Richard Horowitz is the guy who sent me to Israel 23 years ago so that I could get the basic foundation of Jewish Learning. He and his wife gave me a gift of learning and access to knowledge that changed my life forever. I am one of thousands of students he's done this for. Yet whenever I see him I feel like I am the only person in his world. He is a living legend, a modern day saint and somehow one of the most humble people I've ever met. In this episode I tell the story of how going to Israel in the middle of the intifada of 2001 saved not just my physical life, but my spiritual life. - Barbara Heller, See One Beautiful Soul.
Richard aka Dick Howowitz
is a master at identifying unique and creative solutions for family wealth transitions and then negotiating to ensure his clients obtain the greatest possible value. Richard graduated with an MBA from Pepperdine University and has been the President of Management Brokers, Inc. from 1974 to the present. He serves as the Chairman of Dial 800 Inc., a national telecommunications company, and has been a board member of Trio Tech International (ASE) since 1990.
Richard is the co-founder of Aish HaTorah in Los Angeles. Aish HaTorah is a worldwide educational organization helping unaffiliated Jews understand the essence of Judaism. He currently serves as the International President of Aish HaTorah, has acted as the North American President of Aish HaTorah and has also served on the Aish HaTorah International Management committee since its inception in 1997. Richard also serves as the Chairman of Ashreinu and Vice President of AJOP (Association for Jewish Outreach Professionals).
Richard’s wife, Beverly, grew up in the Hyde Park area of Chicago. She moved to Los Angeles in the Sixties when she came for a visit and never went home. Beverly and Richard are parents of two sons and two daughters-in-law, and the proud bubby and zaidie of ten grandchildren. You can find out more about him at: https://managementbrokers.com/
And if you'd like to hear more fun details of how he and I met check this video: https://youtu.be/RgA4osriKEE?si=4jQ6eIFmSDNiZV4K
Healing Creates the Fruits of our Labor with Manu Khullar Ep 63
Coherence Creates the Fruit in our Tree of Life
Manu Khullar is an esteemed Integrative Mental Health Specialist and Humanitarian, dedicated to fostering wellness through a holistic approach that harmonizes the mind, body, and nutrition. Rising above early childhood sexual abuse and enduring bullying, Manu has developed compassionate methods deeply ingrained in love for humanity. He staunchly advocates for "Prevention is better than cure," and integrates a variety of alternative medicine techniques to devise personalized solutions, aligning with each individual's unique pursuit of well-being. His approach is structured around a transformative two-phase model, aimed at overcoming past traumas and instilling empowering daily rituals for sustained well-being. Committed to humanitarian causes, Manu offers free group therapy and meditation, positively impacting 4,000 individuals in the last two years, and spearheads a Coherence Healing group, serving over 20,000 people in the past four years, earning him certifications from luminaries like Dr. Richard Schwartz, Stephen Porges, Richard Bandler, and Anthony Robbins, among others.
Book a Session with Manu: https://www.givelifetolife.com/
Book a Coherence Healing:
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Life Is Like a Game - Out of the Box with Dr. Nava Ep. 62
Dr. Nava Silton is a Developmental Psychologist, Author, Producer, Playwright, Game Creator, Mom, and Wife. She has a lot to say on the Spirituality of Child and Parent Psychology
She's a great teacher of Seeing One Beautiful Soul.
RealAbilities.com https://www.thebashert.com/ https://www.unboxyourcreativity.com/ -
Making Tiny Actions Can Change the Circumstances for Yourself and Others in a Big Way with Tyler Melnyk Ep 61
Star Educator and Entrepreneur Tyler Melnyk is Changing the World one Hugga-Bowl at a time.
Check out how he's feeding people's bellies and hearts in his own community and how he his dream to feed the world is beginning to come true!
You can be a part of that dream by donating more Huggabowls here:
IG: @nofixedaddress_yyc
8 Levels of Charity: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/45907/jewish/Eight-Levels-of-Charity.htm
"Forgiveness is the gateway to a bigger life which
G-d put you on this planet to experience. What would the world be like if we went up to people and said to strangers on the bus 'I need you to survive.' Put the power back in your hands. You can’t get the blessing if you ignore it. Whatever we are given is for our benefit but only while we’re paying attention." Hear from renowned speaker Scott Fried and learn tips for how to live a more empowered life. ScottFried.com -
Be the Musical Light Even When Those Around You May Not Be - Ruchell and Arthur Zicherman Episode 59
What an honor to get to capture stories and song tears and laughter from two people who survived living through concentration camps in the Holocaust. Ruchell and Arthur Zicherman met and married after World War 2 but each have inspiring words to share about forgiveness and what it means to thrive after survival of the harshest of circumstances. You will also get to hear from both of their daughters, Eva and Erika.
Here's some words from my heart ❤️ to yours on the Eve of Yom Kippur- the Jewish Holiday of Forgiveness.
Yom Kippur, also widely known as the Day of Atonement, is a holiday where Jewish people reflect on their poor choices and ask for forgiveness from God and the people they have hurt/wronged. Jewish theology also says its the 10th of the first 10 days of the year during which God will decide if we will live or die in the year ahead. Rosh Ha Shannah-the first two days of the year (first of the 10 days of the year) are the two days of this "Accounting" of our good versus our not so good choices from the previous year. Whereas, Yom Kippur is a celebratory day in which we celebrate the idea that we are still here and all of the blessings we have had, continue to have, and will co-create in the year ahead. Homework: 1. Reach out to those people you may have hurt intentionally or unintentionally and ask for Forgiveness. 2. Reach out to those people who may have asked to be forgiven by you and you previously chose not to forgive. 3. Ask G-d for forgiveness for any of the ways you may have hurt others, yourself, or the world around you. Bring up specific examples and also say "And please forgive me for the things I unintentionally did to cause harm and don't even know about." 4. Reach out to a few close friends and or family members and ask "Is there any areas in which you think i could improve?" Doing the 4 big homework assignment above can only create more space for blessings in your life to flourish! May we all be sealed and inscribed in the book of life for a sweet, good, healthy, joyful and prosperous year ahead and beyond! -Barbara Heller See One Beautiful Soul podcast -
Rabb Daniel Cohen is Teaching the antidote to that anonymous feeling Ep 57
G-d's Light Can Be Revealed Anywhere
Join us for a conversation about how to seize every moment we have to bring out more Light from any micro situation/conversation/celebration you find yourself. Rabbi Daniel Cohen is an expert at making friends out of anyone he comes across. If you feel yourself smiling from your heart as you listen to this episode we won’t be surprised. Share it with someone who is struggling right now to find ways to make the world a better place. You can do it at any moment in any situation. No situation is too small or too big to do so. Rabbi Cohen invites you to an upcoming free legacy webinar and also to schedule a free 10 minute consultation https://thelegacyacademy.getlearnworlds.com/ to learn about the Legacy Academy Learn more about Rabbi Cohen on his website www.rabbidanielcohen.com Books referred to in this episode: The Talmud of Jewish Law The Kabbalah The Book of Isaiah (Prophets, TaNaKh) The Empty Chair by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov https://www.amazon.com/Books-Rabbi-Daniel-Cohen What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? The Secret of the Light -
Chelsea is a gal I met during a Coherence Healing at a Dr. Joe Dispenza Mediation Retreat. She is remarkable in every way. She is a walking miracle, literally. In this episode we explore a few important questions: Why do we accept certain things are true when they might not be? Does science really know everything? Could deep meditation and making space for the essence of who we are not only save us from chronic disease but also help us to enjoy our present moment more? Take a listen and be inspired! Join a Coherence Healing sometime and let me know how you grew from it! Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book referenced in this episode: https://www.hayhouse.com/the-biology-of-belief-2 Dr. Joe Dispenza Retreats are wonderful!
Donny, along with his wife and children made aliya in 2009 from Cedarhurst, NY. Donny started a real estate firm, finding homes for olim is exciting & Holy work in Donnys eyes. Donny Fein launched The Mitzvah Opportunity, a WhatsApp Group that deploys thousands of shekels daily, helping struggling families in Israel. It's like Hatzala for Tzedakka. Since the Group's inception, The Mitzvah Opportunity has raised well over 5 million shekel, and today has over 950 Givers from around the world. To contact Donny:
mitzvahopp@gmail.com Yosella the Holy Miser: https://youtu.be/oztt9DVAjxk?si=sfnvnL8af0PAIkH2 Rabbi Yonah Bookstein: https://www.picoshul.org/team To buy tickets for Barb's shows coming up: BarbHeller.com/SoloShow Ofer Shtal-the mountain biker who lost his leg serving in the Israeli Defense Force-https://www.facebook.com/ofer.shtal/videos/1296140747116383 -
Join Founder and Director of Manhattan Jewish Exprience and "Poster Child of the Modern Orthodox Movement" Rabbi Mark Wildes as we discuss what the Halacha or Jewish laws are behind the concept and commandments of Forgiveness.
Through its innovative and cutting ledge programming, MJE engages unaffiliated Jewish 20’s and 30’s with Jewish life and almost 350 marriages!
Rabbi Wildes is the author of “Beyond The Instant: Jewish Wisdom for Lasting Happiness in a Fast Paced Social Media World” (Skyhorse Publishing, 2018) and “The 40 Second Challenge: Daily Jewish Insights To Prepare For The High Holidays” (Kodesh Press).
Rabbi Wilde's book: “40 Day Challenge book” which is meant to be read stating this Wed/Rosh Chodesh Elul for 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur can be found here: https://kodeshpress.com/product/the-40-day-challenge/
Senator General Patrick Moynihan https://www.congress.gov/member/daniel-moynihan/M001054 Bowling Alone - Robert Putnam http://bowlingalone.com/ Tix for Barb's show can be found here: BarbHeller.com/SoloShow -
The downfall of humanity is that we are so self focused and don't know our neighbors. We're so afraid to be wrong even for a moment. But we will be oppressed if we don't allow for a respectful and free dialogue amongst the people.
“A bright future is created by a generation who plants trees in shade they won’t experience.” -based on a Greek Proverb. Change won’t come from a government. Its the peoples' republic not the monarchy's. Hit play to hear inspiration from this Artist, Filmaker, Philosopher, Husband, Father, and true superhero, Adeola Alao. Watch some of his magical and informative creations on IG and Tikrok at: kingAde @Adeola.alao IG: @adeolaalao www.Adeolaalao.com Podcast-getting to nothing One of Ade's Coolest TikTok Videos: https://www.tiktok.com/@adeola.alao/video/7127608723157044522IG Reel Referenced in episode by @ciaoamberc https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqDe2zFjdix/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Join Speaker and Author, Kute Blackson for his 2nd visit on this podcast as we discuss:
-The Awakening of Society into a more Spiritually Growth focused Space versus a "What is my Calling for Work" place.
-How to Expect Unconditional Love from Others and Yourself
-How to Bring in More Abundance into Your Life!
-What is our Spiritual Homework as a Society?
Go to KuteBlackson.com to buy his new book "The Magic of Surrender" and grab a bonus 3 day workshop, and to sign up for his Retreats and Workshops! His last Boundless Bliss in Bali retreat is happening on 7/28-8/8 Go to: BoundlessBlissBali.com
For tickets to Barb's show or to bring her show and a Q and A to your school, organization, spiritual space, go to: BarbHeller.com/SoloShow -
How Great We Can Become when We Dig into that Authentic Conversation of Forgiveness and Seeking Light and Points of Connection - Ep 51
Rev. Dr. David Taylor has been the Chaplain at Saint Andrew's School in Boca Raton for 24 + years. He has served as a Chaplain in Major and Minor league Baseball, Hospitals, Prisons, and Schools. He is a Graduate of The University of Mississippi. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, The University of Capetownand The Virginia Theological Seminary. He is also a highly skilled public speaker, musician, and has worked in many positions in technical theatre. He believes his job is to accept and love people where they are. "When you connect with others on a spiritual level you’re just helping someone get home and if you find joy in that then that’s what you’re meant to be doing." - Rev David Taylor -
Showing Up with Sincere Empathy in an Emergency Can Make Love Contagious with Liza Chowdhury - Ep 50
Dr. Liza Chowdhury is a scholar activist and yogi with several years of experience working in the field of community corrections and teaching in higher education. Presently, she teaches at Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY).
Her main goal in life is to continue utilizing community partnerships, academic research, activism, healing practices and education to fight against inequality and injustice. Reimagining Justice Inc. advocates for creating healing centered solutions to community-based violence. Gun violence has had a disproportionate harmful impact on young men and women of color. reimaginingjustice.com https://patersonhealingcollective.org/ Check out the Documentary mentioned in this episode on Paterson Healing Collective: https://youtu.be/SXJkokQU580 by Michael Karas
Special Thanks to: Samantha Daniels @hannahsheart_ -
Turning Fear Into Compassion with Rabbi Joshua Corber - ep 49 We all want a transformative experience when we apologize but when can you expect forgiveness? When can or can’t you expect an apology back? Perhaps we have to forgive without expectation of an apology or acknowledgement. Hear from a great Rabbi and Reiki teacher, Joshua Corber. Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Rabbi Joshua Corber studied Religion Literature and the Arts at the University of British Columbia, spending one year abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He graduated UBC in 2005. Alongside his academic studies, Rabbi Corber was also working to become a Reiki master which he has always incorporated into his Judaism, particular in the realm of Jewish Meditation. https://www.adathjeshurun.com/clergy "I have a voice" song by Elana Arian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC6dk9Ch6vs&t=77s Dr. Bronner’s Magic SoapBox Doc https://youtu.be/huSicfeTc6w
Tyler Samuels is the Program Coordinator for the Tel Aviv Institute and the creator of BluntBlackJew. He is also a 2022 fellow for the Union of Reform Judaism’s JewV’Nation Jews of Color Leadership Fellowship.
Tyler talks about how his mental health has been affected by weathering the storms of anti semitism on a college campus as well as feeling ostricized both in the African North American Communities as well as Jewish Communities at different times due to the different causes he fights for and speaks about. His courage to stay forgiving and vulnerable and kind is remarkable and he is a light for all of us to be inspired by.
Finding Inner Peace in a Hug Under a Tree - Forgiving the Unimaginable - Lili Trujillo Ep 47
Lili Trujillo Puckett founded Street Racing Kills (SRK) in 2014 after her 16-year-old daughter Valentina was killed by a young man who was street racing and crashed while giving her a ride home. Lili knew then that her daughter’s death would not be in vain and would do everything she could to prevent another parent from losing a child to street racing. Her life changed forever that day. With Valentina by her side in spirit, her mission was born; to save lives by mentoring and creating awareness about careless and seneseless behavior amongst youth.
In this episode we talk about her journey in forgiving, grieving, and educating the youth of today to build a brighter, safer, and more mindful future.
If we gave out hero awards for courage both of our guests in this episode would get a gold medal. 🥇 You have to hear the breakthroughs both of these guests had during the taping of this interview. Thank you to Cassandra and Brody Ridder for your courage, your light, and your shining example of what true humility is. Listen to the story of a mom who got sick of the bullying her middle schooler was experiencing and how the world answered in giant support! Speak up even when it isn't convenient and watch the ripple effects it makes! Also, consider supporting https://theuglifoundation.org/ and please forward this episode to anyone you know who may be growing through a bullying situation no matter what age or stage they're in.
Brody and Cassandra live in Westminster, CO. They want to create a positive, inclusive environment for all.
Host of "See One Beautiful Soul" Barbara Heller met Kyle Fuller in a Mindfulness Class doing an exercise called "I Am"...The very first conversation they ever had became an award winning script. Take a listen to how two strangers wound up inspiring one another in unimaginable ways for life! May we all be inspired to take every meeting of every stranger as though it were our destiny. May we all learn from and appreciate every encounter we have with every living being.
Kyle and his family migrated to NYC from Jamaica when he was 4. He has worked in different fields over the years, mainly within Customer Service and Property Management. Currently, he is in school pursuing a career in Physical Therapy. He is living a life creating daily the possibility of love, courage, and compassion, and doing his part to make our world more wonderful for all.
- Visa fler