
  • The Emperor's Ultimatum: Evolve or Burn


    Introduction to Aries Season and the Emperor:

    A dynamic shift in energy is underway with the advent of Aries Season, epitomized by the Emperor archetype.A departure from the dreamy Pisces vibe, Aries Season ignites the zodiac with its fiery essence.

    Healing and Transformation:

    Genuine healing and transformation require embracing emotions and physical sensations fully.Surrendering to feelings is emphasized as the pathway to lasting renewal.

    The Purpose of Embracing the Emperor's Wisdom:

    Encourages channeling the inner muse and igniting creativity through visualization and journaling.The Emperor symbolizes leadership and resilience, guiding individuals to harness their passions effectively.

    The Symbolism of the Emperor Card:

    Detailed exploration of the Emperor card's symbolism:Ankh: Represents life and complements the Empress archetype.Golden Apple: Symbolizes power and authority.Throne: Signifies impartiality and strength, with ram heads at its corners.Rocky Mountains: Symbolic of challenges and the Emperor's resolve.River: Offers hope for growth and connects to the Emperor's femininity.Red Robe: Reflects passion and virtue in authority.Armor: Represents strength and readiness for action.Crown: Symbolizes self-sufficiency and leadership authority.

    Blend of Aries Energy and Tarot:

    Integration of Aries' fiery essence with the zestful energy of the Wands suit in tarot.The Emperor card embodies the spirit of hard work, experience, and leadership, inspiring individuals to aspire to such qualities.


    Acknowledgment of the upright Emperor as a validation of one's leadership skills.Encouragement to embrace the Emperor's wisdom as a guide for navigating challenges and realizing personal growth.

    These show notes capture the essence of "The Emperor's Ultimatum: Evolve or Burn," offering insights into Aries Season, healing, and the transformative power of the Emperor archetype in tarot.

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    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Four Keys to Unlock the Power of Your Intuition


    Ascension as a natural process inherent to humanity and the planet, aligning with the Consciousness of Creation.Decision to cooperate with the Ascension process instead of resisting or remaining detached.Assurances provided for those without prior spiritual experience or self-identification as intuitive.

    Guided Intuitive Development Exercise:

    An invitation to engage in exercises designed to awaken and strengthen intuition.Encouragement to find a comfortable and distraction-free space before beginning.


    Imagining the Number 3 with a Cool Font:

    Visualization exercise to activate Clairvoyance (clear inner vision).Instructions for visualizing the number three in various fonts, stimulating imagination.

    Imagining Hearing a Bird Singing:

    Auditory visualization aimed at activating Clairaudience (clear inner hearing).Guidance on visualizing the melody, rhythm, and pitch of a bird's song and connecting with nature.

    Imagining Hearing the Rain Trickling Outside:

    Another auditory exercise targeting Clairaudience.Instructions for visualizing rain sounds to induce a sense of calm and peace.

    Pathwork with a One-card Tarot Reading:

    Introduction to tarot reading for intuitive guidance.Guidance on establishing personal ground rules, asking clear questions, and interpreting cards.

    Recap and Quick Guide:

    Encouragement to thank oneself for completing the exercises and to practice regularly.Quick guide provided for each exercise for future reference.


    Reminder to stay connected to inner wisdom and take care until the next session.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Welcome to Finding Forgiveness Within

    On this episode we explore the transformative power of self-forgiveness.

    Holding onto shame and self-criticism can sabotage our intuition over time.

    But through compassionate self-talk and embracing our worthiness, we clear the path for deeper connection with our inner guidance.

    Tapping into the present allows past pains to teach without defining us.

    Find solace in forgiveness as we each walk distinctive paths.

    Unlocking compassion begins from within, empowering us to uplift others along the way.

    Tune in to discover keys for liberating intuition through self-love.

    xo Kassie

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • 🧘🏻‍♀️ Take a deep breath. Be present.

    🎥 Welcome to today’s READING:


    🦁 🤴🏼The Knight & Strength: Your Essence of Temperance and Valor

    Main InsightsThe Knight of Pentacles and Strength are two Tarot cards that represent different aspects of determination, perseverance, and control.

    When combined, these cards hint a powerful synergy of unwavering focus and inner strength, resulting in the achievement of practical goals.

    The Knight of Pentacles is known for his steady and methodical approach, while Strength symbolizes inner fortitude and courage.

    Together, they encourage us to be patient and persistent in our pursuits, relying on our inner strength to overcome obstacles and achieve our ambitions.

    Shared Symbols

    Both The Knight of Pentacles and Strength cards feature green Fields:

    Green Fields

    Green fields in Rider-Waite Tarot symbolism typically point to possibility, financial wellbeing, health and wholesomeness.

    While green fields are generally linked to positivity, they are sometimes included on cards with an overall negative message for contrasting between negative and positive concepts — in the background and foreground of the card.

    Wrapping it up:

    The Knight of Pentacles represents a steady and methodical approach, with a strong work ethic and commitment to practical goals.

    The Strength card symbolizes inner courage, self-discipline, and the ability to overcome obstacles with grace and resilience.

    Together, these cards suggest a powerful combination of determination, inner strength, and focus to achieve goals.

    Remember to stay focused, committed, and trust in your ability to persevere through challenges and setbacks. With hard work, determination, and inner strength, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

    References: Leela Tech: Leela Technology Physical Products & Infinity Bloc

    Interview with Phillip:

    Thank you for being here, love you.


    The Growth Guild Digital Garden is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Before we pop in to unveil the current energy, I would love to stay connected on upcoming drops where I share live intuitive readings almost daily - with other pertinent podcasts!

    Sign up here to the Growth Guild Newsletter

    We're constantly plugged into devices, disconnecting us from our inner selves. This external stimulation leads to feeling disembodied, disjointed, depleted and anxious. To counter this, we must practice tuning inward.


    Think of yourself as a complex orchestra. When parts are out of sync, it creates dissonance and drains your energy. Harmonizing creates well-being, resilience and flow. Take moments to check in and align your inner team.


    The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that nothing is static - we're always evolving. Our true power comes from listening within and engaging meaningfully with the world. It's about balancing internal with external.


    We give weight to what we attach our energy to, like needing a pen to solve our problems. This drains our power. Grace helps deal with what we think we can't by defying our perceptions of limits. Convert heavy emotions to Grace for understanding.


    The Wheel associates with Jupiter, guide of our life path and higher purpose. Jupiter relates to ideals, happiness and good fortune.


    The more weight we give externals, the denser and heavier our field. This impacts creativity and ability to energize synchronicity. We drain power and rely on others. Grace lifts us when we're weighted down.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • We are dissolving and disintegrating the imprints that prevent us from seeing who we are, what we are, whose we are, and from seeing who every one of us is. It is a coming back to our authentic nature and allowing infinite good to express through us as abundance, prosperity, joy, health, and well-being


    0:00 - Introduction of guest and topic

    3:30 - Overview of Lila Quantum Tech flagship products

    6:00 - Validation from clinical research studies

    9:30 - Explanation of quantum entanglement principles

    12:30 - Introduction of Quantum Upgrade subscription service

    15:00 - Examples of customized frequency settings

    17:30 - Review of recent Quantum Upgrade research findings

    20:30 - Application of solution for homes, businesses, pets

    23:00 - Walkthrough of signing up process and free trial

    26:00 - Benefits experienced by existing customers

    28:30 - Resources for continuing quantum wellness journey

    31:00 - Parting thoughts and invitation to resources.


    Leela Technology Physical Products & Infinity Bloc


    Leela Quantum Upgrade Distance Healing


    Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling, founder and CEO of Leela Quantum Tech, shared insights on EMF protection, quantum energy technology, and the remarkable benefits experienced by users. From advancements in deuterium depleted water to the game-changing Infinity Bloc, this episode is packed with transformative information.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com

  • In 2024, a major theme is facing our fears so we don't get caught in projection, polarization, and reactivity.

    So pause, and capture this message.

    You opened this message, and its all FOR YOU- at this time and with purpose.


    This is a lovely channeled message that I received.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Hello lovers!

    I truly hope you’ve been a

    A Fond Farewell as we enter the ELEMENTS of WOOD and the DIVINE DRAGON

    I’m so excited to share this MUCH NEEDED POSITIVE FORCASTING insights on the powerful dragon archetype and 2024 spiritual predictions.

    The mystical dragon,

    a female matriarch,

    symbolizes the birthing of a new world.

    A Time of Great Change:
    Claiming Your Power and Purpose
    with Dragon Energy Rising

    Imagine a magnificent creature hatching something new – a symbol of our collective evolution.

    Embrace the changes, as 2024 is marked as a pivotal year in this grand cosmic cycle.

    The dragon's symbolism aligns with the transition from 3D to 5D dimensions.

    This feminine matriarch guides us through a profound journey of spiritual awakening. Let go of the old to make room for the new!

    Stepping into conscious community is a key theme.

    The dragon encourages us to connect, collaborate, and build tribes.

    It's the beginning of a 12-year cycle focusing on feminine energies, spiritual families and conscious connections.

    The dragon's energy signifies the start of a solar cycle.

    I have a sense with this WOOD that evokes FIRE, will create a surge in solar activity, prompting personal and planetary veils thinning.

    This is not a fear-driven journey but an invitation to embrace cosmic changes.

    The dragon embodies the full spectrum of feminine energies – from loving kindness to warrior strength.

    Let’s dive into some additional details and how to integrate them into your life.

    May this encourage you to proclaim your heart, mind and Sovereignty.

    Trust the process, let go of what no longer serves, and welcome the unexpected.

    PS: Remember to get grounded on your true nature and gifts with the
    Flow Frequency Assessment to clarify your core elemental archetype!

    You can grab it for FREE HERE! There is a masterclass and guide for you. ♥️

    Ancient Equation for Your Soul's Travels to Your
    Life's Path Astrology Number


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    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

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    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • As we are at the cusp of this story on our mind, body and soul, take heart within this episode on the reality of who you really are.

    Ride the wave, because YOU ARE THE WAVE of CONSCIOUSNESS as we turn the tides of our future, together.

    🌟 PS: Unlock your higher mind so you can live in your highest potential.

    Reduce tension, agitation, bouts of anxiety and depression with this SEED STARTER 5-Day Journey inside the Growth Guild Community.


    Simple math: Higher levels of consciousness = higher levels of life accessed starts in the Garden of the Mind So it only makes sense to start… with our shell identity.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

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    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com

    Seeing with the Eyes of Our Hearts

    We've all heard stories meant to challenge our current perspectives and wake us up to greater truths.

    One ancient African tale that does just this is "The Story of the Eagle and the Child".

    On the surface, it depicts a mother finding her infant soothed by an eagle in the garden. Fearing for its safety, she alerts the father - who reflexively shoots and kills the child with his arrows upon seeing the scene. What unfolds next is even more startling.

    What if the eagle represents spirit, that indwelling genius in each soul meant to guide and settle us?

    And the arrows symbolize the wounds inflicted by indifference, rejection or control of this spiritual nature. Seen this way, we discover familial patterns in need of healing.

    More than that, the story hints that reconnecting to our essence lies beyond surface perceptions. It calls us to nurture imagination - to see with the "eyes of our hearts".

    Only then can we grasp insights of a higher order and divine hidden connections all around.

    True understanding arises when we embrace metaphors and walk the middle path between surface and depth.

    This allows life's mysteries to reveal themselves and our innate gifts to shine through.

    The eagle and child remind us that we all have wings awaiting the opportunity to lift and soothe in our own unique way.

    [1:30] The Story of the Eagle and the Child

    [5:00] Looking Beyond the Surface with Metaphor and Imagination

    [8:00] Understanding Symbols on Deeper Levels

    [10:30] Making the Invisible Visible

    [13:00] Imagination as a Tool for Insight

    [15:30] Applying Principles to Your Own Life

    [18:00] Exercise: Exploring a Personal Symbol

    [21:00] Conclusion

    Episode 2: Parenting from a Place of Wisdom

    [0:00] Introduction

    [2:30] Nourishing a Child's Spiritual Nature

    [5:00] Seeing the Whole Child

    [7:30] Guiding While Allowing Freedom

    [10:00] Being a Safe Harbor vs. Imposing Controls

    [13:00] Addressing Fears While Cultivating Curiosity

    [15:30] Exercise: Reflecting on Your Own Upbringing

    [18:00] Cultivating Understanding in All Relationships

    [20:30] Conclusion

    Episode 3: The Eagle and the Child

    [0:00] Introduction

    [2:00] Symbolically Exploring the Story

    [5:30] Identifying With the Child Archetype

    [8:00] Overcoming Wounds of Rejection

    [10:30] Locating Arrows of Indifference

    [13:00] Hearing Guidance Amidst Hardship

    [15:30] Exercise: Inner Reflections

    [18:00] Reconnecting to Your Essence

    🌟Enjoying the small bites of higher thinking?

    ❤️ Join our private Growth Guild Community and start your Identity Shift of your TRUE desires.

    Grab the FREE 5-day video series lights up neuro-networks through story to release old identities, shed outdated beliefs and ignite your essential self.

    💌 Subscribe to the Growth Guild Field Notes Newsletter

    🟡 Cultivate your Flow Frequency & Build a Regenerative Business

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    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Dominating Your Destiny Through 10X Thinking!

    Achieving 10X growth may sound impossible, but it can be easier than 2X growth when you think differently.

    But 10X thinking involves a counterintuitive process, not extreme outputs.

    At the end, I share a few snippets of Alex Hermozi - highlighting what it looks like to live in the focus of 2X and the compound interest accrued by doing so.

    Love, Kassandra

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

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    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • If you can visualize it in your mind's eye, be careful because it becomes your existence.

    Everything, everything my friend that we think about comes into existence.

    How you think creates how you feel.

    How you feel becomes an emotion, an emotion becomes a vibration and a vibration becomes the magnet that attracts things to you.

    So you got to protect your mind and you got to know it takes three minutes, my friend, for your body to produce that hormone.

    Your thoughts produce chemicals.

    You've got a built in pharmacy inside of your energetic holographic body.

    So three minutes, my friends, or more with a thought that can activate that in your holographic body.

    That chemical, that hormone becomes that emotion, that emotion becomes a vibration, the vibration becomes a magnet.

    You create the world you want to live in because you are creating the world that you are living in.

    So create the world, my friend, that you want to live in because you are creating the world that you live in.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Oooofta.

    I’m going to get straight to the point.

    You, I and the world is going through the 5-phases of grief.

    It’s a beautiful time where the light is piercing darkness and Pluto is in transition which means it’s breaking through and bringing about the birth the Aquarian age (light, abundance, true nature and higher states of consciousness).

    The transition requires us to be our most compassionate, loving, best friend.

    With the right support, community and grander view…is a beginning to your transition.

    Here’s the lower dimensions we’re transitioning out of:

    Our brain's negativity and drama biases orient us towards alarming news, rewarding media organizations with our attention and compliance.

    They monetize this, leaving us constantly influenced by manipulative stories.

    Like a virus, these narratives spread through social networks, threatening relationships if we dissent.

    As a intuitive and hypnotherapist, my mission is to help people understand beliefs - better, and the old contracts that are hidden in the holographic body.

    As I share my RAW emotive audio, agreeing with me is not the goal.

    It’s my personal lens as I explain why we believe what we do so we can reconsider beliefs harming us.

    If I have one role, it's believing better ourselves while guiding others respectfully.

    These polarized "Economic and Spiritual Wars" will only make the world feel worse.

    Understanding our own trauma, future desires and level of thinking is key to opening minds without conflict.

    Small improvements by understanding rather than reaction.


    Change is always met with resistance, but it’s essential to understand that this isn’t just any change. It’s a metamorphosis.

    And as society transitions, it promises to emerge stronger, rejuvenated by the new financial system known as the QFS.

    Knowledge is Power.

    Navigating the complexities of this financial revolution requires more than just passive observation.

    As the strings of global finance play their tune, it’s crucial to remain grounded.

    The landscape is changing, rules are being redefined, and amidst this upheaval, one weapon remains critical – knowledge.

    So, as the curtain rises on this grand spectacle, dive deep, question, investigate, and understand.

    For me, my spiritual connection with Source as a woman is pivoting the energy from the out-of-balanced patriarchal focus into a greater sacred union or divine wholeness.

    I invite you to do the same, in your way.

    Embrace the future, for the quantum era isn’t on the horizon.

    It’s already here.

    Stay connected to your heart.

    Tips that may help you.

    1. Reduce your news consumption. It's hard to stop completely, but minimize how much polarized coverage you immerse yourself in.

    2. Get multiple perspectives by viewing issues across different news channels to think more critically.

    3. Find what you have in common with both sides of an issue and what you disagree with from both sides. Understand different perspectives without announcing your views.

    4. Be responsible when sharing information on social media. Avoid propagating bias and making divisions worse.

    5. Become comfortable with uncertainty rather than feeling you need concrete answers on complex issues.

    6. Focus on improving your own life and community rather than issues you can't control.

    7. Stop dividing people into groups and see them as individuals with membership in multiple groups.

    8. Avoid falling into the trap of social commentary when you haven't fact-checked sources on a topic.

    9. Look for ways to bring people together rather than tear them apart with what you type or share online.

    10. Champion causes you're passionate about through peaceful means like protest or donation if possible.

    11 is a magical number, so I save the last to highlight the vibration behind two types of heightened senses.


    Focused attention to your dreams so you can hear, feel and see SPIRIT.


    Thank you for BEING YOU.

    Hit Reply.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on how this impacted your mind + heart.

    ♥️ Kassandra

    **BONUS** For a deeper understanding of the New Quantum Financial System, head on over to the Growth Guild Community space where I share more (underground) information on what is about to rebirth our new relationship to WEALTH.


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    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Have you ever felt like a unique piece in the puzzle of life, not quite fitting into prescribed social norms?

    Perhaps you carry an innate sense that your true path diverges from the mainstream.

    You are not here by chance - you possess unique talents and perspectives meant to contribute value during this uncertain period in human history. While chaos unfolds globally, your role is to bring clarity, calm and community to empower change from within.

    Though these times present difficulties, they also provide unprecedented opportunities for personal and societal growth.

    We are gifted a chance to strengthen our resilience, heighten compassion, and refine our shared humanity.

    Each life offers lessons distinct to the individual journey.

    You may perceive hints of a greater purpose or mission intrinsically woven into your being, something whispering from deep within your soul.

    If any part of this unique and profound experience resonates with you, take comfort that you are not alone.

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    🐦 X | Twitter - Fast Dialogue: https://twitter.com/kassandrakuehl

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Do you have a critical inner voice?

    I speak a lot about this topic (neuroscientists call this a critical Default Mode Network) and how it pertains to our unconscious contracts hidden from our awareness (lack of).

    The circuits of emotion are well at work when we experience SHAME and REJECTION.

    How? I'll keep it simple in the understanding how the brain takes us OFF-LINE, unable to process the emotion.

    The left brain focuses on tasks and productivity, checking off to-do lists.

    The right brain prioritizes relationships and connection, seeking how to contribute and belong within complex social systems.

    Understanding the differences lies in body awareness - the right brain decodes emotions through the body's responses.

    This is how we experience meaning.

    The right brain's integrated body map allows it to attribute emotion words and understand deep longings driving feelings.

    Initially, the left brain sees emotions as interruptions getting in the way of tasks.

    It isn't aware of emotions' gifts for accomplishing what it is you DESIRE.

    This is where bypassing the consious mind becomes handy via the gift of this Neuro-Nature Hypnotic Guided Visualization

    [ Self Hypnosis]

    Just about EVERYONE that is a "HIGH ACHIEVER" struggle with self-critic and tyrant in our heads that tells us we are terrible, worthless, unlovable when a trigger arises.

    Making it worse - when you have a trusted community "reject you."

    It happen to me this week, and instead of beating myself up for sharing my HONEST TRUTH, I create a healing hypnotic journey to stand OUTSIDE OF TIME and space and - see all perspectives in a neutral place.

    Only then, can we hold judgement and forgiveness at the same time.

    The world is seeing a mass SPLIT in realities and vibrations of these realities.To tap into the frequency, drop into your own past or recent feelings of shame and guilt, shine a light with this HYPNOTIC METAPHORICAL JOURNEY, and rise to the tippy-top.

    PS: Remember, you're beloved.

    Newness is upon us and you are the epicenter of experiences, paradigms, and resources to help you move through the shame wall that keeps you arrested in victimhood, and into the lived experience of personal responsibility and the power of choice.

    Blue Skies, Kassandra

    Join the FREE Community for more journey's like this.


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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • In this podcast, I delve into the fascinating world of communication styles and energy. I believe that at the core of all communication lies energy, and each individual possesses a unique archetype that represents elements like wood, metal, earth, and fire on a subconscious level.

    Personally, my core element is wood, which resonates with qualities such as creation, innovation, and intuition. It's intriguing to contrast this with the energy of metal, which emphasizes slowing things down and waiting for the opportune moment in the market.

    What I've observed is that a significant majority of leaders operate based on programming, following business trends and getting caught up in guru hype, rather than tapping into their instinctive nature. This can be quite detrimental, as impulsiveness and intense emotions can easily lead us astray and trap us in a box of burnout.

    What You'll Discover:

    Communication styles and energy are interconnected, forming the foundation of effective communication.Each individual possesses a unique archetype representing elements like wood, metal, earth, and fire.Leaders often operate based on programming and external influences, neglecting their instinctive nature.Impulsiveness and intense emotions can lead to burnout and distract us from our true path.Finding flow involves sequencing activities and allowing for restoration to reconnect with our higher minds.Balancing high-intensity activities (Yang) with ample restoration (Yin) is crucial for wellbeing.Deep work helps center ourselves and filter out distractions, focusing on our core archetype.Harmonizing our nervous system with nature's rhythms provides sustained clarity.Practical steps include joining group hypnotherapy sessions, deep breathing, and staying present.Equal time for reflection, daydreaming, and restoration is essential.Alignment with our core essence and purpose enables playing the long game and making a unique impact.

    Clear marketing stems from clear thinking.

    2 FREE Ways to

    -Discover Your True Essence

    -Align with Your Archetype

    -Balance Yin and Yang Energies

    🟡 Cultivate your Flow Frequency & Build a Regenerative Business


    🧠 Free NeuroMeditation for Creative Problem Solving


    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • The Act Of 1871 was a treasonous act against humanity; it was passed by The 41st Congress unlawfully against the original US Constitution. This treasonous act enabled the global bankers to take away our sovereignty and dissolved the Republic For America.

    The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation. They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law

    - God's Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.

    Maritime Law is conducted by The BAR Association - British Accredited Register and NOT constitutional law.

    So, with all of these facts presented, this is "The Great Awakening"...

    The British Crown along with the Vatican has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters and we no longer comply!

    ✍🏻 Weekly Intuitive Downloads + Energy + AI Tools Newsletter

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    🐦 X | Twitter - Fast Dialogue: https://twitter.com/kassandrakuehl

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • I'd like to invite you into the statement DRAIN "The Swamp" Trump Refers to.

    Who's in the swamp?

    How HUGE is the swamp? BIG.

    From Congress, Supreme Court, Media, UN, Bankers, UK, Vatican, and shoot......the entire world?

    The answer is clear. This will likely shake your foundation, for GOOD.

    In a world shrouded in hidden agendas and obscured truths, a profound awakening is taking place, unraveling the intricate web of deception that has ensnared humanity for centuries

    Authority lies beyond the Swamp, though....and it goes way back.

    Here's a breakdown of todays dialogue:

    Understanding the true meaning of being born as a "Spiritual Sovereign Soul" is crucial for reclaiming sovereignty.

    The birth certificate system has been used to incorporate individuals into a system of enslavement.

    This system aims to fund a New World Order and make individuals debt slaves.

    The Covid-19 pandemic and forced vaccination are believed to be part of their plan to reduce the global population.

    The New World Order has been planned for centuries by the 13 bloodline families.

    The Organic Act of 1871 played a significant role in their agenda, but their plan extends further back.

    Researching the Act of 1871 and its consequences is encouraged.

    Global bankers infiltrated countries, including the US, and gained control over banking, courts, medical, education, and churches.

    The Act of 1871 was a treasonous act that undermined sovereignty and dissolved the Republic for America.

    The United States of America became a corporation under the control of global bankers.

    The legal system shifted from Common Law to Corporate Maritime Law, which is not based on constitutional law.

    Maritime Law is conducted by the BAR Association, not the law of the land.

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    🔑 Energetic Well-being with Leela Tech Found HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Is it a Challenge or a Threat? [Self Hypnotic Journey Below]

    Hey! Short message today.

    It’s Incredibly Powerful.

    Bringing you an intriguing analogy from"The Stress Prescription"

    👉🏻 positive vs negative stress response


    🦌 Picture this:

    A lion hunting a gazelle.

    Both animals are under stress, but their responses differ greatly.

    The gazelle experiences a threat response, filled with fear and adrenaline.

    Blood vessels narrow, reducing oxygen flow to the brain.

    🦁 On the other hand, the lion exhibits a challenge response.

    Its heart pumps blood efficiently, fueling maximum speed and an intense focus on the upcoming meal.

    The lion possesses seemingly boundless reserves of energy

    ✨ So, what??

    This is the power of a REFRAME.

    Our stress response can be influenced by how we perceive and frame the situation.

    Viewing stress as a challenge rather than a threat can transform our experience.

    💡 When we embrace stress as a challenge, we tap into our inner strength and determination.

    It becomes an opportunity for growth, pushing us to surpass our limits and achieve great things.

    🔑 Research proves that stress is variable and is not inherently negative.

    It's how we choose to perceive and respond to it that makes all the difference.

    May we both embrace the lion's perspective, rise to the challenge, and unlock that personal door to our limitless potential.

    Get out and ROAR.

    🌟 Here’s a free Self Hypnosis | Visualization to support you.

    🌟 This powerful Neuro-Meditation helps you......

    1️⃣ Even if you used to struggle with self-doubt, overwhelm, and ADHD

    2️⃣ Find a clear answer to that decision you've been wrestling with.

    3️⃣ Cultivate the first step to act on that insight from a place of deep knowing.

    4️⃣ Install the support and energy to confidently move forward.

    Release Overwhelm, Uproot the Answer You Seek
    | NeuroMeditation HERE

    The Growth Guild Digital Garden is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com
  • Welcome friends!

    Today we're busting negative thinking myths, delving into why worry makes sense but doesn't help, and learning how to replace anxiety spirals with action steps.

    You ever notice how your mind loves to replay awful scenarios on a 24/7 stress marathon?

    It assumes the worst and goes down the darkest roads, stressing you out for things that probably won't even happen. Your poor mind just wants to help - it thinks preparing for disaster is being "responsible"!

    Little does it know, it's actually preventing you from living your best life.

    We'll explore why positive thinking is highly overrated, and why doomscrolling social media actually mirrors how our brains work naturally.

    Spoiler alert: it ain't good.

    But there are simple tweaks we can make to short-circuit negative thought patterns and generate positive momentum instead.

    We'll cover:

    •Visualizing the life you actually want, not the one you're afraid of

    •Reframing worries as warnings to get unstuck and take inspired action

    •Cutting cords with limiting beliefs and "what if" scenarios

    •And reprogramming your inner critic to be more curious, less harsh

    So grab a beverage, get cozy and let's fix that worrywart brain of yours! We're flipping negative thinking on its head and learning how to replace anxiety with action. It's time to prove to that overactive amygdala of yours that you've got this - one small step at a time.

    As your loving host, I'll be guiding you through this mental makeover.

    Let's get started!

    Join the Growth Guild - https://the-growth-guild.circle.so/home

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🐦 Twitter - Fast Dialogue: https://twitter.com/kassandrakuehl

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    🔑Energetic Wellbeing with Leela Tech. https://bit.ly/3jmx1Xc

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

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    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    ✍🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kassandra_kuehl/

    🎙 Podcast - https://seedyoursuccess.simplecast.com/

    👋🏼 Tiktok -Inspirational Moments: https://www.tiktok.com/@kassandra.kuehl

    🎥 Youtube - Live Interviews + Edu-tainment: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7QCBuemKfa_xJ-EP-kut3w/videos

    🔑 Energetic Wealth & Health Upgrades w/ Leela Tech HERE. bit.ly/3Ez9Seq

    📱 NeuroNature Deep Immersion Refocus Meditation App: https://neuronature.app/

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thegrowthguild.substack.com