
  • Judy Lipson is the sole survivor of three sisters, losing her sister Jane in 1981 at age twenty-two in an automobile accident, and nine years later her sister Margie at age thirty- five after a twenty-year battle with anorexia and bulimia.

    For thirty years Judy suppressed her grief and in 2011 founded Celebration of Sisters, an annual ice-skating fundraiser to commemorate the lives and memories of her beloved sisters Margie and Jane to benefit Massachusetts General Hospital.

    Skating is a sport the Lipson sisters shared and brought Judy full circle back to her sisters.

    Judy Lipson published articles for The Open to Hope Foundation, The Centering Organization, Grief Healing, and Love and Loss. Massachusetts General Hospital and SKATING Magazine featured pieces on Judy’s philanthropic work. Judy has appeared as a guest on The Open To Hope, The Morning Glory, Surviving Sibling Loss, Where’s The Grief, Good Grief and U.S. Figure Skating Voices From The Ice Podcasts. She presented at The Compassionate Friends National Conference and will be a keynote speaker at The Bereaved Parents USA Conference in 2023.

    Her passion for figure skating secured the recipient of U.S. Figure Skating Association 2020 Get Up Award.

    Judy’s memoir, Celebration of Sisters: It Is Never Too Late To Grieve, was released November 2021 by WriteLife Publishing.

  • Mark is a follower of Jesus Christ, husband, dad, published author, writer, artist, warrior, mountain biker, and a cowboy. He was born, raised and still lives in the Pacific Northwest. He feels most at home exploring the wild and wide-open places. He currently offers support and coaching to others who are struggling with grief. He is the founder of the Job 2:13 Project. Its mission is to come alongside others who are grieving and sit in silence before helping them to stand again. He enjoys horses, mountain biking, the outdoors, and spending time with his family.

    His memoir 𝐂𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐫𝐲 was published in August. In the book he tells the story of his grief during the illness and following the death of his young wife in 1993 after 5 ½ years of marriage. He has appeared on several podcasts and has poems published in various anthologies under the pen name Mark Wayne.

    He is currently focused on several writing projects and creating resources about faith, love, healing, grief, and life after painful experiences. He believes in the ripple effect– touch one life and you may touch the world– for to share the journey, however brief, is a wonderful gift. His wish is to share the joys, the sorrows, the hope, and healing to inspire others to live fully despite the grief we all carry because there is a life after…

    Website: https://www.markschutter.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grief.to.greatness/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.schutter

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkWayneAuthor/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markwayneauthor/

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  • On the Share Your Story podcast today I have with me Victoria Noe, an award-winning author, speaker and activist. Her Friend Grief series - the result of a promise she made to a dying friend - recognizes the importance of friendships in shaping our lives. Noe’s long-time HIV/AIDS activism led her to write Fag Hags, Divas and Moms: The Legacy of Straight Women in the AIDS Community, the groundbreaking book that honors the women who changed the course of the epidemic.

    An accomplished public speaker, she has presented at organizations such as ACT UP/London, Mt. Sinai Hospital, the Muse and the Marketplace, BookExpo America, and Open Hand/San Francisco as well as libraries and bookstores in New York and the Midwest. During the pandemic she has led workshops and online writing groups focusing on friend grief. Noe’s newest book, What Our Friends Left Behind: Grief and Laughter in a Pandemic about people who have lost a friend during the pandemic, was recently published in June, 2023.

    Her website is the best place to find her: victorianoe.com. You will find her books are all there, as well as social media links - Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn - and you can sign up for her monthly newsletter as well to keep up to date.

  • Have you ever wondered if anything good can come from a major loss or grief? In this episode host Jenny Dilts shares that positive things can come from our grief experiences.

    In fact, she takes us on a journey showing us how she has used her professional process of converting grief into growth in her own personal walk with grief.

    Everyone at some point in their lives experiences grief. No one is exempt. And even though we are all touched by grief, our experiences with grief are as individual as we are. A loss that seems life-shattering for some, may not even phase another.

    Similarly, events that seem congratulatory for most may be some of the hardest for others. Converting Grief into Growth: The Journey of a Lifetime delves into one such event. Tune in to learn where Jenny has been for so long, what happened to Share Your Story: Exploring humanity one heart at a time, and why Jenny even needed to tap into her professional expertise for her personal transformation.

    Topics that we discuss include the definition of grief, how Jenny even got started in grief work, and her process for converting grief into growth. Make sure you listen to the end of the show to hear the 3 pillars of the process she uses not only with her own grief, but also with her clients. 

    If you are struggling with grief, check out these 2 Survival Steps to help you breathe a little easier today. And if you’re curious what it might look like to work with Jenny, head to grievingcoach.com to book a 1:1 call with her.

    Related episodes: 

    Becoming a Mother and the Grief of Identity Loss | Jillian Bright

  • Today I have with me an amazing woman, Christi Byerly, who is the founder and CEO of Awaken Coach Institute.

    At Awaken, Christi’s coaching process motivates you to build a community of empathy and grace around you — and to live your mission as part of something bigger than you are.

    Christi has trained hundreds of new coaches in French and English since 2014 and has mentored dozens of coaches-in-training. She maintains a thriving coaching practice and has been coaching professionally since 2009, after graduating from the International Coach Academy.

    Christi holds a Master NLP certificate, as well as certifications in spiritual direction, group coaching, depth coaching, Enneagram work and mentor coaching. She is a Certified Daring GreatlyTM Facilitator.

    Married to Ben, she is the mom of three young people and lives in Alsace on the French, Swiss, and German borders.

    Website: https://www.awakencoachinstitute.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christi.byerly

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christibyerly/

    Email: christi@awakencoaching.com

  • For some, loss happens as singular experiences. For others like Tony Lynch, it seems to last a lifetime. From witnessing traumatic death at an early age, to living the life of the gangs, homelessness, and death of loved ones, Tony shares how he has been shaped by all of his experiences and now uses them to help others. In this episode he sums up his experiences when he says, “I can tell people now, the journey was worth it…and what I mean by that, it gave me the opportunity to serve.”


    Tony Lynch is the founder of the non-profit Memories of Us ltd...grief support for men, Global grief Network, and host of the Grief Let's Talk About It podcast. He started Memories of us in 2019 after experiencing some significant losses: his son in 2016 and his mother in 2018.

    Leaving him with almost no family and no one to help navigate this experience, Tony's grief became heavy and conflicting. On one hand he was taught to suppress not express, and on the other his heart was torn into a million pieces. Eventually with the choices he was making, he lost everything and planned out his suicide. He did finally seek help only to find there's was little or no support for men. He soon realized the importance of having a place where men can express their feelings, talk openly, but most importantly be supported by other men who have had similar experiences. As we all know, grief is a lonely personal walk, and just because it is personal Tony feels it's a reason to not do it alone.

    Connect with Tony



    Email... tolynch46@gmail.com

    Facebook...memories of us..ltd..grief support for men

    Instagram... mensgriefsupport

    LinkedIn...tony lynch

  • In this episode, we have not one, but two fantastic guests to share their story, Hope Reger and Candace Sims. Both of whom are mothers to sons who were murdered. In our conversation we hear how they have found both determination and purpose in and from their experiences. These amazing women now support others in their grief and living life more fully.


    Hope Reger

    Hope Reger lives in Xenia, Ohio with her husband Mike, she has two sons Brian, 33 and Justin, forever 19 and three amazing granddaughters, Haylynn, Addi, and Brilie. Hope's "day job" is a talent coordinator with a major financial institution for the past 26 years. Hope believes her purpose in life was given to her after the traumatic loss of her son to murder. That purpose is to provide positivity, inspiration, and hope to others through her Grief 2 Hope program she created in honor of her son. Grief 2 Hope is a virtual peer grief support group that allows grievers a safe space to be their authentic self with support of others who understand and know exactly what they are going through. One of Hope's quotes she likes to end each session with is " Grief changes your entire world, it can also inspire you to change the world".

    Hope can be found at www.grief2hopesupport.com

    You can also check out Hope’s memoir, Grief 2 Hope: A mother's memoir of devastation to determination on Amazon Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B7K12G4V.

    Candace Sims

    Candace Sims is more than just a bereaved mother. She parented a son for 22 years as a single mother. Marcus Reid was killed April 8, 2007. Since that day life has never been the same. The first year of coping with grief and loss was an eye-opening, self-reflecting experience. She felt pitiful for herself and thought she would always be pitied. But due to the spiritual foundation she was building up to that point, the faith inside of her went to work.

    She is now (at 15 years of grieving my son's death) a Certified End of life Coach, Court Appointed Advocate in the State of Georgia, Community Advocate, Small Business Bereavement Coordinator, wife and Grandmother! Death has taught her how to live better purposefully! Her life's work is to help others talk more freely, and candidly about death without falling apart.

    Candace can be found at www.concepts-power.com

  • What would it be like to accept life as it comes, including all the ups and downs, vistas and valleys, triumphs and trials?

    Join me and guest Camille Ellis, a life and grief coach, as we discuss what it's like to embrace all aspects of life, and death. In our time together Camille shares what it's been like to navigate the loss of a relationship with a step-daughter, a son's death by suicide, and the murder of a childhood friend. These experiences have helped her gain an appreciation for all parts of life and shown her how she can use them to help and support others through their challenges with grief and loss.


    Camille Ellis

    Camille is a Certified Life Coach whose niche is in grief coaching. She loves helping people embrace the whole journey of life including death. No stranger to trauma and grief, some of Camille’s personal experiences include a difficult childhood, surviving domestic violence, raising 2 sons on her own, one of them who had many mental health challenges. Camille married a great man who brought a 12 year old daughter into the family. During her step-daughter’s first year at college she experienced a bacteria in her brain stem which left her as an incomplete quadriplegic. Through this experience, Camille learned how to accept and still love, no matter what. This lesson would come into play again a few years later when her younger son Wes died by suicide. In the midst of her deepest misery, she heard a very strong and clear message that has become her purpose and her profession. The message was, “You will be the best mother, wife and woman because of Wes’s death. You will be stronger, wiser and able because of his whole journey and help others too.”

    Connect with Camille at www.yourcoachcamille.com.

  • While BBQs on the beach and fun times with friends and family are a great way to spend Memorial Day, let us not forget to honor and pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives in the service of our and other countries.
    This special episode of the Share Your Podcast commemorates the true reason for Memorial Day. Join me as I speak with Matthew Brackett who served as a chaplain in the military, specifically in the Navy and Marines.

    Matthew Brackett has 30+ years of experience in the field of education and development of the human person in leadership of self and of others. Trilingual, he has enjoyed broad international and intercultural experience in leadership, educational and consulting roles in Italy, Ireland, England, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico as well as having been a special Staff Officer and Chaplain in the United States Navy serving both with Sailors and Marines.

    He is a frequent podcast guest due to the depth and breadth of his knowledge, experience, insights, and vulnerability.

    Born the 10th of 13 children to Gloria and Charles Brackett in small town New England, Matthew left home at 18 on an adventure of service in formal religious ministry that led him to Italy, Ireland, England, Colombia, Chile and Mexico along with a few years of active duty as a Chaplain in the US Navy where he worked principally with Marines. He has launched Brackett Alliance as a way to continue to serve as a coach, advisor and educator around the beautiful complexities of the human element in relationship, leadership, followership and diversity.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-brackett/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matthew_brackett_alliance/

    Web: https://brackettalliance.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085852216893

    Email: matthew.j.brackett@gmail.com

  • Today on Share Your Story I have a returning guest, Katie Fasciano, who is a holistic practitioner, Seimei Healer, and warrior. She works with individuals to help them recover from physical and emotional situations. She discovered Seimei 5 years after her infant daughter was diagnosed with a rare stage 4 brain tumor. Katie began learning the healing shortly afterwards. Some of the benefits of Seimei for her daughter include reduction in anxiety and a decrease of pain. Her work can be done in person and also over the phone.

    During Katie’s first appearance, she shared what Seimei healing is and the role it played in Katie's warrior journey through the life, death, and grief aspects of pediatric cancer.

    Tune in to episode 27, Magic of a Healing Warrior.

    Now, 10 years after her daughter Elizabeth’s death, Katie has just published a book called Never Give Up Hope: The Little girl Who Changed the World and she’s here to tell us all about it and how her grief journey has unfolded since then.


    Katie's book, Never Give Up Hope can be found on Amazon.

  • Today I have with me Jillian Bright.

    Jillian is an author, speaker, event leader, brand & marketing strategist and mother living in the Italian countryside with her winemaker partner and their son. She explores ideas and writes about how places are deeply connected with the human experience and how this intersects with travel, food & wine, nature, and personal growth.

    She is the author of the travel memoir, The Trouble with Wings, and is currently writing historical fiction set in the Ancient Mediterranean and an exploration of the stories, science, and spirituality behind the human connection to special places. She's also planning several retreats in 2023 in the Italian, where the jungle meets the sea in Costa Rica, and the high desert of Northwest Argentina.

    Keep in touch:

    @wildbrightandfree on Instagram

    Subscribe to the twice-monthly newsletter on her website:


  • Today’s guest is Suzanne Chaix.

    Suzanne is passionate about helping people. Her blog, Swell Rising, is only the beginning of her journey to help others through life after loss. She's been through a lot in her 50 years of life and feels stronger and more confident than ever, thanks in part to the roadblocks and tragedies that have occurred along the way.

    As she entered her 40s, Suzanne realized she had sacrificed so much of herself for her family that she forgot who she is as an individual. Then in 2017 when she was 44, her husband died suddenly from a massive heart attack and she was thrust into a life of grief, solo parenting, and eventually self-discovery. Suzanne offers Sustainable Wellness Education for Life after Loss.

    If there is a swell rising in your life from death, divorce, or the natural progression of life's events, it can either swallow you whole or you can use it to lift you up. Join Suzanne and ride the wave to reach your full potential. Connect with Suzanne:


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/swell_rising/

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/SwellRising

  • In this episode I am joined by Matthew Brackett as we discuss the beauty of death, sexuality, and Mother Earth. You may be thinking that these are completely unrelated topics. Tune in to discover how there are actually quite a few similarities, especially when it comes to how and in what ways these themes are treated in many societies. Throughout our conversation we explore the sacred nature of each, as well as the grief that can come when our connection to them is lost or skewed.


    Matthew Brackett

    Matthew is passionate about the beauty of the human race. Born the 10th of 13 children to Gloria and Charles Brackett in small town New England, Matthew left home at 18 on an adventure of service in formal religious ministry that led him to Italy, Ireland, England, Colombia, Chile and Mexico along with a few years of active duty as a Chaplain in the US Navy where he worked principally with Marines. He has launched Brackett Alliance as a way to continue to serve as a coach, advisor and educator around the beautiful complexities of the human element in relationship, leadership, followership and diversity.

    Contact info:





    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny is a mom of many hats and a certified Grief Coach who specializes in helping people convert grief into growth. She does this one conversation, one heart, one experience at a time. In her unique way she invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity. Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend.

    If you are struggling with grief and would like to learn more about Jenny's style, schedule a Grief Support call through her website grievingcoach.com. She will give you one tool that you can implement today to help you make your grief just a little bit lighter.

    You can also connect with Jenny on

    LinkedIn: jennydilts-grievingcoach

    YouTube: grievingcoach

    Facebook: jenny.rencherdilts

  • On our show today we have George Jerjian joining us from England. Helping Retiring Boomers Find Purpose, George is a Mindset Mentor, Best-selling Author, International Speaker and Emmy Award-Winning Producer. In our time together, George takes us through his journey with death and grief including his younger brother, his dad, and his own rendezvous with death. Some of the topics we discuss include family relationships after a death, how retirement is a form of death, and how “grief is not just a curse, it’s a blessing.” It’s an opportunity, among other things, “to rediscover who you are, to give birth to any dreams that you had.”


    George Jerjian

    George retired after being given just six months to live. Thankfully, his diagnosis was wrong. His retirement though, was “hellish”. George had money, friends, newly restored good health and an active social life, but it wasn’t enough. And so, he ‘unretired’ and dedicated his life to helping others avoid the same fate.

    George has authored 11 books, including, ‘Spirit of Gratitude: Crises are Opportunities’, which gained him international recognition.

    His latest book, ‘Dare to Discover Your Purpose’ shows Baby Boomers that retirement doesn’t have to be a disappointment and gives them the tools, confidence, and a blueprint to make the most of later life.

    A former financial advisor, George is on a mission to help retirees create a plan for their later years which is about much more than money.

    Connect with George:


    Facebook: @retirementrebellion

    Twitter: @georgejerjian

    Pinterest: @retirementrebellion

    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny Dilts is a certified grief coach whose main mission is to support, educate, and inspire others in grief as they convert grief into growth in their own way and in their own time. She stands as a lighthouse for those who feel lost, stuck, and hopeless in their grief, whether it's from the death of a loved one, loss of job, change in relationship, unmet expectations, etc. In creating safe spaces to feel calm amidst the storm she points out what lies in the shadows and illuminates the growth and beauty along the way.

    In her unique way Jenny invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity. Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend.

    As a mom of many hats, Jenny enjoys spending time with her amazing husband and kids whether that's on the beaches of sunny California, hiking in the redwoods, running through the sprinklers on the front lawn, or cuddling on the couch with a good book.

    Connect with Jenny:

    Website: grievingcoach.com

    LinkedIn: jennydilts-grievingcoach

    YouTube: grievingcoach

    Facebook: jenny.rencherdilts

  • Join us in this episode of the Share Your Story podcast to get an insider's perspective into the medical field and some of the grief that exists there. My guest Ingrid Berg teaches us that even healthcare professionals need to be real people sometimes. As she reflects on her medical training and career, she points out times when she needed to be a person first before she was a clinician. Along the way she teaches us ways that we can bring humanity back into the healthcare field.

    Remember to subscribe to the show for exclusive sneak previews of upcoming episodes as well as special tips and tools about grief. https://anchor.fm/jenny-dilts-grievingcoach/subscribe


    Ingrid Berg

    Ingrid is a recovering COVID-era hospitalist and family practice physician. She is a medical humanities graduate student at Creighton University and supports a greater presence of the humanities throughout applied health science programs. She is currently a Hospice and Palliative Medicine fellow at the University of Missouri. This fall she will begin working full-time in palliative care for CHI (large non-profit healthcare corporation) in Omaha, which is partnered with Creighton University. She will be joining the clinical faculty as a medical humanities scholar. Ingrid’s support team includes one spouse, one daughter, two dogs, and an old mare.

    Connect with Ingrid at:


    Ingrid is also working on a blog:⁠ www.thesufferingsiren.com⁠, which will deal with many of the themes that we discuss in the show.

    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny Dilts is a certified Grief Coach who specializes in helping people convert grief into growth. She does this one conversation, one heart, one experience at a time. In her unique way she invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity. Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend. Find out more at grievingcoach.com.

    You can also connect with Jenny on

    LinkedIn: jennydilts-grievingcoach

    YouTube: grievingcoach

    Facebook: jenny.rencherdilts

  • Joining me today is my friend Jerry Fenter who has an amazing heart in the world of hospice and End of Life care. In our time together Jerry shares how he got into the field of hospice and some of the benefits and challenges he experiences as a spiritual counselor. Later on in our conversation we get to hear about his personal experiences with hospice and how his professional care changed as a result. One tip that we discuss to help us better prepare for End of Life situations is to have those hard and deep conversations about our wishes and those of our loved ones. Some resources that Jerry shares include the ⁠Go Wish⁠ and ⁠Death Deck⁠ card decks, as well as the ⁠Conversation Project⁠.


    Jerry Fenter

    After 30 years of ministry as a pastor for churches, Jerry began a new career as a hospice chaplain in 2010 and felt that he had found his true home in serving people on their end of life journey. Today, he serves as the System Director of Spiritual Counselors for Harbor Healthcare System, a multi-site hospice agency. Jerry was also the co-owner of The Heart of Hospice podcast for 6 years and used that platform to encourage and educate hospice professionals. In 2018 Jerry was selected to serve as a member of the Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. It’s his passion to use each of these roles to help improve the quality of life for every person needing hospice and palliative care.

    Connect with Jerry

    LinkedIn: ⁠linkedin.com/in/jerrydfenter⁠

    Company: ⁠harborhospice.com⁠ or Harbor Healthcare System

    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny Dilts is a certified Grief Coach who specializes in helping people convert grief into growth. She does this one conversation, one heart, one experience at a time. In her unique way she invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity. Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend. Find out more at⁠ ⁠⁠grievingcoach.com⁠.

    You can also connect with Jenny on

    LinkedIn: ⁠jennydilts-grievingcoach⁠

    YouTube: ⁠grievingcoach⁠

    Facebook: ⁠jenny.rencherdilts

  • How does one get into the field of hospice? For today's guest Helen Bauer, the journey started when a friend encouraged her to look into a nursing position where she worked. On Helen's first day doing visits with another nurse, the patient died in the home. After this experience Helen knew that she would spend the rest of her career in hospice care.  

    Tune in to this episode of the Share Your Story podcast where Helen shares what she's learned in her time in hospice both professionally, and also personally after experiencing it from the role of a family member during her father-in-law Charles's end of life and death.

    Remember to subscribe to the show for exclusive sneak previews of upcoming episodes as well as special tips and tools about grief. https://anchor.fm/jenny-dilts-grievingcoach/subscribe


    Helen Bauer

    Helen is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She has worked in nursing for over 30 years, specializing in hospice and end of life care for over 10 years. She is a Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Registered Nurse with a background in compliance and consulting. As owner of The Heart of Hospice, LLC, she provides end of life education and consulting services. Helen’s passion for quality end of life care can be heard on The Heart of Hospice podcast in discussions on topics such as end of life care, hospice philosophy, advance care planning, and grief.

    For anyone interested in topics like these and more, I highly recommend The Heart of Hospice podcast. Their discussions are fantastic and insightful! I am honored to be included in their list of amazing guests. You can tune in to my conversation with them on episode 136, "How to Find the Benefits of Grief".

    Connect with Helen:

    Website: theheartofhospice.com

    Facebook: theheartofhospice

    Instagram: theheartofhospice

    Twitter: thehearthospice

    Email: helen@theheartofhospice.com 

    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny is a certified Grief Coach who specializes in helping people convert grief into growth. She does this one conversation, one heart, one experience at a time. In her unique way she invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity.  Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend.

    If you are struggling with grief and would like to learn more about Jenny's style, schedule a Grief Support call through her website grievingcoach.com. She will give you one tool that you can implement today to help you make your grief just a little bit lighter.

    You can also connect with Jenny on

    LinkedIn: jennydilts-grievingcoach

    YouTube: grievingcoach

    Facebook: jenny.rencherdilts

  • This episode is a conversation with Noémi Beres from Cyprus. Noémi's first experiences with death came when her grandparents died at age 6 or 7. She faced more death and grief later in her 20s, and then again in her 40s. No stranger to losing loved ones, Noémi teaches us that death and grief is a natural part of life. In our time together we learn that art and music can be an excellent means of self-expression in our grief, even when we don't know why we do what we do on a conscious level. We also discuss the differences between slow and sudden deaths. Join us on the path of exploration, discovery, and excitement as we learn to see grief in a new perspective.


    Noémi Beres 

    Noemi is the Co-Owner of Podcast Connections. She helps entrepreneurs and business owners share their knowledge and connect them to quality podcast shows. In addition, Noemi is dedicated to helping experts grow their business with interviews.

    She started to work in the online marketing field back in 2007. Noemi has a Master’s Degree in Danish Literature and Language; she is a linguist, content creator, and “master organizer.”

    During the week, she runs the podcast booking agency, but during the night and on weekends, she is a self-taught artist. Noemi is best known for her unique and witty mixed-media hand-sewn collages on canvas made from old photos, postcards, colorful yarn, and textiles. She collects small bits and pieces that she finds fascinating and incorporates them into a mixed media collage that usually has a vintage vibe.

    Connect with Noémi:

    Website: https://www.podcastconnections.co/

    LinkedIn: noemiberes

    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny Dilts is a certified grief coach whose main mission is to support, educate, and inspire others in grief as they convert grief into growth in their own way and in their own time. She stands as a lighthouse for those who feel lost, stuck, and hopeless in their grief, whether it's from the death of a loved one, loss of job, change in relationship, unmet expectations, etc. In creating safe spaces to feel calm amidst the storm she points out what lies in the shadows and illuminates the growth and beauty along the way.

    In her unique way Jenny invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity. Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend. 

    As a mom of many hats, Jenny enjoys spending time with her amazing husband and kids whether that's on the beaches of sunny California, hiking in the redwoods, running through the sprinklers on the front lawn, or cuddling on the couch with a good book. 

    Connect with Jenny:

    Website: grievingcoach.com

    LinkedIn: jennydilts-grievingcoach

    YouTube: grievingcoach

    Facebook: jenny.rencherdilts

  • My guest for this episode is Jean Kropper, an Australian based artist who teaches artists and non-artists alike how to find comfort and healing through meditative drawing. Jean is the founder of Paper and Pixels and has a passion for bringing creativity and art to life. In our time together Jean shares what it was like to lose her husband to alcoholism and the trauma and devastation that caused for her and her son. Although their marriage ended, the death of her former husband brought more layers of PTSD and grief. Through time and intention though, Jean was able to harness the power of her artistic creativity as she healed and grew from her experiences. Listen in to find out how.

    Remember to subscribe so you don't miss exclusive content like sneak peeks into the plans and episodes for the upcoming month, special guest interviews, and collaborative events that I’ve facilitated with some of my guests.


    Jean Kropper

    Jean Kropper is an artist, designer and paper engineer. She is also an internationally published author of three books, which together have sold over 30,000 copies.

    Originally from Boston. Massachusetts, she traveled around the world at twenty-five, eventually settling in Sydney, Australia. She married her Australian husband at twenty-eight; they were together for nineteen years. They had a son. In the last two years of the marriage, her husband became a volatile alcoholic. Their marriage ended.

    Then there were years of fear and disruption. Ten years and 17 hospitalizations later her former husband died from alcohol related health issues. As a result, Jean and her son developed PTSD. Jean shares her healing journey and how her insights have influenced her creativity and added to her art workshops.

    Connect with Jean:

    Website: http://www.paperandpixel.com.au/ 

    LinkedIn: jeankropper

    Facebook: paperandpixelworkshops

    Instagram: paperandpixel

    Email: ideas@paperandpixel.com.au

    Jenny Dilts

    Jenny Dilts is a certified Grief Coach who specializes in helping people convert grief into growth. She does this one conversation, one heart, one experience at a time. In her unique way she invites others to explore their grief experiences with openness and curiosity.  Using this process in her own life, Jenny has learned to lean in, ask questions, and reflect with gratitude on the lessons she's received from Grief. She now uses this pattern to help her clients and others transform their grief from foe to friend. Find out more at grievingcoach.com.

    You can also connect with Jenny on

    LinkedIn: jennydilts-grievingcoach

    YouTube: grievingcoach

    Facebook: jenny.rencherdilts

  • Welcome to February! I hope that 2023 is off to a good start for you, or at least that you are learning valuable lessons from the experiences you’ve been having.

    I want to start by saying a big Thank you for tuning in and supporting the show through your subscription! Just a reminder, on Share Your Story we have moved from releasing regular episodes on a weekly basis to producing them on a biweekly schedule. The off-weeks will be primarily dedicated to special subscription only content.

    Some of the things you receive by subscribing include sneak peeks into the plans and episodes for the upcoming month, special guest interviews I’ve done with other podcast hosts and experts in the field, and collaborative events that I’ve facilitated with some of my guests. Subscription content may also include behind the scenes cuts and insights from my perspective as the host of the Share Your Story podcast. Subscribe to learn more!