sage of Quay Radio to join us. Chris has listened to Mike since he started his podcast way back in 2013, now that seems like another life ago! Mike is a fantastic host, relentless blogger and researcher, he also speaks a lot of common sense. His Beatles research has become legendary especially his Paul Is Dead (PID) research. In this episode we discuss PID and The Beatles (obviously), but also get Mike's thoughts on 911, Trump, DIVOC91 and much more, in no particular order.
In Pt2 Dom & Chris have a chat for an hour about things that are happening in Clown World.
Contacts & Channels for Mike Williams
The Sage of Quay™ Hub Websitehttps://www.youtube.com/@TheSageofQuayRadioHourSheep Farm www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Total Run Time: 3:13:03 (all the 3s)
Michael joins us again for a chat about the relentless insanity we're all living through.
Website: https://roguemale.org/
Latest Blog The Fog Descends
Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
[SF211]Dom & Chris Chat With Paul The Black Sheep ResearcherTotal Run Time: 2:42:26
We first came across Paul’s work way back in 2021 on his then YouTube Channel What the Flock TV, he has now gone back to his original name The Black Sheep Researcher. If you haven’t watched Paul’s videos I suggest starting at the beginning and working your way through them all. Hopefully this chat will introduce some of you to his work. Enjoy.
Below is an reduction to JANUS
Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Total Run Time: 2:26.01
Earl has been a prominent figure of the anti-lockdown resistance since the start of the state-imposed tyranny in March 2020.He has campaigned extensively against lockdown restrictions and in favour of medical freedom.In October 2024 Earl was invited to a 'debate' at Cambridge University. This debate was called 'This House Would Make ArmSpears Mandatory', we spoke about this so called debate in an episode back in November, Earl spoke as part of the 'against' group but was the only one who was totally against not just mandatory jabs but vaccines in general, all of the for's & against's were on the side of all vaccines. Earl was a lone wolf in a pit of vipers. Below is a link to the videos used during our discussion.
Cambridge Mandatory ArmSpears Debate 17th Oct 2024 YouTube - https://youtu.be/DsHy7kNNe6wGOOD VIBRATIONS PODCAST, VOL. 264 - CLOWN WORLD 2024 ROUNDTABLE Lance and Andy PG of Rise Above, Dom and Chris of Sheep Farm and Nathan Lucius assemble to reflect on another 12 months of sheer absurdity and surrealism. We spend time considering the true nature of a realm with could even allow such clownery to take place.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOfmyeyWU38&t=2665sSheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://t.me/officialfreedomalliance - Telegram FA Channel
https://t.me/+Pl9CKQgL_8FlNTJk - Telegram FA Chat Room
https://x.com/UKFreeAlliance?mc_cid=813c23d283&mc_eid=aaf64dd4a3 - X channel
https://x.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2Fideallythissss - Cath Evans FA Leader X channel
https://www.facebook.com/groups/125144169233095?mc_cid=813c23d283&mc_eid=aaf64dd4a3 - Facebook
Dom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.ukUse discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.ukChris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK -
Total Run Time: 2:19.49
Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Total Run Time: 2:08.13
Bob Moran is a multi-award winning British illustrator and cartoonist. His work deals with themes of politics, ethics and family. He uses emotion to convey important messages, defend moral principles and to invite people to reflect on what really matters in life.
In 2020, as the ‘Coronavirus crisis’ unfolded, Bob adopted a position of staunch opposition to all government measures and restrictions. He believed what was happening was immoral, unlawful and unnecessary.
Bob Moran Art - www.bobmoran.co.ukBuy Bob's book - Bob Moran - V3Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Total Running Time: 3:41.42
ConspiroTV is collated by radio-presenter, former journalist and club DJ Matt Sergiou, ConspiroTV is the companion-site of 'ConspiroMedia,' a blog which takes a look at the dark, occult world of music, movies and TV and also the conspiratorial flavours (whether alleged or not) within London's so-called 'counter-culture' of the 1960s.. Please check it out!
http://conspiromedia.wordpress.com/ConspiroTV YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@conspiroTVhttps://www.facebook.com/conspiromediaThere's also the partner-blog, 'The Occult Beatles': https://theoccultbeatles.wordpress.com/Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
John Hamer Official (bitchute.com)
Amazon.co.uk: John Hamer: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
RISE ABOVE LIVE EVENT Ticketshttps://riseabove.tv/shop/events/rise-above-live-in-the-flesh/
Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net) https://www.richplanet.net/donatelegal.php
Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
[SF205] Dom & Chris Chat With Nathan Luciushttps://www.amazon.co.uk/FAKE-AWAKE-Psychosis-Systematic-Destruction/dp/1068505907 Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk https://www.youtube.com/@sheepfarmstudios2921/videos https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/sheepfarmstudios https://rumble.com/user/SheepFarmStudio https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:f
Total Runtime: 02:53:49
This week we’re chatting to our good mate Mark Devlin about his work & upcoming new books. We also go off on plenty of tangents with subjects ranging from Stanley Kubrick and Mark's appearance on the new film A Clockwork Shining, circling back round to discuss his GOD series of shows that he’s been releasing throughout 2024.
Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net) https://www.richplanet.net/donatelegal.phpSheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Total Runtime: 2:45.39
In Ep203 we talk to our mate Trevor John covering many subjects, like his relationship with Kubrick's daughter, Synchronicities, Frank Zappa, 2020 Freedom Rallies in London, Jerry Marzinsky, Meeting Mark Devlin, and the book None Dare Call it Conspiracy from 1971 by Garry Allen.
In Pt2 we cover contributors to Cambridge University's debate called 'This House Would Make Vaccinations Mandatory' from the Cambridge Union, you can find it under this title on YouTube. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZytSHASCpio&list=PLYpyB-7KwFc6HqtWfgxesrPXTkWHDTitb
Events/Gigs Trevor john
John Hamer tour 29th Nov-1st Dec!
Christmas Party Gig The Royal George Shoreham on Sea 7th Dec + Mad Mix & Victorius!
Supporting the Blockheads 22nd Dec Chinnerys Southend!
@randomhumanmusic (telegram)
Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net) https://www.richplanet.net/donatelegal.php
Sheep Farm - www.sheepfarm.co.uk
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:f -
Total Duration: 02:44.00
Adam is a researcher and writer affected by Lyme disease and immune tolerance, and has been battling health problems since he was young, with the onset of a chronic disease in 2016. He is a writer, graphic artist & designer, an avid reader and researcher of history, biological warfare, esoteric philosophy, spirituality, and the Western Mystery Traditions. He has made a special study of the life and work of Erich Traub and the science of immune tolerance. He has collected and translated to English all of Traub's published research. He lives in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, peacefully by himself, where he enjoys BMX biking, fitness, study, the arts, and self-development.
The ground-breaking book documenting the secret history of stealth biological warfare fought between global superpowers since the Spanish Flu of 1918. Learn the esoteric history of the stealth bioweapons of Erich Traub, the secret history of weaponized ticks, Lyme Disease, and the many incapacitating agents now overwhelming the Western World, causing an epidemic of chronic disease, mental illness, and cancers. Discover the truth about an extremely inhumane war that has endangered the world and its inhabitants for far too long.
Website: https://www.thesleeperagent.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AWFinnegan
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5538744
Amazon book link: https://a.co/d/6J2J7E8
email: [email protected]
Total Runtime: 2:54.56
Todays podcast is just Dom & Chris, Pt1 is The Huxley's Brave New World Order Ep9. Pt2 is Mint Sauce Chronicles.
Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net) https://www.richplanet.net/donatelegal.phpSheep Farm
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
Total Runtime: 2:31.36
Our good mate Matt joins us again to chat about 5g, Chemtrails, weather modifications in North Carolina, and his upcoming new Frankenskies 2 film.
Matts contact and website links are below.
Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net) https://www.richplanet.net/donatelegal.phpSheep Farm
https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:fDom's Health Bunker Supplements www.shop.healthbunker.co.uk
Use discount Codes HB-SF10OFF for NEW Liposomal Vitamin C & HB-SF25OFF for all HB other Products. But discount codes can be used at checkout.
*Discount Codes only available on Health Bunker Products*
Health Bunker Clinic www.healthbunker.co.uk
Chris's Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK
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