Welkom bij deze podcast waarin ik (Kamal Prem Kaur) als mama vertel over de dagelijkse dingetjes die ik als bewuste thuismoeder ervaar. Van samen de was doen tot zindelijk worden en van familie bezoekjes tot de regenachtige dagen doorkomen. Als je bewust bij je kind wilt zijn, dan maak je alles van dichtbij mee. Daarbij is het soms best een uitdaging om zo'n grote verantwoordelijkheid alleen te dragen, maar ik sta met vertrouwen in mijn moederschap.
Je kunt mij ook vinden op instagram @bewustbijmijnkind voor beelden, via telegram voor een dagelijkse blog of mijn website voor mijn volledige aanbod: van meditaties voor moeders tot online groeitrajecten.
Stop trying to sip from the Human Design Fire Hydrant of T.M.I. and start getting clear, specific, and tailored guidance for YOU, your family, and your circumstances.BecauseYou are tired of feeling overwhelmed by all of the Human Design guidance out there on the internet.You are an amazing parent, yet you know there is more. You just can’t put words to what’s missing.You don’t want to spend a lifetime getting to know your child, because you want to connect with them better NOW.The Problem Is↠ You are too busy being a GREAT PARENT to sort through all of the fluff to find the golden nuggets for yourself↠ You feel like you are talking in an empty room as your child rolls their eyes and walks away↠ You feel your child’s growing independence and you want to strengthen your bond in an empowering way↠ You want to steer away from screeching, preaching, or just losing it, and parent while protecting their self-esteem↠ You’ve discarded the parenting blueprint you inherited because you intuitively sense there is a better wayHow Would It Feel If…💎 …We understood our children’s inner world, and could speak their language?💎 …We could minimize the needlessly stressful “extra”?💎…You had those beautiful cherry-picked bits of insight curated for you?💎… Communication was effective, efficient, and ❤️ to ❤️?💎…You were parenting from your center, proactively?You can uncover the secret code to connecting with your child in an authentic way (without losing the core of who you are).I Get It. I’m Sashya and I’m a mom, too…(((BIG HUGS)))I am also a Creative Family Dynamics Expert.As I held my daughter for the first time, I remember feeling my heart grow three sizes, and suddenly realizing that I would gladly give my life for this tiny little sweet-smelling bundle of brown eyes and coos. I thought I knew what love was before, but, wow, this was amazing.I soon found out it takes a lot more to live for (and live with!) our children than it does to die for them, LOL!My mother, of blessed memory, did the best she could, but I always felt there was something missing. I knew I didn’t want to just do the opposite of what my folks did, but I didn’t know what the “center of the road” really looked like, either.This really hit home for me the year my second son was born – the year my daughter turned 15. My second son metaphorically tossed my parenting books out with the bathwater, and my daughter was inching closer and closer to independence and our relationship was strained. More often than I would have liked, I found myself yelling and breaking down, instead of reaching in, reaching out, and making a strong connection.But, Baruch Hashem, Human Design Changed All That!This podcast is dedicated to helping you uncover those juicy truths and apply them to your family today.For more information or to seek guidance for your specific situation, go to -
Following Jesus and raising kids in a Christ-centered home can be a challenge in today's culture. Each week we will have a conversation around 1 of 26 different Biblical Family Virtues from our curriculum. We talk about how to implement these virtues into your home, specifically with your children.
We have a good amount of fun along the way, but ultimately our hope is to help build a strong Biblical foundation for Christian families and their children as they develop their faith in Christ.
We pray that through the discovery of Biblical virtue, immersion in God's Word, and Christ-centered conversations your family will understand God and Biblical virtue more clearly.
Your hosts are Jonny & Danika Jordan. Find out more about Biblically Centered at
ആത്മീയ ശബ്ദയാത്ര കേൾക്കൂ മനോരമ പോഡ്കാസ്റ്റിലൂടെ.
Let's listen to Spiritual on Manorama Podcast
For more -
De gezelligste podcast over opvoeden, ouderschap en al het moois en lelijks dat daarbij komt kijken! Met opvoedtips en sterke 'Ik ken iemand die...'-verhalen van Nynke de Jong, Alex van der Hulst, Hanneke Hendrix en Anne Janssens.
Ben je een nieuwe luisteraar? Welkom bij de club! Wat gezellig! Begin hier >
I am your host Cendrine, spiritual teacher ascension mentor, trance channel and the leader of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry.
Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.
Let’s reclaim our freedom and recode our reality!
Follow me on Instagram ( for daily inspiration
Subscribe to my Youtube channel ( for more multidimensional videos
Access my gifts ( to help you on your ascension journey -
Kluun en Yvanka pakken door! Inmiddels heeft Kluun’s boek ‘Help, Ik Heb Een Puber!’ een geel zusje gekregen: ‘Hoera, Ik Heb Een Puber!’. En wat blijkt? Net zoals in de puberteit zijn nog lang niet alle problemen opgelost. Daarom trekken ze in dit nieuwe seizoen alles uit de kast om opnieuw de meest grappige, ingewikkelde, gênante en confronterende vragen te beantwoorden over de puber(s) in jouw leven.
Hiervoor schakelen schrijvers Kluun en Yvanka van der Zwaan opnieuw de hulp in van een hele lading experts en bekende puberouders, maar zetten ze nog wat extra kracht bij door ook toekomstige puberouders en puberopa’s en -oma’s uit te nodigen. Komen zij er toch niet uit? Dan is daar gelukkig altijd nog de (uitgebreide!) puberpoule voor goudeerlijk, ongezouten commentaar.
Wil je zelf een onderwerp aandragen of heb je een andere tip? Volg ons via @helpikhebeenpuber en stuur ons een berichtje!
Dr. Deborah Adamy has conversations with everyday people who inspire, uplift and who are living their lives with vitality and joy. She admires people who can weather adversity and hardship without becoming cynical and bitter; who actually choose to learn, grow and find meaning and purpose in what they have experienced.
There are countless ordinary people living pretty extraordinary lives and Deborah wants to shine light on them! Enlighten: Uplift and Inspire includes conversations with a wide variety of people: activists, musicians, shiatsu therapists, circus arts performers, playwrights, directors, psychotherapists, dancers, film makers, yoga teachers, educators, actors and photographers, just to name a few. May you feel inspired and uplifted listening to this podcast. Visit for more. Enjoy!! -
Are you a mom who is ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life? A few months before a big milestone birthday, host Julie Neale, a life and leadership coach, community builder and mom to two high-energy boys, decided to stop sidelining her dreams and become the hero of her own journey. She created this show to help light her way by gathering words of wisdom and lessons learned from other mothers further ahead on their quest. Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, engaging mindfully with their children (E), passionately and purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), investing in themselves (I), and connecting to a strong support network (C). Come along with Julie and you are sure to find some treasures of your own.
Curhat Babu adalah Curhat BApak & iBU.Kami mengerti bahwa menjadi orang tua itu .. well,.. "seru".Kadang membahagiakan, kadang menantang.Kadang lucu, kadang mau marah. Sehingga, curhat itu penting. Dan selain itu, kadang kita pun layaknya "babu" anak kita.Oleh karena itu, kami di sini hadir untuk mendengar curhat para BaBu lain di luar sana.Bukan untuk menghakimi,Bukan untuk menasihati,Cuma sekedar berbagi.It's okay to complain, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to cry, it's okay not to be okay.Kami tunggu emailnya di [email protected] IG kami, @curhatbapakibu
In deze podcast neem ik je mee in mijn werk als Spiritueel (High End) Business Visionair en help ik jou als ondernemer om je Business (nog meer) te verbinden met spiritualiteit op een leuke, praktische en succesvolle manier!
- Where Business Meets Spirituality. Combining Best of Both Worlds and Grow Your Business and Change the World -
Let's do that together.
Tess Fliers -
The Joshua Tongol Podcast will change the way you see reality... forever! Joshua is an author, spiritual teacher, out-of-body explorer, energy healer and psychic medium. With his unique and diverse background, he has become a fresh voice for modern-day spirituality.
As a rising thought leader, Josh’s profound teachings have helped countless people throughout the world. He speaks on topics such as the law of attraction, law of assumption, reality transurfing, religion, spirituality, astral projection, paranormal phenomena, and personal development--offering new paradigms relevant for our day and age.
So chill with Josh as he shares inspirational stories, thought-provoking questions and insights–just straight-up real talk! He also speaks with brilliant minds, influential leaders and more!
So get ready, here’s a show that’ll make you rethink everything you’ve ever known... by helping you *remember* who you really are. Learn more at -
Na ruim 650.000 listens en gesprekken met meer dan 50 experts, is het tijd voor een serie afleveringen vanuit a mother’s gaze. Daarom presenteren we deze zomer: Vrouw’en – vrouw-zijn door de lens van het moederschap. In deze spin-off van Mama’en – De Podcast gaat Nina Pierson, samen met bekende vrouwen, op zoek naar antwoord op de vraag: hoe blijf je als vrouw bij jezelf, als je ook een moederrol te vervullen hebt? Openhartige gesprekken over je hart volgen, vrouwelijke seksualiteit én wat er nodig is om een betekenisvol leven te leiden. Als moeder, maar bovenal als vrouw. Het is hoog tijd dat we onszelf, onze eigen wensen en behoeftes op de eerste plek zetten, want vrouw-zijn is óók een werkwoord.
Adverteren bij Vrouw'en of Mama'en? Mail naar: [email protected]
If you’re ready to step into the BIGGER version of yourself and your destiny, then you’ve found the right podcast, because we’re about to have some BIG conversations about just that.
Hosted by entrepreneur, author, manifestation coach and Forbes most influential speaker Haley Hoffman Smith, the Big Conversations Podcast helps people of all ages and backgrounds amp up their motivation, manifesting abilities, and subconscious breakthroughs. With content aimed at obliterating limitations, connecting with the Universe, and sparking profound inner contemplation, each episode will help you level UP into the biggest version of you and your life - right to your pipe dreams. -
In Alles op Tafel praat Ramon Roelofs (Charly Lownoise) in alle openheid, zonder poespas en met humor over alles wat komt kijken bij het vinden en volgen van je eigen pad. Elke aflevering is er een gastspreker met een bijzonder (levens)verhaal. Er wordt gepraat vanuit eigen ervaring en zonder maskers; ofwel ‘alles kan en mag op tafel’.