
  • Are you ready to transform your relationship with money and take control of your finances? Join host, Jacqui Naunton, as she interviews guest money expert, Katy Almstrom, as they dive deep into the world of financial planning and share valuable insights on how to achieve financial stability and success. From understanding the importance of setting financial boundaries to navigating impulsive spending, this episode will empower you to take charge of your financial future.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Gain clarity on your financial situation by tracking income and expenses regularly.

    - Identify external influences on your money mindset and envision a healthier relationship with money.

    - Develop a strategic plan for your finances, including setting aside funds for taxes, business expenses, and personal payments.

    - Avoid impulsive purchases by implementing strategies like wish lists and waiting periods.

    - Embrace the interconnectedness of spending habits, physical clutter, and time management for a more intentional approach to purchasing.


    Katy is a leading money mentor and wealth coach, a teacher and speaker who works with ambitious women who are ready to steward their money in their business and life by creating a sustainable strategy, simplify their process, and build limitless confidence in their money habits and behaviours. With over a decade of experience in teaching and coaching combined with her own debt-free entrepreneurial journey and simplified life, Katy provides a unique service for her clients to help them slow down, map out their own joyful wealth-building journey, and create a life that has WAY less stress around money.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katy_almstrom/

    FB community: www.facebook.com/groups/networthwoman

    Free gift: www.katyalmstrom.com/10-ways

    Messy to Magnetic Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/messy-to-magnetic/id1594671912

  • Even as a designer with over a decade of experience - I still get STUCK! And from coaching hundreds of business owners to DIY their graphics, I know you might be getting stuck too.

    And getting stuck is NOT the way a business owner wants to spend their day. It wastes time, means you create subpar graphics and is honestly just a frustrating feeling!!

    So what are my top tips get getting unstuck when designing? What do I do myself? That's what I'll be covering in this episode of the Seriously in Business podcast.

    Want to learn how to design your own business graphics for free? Check out my mini (totally binge-able) video series:


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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • In this episode, I chat with Facebook (Meta) ads expert, Bianca McKenzie, about the art and science of creating effective Facebook ads (that don't suck all your money). We cover the challenges of converting leads, refining funnels for online courses, and troubleshooting ad campaigns. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, Bianca shares valuable insights to help you optimize your Facebook ad strategy.

    Key takeaways from this episode:

    - Understanding the ideal customer and their content consumption habits

    - Allocating budget to top-of-funnel lead generation ads, retargeting for warm audiences, and potential middle-of-funnel ads.

    - Analyzing all the numbers, tracking conversion rates, and collecting data


    Bianca McKenzie helps entrepreneurs by taking the stress out of launching, generating targeted leads, making sales and growing businesses through Facebook & Instagram advertising.




    Bianca McKenzie helps entrepreneurs by taking the stress out of launching, generating targeted leads, making sales and growing businesses through Facebook & Instagram advertising.

  • Do you REALLY need to be in your brand? Like YOU as a person? Yes and no. In this episode, I'll share why you might want to embed you into your business plus we'll dive into how to know how much of you to put in. If you really love pineapple, does that belong in your business? What if your favourite colour is lime green? Should your brand be lime green?

    Key Takeaways:

    - The importance of understanding how much of oneself to embed in a personal brand, whether it's a lot or a little, and which parts of oneself to feature.

    - The significance of building trust and rapport with the audience through personal branding, and how it can be a powerful tool for business credibility.

    - Practical advice on aligning personal traits and preferences with the audience's interests, and understanding the relevance and connection between them.

    - Using the "WOW Model" to identify the overlap between the business's values, the individual's identity, and the target audience's preferences.

    - The significance of balancing professionalism and personal expression in branding, considering the audience's expectations and the industry's requirements.

    Tune in to explore the art of personal branding with me, Jacqui Naunton, now.

    PS. Want to explore creating your own visual brand? I have a free video series that'll be perfect for you! It's called the Seriously in Business Challenge and you can start binging right now!


  • How can we nurture our nervous systems when we run our own business? When things feel like they're constantly GOING

    In this episode, occupational therapist Mia Poklepovich discusses the unique challenges faced by women in business and the importance of prioritizing well-being. We cover effective strategies for managing stress, navigating challenging situations, and finding healthy coping mechanisms.

    Key takeaways:

    - Mia emphasizes the need for women in business to recognize and manage anxiety and stress responses, and tailor work schedules to individual productivity peaks.

    - Strategies for controlling what can be controlled, managing time effectively, and addressing sensory needs for optimal work performance are discussed.

    - Both Mia and Jacqui share experiences in entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of acknowledging professional capabilities, seeking support when necessary, and finding comfort in uncomfortable situations.

    Tune in to gain insights from Mia Poklepovich's journey as she shares her expertise on managing stress, remote work, and well-being, particularly for women in business.


    Mia Poklepovich is the creative and energetic Mental Health Occupational Therapist behind OT Inspire Australia- a female lead OT private practice based in Alice Springs servicing communities throughout the Northern Territory.

    Mia is passionate about Indigenous Health and working as a Mental Health OT – spending a lot of her time working VERY far away from the nearest city or town in Southeast Arnhem Land and the Central Desert Region.

    Working in such isolated regions across incredibly challenging and complex populations – Mia has learned a thing or two about workplace wellbeing, managing stress and burnout in the workplace. Having experienced burn out herself– she is now on a mission to prevent this in the space as best she can- while still doing the job she loves with all her heart. Mia is passionate about female lead businesses and is currently living her dream life somewhere between the desert and the ocean.


    Instagram: @miapoko

    Mia Poklepovich / The Freedom Therapist

    The Freedom Therapist Circle Waitlist:


    You can find OT Inspire Australia at:

    OT Inspire Australia:

    Instagram: @ot_inspire_therapy

    Facebook: OT Inspire Australia

    Web: www.otinspire.com.au

  • This is SUCH a common mistake for those of us DIYing our brand: Only creating 1 or 2 versions of our logo. Did you know you should have at least 4 different versions or more!! PLUS colour variations.

    Having versatile, professional logo variations to suit the diverse needs of your business will mean you are ready for anything business throws at you and look wildly schmick the whole time. Whether it's needing a favicon or DP, logo for a T-shirt or business card, or something for a letterhead or footer in your presentation slides. These are the variations not to miss!

    PS. Don't forget to DM me on Instagram @whitedeergd the special code in this ep if you're ready to claim $200 off my DIY design and brand course ;)

  • So, your business is ready to make its first hire? Or maybe you've hired before but are ready to do it better! In this episode, I chat with HR Expert, Amy Christopherson, on the critical aspects of hiring new team and creating a successful onboarding process for new employees.

    Key Takeaways:

    - The investment of time and resources required to bring an employee up to speed, and the timeline for employees to reach optimal efficiency.

    - The essential components of a well-structured onboarding process, including system setup, policies, procedures, induction, and employee value proposition.

    - The importance of treating employees as valuable assets, expressing empathy, and encouraging open communication to maximize their performance and well-being.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights on building a robust onboarding process that sets the stage for fostering a successful and harmonious working environment.


    I understand that as a business owner, your passion lies in your area of expertise, not necessarily in managing people.

    Hi, I'm Amy. I am a HR Business Partner who is dedicated to working with businesses to look at HR differently. The right people are your most important asset and I want to help you build a team of motivated, growth-focused and aligned people who are committed to your vision!





  • Are you gearing up to launch a brand new, spanking visual identity into the world? Perhaps you've been in business for a while and you've decided it's time to shake things up with a fresh logo and a brand-new name. Or maybe you're a new player in the business world, eager to make a splash with your inaugural branding.

    No matter your situation, this episode of the Seriously in Business podcast has got your back with some strategic tips on how to launch your brand in a way that's engaging, exciting, and won't leave your audience feeling lost or alienated (risking an "unfollow") - particularly for those of you on Instagram.

    If you're seeking more tips and templates to make your launch unforgettable, head on over to https://www.diydesignmybiz.com/RebrandLaunch and grab the tools you need to make a splash with your brand.

  • Colour psychology is something I use as a designer as part of my process of choosing colours, but it can be tricky to teach! So in this episode of the Seriously in Business Podcast, special guest designer, Emily Foster, shares some insights to help you choose the perfect colour palette for your business.

    Does your brand evoke the right feelings? Do the colours make sense for your industry while still standing out? Do your colours flow nicely together? How much should you follow trends? We discuss all this in more in this episode!


    Emily Foster is the owner of Emily Foster Creative, a branding and website design studio that specializes in building personalized brands and websites for creative entrepreneurs looking to up-level their businesses.

    Website: emilyfostercreative.com

    Brand Colours Checklist: https://emilyfostercreative.com/brand-colors-freebie

    Free Elevate Your Website Checklist: https://emilyfostercreative.com/elevated-website-checklist

  • Creating and curating a solid set of social media templates for your brand can be SUCH a timesaver and means you might actually post rather than face that all too common social media overwhelm.

    But it's not always as easy as "let's make some social templates!". There are some things to consider first and in this episode I'll step you through my steps to crafting useable and strategic templates for your business you'll actually want to use AND that help to grow your business, not waste your time.

    Want help strategically crafting your brand?

    My DIY Course AND Design Studio have places open!

    DIY course: www.whitedeer.com.au/diy-dmb

    Done-for-you design: www.whitedeer.com.au/done-for-you

  • So just recently I made the HUGE switch of jumping from using Squarespace as my website design platform to Showit (one I had barely heard of when I started my research!).

    But to make start from scratch building a website felt wildly overwhelming so I opted to purchase a template to get me started and thankfully I found Emma Troys template! (PS. Check out Emma's incredible templates here!! I used Frankie! https://emmatroy.com.au/shop?affiliate=whitedeer)

    In today's episode I chat with special guest, Emma Troy, on all things Showit PLUS helping you decide whether you should DIY/template design your website, OR hire a professional.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Insights into Showit: Emma Troy shares her expertise on the benefits and considerations of using Showit for website design, highlighting its creative freedom, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with WordPress for blogging purposes.

    - Choosing the right website platform: Emma and Jacqui discuss the importance of selecting a website builder that aligns with your business needs, whether it’s for selling products, showcasing work, offering services, or hosting courses.


    Emma Troy is a brand designer, website expert and Showit design partner for creatives, coaches and entrepreneurial adventurers, helping them transform their boring brands and bland websites into (nearly) magical money-making masterpieces. Over the past 12 years Emma has helped 500+ businesses across the globe create immersive online experiences that illustrate their story and illuminate their value through both easy-to-use templates and custom designs.






  • We've all been there - drowning in a sea of potential things we need to post, design or create to help grow our business and unsure of where to begin. As a business owner, your time is precious, and you want your efforts to make a real impact. So, how do you decide what graphics to prioritise?

    In this episode of the Seriously in Business Podcast I want to share how to strategically choose what graphic to work on next in your business to best utilise your time AND grow your business.

    If you want to grab the mockup pack I mention in this episode just head to www.whitedeer.com.au/goodies

  • Let's dive into the world of SEO with special guest Karlie Plowman, an expert in website design and search engine optimization. Karlie shares her journey from office administration to building her successful business, The Techno Bird, and offers invaluable insights into the ever-evolving realm of SEO. Whether you're a business owner looking to improve your website's visibility or simply curious about the impact of SEO, this episode is packed with knowledge and practical advice.

    Key Takeaways:

    - The power of effective SEO: Karlie's success story of transforming a struggling business's online presence demonstrates the significant impact of SEO on visibility and customer engagement.

    - DIY SEO tips: From making your website keyword-rich to understanding search intent, Karlie provides practical advice for those considering handling SEO themselves.

    - Choosing the right SEO professional: Learn what questions to ask and what to look for when selecting an SEO consultant, ensuring a successful partnership for your business's online growth.


    Karlie Plowman is a seasoned professional in the field of website design and SEO, dedicated to supporting women in small business and solopreneurs. With over 10 years of experience, Karlie has established herself as a leader in the industry, having worked with a diverse range of businesses across various industries including psychologists, copywriters, beauty therapists, allied health, laser tattoo removalists & many more.

    Her business, Techno Bird, serves as a platform for empowering business owners with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the digital landscape. Her commitment to empowering entrepreneurs, combined with her technical expertise and genuine passion, has solidified her reputation as a trusted advisor in the world of website design and SEO.




  • In this episode, I open up about my personal journey as a business owner preparing for maternity leave at 36 weeks pregnant. I cover the strategies and challenges of managing my graphic design business while getting ready to take time off to welcome my new baby.

    From establishing systems that allow the business to operate without my direct involvement to the intricacies of maintaining ongoing marketing and support for my courses, I provide a real look into the preparations I'm making (which has been SO different from when I prepared for baby #1 3 years ago).

    I delve into the decision-making process of opting for at least 2 months of leave and the diligent planning required to set up the business for seamless operations during my absence. This includes the training of my team, setting up autoresponders for email communication, posting to social media, and creating robust systems to facilitate smooth functioning. Join me as I navigate through this significant chapter of my life and business, sharing insights that can resonate with fellow business owners planning for extended time off.

    Keen to work with me?

    DIY course: www.whitedeer.com.au/diy-dmb

    Done-for-you design: www.whitedeer.com.au/done-for-you

  • In this episode, I sit down with Lisa Byrne, a product-based business coach, to delve into the unique challenges and strategies for success in the world of e-commerce. Lisa shares valuable insights from the daily routines of a business owner to the key differences between product-based and service-based businesses, the importance of boldness in marketing, and the evolving trends in marketing for 2024.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The importance of focusing on 1-3 key marketing strategies at a time for better results and reduced exhaustion.

    2. The crucial role of a clear and consistent brand message across all marketing channels to attract and retain customers.

    3. The shift towards posting content that appeals to a wider audience, including common ground content and authentic storytelling, over solely product-focused content.

    4. The significance of self-belief and persistence in facing the challenges of running a product-based business.

    5. The need for clarity in messaging and brand presentation to build trust and connect with potential customers.

    6. The importance of finding support, whether it's from mentors, coaches, or business buddies, to navigate the complex world of marketing and branding.


    Lisa Byrne is an internationally award-winning marketer, course creator, podcaster and mentor with over 23 years of experience in marketing.

    Lisa helps female founders of product-based businesses increase their traffic, sales, profit and confidence by teaching them the right things to focus on instead of doing all the things.

    Lisa’s mission is to help women with online stores find more financial and creative freedom by strengthening their strategy, marketing and mindset.

    She has helped hundreds of women from all over the world transform their businesses without sacrificing their well-being or time with their families.

    With strong marketing foundations and a laser focus on simple, sustainable and scalable marketing and sales strategies, Lisa’s students unlock the secret to growing with ease and with less stress.


    eComm Grow Strong https://www.lisabyrne.co/egs

    12 week group coaching program designed to help eCommerce business owners reach $5k months organically. Opens Feb 2024

    The eComm CEO https://www.lisabyrne.co/ceo

    6 month program for female eCommerce founders who want to grow from $5k to $15k months and finally feel confident and in control of their business (and their self-belief!) Opens May 2024

    eComm Scale Strong https://www.lisabyrne.co/ess-application

    The high-touch, personalised 6-month coaching program for ambitious female eCommerce founders who are at $15k+ months and want to scale to six, multi-six, seven figures and beyond (without burning out!)

    Applications Now Open

    Podcast eCommerce Marketing Society. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/ecommerce-marketing-society-with-lisa-byrne/id1544686717

    Website https://lisabyrne.com.au/

    Instagram @lisabyrnemarketing

  • I'm pumped to share a major milestone with you – last week I hit the 10-year mark in my business journey! It's been a wild ride, and to celebrate, I've recorded a special episode where I share my experiences and learnings in the hope that it will help you on your own biz journey.

    In this episode, I dive into how I started as a graphic designer and transformed into the go-to person for teaching online business owners how to create their own brand and graphics. From taking on any and all opportunities to discovering my niche and pursuing what I love, I've come a long way, and I'm stoked about where the journey has led me.

    I also get real about the challenges I've faced (making mistakes and having tough days are all part of running a business).

    Thanks for being part of this journey with me, and here's to your own success in all your business ventures.

    Keen to work with me? My DIY Course AND Design Studio have places open!

    DIY course: www.whitedeer.com.au/diy-dmb

    Done-for-you design: www.whitedeer.com.au/done-for-you

  • Are you feeling stuck in your business, your relationship, struggling to overcome self-sabotage, or seeking a balanced approach to achieving personal and business success? Join me as I chat with today's guest Casey Warwick as we explore the intersection of mindset, spirituality, and business growth in this empowering episode.

    Key Takeaways:

    - Casey Warwick emphasizes the significance of integrating balance for sustainable business growth and personal fulfilment.

    - Learn the connection between personal development and business success, as Warwick discusses the impact of trauma patterns on achieving one's full potential.

    - Gain insight into the role of relationships, self-awareness, and intuitive decision-making in business, and understand how they influence our outcomes and interactions.

    - Discover the importance of merging personal beliefs and practices with business strategies for overall success and fulfilment.

    - Learn about the essential steps to overcome self-sabotage, achieve clarity, and make intelligent decisions in business, especially when emotions are high.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, business professional, or someone striving for personal growth, this episode offers valuable perspectives and practical insights to integrate logical and energetic approaches to problem-solving and sustainable success in both your personal and professional life.


    Casey is a Business Embodiment Coach specializing in helping women unlock their full potential in both their businesses and relationships. Her signature Programs include The Embodied Woman series and The Embodied Business Mastermind.

    Casey has worked with hundreds of women all over the world, transforming both their careers and relationships. Her work dives into the principal of “everything touches everything” and allows you to EMBODY the full expression of, “We get to HAVE IT ALL”.

    Her understanding of the human mind and its sabotage strategies allow her to use fast, tactical approaches and thought-provoking activities to ensure her clients succeed quickly.

    Get in touch with Casey:

    Casey's upcoming Offerings:

    Embodied Business Mastermind- 4th March 2024


  • I cannot believe it! 150 episodes of the Seriously in Business Podcast! To celebrate 150 I thought I'd share with you my insights from having over 300 students (double 150 - that's the connection ;)) in my course: DIY Design My Biz.

    I'm going to share with you from 2 sides:

    1) What I've seen are common struggles and solutions for biz owners DIYing their graphics

    2) Key things that I've done as a course creator to build a successful program

    Enjoy!! And thank you for being here!! If you're one of the lucky ones who've listened to all 150 episodes PLEASE get in touch!

    Send me a me message on Instagram (@whitedeergd) coz I HAVE to give you a prize haha.

    PS. If you're interested in my DIY course, here are all the deets! https://whitedeer.com.au/diydmb

    Or if you're looking for a free way to start getting your designs sorted, I have a free mini video series you'll love! Dive straight in here: https://whitedeer.com.au/seriously-challenge

  • I'm so excited to introduce you to Laken Chin Poy, a true powerhouse in the business and inner work arena. In this episode we'll cover wisdom on building businesses, embracing life's challenges, and mastering the art of growth like a boss.

    Our girl Laken didn’t have it easy. I mean, she started from the bottom, dealt with some serious curveballs, and shaped her challenges into stepping stones for success. From postnatal depression and financial woes to a rollercoaster ride of relationships, bankruptcy, and more, Laken has been through it all. Her journey is a testament to resilience and the power of turning trials into triumphs.


    Laken Simmons (Chin Poy) is a Business Mentor and Inner Work Specialist empowering high-performing women to cultivate both inner and outer strengths for integrity-led businesses. With a decade in entrepreneurship, she's built, scaled, and sold multiple six-to-seven-figure businesses. Her unique approach blends Inner Work, Outer Work, and Relationship dynamics holistically. Despite challenges like moving countries, experiencing abuse, bankruptcy, and tumultuous relationships, she's risen through lifelong inner work.

    Today, based in NZ with her husband and teenagers, Laken nurtures a thriving coaching business. She's passionate about guiding others toward personal empowerment, generational wealth, resilient relationships, and businesses they're truly proud of!


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/lakenchinpoy

    Laken's Free Masterclass: Stepping into your identity | https://www.lakenchinpoy.com/sixfigidentity

  • Do you really need a full brand or can your business get by with just a logo?

    SOME businesses can get by with just a logo (I'll share who that might be in this episode), but if you want long-term success for your brand... you need just that... a brand. A visual brand that is MORE than your logo. One that sets the visual style of your business: from fonts, to colours, to elements and more.

    Why? Well, I'll cover that in this episode.

    Need help with your own brand? Head to www.whitedeer.com.au to find out more about working together.