
  • 135: Your Astrological Stars for June 2024
    Welcome to another episode of Seeing With Stars Astrology Podcast, where Stephanie Johnson, with her 30+ years of astrology expertise, delves deep into the astrological forecast for June. Here's a sneak peek of what you'll uncover in SWSPodcastEp135.mp3:
    **3 Key Takeaways:**

    - **🔄 Embrace Change and Choices:**

    - Astrological influences, particularly with Jupiter moving into Gemini, are prompting many signs to make significant decisions. Whether they be small daily choices or life-changing ones, this episode provides valuable guidance for each zodiac sign.

    - **💡 Personal Growth and Opportunities:**

    - Stephanie highlights unique opportunities for personal growth and financial gains for Taurus, Gemini, and other signs. The message is clear: recognize and seize these moments for self-improvement and betterment.

    - **🌟 Heightened Intuition and Relationships:**

    - Cancer and Scorpio signs are encouraged to tune into their intuition and psychic abilities, while signs like Leo and Sagittarius are advised to focus on their relationships. Whether it's nurturing existing friendships or forming new partnerships, June has something special in store for everyone.

    Dive into this insightful episode and discover what the stars have planned for you this month! 🌠


  • 134: Jupiter in Gemini
    Welcome to another episode of Seeing With Stars Podcast. In this episode, Stephanie Johnson delves into the intriguing alignment of Jupiter in Gemini, offering insights into how this planetary movement may influence your life and the world around you.
    In this captivating episode, Stephanie delves into the intriguing alignment of Jupiter in Gemini, offering insights into how this planetary movement may influence your life and the world around you.
    What to Expect:

    Discover the significance of Jupiter in Gemini and its impact on growth and expansion.
    Learn how this alignment may affect your individual sun sign and various areas of your life.
    Explore the historical contexts and astrological nuances associated with Jupiter in Gemini.
    Uncover how Jupiter in Gemini can inspire intellectual adventure, communication, and new possibilities.

    Episode Highlights:

    Insightful reflections on the traits of Jupiter and Gemini.
    Fascinating discussions on past occurrences of Jupiter in Gemini.
    Personalized interpretations for each zodiac sign's experience with Jupiter in Gemini.
    Practical tips on setting goals and embracing growth during this planetary phase.
    Discover the significance of Jupiter in Gemini and its impact on growth and expansion.
    Learn how this alignment may affect your individual sun sign and various areas of your life.
    Explore the historical contexts and astrological nuances associated with Jupiter in Gemini.
    Uncover how Jupiter in Gemini can inspire intellectual adventure, communication, and new possibilities.


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  • 133: Gemini Season
    Welcome to our latest episode of Seeing With Stars Podcast with Stephanie Johnson! As the stars shift and the sun moves into Gemini, we’re excited to explore the light-hearted and communicative energy that this season brings.
    Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect in this episode:

    Gemini Season: A Time for Connection and Curiosity

    Stephanie takes us on an astrological journey through Gemini Season, sharing how this adaptable and communicative sign, ruled by Mercury, influences our lives, including:

    1. Gemini Traits and Famous Geminis:

    Learn about the witty, curious, and social nature of Geminis through examples like Peter Dinklage and Amy Schumer. Discover how Gemini's influence can lead to both clever creativity and sometimes a bit of chaotic energy.

    2. Sun in Gemini—What It Means for You:

    Whether you're a Gemini or not, Stephanie breaks down how the Gemini energy impacts each sun sign. From Aries sharpening their mental skills to Pisces focusing on creating a joyful home environment, there’s something valuable for everyone.

    3. Tips to Embrace Gemini Season:

    Stephanie provides practical advice on how to incorporate Gemini traits into our lives. This is the perfect time to boost your communication, explore new ideas, and indulge in your curiosity.


  • 132: Progressed Lunar Phases - What is yours?
    Welcome back to the Seeing With Stars podcast with your host, Stephanie Johnson.
    In today's episode, Stephanie delves into the fascinating world of progressed lunar phases, a key tool she has utilized throughout her 30-plus years in astrology consulting. Whether you're a seasoned astrologer or just beginning to explore this celestial science, this episode promises to enlighten you on how these phases can influence decision-making and personal growth.
    Stephanie explains the significance of each of the eight phases in the progressed lunation cycle and how they metaphorically represent different stages in a 29-year cycle of personal development.
    By the end of this episode, you'll not only gain a deeper understanding of how progressed lunar phases can be used in astrology but also how to identify which phase you're currently experiencing and how it impacts your life journey.
    Stay tuned as Stephanie guides us through this complex topic with the insight and clarity that only decades of experience can provide.

  • 131: The Sun, Moon and the Ascendant 
    This week's edition of Stephanie Johnson's Seeing With Stars Podcast comes with exciting news that promises to enhance your understanding of astrology and yourself!
    🌞 **Discover the Power of Your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant**

    Stephanie Johnson, our resident astrology expert with over 30 years of experience, discusses the significant roles of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant in personal astrology. These celestial bodies, also known as "The Big Three," are pivotal in shaping our personalities, emotional responses, and life's approach. If you're looking to begin or deepen your astrological journey, understanding these elements is a perfect starting point!

    📚 **Launch of Our Colourful & Informative Zodiac Ebooks!**

    We're thrilled to announce the release of Stephanie Johnson's brand new series of eBooks, each dedicated to a sign's Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. At just $15.95 each, these ebooks are not only an affordable treasure trove of insights but also visually stunning, thanks to beautiful graphics by Anita of Sapphire Graphics.

    - **Customise Your Collection**: Choose individual books based on your personal Big Three or gift them to a loved one. Exclusive discount on bundle purchases—save over 30% when you buy the complete collection!

    - **Early Bird Offer**: Purchase more than 6 ebooks and enjoy an additional 15% discount!

    💫 **Astrology Software & Reports**

    Don't forget, for those looking to dive even deeper, our astrology software and detailed reports, like 'The Big Three,' offer customized insights based on your personal charts for just US$19.95. It’s a perfect complement to your ebook collection.

    💌 **Thank You for Your Continued Support**

    Your enthusiasm and engagement mean the world to us. If you've enjoyed your journey with "Seeing With Stars" so far, consider subscribing, sharing, and reviewing our podcast. Help spread the love by introducing more people to the beauty and wisdom of astrology!

    Visit our website at www.seeingwithstars.net to explore more, purchase your ebooks, and sign up for exclusive updates.

  • 130: Your Stars for May 2024

    Welcome to another episode of Seeing With Stars Podcast with your host, Stephanie Johnson. Step into the astrological narrative of the month as Stephanie explores the zodiac and what the stars have aligned for each sign. Here's a sneak peek of what you'll discover in the latest episode:

    ✨ Aries: Step up to audit personal finances and make value-based decisions post-April eclipse shake-up.

    🎂 Taurus: Celebrate personal milestones and seek balance in your social domain.

    🔋 Gemini: Seize your time to recharge before Jupiter brings hustle in June.

    🤝 Cancer: Strengthen community ties and practice random acts of kindness.

    🏆 Leo: Bask in the limelight of professional recognition and unexpected encounters.

    🌍 Virgo: Expand your horizons through travel, studies, or cultural experiences.

    ...And much more for each sign!

    🔮 Special Mention: Jupiter's Upcoming Sign Change

    Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is on the brink of a major shift. Stay tuned for a future podcast where Stephanie will delve deep into this significant astrological event.

  • 129: Taurus Season
    Welcome to another episode of Seeing with Stars Podcast and this week's episode - Taurus season. Stephanie Johnson, our  astrological guide with over 30 years of cosmic exploration, has wrapped up insights and celestial guidance into a gift just for you in our latest episode, "Embracing the Bull – Taurus Season's Riches."
    🌳 What's inside this Taurus treasure trove:

    - Discover the steadfast qualities of those born under the sign of the Bull and what makes Taurus energy so grounding and nurturing.

    - Learn about Taurus' ruling planet Venus and how it influences our love for beauty, comfort, and material security.

    - Understand the unique impact that Taurus season (April 20 - May 20) will have on each zodiac sign and how the rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus could shake up our world.

    🌱 Sprout New Beginnings: Stephanie highlights ways to utilize the Taurus season to cultivate a sense of security, assess your material possessions, and find richness in simplicity. From grounding exercises like walking barefoot on the grass to surrounding yourself with soothing green hues, there are plenty of activities to help connect with mother nature.

    💚 For Each Zodiac Sign: Whether you're a motivated Aries re-evaluating your sense of worth, a creative Leo rediscovering work-life joy, or a nurturing Cancer focusing on supportive relationships, Taurus season beckons you to reassess your foundations.

    ⭐ Behind the Scenes Exclusive: Stephanie dives deep into personal anecdotes and shares her transformative experience from her Sagittarian exploration to embracing her Taurus ascendant's stability.

    💡 A Moment of Clarity: Reflect on the essence of security and wealth in your life. Are you accumulating possessions for comfort or finding true value in the intangible? Stephanie urges a balance between abundance and mindful accumulation.

    Don’t miss a single celestial cue!

  • 128: The Sun Signs and Cell Salts
    Have you ever wondered about the intersection of astrology and health? Our latest episode of the Seeing With Stars podcast dives into the fascinating world of zodiac signs and their corresponding cell salts.
    ✨ 3 Key Takeaways:

    - 🌿 **Holistic Harmony**: Discover how the 12 cell salts correlate with each zodiac sign and might influence your body's harmony. It's a blend of ancient wisdom and modern holistic practices!

    - 🔍 **Personalized Health Insights**: Learn about the potential health benefits tied to your sun sign. Whether you're fiery Aries or a grounded Capricorn, there's a cell salt that resonates with your astrological makeup.

    - 📚 **Fuel for Curiosity**: Spark your interest in homeopathy and natural wellness. A journey that begins with the stars may lead to improve overall well-being.

    Stephanie Johnson shares insights gained from the book "The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation" by Carey and Perry, and her discussions with colleagues like the late esoteric astrologer, Joseph Lyons. Get ready to connect your astrological sign with its associated cell salt for a holistic approach to your health.


    The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Carey & Perry
    Tania Abouzaki Merkaba Healing

  • 127: Jupiter Uranus Conjunction and your Sun Sign
    Welcome, astrology enthusiasts, to another episode of the "Seeing With Stars" podcast with your host, Stephanie Johnson. Today, we dive into the much-anticipated conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 21st, a celestial event that promises to shake up our fortunes and present novel opportunities. Stephanie, with over three decades of experience in astrology, revisits her prior predictions about Uranus moving into Taurus and how it's already impacted the way we view finances and societal norms, including the literal and symbolic currency shift in the British monarchy.
    Not one to shy away from particulars, Stephanie walks us through the implications of this outstanding transit for each zodiac sign, offering insights that range from personal finances to self-growth, and from sudden enlightenment to exciting community developments. Get ready for a blend of professional, financial, and spiritual guidance that could signal promotions, creative breakthroughs, and even expansion in AI and futuristic professions.

    So, whether you've been feeling the rumble of change or you're just curious about what the stars have in store, this episode is your cosmic compass. Don't forget to tune in, share, and subscribe for more stellar insights from Stephanie Johnson, and join us in navigating life with the wisdom of the stars.

  • 126: Your Stars for April 2024
    Welcome to another episode of Seeing With Stars podcast with Stephanie Johnson, where you can find valuable insights about the astrological influences for the month of April.
    In the most recent episode, Stephanie shared her astrological forecast for each zodiac sign in April, taking into account the upcoming solar eclipse and its potential effects on personal and professional matters. If you're curious about what the stars have in store for you this month, this podcast episode is not to be missed.

    Here are a few highlights of what Stephanie discussed in the episode:

    - Aries: New beginnings and change are on the horizon. The solar eclipse on April 8th could be a springboard for setting new intentions.

    - Taurus: April is a time for reassessment and retreating to prepare for the birthday season.

    - Cancer: Ideal for stocktaking of professional goals and recognizing personal efforts.

    - Leo: The solar eclipse in Aries lights up the big picture and encourages contemplation of spiritual beliefs and goals.

    - Libra: Relationship matters come to light, prompting a focus on health and well-being.

    - Capricorn: Find activities that improve mental health and enjoyment of home and family.

    Stephanie also offers a 15% discount on consultations with the coupon code "swsclientvip" for podcast listeners. If you're interested in a personalized astrology consultation, this is a great opportunity to gain deeper insights into your unique astrological profile.